Any hymns which are published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc., Selah Publishing Co., Inc., or Hope Publishing Company can be easily licensed for worship services through the OneLicense, CCLI, and LicenSing programs. Licenses for other specific uses may be promptly obtained from the publishers.

Published Collections of Hymns

Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman
music by Carson Cooman, texts by John Core, Richard Leach, Mary Louise Bringle, Calvin Seerveld, Mary Bittner, Fred Pratt Green, and others
Published by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman
music by Carson Cooman, texts by John Core, Calvin Seerveld, Daniel B. Merrick, Gracia Grindal, and James Hart Brumm
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.

“Pray Then Like This” (a cycle of hymns on the Lord’s Prayer)
texts by Richard Leach, music by Carson Cooman
Published by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Liturgical Works

Op. 341Great Point (2001) Hymn Tune (749 749)

“Let It Be As We Have Prayed”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Pray Then Like This"

Op. 840Guthrie (2009) Hymn Tune (55 54 D)

“God Bless and Hold You”, John Core

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 727Heart Searcher (2007) Hymn Tune (5885 5875)

“You Have Searched My Heart”, John Core

Dedication: for Nancy Granert

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 383Heaven Sign (2002) Hymn Tune (87 85)

“Ask a Sign as High as Heaven”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "We Sing the Shoreline: Hymns of Richard Leach"

Op. 437Hildegard’s Force (2002) Hymn Tune (5454 with refrain)

“God Grant Us Greening”, Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 377Hindley Hollow (2002) Hymn Tune (LM)

“O Seek the Lord, Who May Be Found”, Daniel B. Merrick

Dedication: for Dale Ramsey

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 332Hoicks Hollow (2001) Hymn Tune (85 77 87 with refrain)

“Sing a Proverb, Solve a Riddle”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 316Hummock Pond (2001) Hymn Tune (9 6 10 12)

“When Our Daily Fare”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Ruth Lomon

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Pray Then Like This"

Op. 291Hurting Folk (2001) Hymn Tune (LM)

“The Forty Days Are Long, O Lord”, Calvin Seerveld

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 511Hyannis (2003) Hymn Tune (566 D)

“If We Drank Your Love”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 1231Hymns for Epistles, Series B (2017) Hymn Tunes

Texts by Gracia Grindal

  • We Wait Behind the Veil for Light to Dawn (GRAYS; 10 4 7 D)
  • Let the Spirit Flow (HOLWORTHY; 5656)
  • Good News to You All This Christmas Morn (APLEY; 5656)
  • When the Father of All Light Has Spoken (CANADAY; 10 7 10 7)
  • Christ, Our Morning Star (GREENOUGH; 555555)
  • The Light Shines Through the Darkness (HOLLIS; 7676)
  • We Shall See Him As He Is (STOUGHTON; 77774)
  • To Speak of What We Cannot See (HURLBUT; 8684)
  • Now Is the Day of Salvation! (LIONEL; 8787; 4-part canon)
  • You Walked the Paths of Galilee (MOWER; CM)
  • The Holiness of God (MATTHEWS; 6644866)
  • The Stars That Wheel and Shine Above (PENNYPACKER; 88 88 66)
  • With Sun and Rain the Seed Appears (STRAUS; LM)
  • Behold the Man of Sorrows (THAYER; 7676)
  • Once I Was Baptized (WELD; 55555)

Commission: Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "A Treasury of Faith, Epistles, Series B"

Op. 380Images Four (2002) Hymn Tune (SMD)

“Christ is the Shepherd Strong”, Brian Wren

Dedication: for Kevin and Nancy Cooman

Publisher: Hope Publishing Company in "Christ Our Hope: Hymns of Brian Wren"

Op. 444Jackson Point (2002) Hymn Tune (7978 with refrain)

“Leap with Gladness”, Mary Louise Bringle

Dedication: for Sally Ann Morris

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 1059Lenti (2014) Hymn Tune (SMD)

“All Shall at Last Appear”, Timothy Dudley-Smith

Commission: Commissioned by the Eastman School of Music Department of Organ, Sacred Music, and Historical Keyboards with support from the George W. Utech Congregational Hymnody Fund

Op. 367Lives United (2002) Hymn Tune (65 65)

“Lord God, Bless This Union”, Calvin Seerveld

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 429Long Joseph’s Point (2002) Hymn Tune (5555 D with refrain)

“All My Springs”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 289Lord’s Fields (2001) Hymn Tune (LM)

“Whoever Shelters with the Lord”, Calvin Seerveld

Dedication: for Emily Brink

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 297Loved Creation (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87)

