Premieres and Selected Performances
The lists below contain only information about world premieres as well as special concerts/residencies, tours, and events. Hundreds of performances of Carson Cooman’s music take place each concert season. Please contact Carson if you have a specific inquiry about known performances in your area.
Premieres in 2024–25 concert season:
April 11, 2025: 25 Preludes and Fugues (2023) for organ; Matthew Owens, organ; Merton College Passiontide Festival; Merton College, Oxford, England
March 30, 2025: Ricercare on “Marston Street” (2025) for organ; Matthew Burt, organ; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Palo Alto, California
December 24, 2024: Evermore and Evermore (A St. John Carol) (2024) hymn tune (MEUX); Schola of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 22, 2024: Charles River Magnificat (2023) for unison voices; Schola of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 15, 2024: Tombeau (2024) for organ; commissioned for the launch of Slaughter of the Innocents, a book of poetry by Eugene Platt; Wayne Helmly, organ; St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina
December 8 and 10, 2024: Beatus (2024) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned for the 115th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
October 19, 2024: Embrace (II) (2024) for string quartet; wedding of Jeffrey Grossman and Karl Hinze
Premieres in 2023–24 concert season:
July 21, 2024: Rainbow (2024) for organ; Erik Simmons, organ; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon
July 14, 2024: Rhapsody on “Sine nomine” (2024) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; commissioned by Orgelförderverein Pauluskirche Ulm e.V.; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
July 4, 2024: Radiant Revolutions (2024) for organ, brass quintet, and timpani; Thomas Sheehan, organ; The U.S. Army Brass Quintet; commissioned by Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
July 4, 2024: Preludio e fuga in modo frigio (2022) for organ; Michael Bonaventure, organ; St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, England
June 20, 2024: Kleine Sommermelodie (2024) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
June 9 & 16, 2024: Spring Night (2014) for high voice and harp; Kelley Hollis, soprano and Angelina Savoia, harp; Juventas New Music Ensemble, Music in Bloom, New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, Boylston, Massachusetts
May 26, 2024: Narcissus (2024) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
May 4, 2024: A Thanksgiving to God, for his House (2024) for voice(s) and organ; the Schola of the Society of St. John the Evangelist; and Postlude for the Beloved Disciple (2023) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ; Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts
March 10, 2024: Partita on “Herzliebster Jesu” (2023) for organ; Erik Simmons, organ; St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Beaverton, Oregon
January 14, 2024: Missa aquilae (2023) for unison voices (congregation) and opt. organ; Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts
January 12, 2024: The Forest for the Trees (2018) for organ; Forrest Eimold, organ; Trinity Church, Boston, Massachusetts
December 10 and 12, 2023: Such a Silence, Such a Singing (Shepherd Cry) (2023) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned for the 114th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
October 15, 2023: Eclipse Viewing (2023) for organ; Erik Simmons, organ; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon
September 5, 2023: A Seraphic Strain (2023) for SATB chorus; for the first Morning Prayers of the presidency of Claudine Gay; Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Premieres in 2022–23 concert season:
July 4, 2023: Festival (2022) for organ; Janet Yieh, organ; American Guild of Organists Westchester Convention, Presbyterian Church of Mt. Kisco, New York
June 10, 2023: Crystal Hexagons (2022) for organ; Burkhard Mohr, organ; Lutherische Stadtkirche/Marienkirche, Marburg, Germany
May 20, 2023: Research (2023) for SSAA voices unaccompanied; Ensemble Lyrae; Parish of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 14, 2023: Invocation on “Old 113th” (2023) for organ; James P. Riggs, organ; Plymouth Church UCC, Shaker Heights, Ohio
May 12, 2023: Prayer of St. Ambrose (2003/23) for flugelhorn and string orchestra; Richard Kelley, flugelhorn; Chamber Orchestra of Boston, David Feltner, music director; Boston, Massachusetts
May 10, 2023: Awake, Thou World-Filling Light! (2020) for organ; Jan Lehtola, organ; Varkaus Church, Varkaus, Finland
April 6, 2023: Estuary (2023) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
March 7, 2023: Veranda (2022) for violin and piano; David von Behren, violin and Carson Cooman, piano; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 19, 2023: Cloud Mountains (2023) for organ; Erik Simmons, organ; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon
February 11, 2023: Vanishing Point (2023) for organ; Huw Morgan, organ; “mainly slow organ music” series, Church of All Saints, Clifton, Bristol, England
January 1, 2023: Dilation on “Es ist ein Ros” (2022) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
December 11 and 13, 2022: Beyond (2022) for SATB chorus and viola; commissioned for the 113th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director; Sophie Choate, viola
November 27, 2022: Prelude on “Macht hoch die Tür” (2022) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
November 13, 2022: They Remain (2021) for SATB chorus; for the 90th anniversary of the Memorial Church of Harvard University; Harvard University Choir; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 30, 2022: Rondo maestoso (2022) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
October 29, 2022: Out of Small Beginnings (2020) for chorus and organ; commissioned by Church of the Pilgrimage, Plymouth, Massachusetts
October 23, 2022: A House of Prayer (2022) for chorus and organ; commissioned by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina in celebration of their bicentennial
October 16, 2022: Suite in C (2022) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
October 16, 2022: I Lift Up My Eyes (2022) for chorus; commissioned by Holly B. Sunderland for Martin R. Sunderland on the occasion of his retirement; Choir of Eastern Shore Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia
October 16, 2022: Suite in Three Movements (2021) for harpsichord; commissioned by Scott Hyslop, harpsichord; Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Illinois
October 13, 2022: Preambolo e toccata energica (2022) for organ; David von Behren, organ; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 25, 2022: Eclogue in F (2022) for organ; Alejandro D. Consolacion II, organ; Manila, Philippines
September 18, 2022: Variations on “Aurelia” (2022) for organ; Bruce Klanderman, organ; Dordt University, Sioux Center, Iowa
September 9, 2022: Eclogue in B (2022) for organ; Rhonda Sider Edgington, organ; First Congregational United Church of Christ, Appleton, Wisconsin
September 4, 2022: Prelude and Canon (2022) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
Premieres in 2021–22 concert season:
August 27, 2022: Symphony No. 5 (2022) for chamber orchestra (with voices); Orlando Contemporary Chamber Orchestra; Orlando, Florida
August 13, 2022: Sorbian Prelude (2022) for organ; Felix Bräuer, organ; Hauptkirche St. Marien, Kamenz, Germany
July 26, 2022: Preludio alla lombarda (2022) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
July 10, 2022: Transparency (2022) for organ and Gaudium (2022) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
July 9, 2022: Helium (2022) for organ; Huw Morgan, organ; “mainly slow organ music” series, Church of All Saints, Clifton, Bristol, England
June 13, 2022: In memoriam Marian Sawa (2021) for organ; Bartosz Patryk Rzyman, organ; Church of the Holy Family, Katowice, Poland
June 12, 2022: Joy and Woe (2022) for chorus; First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, music director, Newton, Massachusetts
May 22, 2022: Bartlett (2022) hymn tune; First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, music director, Newton, Massachusetts
May 21, 2022: Hidden Aria (2020) for voice, trumpet, and piano (one performer); Peter Nelson-King, voice/trumpet/piano; Wayward Music Festival, Chapel at the Good Shepherd Center, Seattle, Washington
May 15, 2022: Overture to “Uncle Vanya” (2022) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; St. Thomas Church (Fifth Avenue), New York, New York
April 24, 2022: Hollow (2022) for alto recorder and piano; John Turner, recorder and Susan Bettaney, piano; St. Paul’s Church, Heaton Moor, Stockport, England
April 14, 2022: Solitude (2022) for organ; Phil Lehenbauer, organ; Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
April 2, 2022: Kaleidoscope Sky (2020) for piano trio; London Piano Trio; European School of Economics, London, England
March 27, 2022: In the Doorway (2021) for chorus and piano; First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, music director, Newton, Massachusetts
March 20, 2022: Caritas patiens (2022) for organ; Margaret Harper, organ; St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Dallas, Texas
March 20, 2022: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (The Third Service) (2021) chorus; Professional Cathedral Choir, Thomas Sheehan, director; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
February 8, 2022: Aula parva (2022) for organ; Vidas Pinkevičius, organ; Aula parva (Small Hall) of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
February 8, 2022: Inventions for Organ, Book 2 (2017/22) for organ and Ulmer Spatzenmusik (2022) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
February 4, 2022: Remembrance (2021) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
December 26, 2021: Voluntary on “Wie schön leuchtet” (2021) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
December 14, 2021: Preludio pastorale: Quem pastores laudavere (2021) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
December 12, 2021: A Dream of Love (2021) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned for the installation of the Rev. Matthew Ichihashi Potts as Pusey Minister; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 5, 2021: Partita on “O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf” (2021) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; for the dedication of the new Kuhn choir organ in Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
November 28, 2021: Prelude on “Jesus, meine Zuversicht” (2021) for organ; Heinrich Christensen, organ; King’s Chapel Concert Series, King’s Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
November 13, 2021: Episcopal Fanfare (2021) for organ; for the seating of the Rt. Rev. Ketlen A. Solak as the Ninth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 1, 2021: Let the Morning Bring (2021) for SATB chorus; in celebration of the marriage of Calvon and Alleya Jones; Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 30, 2021: For Marti Epstein (2021) for electric guitar; Gene Pritsker, electric guitar; Low Key Concert Series, Composers Concordance, New York, New York
October 24, 2021: What Is Holy? (2020) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned in celebration of Heinrich Christensen’s 20th anniversary as Organist and Music Director (2000–2020); King’s Chapel Concert Series, King’s Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
October 22, 2020: Kleine Sternmelodie (2021) for organ (with celesta stop); commissioned for the 14th Sendlinger Orgelnacht (“Himmlische Klänge”); Klaus Geitner, organ; Himmelfahrtskirche, Munich-Sendling, Germany
Premieres in 2020–21 concert season:
August 1, 2021: Kaleidoscope Bells (2021) for organ; Klaus Geitner, organ; St. Boniface Abbey, Munich, Germany
May 23, 2021: NACUSA (National Association of Composers/USA) Dallas New Music Virtual Festival Featured Guest Composer; premiere of Nocturne (2016) for piano (Jonathan Taylor de Oliveira, piano), and performances of Gold into Diamonds (2017) for voice and piano, Two Aubades (2020) for violin, Lyric Trio for Trumpet Cello, and Piano (2007), and Be Ye Broken (2017) fantasy for organ, strings, and voices.
