Opus 1184
Toccata, Aria, and Finale (2017)
for Organ
- Toccata
- Aria
- Finale
Erik Simmons, organ
Duration: 12 min.
Dedication: in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie for St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Roanoke, Virginia
Commission: Commissioned in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie for St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Roanoke, Virginia

Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp.
Performance materials available from the publisher.
Toccata, Aria, and Finale (2017) was commissioned in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie for the ongoing dedication events and recitals for the “Jennie Laurie Memorial Organ” at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Roanoke, Virginia.
The three parts of the piece combine to form a whole, in which two very extroverted outer parts surround the quieter aria.
Note: The three parts of this piece may be performed individually for church service voluntary purposes. However, this work is really intended to be performed as a totality, especially when played in concert.