Opus 657
God, You Move Among Us (2005)
for SATB Chorus and Organ
Text by Thomas H. Troeger
Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor
Duration: 2.5 min.
Dedication: for Marisa Green and the choir of Marquand Chapel, Yale Divinity School

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc.
Performance materials available from the publisher.
God, you move among us with grace,
with the lift and the sweep
of the wind of the Spirit.
But we often refuse to move with you.
We stiffen our backs
and tighten our souls
and lower our eyes
and mumble that we cannot dance.
Send us the truth that will set us free,
free to bend with your Spirit,
free to follow your beat,
free to give ourselves entirely to you,
free to love and to live
with the grace
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thomas H. Troeger (1945–2022)
© 1994 Oxford University Press (from Borrowed Light)