May 9, 2021: Jubilee on “Foundation” (2021) for organ; David von Behren, organ; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 8, 2021: Augustinus-Praeludium (2020) for organ; Klaus Geitner, organ; Emmauskirche, München-Harlaching, Germany
March 20, 2021: Night Wind (2020) for vibraphone and four flowerpots (one player); Peter Jarvis, vibraphone; Composers Concordance, New York, New York
March 5, 2021: Mr. Pelham’s Minuet, Varied (2020) for organ; Rebecca Davy, organ; memorial concert for James S. “Jock” Darling, Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, Virginia
February 5, 2021: A St. Patrick Silhouette (2020) for organ or harmonium; commissioned by Artis Wodehouse and the Friends of the Erben Organ, Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, New York, New York
January 31, 2021: Festivo (2020) for organ; Thomas Hoisington, organ; First Congregational Church, Whitman, Massachusetts
December 24, 2020: Legend of the Little Child (2020) for unison voices and organ; commissioned for the 111th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director, online/radio broadcast
October 23, 2020: Scherzetto: Die Nachtigall (2020) for organ; commissioned for the 13th Sendlinger Orgelnacht (“Originals und Originelles”); Klaus Geitner, organ; Himmelfahrtskirche, Munich-Sendling, Germany
September 13, 2020: Sea Psalms (2020) for organ; Hartmut Siebmanns, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
Premieres in 2019–20 concert season:
July 31, 2020: Prayer in Darkness (2020) for organ; Klaus Geitner, organ; Cathedral of Notre Dame, Lausanne, Switzerland
July 12, 2020: A Little Bit of Normal (2020) for piano; Burkhard Mohr, piano; Wiesbadener Burgfestspiele, Wiesbaden, Germany
February 17, 2020: The Mystic Trumpeter (2018) for speaker, trumpet, and piano; Barbara Hull, trumpet and Gretchen Lindsay Hull, piano; Houghton College Artist Series, Houghton, New York
December 24 and 25, 2019: Fantasy on “Adeste fideles” (2018) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
December 8 and 10, 2019: A Pilgrimage Carol (2019) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned for the 110th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
November 24, 2019: Plymouth Soundings (2019) for organ; in celebration of the Mayflower 400th anniversary; Michael Eaton, organ; Church of the Pilgrimage, Plymouth, Massachusetts
November 16, 2019: Scherzetto (2019) for flute and organ; Virginia Schaap, flute and David Schaap, organ; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 16, 2019: As We Are Changed (2019) oratorio for soprano, tenor, SATB chorus, and chamber orchestra; commissioned by Commonwealth Chorale in celebration of David Carrier’s 40th anniversary as music director; Susan Consoli, soprano, Matthew Anderson, tenor, Commonwealth Chorale, David Carrier, conductor; Holy Name Parish, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
October 18, 2019: The Lighthouses (2019) for organ; commissioned for the 12th Sendlinger Orgelnacht (“Aus aller Welt”); Klaus Geitner, organ; Himmelfahrtskirche, Munich-Sendling, Germany
October 18, 2019: Gridwork (2019) for taiko drums, marimba, and organ; commissioned by Rhonda Sider Edgington with support from the Special Projects Committee of the San Francisco Chapter, American Guild of Organists; Carolyn Koebel and Ken Koshio, drums; Mark Lopez, marimba; Rhonda Sider Edgington, organ; Hope College, Holland, Michigan
October 16, 2019: Two Contrasts (2018) for organ; Timothy Miller, organ; Mikaelikyrkan, Arvika, Sweden
October 6, 2019: Fantasia canonica (2019) for organ; commissioned in celebration of the installation of Charissa Simmons as Canon for Children and Families; Erik Simmons, organ; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon
October 4, 2019: Epistle Sonata (2018) for flute and organ; commissioned by Anna Meyer, flute and Erik Meyer, organ; Christ Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
September 29, 2019: The Shores of Light (2019) for soprano and organ; Ketti Jane Muschler, soprano and Thomas Sheehan, organ; Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
September 14, 2019: Suite circulaire (2018) for organ; Elisa Williams Bickers, organ; Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, Illinois
September 1, 2019: Concerto per organo (2019) for organ; Rebecca Davy, organ; dedication of the Dobson organ (Op. 96), Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, Virginia
Premieres in 2018–19 concert season:
August 31, 2019: Musica da processione (2018) for organ; for the wedding of Franziska (Hartmann) and Patrick Hahn; Philip Hartmann, organ; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
August 8, 2019: A Song for Ab and Pooh (2010) for trumpet and piano; Judson Scott, trumpet and Peter Nelson-King, piano; Wayward Music Series, Seattle, Washington
July 21, 2019: Spire (Mosaic for Organ) (2019); in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Walcker organ in Ulm Minster (Schwörmontag 2019); Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
July 16, 2019: Paulus-Praeludium (2019) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
July 9, 2019: Regen über dem Münster (2019) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
July 1, 2019: Ocean of Light (2018) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned by the Buffalo Chapter of the American Guild of Organists for the 2019 Buffalo Niagara Northeast Regional Convention, Buffalo, New York
June 24, 2019: Cornet Voluntary (2019) for organ; commissioned by Sharon Edwardes for the 50th birthday of Sharon Edwardes; St. Peter’s Pilning, South Gloucestershire, England
May 21, 2019: Starfield (2018) three meditations for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 19, 2019: Ostinato Fanfare (2019) for organ duet; Felix Bräuer and Thorsten Schwarte, organ; St. Nikolaus Kirche, Münster-Wolbeck, Germany
May 5, 2019: The Door (2019) for SATB chorus, oboe, and piano; commissioned for the installation of the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum; Choir of First Parish Church of Acton and Stow; Mike Pfitzer, music director; Stow, Massachusetts
April 21, 2019: Easter Soundings (2019) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
March 31, 2019: Introduction and Toccata (2018) for organ (pedal solo); Nicholas Schmelter, organ; St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Flint, Michigan
February 17, 2019: Fanfara festiva (2018) for organ; Hartmut Siebmanns, organ; St. Bonifatius Church, Wiesbaden, Germany
February 13, 2019: The Baker’s Dozen (2018) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
January 12, 2019: Variations on a Basque Noël (2017) for organ; James Kibbie, organ; Church of the Dormition, Zion Mount, Jerusalem, Israel
December 24, 2018: Voluntary on “O du fröhliche” (2018) for organ and Three Christmas Intonations (2018) for trumpet and organ; José Miguel Asensi, trumpet and Klaus Stehling, organ; Cathedral of Santa Maria of Palma, Mallorca, Spain
December 20, 2018: San Andreas Suite (2017) for organ and Meditation on “Es ist ein Ros” (2018) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
December 13, 2018: Praeludium in festo S. Philippi apostoli (2017) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
December 9 and 11, 2018: Christmas of the Witnesses (2018) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned for the 109th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 6, 2018: Suite in F (2017) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
November 18, 2018: Outside Voices (2018) for solo violin, cello, and string orchestra; Sarah Darling, violin; Phoebe Carrai, cello; Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 11, 2018: Concerto piccolo (in memoriam Eberhard Kraus) (2017) for organ; Wolfgang Kraus, organ; Mariä Himmelfahrt, Furth im Wald, Germany
November 11, 2018: The Remembering Earth (2018) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 2, 2018: Owl Night (2016) for organ or piano; Eva-Maria Houben, organ; Stadtkirche St. Petri, Dortmund, Germany
October 28, 2018: Voluntary on “Bachofen” (2016) for organ; Cindy Holden, organ; Commissioned for the dedication of the renovated organ at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Sayville, New York
October 13, 2018: Tiento de batalla (2018) for organ; Klaus Stehling, organ; Sant Andreu Apòstol, Santanyí, Mallorca, Spain
October 5, 2018: What Is Good (2018) for SATB chorus; for the inauguration of Lawrence S. Bacow as the 29th president of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 11, 2018: Lullaby (2018) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
September 4, 2018: The True Glory (2018) for SATB chorus and organ; for the first Morning Prayers of the presidency of Lawrence S. Bacow; Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 4, 2018: Carillon after the Bells of Ulm Cathedral (2018) for organ and Arioso cantabile (2018) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
Premieres in 2017–18 concert season:
August 30, 2018: Ulmkreis (2018) for organ and Two Nantucket Sketches (2018) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
August 19, 2018: Peace Canticle (2018) for solo treble instrument and organ, Meditation on “Ubi caritas” (2018) for organ, and Acclamatio (2018) for organ; Alexander Nikolaev, saxophone and Klaus Stehling, organ; Mescheder Orgelsommer; Königsmünster Abbey, Meschede, Germany
August 18, 2018: Praeambulum festivum (2018) for organ; Hartmut Siebmanns, organ; 24. Internationale Orgelkonzerte Dom zu Erfurt, Cruciskirche, Erfurt, Germany
August 12, 2018: Fantasy on “The Star-Spangled Banner” (2018) for organ; Christoph Hintermüller, organ; Kirche St. Elisabeth, Bergkamen, Germany
August 10, 2018: Festpraeludium (2018) for organ; Felix Bräuer, organ; Kloster St. Marienstern, Panschwitz-Kuckau, Germany
August 8, 2018: Sommerlicht (2018) two keyboard instruments; Burkhard and Petra Mohr, organ and harpsichord; Klarenthal Abbey, Wiesbaden-Klarenthal, Germany
July 13, 2018: Toccata in A (2018) for organ; Garrett F. Martin, organ; Truro Cathedral, Truro, England
July 9, 2018: Rhapsody in A (2017) for organ; Alessandro Bianchi, organ; for the 10th anniversary of the organ concert series, Ayr Town Hall, Ayr, Scotland
June 24, 2018: Radegund Variations (2017) for organ; Hartmut Siebmanns, organ; Stadtkirche St. Bartholomäus, Pößneck, Germany
May 27, 2018: Clockwork Aria (2018) for organ; Robert Coates, organ; Aukra kyrkje, Harøy, Norway
May 21, 2018: Organ Symphony No. 3, “Portals” (2017) and Flourish in G (2018) for organ; commissioned by Philip Hartmann for the 90th anniversary of the Martin-Luther-Kirche, Ulm, Germany
May 5, 2018: Introitus in D (2018) for organ; Jens-Michael Thies, organ; Wallonisch-Niederländische Kirche, Hanau, Germany
May 2, 2018: Trinity Chimes (2018) for carillon/chimes; David Schaap, chimes; for the re-dedication of the tower chimes at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
April 8, 2018: Bryn Mawr Voluntary (2017) for organ; commissioned by Edward Landin; Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
