Any hymns which are published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc., Selah Publishing Co., Inc., or Hope Publishing Company can be easily licensed for worship services through the OneLicense, CCLI, and LicenSing programs. Licenses for other specific uses may be promptly obtained from the publishers.

Published Collections of Hymns

Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman
music by Carson Cooman, texts by John Core, Richard Leach, Mary Louise Bringle, Calvin Seerveld, Mary Bittner, Fred Pratt Green, and others
Published by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman
music by Carson Cooman, texts by John Core, Calvin Seerveld, Daniel B. Merrick, Gracia Grindal, and James Hart Brumm
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.

“Pray Then Like This” (a cycle of hymns on the Lord’s Prayer)
texts by Richard Leach, music by Carson Cooman
Published by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Liturgical Works

Op. 302Quidnet (2001) Hymn Tune (77 77 4)

“Now the Solemn Feast Is Done”, Calvin Seerveld

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 416Rasima (2002) Hymn Tune (335 335 335)

“Holy God, Mighty One”, Rae E. Whitney

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Fear Not, Little Flock, Vol. I: Hymns of Rae. E Whitney"

Op. 372Raylight (2002) Hymn Tune (888 6)

“At Dawn of Grace”, John Core

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 414Rhinecliff (2002) Hymn Tune (7676)

“Come, Greet the Morning Sunshine”, Calvin Seerveld

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 479Ribenial (2002) Hymn Tune (88886)

“In Eden, God, You Gave Us Work”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 772Rite I Eucharist (2008) for Congregation and Keyboard2 min.
  • Sanctus
  • Agnus Dei

Dedication: for Matthew Burt

Op. 716Rosner (2007) Hymn Tune (76 76 D)

“What Stirred Death’s Still, Deep Ocean”, John Core

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 353Saimar (2001) Hymn Tune (8686 44445)

“We Praise the Saints Who Have No Stone”, John Core

Dedication: for John Core

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 288Sankaty (2001) Hymn Tune (77 77)

“Lord, My Heart Is Humbled Now”, Calvin Seerveld

Dedication: for Cindy Holtrop

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 820Saro (2009) Hymn Tune (harmonization/

“The Lesson of the Olive Tree”, Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 376Sealegs (2002) Hymn Tune (76 76 D)

“A Transient, Chosen People”, John Core

Dedication: for Carlton Young

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 425Searching Hands (2002) Hymn Tune (CM)

“God, Give Me Grace These Days of Lent”, Daniel B. Merrick

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 432Seilou (2002) Hymn Tune (7575 7775)

“In the Mystic Banquet Hall”, Mary Louise Bringle

Dedication: for Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 428Sesachacha (2002) Hymn Tune (7576 with refrain)

“Here Is Jesus with a Crowd”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 448Sesapana (2002) Hymn Tune (87 87)

“Trinity”, Gracia Grindal

Dedication: for Elizabeth K. and Emmett Bringle

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 329Shawkemo (2001) Hymn Tune (8884)

“The Hand That Closes”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Sandra Gay

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Pray Then Like This"

Op. 277Siasconset (2001) Hymn Tune (CM)

“Young Woman, Look Up”, John Core

Dedication: for Dan Gawthrop

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 734Slick Steward (2007) Hymn Tune (LM)

“Too Proud to Beg, Too Weak to Dig”, John Core

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 351Smith Point (2001) Hymn Tune (9 11 7)

“Holy, Holy God” [a seasonal Sanctus], Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 1498Soden (2022) Hymn Tune (6686 6686)

Download PDF

Dedication: in memoriam Thomas H. Troeger (1945–2022)

Publisher: free download

Op. 717Speckled Wren (2007) Hymn Tune (44 64)

“Clap Hands, All Lands”, John Core

Dedication: for Kent Montgomery French

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 431Squam (2002) Hymn Tune (76 76 D)

“Wisdom’s Warning Word is Harsh”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 564St. Maur (2004) Hymn Tune (10 6 10 6)

“I Can No Longer Celebrate Myself”, John Core

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 272Starfields (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87 D)

“Angel, Bursting Out Through Starfields”, John Core

Dedication: for David Ashley White

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 344Steps Beach (2001) Hymn Tune (86448 10 7 10 6)

Text by Richard Leach

Dedication: “Any Kingdom We Have”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Pray Then Like This"

Op. 309Stone Ripples (2001) Hymn Tune (13 7 11 8 with refrain)

“Jesus, You Are a Stone”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Bill, Donna, and Sonja Gassett

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 766Storrow Drive (2008) Hymn Tune (87 87 87 with refrain)

“Once You Called the Stars to Being”, John Core

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 954Sulak (2012) Hymn Tune (11 10 11 10)

“This Has Been Home Through Every Generation”, John Core

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 337Sunset Hill (2001) Hymn Tune (9446)

“May I Love You, Lord”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "We Sing the Shoreline: Hymns of Richard Leach"

Op. 333Surfside (2001) Hymn Tune (98 98)

“This Is the First of Songs”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 713Talea Rutila (2007) Hymn Tune (11 10 11 10)

“Saint Luke’s Work”, John Core

Dedication: for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 450Tawpoot (2002) Hymn Tune (10 6 13 6 8 10 5)

“When You Take the Plow”, Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 430Tom Nevers (2002) Hymn Tune (6666 88)

“If I Spoke Every Tongue”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "We Sing the Shoreline: Hymns of Richard Leach"

Op. 417Trots Hill (2002) Hymn Tune (10 10 10 10)

“O Why Did Jesus Have to Come to Earth”, Gracia Grindal

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 368Tuckernuck (2002) Hymn Tune (87 87)

“Christ Has Come, Is Here Among Us”, Daniel B. Merrick

Dedication: for Andrew Pratt

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 730Unfailing Love (2007) Hymn Tune (86 86 86)

“We Sing of an Unfailing Love”, John Core

Dedication: for Frederick Frahm

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 421Varinna (2002) Hymn Tune (744 D)

“Follow Me”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 454Wannacomet (2002) Hymn Tune (55 7 44 3)

“Come with Rejoicing”, Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 887Wardman Park (2010) Hymn Tune (14 14 14 15)

“From Glory to Glory Advancing”, Liturgy of St. James, trans. Humphreys

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 350Warren Landing (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87)

“In the Dark Before the Dawning”, Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 415Warrington (2002) Hymn Tune (CM)

“Cast Out, O Christ, Cast Far Away”, Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 313Wauwinet (2001) Hymn Tune (CMD)

“What Happened to the God We Knew”, John Core

Dedication: for Rev. Peter J. Gomes

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 375Wave Glistens (2002) Hymn Tune (11 9 11 9)

“The Laser-like Stream of Enchantment and Joy”, Andrew Pratt

Dedication: for Peggy Krewson

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 506West Chester Street (2003) Hymn Tune (LM)

“In Christ We Live”, Brian Wren

Publisher: Hope Publishing Company

Op. 469Whaling Museum (2002) Hymn Tune (7777)

“When the Angels Sweep Their Net”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 468Wheat and Weeds (2002) Hymn Tune (3333)

“Wheat and Weeds”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 295Winthrop House (2001) Hymn Tune (CM with refrain)

“The Seed That Dies Can Multiply”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Judy Updike

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 292Wisdom’s Dance (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87 D)

“All Creation Danced in Answer”, John Core

Dedication: for John and Shirley Holtman

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 728Wood Bearer (2007) Hymn Tune (SM)

“Like Isaac Bearing Wood”, John Core

Dedication: for Christine Whiteside

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 287Wordless Light (2001) Hymn Tune (84 84 85 54)

“The Sun Was Silent”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Al Fedak

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"