Opus 1557

Rhapsody on “Sine nomine” (2024)

for Organ

Duration: 6.5 min.

Dedication: In gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the project and in memory of Michael Eckerle, who played the inauguration concert on February 23, 2014, five days before his far too early death

Commission: Commissioned by the Pauluskirche Ulm Organ Promotion Association on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the organ renovation by organ builder Thomas Gaida and his staff

Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp.

Performance materials available from the publisher.

In Auftrag gegeben vom Orgelförderverein Pauluskirche Ulm e.V. anlässlich des zehnjährigen Jubiläums der Orgelrenovierung durch Orgelbauer Thomas Gaida und seine Mitarbeiter

In Dankbarkeit allen, die zum Gelingen des Projekts beigetragen haben, und im Gedenken an Michael Eckerle, der das Einweihungskonzert am 23. Februar 2014 spielte, fünf Tage vor seinem viel zu frühen Tod

Commissioned by the Pauluskirche Ulm Organ Promotion Association on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the organ renovation by organ builder Thomas Gaida and his staff

In gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the project and in memory of Michael Eckerle, who played the inauguration concert on February 23, 2014, five days before his far too early death

Premiere: July 14, 2024; Pauluskirche (St. Paul Church), Ulm, Germany
Philip Hartmann, organ (Organist, Pauluskirche, 1991–2024)