April 8, 2018: Premieres of Organ Symphony No. 2 (2017), Pastorale on a Hymn by Andreas Willscher (2017) for organ, Prelude on “Das ist köstlich” (Psalm 92) (2018) organ, along with performances of other Cooman organ works; Philip Hartmann, organ; Pauluskirche, Ulm, Germany
April 6 & 15, 2018: Missa in incerto tempore (The Davison Mass) (2018) for SATB chorus, men’s chorus, and two organs; commissioned by the Harvard Glee Club; premiered by the Harvard Glee Club and the All Saints’ Choir of Men and Boys (Parish of All Saints, Ashmont), Cambridge and Dorchester, Massachusetts
March 25, 2018: Toccata in C (2018) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ; First Unitarian Universalist Society, Newton, Massachusetts
March 15, 2018: Cortège, Intermezzo, and Litany on the Joseph-Hymnus (2017) for organ and Suite in G (2017) for organ; Jay Zoller, organ; First Baptist Church, Waterville, Maine
March 6, 2018: Variations on a Theme of Haydn (2017) for organ; Christoph Hintermüller, organ; Winspear Hall, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
February 25, 2018: Overture concertante (2018) for organ and strings; Heinrich Christensen, organ and King’s Chapel Strings, King’s Chapel Concert Series, Boston, Massachusetts
February 4, 2018: Canzone (2017) for bassoon and organ; Genevieve Beaulieu, bassoon and Rhonda Sider Edgington, organ; Hope Church, Holland, Michigan
December 18, 2017: Carol Paraphrase on a Motive of Wilhelm Weismann (2017) for organ; Philip Hartmann, organ; Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany
December 10 and 12, 2017: Gentle Joseph Heard a Warning (2017) for TTBB chorus and organ; commissioned for the 108th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
November 28, 2017: Epitaph (2016) for soprano and trumpet; Corrine Byrne, soprano and Andy Kozar, trumpet; Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
November 26, 2017: Leuchtende-Musik (2017) for baroque trumpet and organ; Evgeny Liatte, baroque trumpet and Hartmut Siebmanns, organ; Stadtkirche St. Bartholomäus, Pößneck, Germany
November 26, 2017: Two Elevations (2017) for organ; Flemming Chr. Hansen, organ; Sakskøbing Kirke, Sakskøbing, Denmark
November 4, 2017: Ciaccona angelica (2017) for organ; Felix Bräuer, organ; Paderborn Dom (Cathedral), Paderborn, Germany
September 25, 2017: Equinox Sonata (2017) for trumpet and piano (premiere) and performances of Moon Marked (2016) for clarinet and trumpet and Chasing the Moon Down (2009) for mezzo-soprano, trumpet, and piano; Chris Gekker, trumpet; Suzanne Gekker, clarinet; Delores Ziegler, mezzo-soprano; Rita Sloan, piano; University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
September 24, 2017: Grow in Grace (2017) for SATB chorus; commissioned by The Dover Church as a farewell gift for Michael Kraft, organist and choir director, Dover, Massachusetts
September 13, 2017: Voluntary on a Motet by Andreas Willscher (2017) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 6, 2017: Three Autumn Sketches after a Watercolor by Maria Willscher (2017) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 2, 2017: Cantio mystica (2017) for organ; Wolfram Graf, organ; Sindelfingen, Germany
Premieres in 2016–17 concert season:
August 8, 2017: Scherzo for the Flutes (2017) for organ; Thomas Sheehan, organ; Old West Church, Boston, Massachusetts
July 4, 2017: Entrata festiva (2017) for organ; Felix Bräuer, organ; Dom St. Petri, Bautzen, Germany
June 25, 2017: Invocazione brillante (2017) for organ; Cristiano Rizzotto, organ; Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Golden Valley, Minnesota
June 4, 2017: Toccata, Aria, and Finale (2017) for organ; commissioned for St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie; Kelly Josef Wheelbarger, organ; Roanoke, Virginia
June 2, 2017: Fantasy-Variations on Two Themes (2017) for organ; Heinrich Christensen, organ; Trinity Church, Boston, Massachusetts
May 7, 2017: New Life Is Born Today! (Ostinato Alleluia) (2017) for voices (opt. congregation) and keyboard; Transfiguration Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, San Mateo, California
April 28, 2017: Three St. Francis Legends (2017) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ; Westminster Presbyterian Church, Albany, New York
April 23, 2016: Love Flows from God (2017) for SATB chorus; commissioned for the unveiling of “The Divine Journey, Companions of Love and Home,” a painting by Janet McKenzie; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
March 12, 2017: “Fantasia solenne” from Two Fantasias (2016) for organ; Felix Bräuer, organ; Kloster St. Marienstern, Panschwitz-Kuckau, Germany
March 5, 2017: Be Ye Broken (2017) fantasy for organ, strings, and voices; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by Thomas Sheehan, organ, the Harvard University Choir and Orchestra, Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor
February 25, 2017: Moon Marked (2016) for clarinet and trumpet; Robert DiLutis, clarinet and Chris Gekker, trumpet; Salon Concert, Washington, D.C.
February 12, 2017: Postludium (2017) for organ; Flemming Chr. Hansen, organ; Sakskøbing Kirke, Sakskøbing, Denmark
January 22, 2017: Preludio maestoso (2016) and Preludio con ostinato (2016) for organ; Wolfram Graf, organ; Die Christengemeinschaft, Nuremburg, Germany
January 8, 2017: Fantasy and Jig (2016) for string orchestra; North/South Consonance Ensemble, Max Lifchitz, director, New York, New York
January 8, 2017: Preludio quasi eco (2016) for organ; Petra Mohr, organ; Kreuzkirche, Wiesbaden, Germany
December 24, 2016: Three Pastorales on a German Carol (2016) for organ; Andreas Willscher, organ; St. Joseph, Hamburg-Wandsbek, Germany
December 11 and 13, 2016: Verbum supernum prodiens (2016) a chant space for voices (in three groups) and organ; commissioned for the 107th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 9 & 11, 2016: Come, Let Us Go Again (2016) for SATB chorus, organ, brass quintet, timpani; commissioned by the Cathedral Choral Society for Joy of Christmas 2016, Joseph Flummerfelt, guest director, Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
December 2, 2016: Sunset (2016) for two voices and piano; commissioned by the Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations for the 2016 Lyrica Dialogues, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 19, 2016: Give All to Love (2016) for SATB chorus and organ; for the memorial service of Harry Lyn Huff (1952–2016), Old South Church, Boston, Massachusetts
November 18, 2016: Exordium (2016) for organ; commissioned by Edward Landin, Central Congregational Church, Providence, Rhode Island
October 23, 2016: Kennebunkport Suite (2016) for organ; Joyce Painter Rice, organ; First Congregational Church, Kennebunkport, Maine
Premieres in 2015–16 concert season:
July 29 & 31, 2016: Rain Songs (2016) for SATB chorus and orchestra; commissioned for the 80th anniversary of the Harvard Summer Chorus by the Holden Choruses of Harvard University and the Boston Modern Orchestra Project, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Peterborough, New Hampshire (Monadnock Music Festival)
July 21, 2016: Refrains (2016) for organ; Peter Clark, organ; St. Peter’s, Roath, Cardiff, Wales
July 19, 2016: Cones of Silence (Chorales and Diversions) (2016) for flugelhorn, euphonium, and tuba; Chris Gekker, flugelhorn, Demondrae Thurman, euphonium, Tom McCaslin, tuba; Eastern Music Festival, Greensboro, North Carolina
June 4, 2016: Tower Antiphonies (2016) for chimes (or carillon); Paul Antonucci, Cathy Longley-Cook, and Bob Feldman, chimers; First Unitarian Society in Newton, Newton, Massachusetts
May 15, 2016: A Place Where Angels Sing (2015) for SATB chorus; Marsh Chapel Choir, Boston University Baccalaureate Service, Scott Allen Jarrett, director, Boston, Massachusetts
April 16, 2016: Portola Valley Mass (2016) for congregation and organ; commissioned for the institution of the Rev. Beth Phillips as rector; Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Portola Valley, California
April 13, 2016: Cantus III (2013) for piano; R. Andrew Lee, piano, Regis University, Denver, Colorado
April 6, 2016: Tres novas cantigas (2014) for portative organ (and optional percussion); Catalina Vicens, portative organ; Longy School of Music, Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 27, 2016: Fantasia on “Greensleeves” (2015) for organ; Marco Lo Muscio, organ; Queen’s College, Cambridge, England
February 21, 2016: York Concertato (2014) for two organs; Murray Somerville and Hazel Somerville, organ; York House, York, South Carolina
December 18 and 19, 2015: Nowel: Owt of your slepe aryse (2015) for 3-part voices; Lorelei Ensemble, Boston, Massachusetts
December 13 and 14, 2015: Christus natus est (2015) for SATB chorus; commissioned for the 106th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 3, 2015: Ave dulcissima Maria (2015) for SSA voices; Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 15, 2015: Sonatina No. 2 (2013) for organ; Steven Young, organ; First Congregational Church, Marion, Massachusetts
October 27, 2015: Sonata for Flugelhorn and Piano (2015); commissioned by Anne McNamara; Gheens Recital Hall, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky
October 11, 2015: St. Michael Antiphonies (2015) for organ; JanEl B. Will, organ; commissioned by Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg, Virginia
October 4, 2015: The Rose of Sharon (2014) for mezzo-soprano and organ; commissioned by Tracelyn Gesteland, mezzo-soprano and Wyatt Smith, organ; Aalfs Auditorium, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota
Premieres in 2014–15 concert season:
July 26, 2015: Treasury of Blessings (2015) for SATB chorus, hand drum, and cello; Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Portola Valley, California
July 13, 2015: Tambourin (2015) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ; Paul Fritts Residence, Tacoma, Washington
July 3, 2015: San Francesco a La Verna (2014) for organ; Marco Lo Muscio, organ; “San Francesco” Festival, Church of San Secondo, Gubbio, Italy
May 31, 2015: Pièce héroïque (2014) for organ; David Carrier, organ; Carrier’s 30th anniversary as Director of Music, Wellesley Village Church, Wellesley, Massachusetts
May 22 and 23, 2015: The Dawning Light (2015) for eight women’s voices; commissioned by Lorelei Ensemble, Boston, Massachusetts
May 21, 2015: A Vision of the Tree of Life (2012) for carillon; Neil Thornock, carillon; Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
April 19, 2015: Three Renaissance Dances (2014) for keyboard; Matthew McConnell, harpsichord; First Baptist Church, North Adams, Massachusetts
April 10, 2015: O Lord, Support Us (2015) for SATB chorus and organ; Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 1, 2015: Conductus (2014) for carillon; Neil Thornock, carillon; Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
February 12, 2015: The Great American Tall Tale Express (2015) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
