Opus 1170
Two Fantasias (2016)
for Organ
- Fantasia solenne
- Fantasia pro organo pleno
Carson Cooman, organ
Erik Simmons, organ
Duration: 12 min.
Dedication: for Raimund Schächer

Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp.
Performance materials available from the publisher.
Two Fantasias (2016) are contrasting pieces that develop some of the same musical material in different guises. They are dedicated to Raimund Schächer. “Fantasia solenne” explores an atmosphere throughout that is bittersweet: warm and sad. “Fantasia pro organo pleno” is majestic and energetic music for the organ’s full chorus.
(These pieces may be performed effectively on nearly any organ, from a large romantic cathedral-style instrument with many stops (and a rich 16′ chorus) to a small single-manual organ with only a few stops. The pedal part requires a range of only 13 notes (C–C) and thus the music can be played on instruments with only a bottom octave of pedals. These fantasias may be also played on organs tuned in unequal temperaments.)