December 14 and 15, 2014: Wise Men Came Journeying (2014) for SATB chorus and organ; commissioned for the 105th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 13, 2014: Preludio quieto (2014) for organ; Marco Lo Muscio, organ; Glinka Museum, Moscow, Russia
December 10, 2014: Canzona V (2014) for organ; Neil Stipp, organ; Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels, Los Angeles, California
November 30, 2014: Epicedium (2014) for oboe and organ; Andrew Price, oboe and Heinrich Christensen, organ; King’s Chapel Concert Series, King’s Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
November 29, 2014: Diapason Voluntary (2014) for organ; Rebecca Davy, organ; Wren Chapel, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
November 9, 2014: Prélude phrygien from Deux petits préludes (2014) for organ; Yannick Merlin, organ; Temple St-Jean de Mulhouse, Alsace, France
October 24 & 26, 2014: Canzona da camera (2014) for traverso, baroque violin, viola, cello, and harpsichord; commissioned by Musicians of the Old Post Road; Sudbury and Boston, Massachusetts
October 12, 2014: The Guest House (2014) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University for the installation of the Rev. Lucy A. Forster-Smith, Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 26 & 27, 2014: Concertino Foko (2014) for organ, brass choir, and percussion; commissioned by the Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ for the renovation celebration; Ray Cornils, organ and the Kotzschmar Festival Brass; Merrill Auditorium, Portland, Maine
August 12, 2014: Rhapsody (2014) for organ; Christian Lane, organ; Pipes on the Plaza Series, The Christian Science Mother Church, Boston, Massachusetts
August 10, 2014: Quidnet Morning Loop (2013) for any combination of instruments; Negative Zed, Redshift Music Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Premieres in 2013–14 concert season:
July–August 2014: Toccata-Rondo (2014) for organ; Cristiano Rizzotto, organ; concert tour of Brazil and Argentina
July 18, 2014: Prelude and Fugue No. 7 (2013) for organ; Kevin Bowyer, organist; International Summer Organ Festival, Basilica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
June 24, 2014: Solstice Sonata (2013) for trumpet and organ and Solstice Prelude (2014) for trumpet; commissioned by the American Guild of Organists for its 2014 Biennial National Convention; Chris Gekker, trumpet and Christian Lane, organ; Boston, Massachusetts
June 22, 2014: Canzona IV (2014) for organ; Mark Engelhardt, organ; St. Peter’s by-the-Sea, Bayshore, New York
June 21, 2014: A Blue Star (2013) for women’s voices; wedding of Jonah Kappraff and Beth Willer; members of Lorelei Ensemble; Ithaca, New York
July 16, 2014: Prelude and Fugue No. 3 (2013) for organ; Neil Stipp, organ; Pasadena Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, California
June 15, 2014: Not to Us (2014) for SATB choir unaccompanied; for the “Bach Cantata Vespers” series, commissioned by St. James Lutheran Church, Nancy Nickel, director, Portland, Oregon
May 17, 2014: Rochester Triptych (2014) for string quintet; commissioned by Gibbs & Main for EuphoNY 2014; Rochester, New York
May 9, 2014: Folk Prelude on “Azmon” (2013) for organ; Christian Lane, organ; Westminster United Methodist Church, Westminster, Maryland
May 4, 2014: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (“Prescott”) (2014) for SATB choir and organ and Preces and Responses (“Prescott”) (2014) for SATB choir unaccompanied; Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Portola Valley, California
May 4, 2014: Lenti (2014) hymn tune; commissioned by the Eastman School of Music for its hymn initiative, Timothy Dudley-Smith Hymn Festival, Rochester, New York
April 27, 2014: Sagebrush Celebration (2014) for orchestra; commissioned by the Carson City Symphony for its 30th anniversary; David Bugli, music director; Carson City, Nevada
March 16, 2014: New York State premiere: The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (2009) for soprano, baritone, SATB chorus, and chamber orchestra; Burnt Hills Oratorio Society, Susan Fedak, music director; Saratoga Springs, New York
January 25, 2014: The Choir Invisible (2013) for SATB chorus and piano; commissioned by Albany Pro Musica in memory of David Griggs-Janower; Albany, New York
December 28, 2013: Aria quasi una ciaconna (2013) for organ; Erik Simmons, organ; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon
December 25, 2013: Little Partita on a Polish Carol (2013) for organ and Little Fantasia on “In dulci jubilo” (2003) for organ; Adrian Self, organ; Cartmel Priory, Cumbria, England
December 15 and 16, 2013: An Heavenly Song (2013) for TB voices and organ; commissioned for the 104th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 15, 2013: Preludio on a Swedish Tune (2013) for organ; commissioned by Christopher M. Wicks; Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Salem, Oregon
October 12, 2013: Canzona III (2013) for organ; in honor of Susie Jarrell, Nantucket Organ Crawl, St. Mary, Our Lady of the Isle Catholic Church, Nantucket, Massachusetts
September 29, 2013: Flax-Golden Tales (2013) for storyteller and chamber orchestra; New Juilliard Ensemble, Joel Sachs, Juilliard School, New York, New York
September 29, 2013: King of Glory, King of Peace (2013) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
September 19, 2013: Prelude and Fugue No. 9 (2013) for organ; Christian Lane, organ; First Christian Church, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Premieres in 2012–13 concert season:
August 24, 2013: Plaint (2013) for organ; Murray Forbes Somerville, organ; Summerfest, York, South Carolina
August 18, 2013: Witnesses to Love (2013) for SATB choir; for the appointment of the Rev. Linda Simmons as minister of South Church (The Unitarian Church of Nantucket), Nantucket, Massachusetts
June 8, 2013: Joysong (2013) for organ; for the wedding of Ray Cornils and David Bellville; Christian Lane, organ; Brunswick, Maine
June 2, 2013: Fanfare for a Duchess at St. Andrew’s (2013) for organ; commissioned for St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie; premiered by Rudolph A. Lucente, Roanoke, Virginia
April 4, 2013: Shadowbook (Three Songs in the Night) (2013) for clarinet, tuba, and piano; commissioned by Kevin and Susan Wass; premiered by David Shea, clarinet, Kevin Wass, tuba, Susan Wass, piano, South-Central Tuba-Euphonium Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
March 31, 2013: Easter Day (2013) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
March 31, 2013: Rising (2010) for organ; Ed Broms, organ; Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
March 10, 2013: Lilac Jubilee (2012) for orchestra; commissioned by the Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, David Harman, conductor; Kodak Hall, Eastman Theatre, Rochester, New York
Feburary 22, 2013: Canopache (2012) for Native American flute and drone; commissioned by James J. Pellerite; Durango Chamber Music Festival, Durango, Wyoming
February 17, 2013: Lilac Jubilee (2012) for orchestra; commissioned by the Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, David Harman, conductor; Carnegie Hall, New York, New York
February 14, 2013: The Peach Blossom’s Shadow (2013) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
December 16 and 17, 2012: Sweetest Music Softy Stealing (2012) for SATB choir; commissioned for the 103rd Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 2, 2012: This Is the Hour of Banquet and of Song (2012) for SATB choir; Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Portola Valley, California
November 11, 2012: One Love (2012) for SATB choir; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University for the institution of the Rev. Jonathan L. Walton, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 4, 2012: Every Generation (2012) for SAB choir and organ; commissioned by The Dover Church in celebration of its 250th anniversary, Dover, Massachusetts
October 26, 2012: Madrigal II (2012) for flute and hammerchord; Clare Duncan, flute and Carson Cooman, hammerchord, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 25, 2012: Remembering (2012) for organ; commissioned by Bates College for the naming of the Peter J. Gomes Chapel, Lewiston, Maine
October 14, 2012: Sonata No. 3 for Violin and Piano (2012); commissioned by Warren Davidson, violin and Donna Amato, piano; Music Plus Concert Series, Sewickley, Pennsylvania
October 7, 2012: Cantus I (2011) for piano; commissioned by Nicolas Horvath, Aubergenville, France
October 5, 2012: Boston Fantasia (2011) for organ; commissioned by the Historic Organ Foundation for its inaugural gala; Church of the Advent, Boston, Massachusetts
September 30, 2012: Southern USA premiere: Symphony No. 3, “Ave Maris Stella” (2005) for chamber orchestra; New Score Chamber Orchestra, Michael Garasi, conductor; Orlando, Florida
September 30, 2012: Morning at Brant Point (2012) for viola and cello; Walden Chamber Players; Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, Massachusetts
September 21, 2012: Two Songs Without Words (2012) for violin and cello; Karine Stone, violin and Diego Rivera, cello; Gibbs & Main “Terra Nova” CD Launch Party, Rochester, New York
September 18, 2012: Morning Star (2012) for 2-part voices and hammerchord; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Premieres in 2011–12 concert season:
June 7, 2012: Sun-loom (2009) for trumpet, horn, and piano; Chris Gekker, trumpet and David Jolley, horn; National Orchestral Institute, College Park, Maryland
June 2, 8, and 9, 2012: Veni Sancte Spiritus (2011) for SATTB voices; commissioned by Musica Spei and Trobairitz; Musica Spei; Rochester, New York
June 3, 2012: Sea Findings (1999) for contrabass and orchestra; P. Kellach Waddle, contrabass, Balcones Community Orchestra, Robert Alan Radner, conductor, Austin, Texas
May 24, 2011: Fantasia on “Fair Harvard” (2011) for organ; Christian Lane, organ; commissioned by Harvard University for its Baccalaureate service, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 19 and 20, 2012: West Coast premiere: The Acts of the Apostles (2009) for baritone, chorus, congregation/audience, and chamber orchestra; Choir and Orchestra of Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley, California
May 18 and 19, 2012: Golden Callings (2012) for SSAA voices; commissioned by Lorelei Ensemble, Boston, Massachusetts
May 6, 2012: Double Duet (2011) for two groups of instruments; Time’s Arrow, Rodney Lister, director; Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
May 6, 2012: Planctus II (2012) for organ; Paul Cienniwa, organ; First Church (Unitarian Universalist), Boston, Massachusetts
April 29, 2012: The Evening Choir (2012) for SATB choir, SATB soloists, and organ; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University for the inaugural concert of the C. B. Fisk organ, Opus 139; Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 22, 2012: In Beauty Walking (2012) for mezzo-soprano and string quintet; commissioned by Gibbs & Main for EuphoNY 2012 with Ashley Hill, mezzo-soprano; Rochester, New York
April 8, 2012: Cambridge Passacaglia (2012) for organ; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University for the inaugural performance of the C. B. Fisk organ, Opus 139, Christian Lane, organ; Cambridge, Massachusetts
March 18, 2012: The Flute of the Infinite (2011) for SATB chorus, flute, and harmonium; First Unitarian Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, music director, Newton, Massachusetts
March 16, 2012: Alma Redemptoris Mater (2011) for SATB chorus; Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, William Picher, music director; Orlando, Florida
March 7, 2012: There Will Be Stars (2011) for SATB chorus, percussion quartet, and piano; commissioned byLexington High School, Jason Iannuzzi, director of choruses; Lexington, Massachusetts
January 5, 2012: Journeybook II (2010-11) for harpsichord; Jeffrey Grossman, harpsichord; Boston, Massachusetts
December 18, 2011: Leap into Love (2011) for voices (in canon); commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 12, 2011: Joint premiere: Fanfare Canon (2011) for snare drum, temple block, and wood block [concert also includes a performance of A Trip to the Sky (2009) for any solo or combination of instruments]; Connecticut College New Music Ensemble, Peter Jarvis, director; New London, Connecticut
November 28, 2011: Joint premiere: Fanfare Canon (2011) for snare drum, temple block, and wood block [concert also includes a performance of A Trip to the Sky (2009) for any solo or combination of instruments]; William Patterson University New Music Ensemble, Peter Jarvis, director; Wayne, New Jersey
December 11 and 12, 2011: Born Among Us in the Night (2011) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned for the 102nd Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
November 19, 2011: Irreversible Heart (2010) for soprano, violin, and piano by Christine Howlett and theChatham-Wood Duo, Poughkeepsie, New York
November 5, 2011: Exaltation (2011) for SATB choir; commissioned for the 15th anniversary of the Seraphim Singers, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 9, 2011: Hornpipe (2011) for organ; Marcia Hempel, organ; South Church (The Unitarian Church of Nantucket), Nantucket, Massachusetts
October 2, 2011: Sunrise Alleluia (2011) for SATB voices and electronic tape; Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Portola Valley, California
September 25, 2011: Nantucket premiere: Sankaty Dreaming (String Quartet No. 4) (2002); Walden Chamber Players; Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, Massachusetts
September 16, 2011: Cantus II (Into Unknowing Light) (2011) for piano; Julia Scott Carey, piano; Boston, Massachusetts
September 4, 2011: Lullaby and Pastorale (2011) for flugelhorn and drone; Drew Fennell, flugelhorn; Freeport, Pennsylvania
September 4, 2011: Ostinato Mass (2011) for voice and organ; Denise Konicek, soprano and Heinrich Christensen, organ; King’s Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
Premieres in 2010–11 concert season:
August 2, 2011: In the Absence of Your Ringing (2004) for carillon; commissioned by the Friends of the Albany City Carillon, Charles Semowich, carillonneur; Riverside Church, New York, New York
July 19, 2011: Prelude and Fugue No. 1 (2011) for organ; commissioned by the Boston Pipe Organ Encounter, Boston, Massachusetts
May 29, 2011: American premiere: In memoriam Liana Alexandra (2011) for flute and two gongs; Mary-Elizabeth Thompson, flute, and Cory Hills, gongs; Composer’s Voice Concert Series, New York, New York
May 28 – June 18, 2011: European premiere: Hope and Love (2010) for SATB choir; Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum Summer Tour, Andrew Clark, conductor, Germany and Austria
May 24, 2011: In memoriam Liana Alexandra (2011) for flute and two gongs; Amalia Iordache flute, and Ilinca Lorencz, gongs; National University of Music, Bucharest, Romania
May 24, 2011: Finding You (2011) for SATB choir; commissioned by Harvard University for its commencement exercises, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 23, 2011: Prelude Modale (2011) for two horns and organ; commissioned by the Tidewater Chapter of the American Guild of Organists for “The Organ Swell” concert series; Hazel Dean Davis and Kim Gilman, horns, Martin Sunderland, organ, Norfolk, Virginia
May 7, 2011: Menlo Park premiere: The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (2009) for soprano, baritone, SATB chorus, and chamber orchestra; Performing Arts Series of St. Bede’s Church, Melo Park, California
April 10, 2011: Rondino on “I Love to Tell the Story” (2011) for organ; commissioned by Murray Forbes Somerville and Covenant Presbyterian Church, Nashville, Tennessee
April 10, 2011: Cantique (2010) for violin and piano; Gabrielle Monachino, violin and Sherry McCarthy, piano, Rochester, New York
April 3, 2011: Kyrie (2011) for unison voices and clarinet; commissioned by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
March 27, 2011: Nous voyons (after Arcadelt-Liszt) (2010) for piano; commissioned by Vox Novus forShiau-uen Ding, Liszt Bicentennial Birthday Bash, Composer’s Voice Concert Series, New York, New York
March 26, 2011: Wondrous Love (2011) for SATB choir and piano; commissioned by Christian Lane for the wedding of Taylor Lewis Guthrie and John Blair Hartman III, Louisville, Kentucky
March 24, 2011: Circe (2011) for soprano and organ; Jolle Greenleaf, soprano and Christian Lane, organ, Rochester, New York
March 20, 2011: Give Me (2011) for SATB choir; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 25, 2011: Journeybook: in memoriam Arthur Jarvinen (2010) for mixed sextet; commissioned bythingNY, Long Island City, New York
February 13, 2011: Two Folk Songs (2011) for organ; Christian Lane, organ; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 5, 2011: Sonatina for Toy Piano (2010); commissioned by Artis Wodehouse, Merkin Hall, New York, New York
January 23, 2011: O Lord, I Will Sing of Your Love Forever (2010) for SATB choir; commissioned by King’s Chapel in celebration of its 325th anniversary, Boston, Massachusetts
January 14, 2011: Lamentoso (2010) for trumpet and piano [concert also includes a performance of Lyric Trio for Trumpet, Cello, and Piano (2007)]; Chris Gekker, trumpet and Rita Sloan, piano; BargeMusic, Brooklyn, New York
December 31, 2010: Trumpet Tune (2010) for organ; commissioned for the wedding of Pauline Whittingkill Klyce and Robert Morgan Pennoyer II, Edward Elwyn Jones, organ, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 14, 2010: In the Night Garden (2010) for marimba; commissioned for Peter Jarvis; Connecticut College New Music Series, New London, Connecticut
December 12 and 13, 2010: The Rose Tree Carol (2010) for SATB choir; commissioned for the 101st Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
November 22, 2010: Suite Breve (2010) for organ; Adrian Self, organ; Cartmel Priory, Cumbria, England
November 21, 2010: Hope (2010) for SATB choir; commissioned for the installation of the Rev. Erin Splaine as minister, First Unitarian Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, music director, Newton, Massachusetts
November 21, 2010: Truly the Light Is Sweet (2010) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned in celebration of the restoration of Appleton Chapel, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 30, 2010: Hope and Love (2010) for SATB choir; Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum, Andrew Clark, conductor, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 10, 2010: Awake, My Heart (2010) for SATB choir; Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York
Premieres in 2009–10 concert season:
June 3, 2010: Quidnet Shadows (2009) for flugelhorn and harp; Chris Gekker, trumpet and Madeline Blood, harp; National Orchestral Institute Faculty Chamber Recital, College Park, Maryland
May 23, 2010: O quam mirabilis (2010) for SATB choir; Cathedral Choral Scholars, Edward A. Broms, director; Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
March 23, 2010: Be Ye Wise (2009) for baritone solo, SATB choir, and organ; First Unitarian Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, music director, Newton, Massachusetts
May 15 and 16, 2010: A Prayer Before Sleep (2009) for SSA chorus and flute; Bella Voce Women’s Chorus of Vermont, Dawn Willis, director, Burlington and Montpelier, Vermont
May 10, 2010: Bless the Lord, O My Soul (2010) for SATB choir; Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 8, 2010: all-Cooman solo piano recital: Nine Preludes (2007), Madrigal (2008), Bear Mountain Fragments (2008), Concert Piece: La Tricotea (2006), Lullaby (after Rameau) (2009), Madaket Dreaming (2008), Summer Solstice (2007), Mountain Toccata (2008); Donna Amato, piano; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 5, 2010: Wherein Our Blessings Stand (2010) for SATB choir; Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 3, 2010: Gloucester Estampie (2010) for organ; Christian Lane, organ; for the farewell to the C. B. Fisk organ, op. 46 (1967); commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 13, 2010: Berceuse (2010) for organ; Edward Elwyn Jones, organ; The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 12, 2010: Dawnflower (2010) dance for reed organ, Moonflower (2010) berceuse for reed organ, and Windflower (2009) fantasy for reed organ; commissioned by Artis Wodehouse, Merkin Hall, New York, New York
April 11, 2010: The Living Water Works (2009) musical for children; commissioned by Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York
April 10, 2010: Big Blue House (2008) for flugelhorn and piano; Colby Cooman, flugelhorn and Avis Romm, piano, Urbana, Illinois
March 21, 2010: A Difficult Miracle (2010) for SATB chorus, soprano and baritone soloists, oboe, clarniet, and piano and Pastorale (2010) for organ; commissioned by the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, music director, Newton, Massachusetts
March 13 and 14, 2010: West Coast premiere: The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (2009) for soprano, baritone, SATB chorus, and chamber orchestra; Choir and Orchestra of Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley, California
February 27, 2010: Miacomet Dreaming (2008) for orchestra; Knox-Galesburg Symphony, Bruce Polay, conductor, Galesburg, Illinois
February 11, 2010: Button Stew (2010) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
February 2, 2010: Two Dawn Hymns (2008) for cello and piano; Aaron Kaplan, cello and Kent Conrad, piano; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
January 15, 2010: Chasing the Moon Down (2009) for mezzo-soprano, trumpet, and piano (on poems of Katherine Gekker); Gail Collins, mezzo-soprano, Chris Gekker, trumpet, Stephen Brown, piano, Friday Morning Music Club Series, Washington, D.C.
January 9 and 10, 2010: Quartet for Piano and Strings (A Sea Liturgy) (2009); Arcturus Chamber Ensemble, Carlisle, Massachusetts and Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 13 and 14, 2009: Love Came Down at Christmas (2009) for SATB choir; commissioned for the 100th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, premiered by the Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 1, 2009: Prelude on “Dix” (2009) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ; memorial service for Robert Zeeb, First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts
November 22, 2009: The Acts of the Apostles (2009) oratorio for baritone, SATB chorus, congregation/audience, and chamber orchestra; commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University,John Salvi, baritone, Harvard University Choir, Brattle Street Chamber Players, Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 1, 2009: That They May Rest (2009) for SATB choir; for the “Bach Cantata Vespers” series, commissioned by St. James Lutheran Church, Nancy Nickel, director, Portland, Oregon
October 17, 2009: Where All the Ladders Start (2008) for trumpet and vibraphone, Un regard éloigné (2008) for flugelhorn and cello, and a performance of Sun Songs (2008) for trumpet and violin; Louis Ranger, trumpet, University of Victoria School of Music, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
October 4, 2009: The Welcome News (2009) for SATB choir; Cathedral Choral Scholars, Edward A. Broms, director; Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
October 4, 2009: Rise Up, My Love (2009) for soprano, flugelhorn, string trio, and organ; commissioned by the St. Theresa Parish Choir, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
August 30, 2009: Beach Grass Elegy (2009) for flute; Ashley Addington, flute, New Music Hartford, Ashley Addington, flute, Hartford, Connecticut
Premieres in 2008–09 concert season:
June 26, 2009: American premiere: The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (2009) for soprano, baritone, SATB chorus, and chamber orchestra; Choir of Royal Holloway, University of Londonand the Buttrick Sinfonia, Rupert Gough, director, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
June 14, 2009: Set Me As a Seal (2009) for SATB choir; Cathedral Choral Scholars, Edward A. Broms, director;Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
June 7, 2009: Rite I Eucharist (2007) congregational music; Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Portola Valley, California
May 30, 2009: The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (2009) for soprano, baritone, chorus, and chamber orchestra;Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London and the London Mozart Players, Rupert Gough, director, Cadogan Hall, London, England
May 25, 2009: Elegies (2009) for two horns; Andrew Pelletier and Jeffrey Dunford, horns, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
May 5, 2009: Ascensions (2009) for SATB chorus, traverso, baroque violin, viola da gamba, and organ; commissioned by the Cornell Chamber Singers and Holland J. Jancaitis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
May 1, 2009: Unfolding the Gates of Dawn (2008) for guitar; Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar, New School of Music, Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 3, 2009: Proclamation (2004) for oboe; Toni Marie Marchioni, oboe, The Juilliard School, New York, New York
March 31, 2009: In memoriam George Perle (2009) for soprano and piano; Katharine Dain, soprano, New York Miniaturist Ensemble, The Players Theatre, New York, New York
March 21, 2009: Every Which Shining Way (2009) for trumpet and piano; Brian Shook, trumpet, College Music Society Mid-Atlantic Conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
March 10, 2009: Clarinet Concerto (2004) for solo clarinet and string orchestra; Richard Goldsmith, clarinet, North/South Consonance Ensemble, Max Lifchitz, director, New York, New York
March 1, 2009: An Angel Song (2009) for SATB chorus and cello (to a text of Gwyneth Lewis); commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 11, 2008: The Shirt of Happiness (2008) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
February 8, 2009: Call to Remembrance (2009) for SATB choir and organ; Choir of King’s Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts
February 8, 2009: Shawkemo Dreaming (2009) for string orchestra; Bohuslav Martin Philharmonic, Kirk Trevor, conductor, Zlín, Czech Republic
February 7, 2009: Summer Solstice (2007) for piano; Shiau-uen Ding; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
January 6, 2009: Autumn Songs (2008) for trumpet and piano and Nobadeer Dreaming (2008) for flugelhorn; Chris Gekker, trumpet; Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C.
December 13, 21, and 24, 2008: Dutch premiere of New World Carols: An American Christmas Triptych (2003) for SATB choir and organ; Alphens Kamerkoor Cantabile; Rijnsaterwoude/Oudshoornsekerk-Alphen aan den Rijn/Zwammerdam, Netherlands
December 7, 2008: The Sky Can Still Remember (2008) for SSAA choir and organ; commissioned by theBella Voce Women’s Chorus of Vermont, Dawn Willis, director; First Baptist Church, Burlington, Vermont
December 7, 2008: American premiere: Oboe Quartet (2007) for oboe and string trio; Center for New Music, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
December 1, 2008: Planctus (2005) for viola, Madrigal (2008) for piano, and Cavatina (2008) for viola and piano; Sarah Darling, viola and Jeffrey Grossman, piano; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 23, 2008: Eros (2008) for SATB chorus and piano; First Unitarian Society in Newton, Anne Watson Born, director, Newton, Massachusetts
November 20, 2008: European premiere: Two Fragments (2004) for guitar quartet; Corona Guitar Kvartet,Literaturhaus, Copenhagen, Denmark
November 19, 2008: consortium premiere: Enchanted Tracings (Piano Concerto No. 2) (2008) for solo piano and wind ensemble; Donna Amato, piano, Carnegie Mellon Wind Ensemble, Denis Colwell, conductor; Carnegie Music Hall, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 2, 2008: Moon Shards (2007) for alto saxophone, horn, trumpet, percussion, and piano; commissioned by Andrew Pelletier, the International Horn Society, and the MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
October 31, 2008: Flying Machine (2008) for orchestra; Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra, James Yannatos, conductor; Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 5, 2008: O Lord, Increase My Faith (2007) for SATB choir; Cathedral Choral Scholars, Edward A. Broms, director; Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
September 28, 2008: The Oda-Burns Mass (2008) for SATB choir, violin, percussion, and organ; commissioned by Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Portola Valley, California
September 17, 2008: Man Proposes, but God Disposes (2008) for SATB choir; Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London, Rupert Gough, director, British Embassy, Washington, D.C.
September 12, 2008: Little Recorder Book (2008) for alto recorder; John Turner, recorder, The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, England
Premieres in 2007–08 concert season:
June 15-19, 2008: Te Deum (2008) for 2-part choir and organ; commissioned by the Association of Anglican Musicians for their 2008 National Convention, Houston, Texas
June 1, 2008: When the Perfect Comes (2007) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned by Peter J. Gomes in celebration of the fortieth anniversary of his ordination to the ministry, 1968-2008; choirs of The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and First Baptist Church, Plymouth, Massachusetts
May 19, 2008: consortium premiere: Enchanted Tracings (Piano Concerto No. 2) (2008) for solo piano and wind ensemble; Nora Skuta, piano, Slovak Radio Symphony, Kirk Trevor, conductor; Bratislava, Slovakia
May 18, 2008: Ode (2005) for contrabass; commissioned by P. Kellach Waddle; Austin, Texas
May 17, 2008: Winter Sonatina (2007) for piano; Marvin Rosen; Princeton Junction, New Jersey
April 19, 2008: consortium premiere: Lyric Trio for Trumpet, Cello, and Piano (2007); Colby Cooman, trumpet, Aaron Kaplan, cello, Casey Robards, piano; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
April 10, 2008: Virelai (2008) for solo violin and Estampie (2008) for two violins, Piotr Szewczyk and members of the Jacksonville Symphony; Music @ Main, Jacksonville, Florida
April 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, and 17, 2008: Mountain Toccata (2008) for piano; Jeffrey Grossman; tour of North Carolina with the Piatigorsky Foundation
March 9, 2008: Gold into Diamonds (2007) for soprano and piano; Amanda Forsythe, soprano and Linda Osborn-Blaschke, piano; Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, New York, New York
March 5, 2008: visiting composer presentation at the Hartt School, University of Hartford, Connecticut
February 28, March 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11 and 14, 2008: Pittsburgh Rhapsody (2008) for brass band; commissioned by the River City Brass Band (Denis Colwell, music director) as part of the “Pittsburgh 250” project in celebration of the 250th anniversary of the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
February 14, 2008: Erie Water – Mule Tales of the Empire State’s Glorious Canal (2008) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
February 9, 2008: New Dawn (2008) for piano; John Norman Holtman; memorial service for John Monroe Holtman, Southern Pines, North Carolina
February 8, 2008: Schumann Serenade (2007) for string trio; Rosetta Trio, Cambridge, Massachusetts
January 27, 2008: In the Midst of Wild Being (2007) for SATB chorus, horn, and harp; commissioned byKing’s Chapel and Choral Arts New England, Boston, Massachusetts
December 16 and 17, 2007: Toccata-Fantasy on a Medieval Welsh Carol (2007) for organ; Edward Elwyn Jones, organ; The 98th Annual Christmas Carol Services, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 28, 2007: consortium premiere: Lyric Trio for Trumpet, Cello, and Piano (2007); The Orenunn Trio, Minot State University, Minot, North Dakota
November 14 & 18, 2007: Wild Sunrises (2002) for organ; Harry Lyn Huff, Adolphus Busch Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 14, 2007: Mountains Like These (2007) for solo vibraphone; commissioned by Mike Perdue, Marietta, Georgia
November 11, 2007: The Litany of Light (2007) for SATB choir, soprano and baritone solos, brass quintet, timpani, and organ; commissioned for the 75th anniversary of The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 26, 2007: Fanfare for DGF (2007) for band; commissioned for the inauguration of Drew Gilpin Faust as the 28th president of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 26, 2007: River Song: Remembering Dennis Abelson (2007) for horn; Elizabeth Ann Abelson, horn; Suncrest Methodist Church, Morgantown, West Virginia
October 16, 2007: If Ye Love Me (2007) for SA voices and drone; Choral Fellows of Harvard University, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 13, 2007: Springburst (2007) for piano trio; Trio Tulsa, commissioned for “Gwyneth Walker: A Celebration of the Music Makers”, Chandler Hall, Randolph, Vermont
Premieres in 2006–07 concert season:
August 2, 2008: Brass Quintet (2007); commissioned by the Aspen Music Festival, Castle Creek Brass Quintet, Aspen, Colorado
July 29, 2007: Toccata: Homage to Buxtehude (2007) for organ; commissioned by Joan DeVee Dixon, Recital Tour, Sunday School Concert Series, Governor’s Mansion at Montauk, Clermont, Iowa
July 15-17, 2007: release and presentation of At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman, an anthology of Cooman’s original hymn tunes with texts of various authors, National Conference of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
June 24, 2007: Toccata: Homage to Buxtehude (2007) for organ; commissioned by Joan DeVee Dixon, Recital Tour, Parish Church of St. Michael, Framlingham, Suffolk, England
June 20, 2007: Toccata: Homage to Buxtehude (2007) for organ; commissioned by Joan DeVee Dixon, Recital Tour, International Organ Festival, St. Augistin, Brno, Czech Republic
June 13, 2007: Toccata: Homage to Buxtehude (2007) for organ; commissioned by Joan DeVee Dixon, Recital Tour, International Organ Festival, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Litomerice, Czech Republic
June 9, 2007: Toccata: Homage to Buxtehude (2007) for organ; commissioned by Joan DeVee Dixon, Recital Tour, St. Wenceslaus Church, Spillville, Iowa
June 7, 2007: The Doors in the Sky (2007) for violin; commissioned by Piotr Szewczyk; Spoleto Festival USA, “Music in Time”, Charleston, South Carolina
May 24, 2007: Remembering Tomorrow: Trombone Concerto (2004); Robert Kozánek, trombone, Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor, Bratislava, Slovakia
May 13, 2007: Autumn Sun Canticle (2006) for trumpet and orchestra, Colby Cooman, trumpet, Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra, Nancy Strelau, conductor, Rochester, New York
April 12, 2007: Sonata for Tuba and Piano (2007); commissioned by Mark Nelson for the Southwest Regional Tuba & Euphonium Conference, Tucson, Arizona
April 5, 2007: Folk Fantasies (2005) for solo euphonium, string quartet, and percussion; commissioned by Matthew Murchison, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
March 25, 2007: Aux Tuileries (2006) for voice and piano; Kristina Zmailaité, soprano and Mary Dibbern, piano, Sing for Hope, Paris, France
February 15, 2007: The Laidley Wyrm (2007) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
February 12, 2007: The Doors in the Sky (2007) for violin; commissioned by Piotr Szewczyk; New World Symphony Forum, Charleston, South Carolina
January 18, 2007 – March 29, 2007: performances of choral works New World Carols (2003), Builders for Christ (2004), In the Beginning Was the Word (1999, rev. 2001), God, You Move Among Us (2005), O Bone Jesu (2003), Faith, Hope, Love (2004), The Lamp of Charity (2004), A Cosmic Prayer (2002), Prayer of Julian of Norwich (2003), O Perfect Life of Love (2002), Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, “St. Peter’s Cambridge” (2002), The Way, the Truth, The Life (2002) by the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London, Rupert Gough, director, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, England (in preparation for recording of Cooman sacred choral music)
December 2, 2006: Concerto for Portatif Organ and Strings (2006); Nancy Granert, organ; commissioned by the Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra, Robert Mealy, director, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 14, 2006: Polpis Dreaming (2005) for contrabassoon and piano; Bruce Gbur, contrabassoon and William Wingfield, piano, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
October 29, 2006: Flute Concerto (2006);commissioned by Judith von Hopf, flute and the Kiev Philharmonic, Kiev, Ukraine
September 24, 2006: Orbiting Paradise (2005) for soprano, trumpet, and piano; Halcyon Trio Oregon (Jackie Van Paepeghem, soprano, Joan Paddock, trumpet, and Debra Huddleston, piano), Newberg, Oregon
Premieres in 2005–06 concert season:
July 30, 2006: The Kingdom of Justice (2006) cantata for SATB choir, soprano and baritone soloists, trumpet, and organ; commissioned by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, San Jose, California
July 22, 2006: I Have Seen the Lord: a Mary Magdalene Sequence (2006) for SATB choir, alto saxophone, and organ; commissioned by the Episcopal Diocese of California for the installation of the Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus as the eighth Bishop of California, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, California; premiered with liturgical dance choreographed by Carla DeSola
June 24, 2006: Shining Space: Quintet for Horn and Strings (2006), James Sommerville, horn and members of the Arcturus Chamber Ensemble, in celebration of the wedding of Hazel Dean Davis and Stephen Hackbarth, Somerville, Massachusetts
May 13, 2006: Just Now (2006) for SATB chorus and orchestra; commissionedfor the 25th anniversary of Albany Pro Musica, David Griggs-Janower, conductor, Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Albany, New York
April 27-29 & May 1-6, 2006: Music for “As You Like It” (2006); incidental music and sung chorus and solo sections for Shakespeare’s As You Like It, directed by Di Trevis, Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
April 16, 2006: joint premieres: Psalm 66 (Be Joyful in God) (2005) for SATB choir and organ, Choir of Battell Chapel, Yale University, Holland J. Jancaitis, director, New Haven, Connecticut and Christ Episcopal Church, Matthew F. Burt, director, Alameda, California
April 11, 2006: Dream-Tombeau: Crucifixus (2003) for piano; on Musical Mosaic: Meditative Music for the Easter Season, Gordon Rumson, piano, Calgary, Alberta
April 2, 2006: Giant Colored Bird III (2005-06) for horn octet; commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon Horn Choir, Dennis Abelson, director, Castle Shannon, Pennsylvania
March 31, 2006: God, You Move Among Us (2005) for SATB choir and organ; Choir of Marquand Chapel, Yale Divinity School, Marisa Green, conductor, New Haven, Connecticut
March 1, 2006: Pittsburgh Concerto (2005) for orchestra; Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic, Efraín Amaya, conductor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
February 27, 2006: Succor (2005) for voice and piano and Keep Me (2005) for voice and piano; Jean Danton, soprano and Leonardo Ciampa, piano, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts
February 23, 2006: Symphony No. 3, “Ave Maris Stella” (2005) for chamber orchestra;commissioned by the Duquesne Contemporary Ensemble, David Stock, director, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
February 15, 2006: Number Pirates (2006) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
February 11, 2006: Concerto for Bass Trombone and Six Players (2006); commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Music; Jim Siders, bass trombone, Carnegie Mellon Contemporary Ensemble, Walter Morales, director, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
January 27, 2006: Piano Concerto (2005) for solo piano and strings; commissioned by Symphonic Underground, Joseph Platt, piano, Michael Kennedy, conductor, Indianapolis, Indiana
January 14, 2006: Celestial Meditations (2000, rev. 2005) for organ, brass choir, and timpani; Robert W. Lehman and the River City Brass Band, Denis Colwell, music director, Christ Church Episcopal Organ Dedication Series, New Haven, Connecticut
January 7-8, 2006: Composer-in-residence for Rochester Area Suzuki Piano Teachers’ Association Music Festival; workshops on composition and improvisation; performances of Cooman chamber works; world premiere of Spring Songs (2005) for trumpet and piano.
December 4, 2005: Dances of the Holy Fool: Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano (2002); Paul Wehage, alto saxophone and Moruyu Maeda, piano; “Musique d’hier et d’aujord’hui” Series, Lagny-sur-Marne, France
November 19, 2005: Autumn Sun Canticle (2005) for trumpet and piano; Colby Cooman, trumpet and Carson Cooman, piano; commissioned by The Commission Project in memory of Bob Stata; Nazareth College, Rochester, New York
November 3, 2005: West coast premiere of Sonata for Flute and Piano (2005); Laurel Ann Maurer, flute; Contemporary Music Consortium, Salt Lake City, Utah
October 27-29, 2005: Featured guest composer at Bowling Green State University 26th Annual New Music & Art Festival; includes performance of Horn Trio (2004) for horn, violin, and piano.
October 6-8 & 11-16, 2005: Music for Lysistrata (2005); incidental music and sung chorus and solo sections for Aristophanes’s Lysistrata (translation by Douglass Parker), directed by Jed Allan Harris, Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
September 27, 2005: Sonata for Flute and Piano (2005), Brook Ferguson and Vahan Sargsyan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
September 22, 2005: Sankaty Dreaming (String Quartet No. 4) (2002), premiere of final version; Cuarteto Latinoamericano, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
September 20, 2005: Carson Cooman Composer Profile Concert; Donna Amato, piano, Jordan Winkler, trumpet, and Barney Culver, cello; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; program: world premieres of Sun Tracing (2005) for trumpet and piano and Fourth Piano Sonata (2005), and performances of Seascape Passion: Midday Brightness (Third Piano Sonata) (2002), Postcard Partita (2002) for piano, Enchanted Gardens (2002) for cello and piano, Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (2004)
Premieres in 2004–05 concert season:
July 2, 2005: Frequent Flyer (2005) for alto saxophone, marimba, and piano; Fireworks, Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium, Eugene, Oregon
June 28, 2005: American premiere of In the Light (2004) for piano and organ; Duo Majoya; American Guild of Organists Regional Convention, Billings, Montana
May 31, 2005: Three Intermezzi (2005) for trumpet and piano; Chris Gekker, trumpet and Ted Guerrant, piano; Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C.
May 24, 2005: Welcome Wind (2005) for SAB choir and piano; commissioned for the Winchester Thurston Upper School Chorus, Jason Iannuzzi, conductor; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
May 22 and 25, 2005: Downpour (2005) for SATB chorus and string quartet;commissioned by Madrigalia, Roger Wilhelm, conductor with Quartsemble, Rochester and Brockport, New York
May 13, 2005: Rossini in the Kitchen (2005) a comic monodrama in one act for tenor and piano; commissioned by Frank Napolitano; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 7, 2005: Road of Light (2005) for saxophone quartet; commissioned by the Harvard Saxophone Quartet; Harvard Arts First Festival, Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 2, 2005: Dawn Rituals (2005) for flute quartet; commissioned by LAGO; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
April 20, 2005: Two Fragments (2004) for guitar quartet and Dionis Dreaming (2004) for two guitars; by the Ferla-Marcinizyn Duo, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
April 17, 2005: Canzona (2004) for horn sextet; commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon Horn Choir, Dennis Abelson, director, Castle Shannon, Pennsylvania
April 5, 2005: Featured composer recital with music of Carson Cooman and Nancy Galbraith: Angela Occhionero, clarinet and Donna Amato, piano; repertoire includes Seascape Passion: Midday Brightness (Third Piano Sonata) (2003), Dream Etudes, Book II (2001) for piano, and Lyric Pieces (2004) for clarinet and piano, Swope Recital Hall, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
April 5, 2005: Cerulean: Double Percussion Concerto (2005) for two solo percussionists and ensemble; commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Music, Cory Cousins and Mike Perdue (soloists), Contemporary Ensemble, Walter Morales, director, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
April 2, 2005: Symphony of Light (first performance of the entire work; 2003) for string orchestra; Equinox Symphony Orchestra, Paul Stuart, conductor, Rochester, New York
March 25-27, 2005: Composer residency at Christ Episcopal Church, Alameda, California; world premieres of Meditation and Rejoicing (2005) for organ, brass quintet, and opt. timpani, Easter Triumph! Easter Joy! (2004) for SATB choir and organ, An Easter Processional (2005) for handbell ensemble, and a performance of Thieves (2004) chamber opera in one act
March 19, 2005: Lyric Pieces (2004) for clarinet and piano; Angela Occhionero and Donna Amato; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
March 1, 2005: Waiting for October (2004) for flute and guitar; by the Heim Duo, Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, University of South Alabama
February 16, 2005: The Oncies (2004) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School, Rochester, New York
December 5, 2004 (2 performances): Adam Lay Ybounden (2004) for SATB choir and organ; University Choir, Lessons & Carols, Robert Delcamp, conductor, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee
November 25, 2004: Sonata for Violin and Organ (2004); commissioned by Harrison Nelson for the Gough Duo; St. John’s, Smith Square, London
November 22, 2004: Too Upset for Words (2003) for alto saxophone, guitar, and piano; commissioned by the Lakehead University New Music Ensemble, Thunder Bay, Canada
November 19, 2004: Horn Trio (2004) for violin, horn and piano; Composers Concordance, New York City, New York
November 19, 2004: Silver Incantation (2003) for solo bassoon; Bradley Balliett, bassoon, hrCME, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 13, 2004: Dawn Game (2004) for wind ensemble; Carnegie Mellon Wind Ensemble, Denis Colwell, conductor, Carnegie Music Hall, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
October 13, 2004: Two Preludes (2004) for carillon or chimes; David Schaap, organist, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
September 18, 2004: Sonata No. 2 for Violin and Piano (2004); Festival “Contrasts”, L’viv, Ukraine, Ostap Shutko, violin (concert will also contain a performance of Enchanted Gardens (2001) for cello and piano)
Premieres in 2003–04 concert season:
July 19-25, 2004: Let Praise of God Begin (2004) for SATB choir, youth choirs, and organ; commissioned for the 10th anniversary of the Royal School of Church Music in America King’s College Course, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Murray and Hazel Somerville, directors
May 20, 2004: Missa Brevis (“Trottier”) (2004) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned by St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Matthew Burt, director
May 16, 2004: Spectrum (2003-04) concerto-cantata for oboe, chorus, and chamber orchestra; Harvard University, Marisa Green, conductor
May 13, 2004: In the Light (2004) for piano and organ; Duo Majoya; Winspear, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
May 7, 2004: Exsultet (2004) for piano and stereo tape; Anthony Cheung, piano
May 1, 2004: Desiring the Solicitude of Rain (2003-04) for tenor and chamber orchestra; John McMunn, tenor, Bach Society Orchestra, Alex Misono, conductor
April 24, 2004: Foresight Spinning: Meditations for Contrabass and Ensemble (2004); Douglas Balliett, contrabass, Callithumpian Consort, Stephen Drury, conductor
April 8, 2004: Trio: in memoriam Dirk Flentrop (2004) for organ; Carson Cooman, organ
April 5, 2004: Thieves (2004) chamber opera in one act; St. James Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Louisiana
March 19, 2004: Tombeau-Aria (2003) for string quartet; commissioned for the Music Premieres of the Season Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine; also performances of Sankaty Dreaming (String Quartet No. 4) (2002) for string quartet, Canalscape: Soliloquy for String Quartet (2003), Enchanted Gardens (2001) for cello and piano, Paradoxes: Sonata for Cello and Piano (1998) and Summer Song (2003) for solo cello
March 2, 2004: Threads: Concerto for Orchestra (2003) and Canalscape: Soliloquy for String Quartet (2003); commissioned by Fairport High School, Kenneth Brown, director
February 19, 2004: US premiere of August Latitudes (2002) for violin, guitar and piano; commissioned by the Strung Out Trio; Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 11, 2004: Remember? (2003) musical for children; commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
January 11, 2004: Beyond All Knowing (2003) for chamber orchestra; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor
January 2-3, 2004: Presentations and lectures at RASPTA Piano Festival, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York
December 14 and 15, 2003: New World Carols: An American Christmas Triptych (2003) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned for the Harvard University Carol Services, Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, director
December 6, 2003: Reclimbing Mayflower Hill (2003) for trumpet and tape; Chrix Finne, trumpet
November 16, 2003: Silver Lagoons: Trumpet Concerto (2001); Knox-Galesburg Symphony, Bruce Briney, trumpet, Bruce Polay, conductor
(also composer presentations at Knox College and Galesburg, Illinois community)
November 9, 2003: Dionis Dreaming (2002) for mandolin and guitar; commissioned by Duo Ahlert and Schwab
November 5, 2003: Biblicals: Concerto for Solo Piano (1998) for piano; Kathleen Supové, piano; The Cutting Room (New York, New York)
September 28, 2003: Aquarius Chaconnes (2002) for viola and organ; Marisa Green, viola, Carson Cooman, organ
September 7, 2003: Builders for Christ (2003) for SATB choir and organ; commissioned by St. George’s Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee, Murray Forbes Somerville, director
Premieres in 2002–03 concert season:
May 22, 2003: The Lamp of Charity (2003) for SATB choir unaccompanied; commissioned by the Harvard University Choir, Murray Forbes Somerville, director
May 3, 2003: Sonata for English Horn and Piano (2003), Why Does the Bee Fly Into the Little Iron Pagoda in the Garden? (2002) for soprano, English horn, and piano, and Star Canticle: Vision Vibrant (2003) for oboe, clarinet, and piano; Toni Marie Marchioni, oboe/English horn, Alexander Brasch, clarinet, Zoe VanderWolk, soprano, and Carson Cooman and Paul Kwak, piano; ARTS First
May 1, 2003: At the Setting of the Sun (2001) for SATB choir unaccompanied; commissioned by the Harvard University Choir, Murray Forbes Somerville, director
April 27, 2003: Enchanted Pathways: Concerto for Horn and Ensemble (2002); Hazel Dean Davis, horn and the Harvard Group for New Music; commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
April 16, 2003: A Cosmic Prayer (2002) for SATB choir unaccompanied; Harvard University Choir, Murray Forbes Somerville, director
April 3-6, 2003: Dr. Magic (2003) opera in one act; commissioned by hrCME and the Leverett House Arts Society
March 27, 2003: Tundra Canticle (2003) for bassoon and contrabass; Bradley Balliett, bassoon and Douglas Balliett, contrabass
March 23, 2003: Alive! (2002) for organ; commissioned for Webster Presbyterian Church on the occasion of its new organ dedication; Peter DuBois, organ
March 23, 2003: All Things Came to Be (2002) for spacial handbells and organ; commissioned for Webster Presbyterian Church on the occasion of its new organ dedication; Handbell Ensemble and Sandra Gay, organ
March 16, 2003: A Lenten Collect (2003) for two organs; Jung-A Lee and Robert Jan August, organs
February 6, 2003: Star Tenders (2002) musical for children; Allendale Columbia School
January 9, 2003: Showings of Divine Love (2002) dramatic sacred tableaux for viola and organ; Marisa Green, viola and Carson Cooman, organ
December 8, 2002: Bernini’s Angels (2002) for two pianos; Richard Benefield and Carson Cooman, pianos; commissioned for the Harvard University Art Museums
November 15, 2002: Concertino for Three (2001) for flute, oboe, and bassoon; Penfield Symphony Trio
October 22, 2002; Plainsong Variations (1999) for solo cello; Craig Hultgren, cello
October 10, 2002; Polpis Dreaming (2002) for contrabass saxophone and piano; commissioned by Jay C. Easton, contrabass saxophone
September 11, 2002: Canticle: Mosaic in Remembrance and Hope (2002) for SATB choir and flute; Choral forces of Harvard University; commissioned by Harvard University United Ministry