“In the Winter of Our Spirits”, John Core

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 336Lowell Carol (2001) Hymn Tune (77 77 7)

“Kings Are Sleeping”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 536Lowest Highest (2003) Hymn Tune (4443 765)

“Lowest Highest”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Sandy, Christmas 2003

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 280Madaket (2001) Hymn Tune (55 88 55)

“To Our Weakness, Aid”, John Core

Dedication: for Matthew Burt

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 359Masick (2002) Hymn Tune (4646 64)

“Lord God, In Awe We Stand Before Your Face”, Calvin Seerveld

Dedication: for Calvin and Inés Seerveld

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 339Massasoit (2001) Hymn Tune (7686)

“We Will Pray As Jesus Taught”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Pray Then Like This"

Op. 394Memorial Church (2002) Hymn Tune (77 77 D)

“God, Who Did Surprise the Earth”, Daniel B. Merrick

Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor

Dedication: for The Memorial Church, Harvard University

Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church for the New Harvard University Hymn Book, 2002

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 290Miacomet Kyrie (2001) Hymn Tune (88)

“Have Mercy, God”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 422Mikas Pond (2002) Hymn Tune (8787 8687)

“Journey Round the Edge of Promise”, John Core

Dedication: for Rochester Christian Reformed Church on its 125th anniversary (1877-2002)

Commission: Commissioned for Rochester Christian Reformed Church on its 125th anniversary

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 1523Missa aquilae (2023) for Unison Voices (Congregation) and Opt. Organ7 min.

Text from the Ordinary of the Mass (Episcopal Rite II, English)

  • Kyrie
  • Gloria
  • Credo
  • Sanctus
  • Agnus Dei

Dedication: for the Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Op. 294Monomoy (2001) Hymn Tune (8886)

“The Day Begins and Ends with Praise”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Peter Dickinson

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 442Morgan Creek (2002) Hymn Tune (10 8 12 9 10 4)

“Had It Not Been the Lord”, Richard Leach

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 273Morgantown (2001) Hymn Tune (SM)

“How Metrical Is Faith”, John Core

Dedication: for John Core

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 447Myers Rock (2002) Round (337)

“We Sing Praise”, Carson Cooman

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 438Nashaquisset (2002) Hymn Tune (8886)

“Come, Holy Spirit, Come, We Pray”, Daniel B. Merrick

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 352Nelgrib (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87 D)

“Voice of Making, Calling Cosmos, James Hart Brumm

Dedication: for Mary Louise Bringle

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 445Nethwyg (2002) Hymn Tune (7876 7776)

“Sing a New Song to the Lord”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Gwyneth Walker

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 1201New Life Is Born Today! (Ostinato Alleluia) (2017) for Voices (Opt. Congregation) and Keyboard2 min.

Text by Matthew F. Burt

Dedication: for Margot Ren Burt-Chung, on her birthday, March 19, 2017

Op. 282Nobadeer (2001) Hymn Tune (46 65 454)

“Brother Darkness, Sister Silence”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for James Woodman

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 507Old North Vestry (2003) Hymn Tune (999 D with refrain)

“Jesus Christ Is Our Story”, Brian Wren

Publisher: Hope Publishing Company

Op. 439Old South Wharf (2002) Hymn Tune (4485 44565 449)

“In the Garden”, Mary Louise Bringle

Dedication: for Lynn Job

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 370Palm King (2002) Hymn Tune (44 10/9 44)

“King of the Palm”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Marisa Green

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 348Palsrok (2001) Hymn Tune (LM)

“Our Prayer, O God”, Calvin Seerveld

Dedication: for Rochester Christian Reformed Church on the installation of Dr. Russell Palsrok, January 27, 2002

Commission: Commissioned for Rochester Christian Reformed Church

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman"

Op. 508Peter Folger (2003) Hymn Tune (6684 6664)

“All Creation Trembles”, Calvin Seerveld

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 911Peter’s Emmaus (2011) Hymn Tune (LM)

“The Angel at That Easter Dawn”, Peter J. Gomes

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 427Pocomo (2002) Hymn Tune (5576 85)

“In the House of Life”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Marisa Green

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 310Polpis (2001) Hymn Tune (6363 7763)

“May Your Name Be Hallowed”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Richard Wilson

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Pray Then Like This"

Op. 715Portola Valley (2007) Hymn Tune (86 86 888 6)

“As Moses’ Hymn and Miriam’s Psalm”, John Core

Dedication: for Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley, California

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 1139Portola Valley Mass (2016) for Congregation and Organ6 min.

Text from the Ordinary of the Mass (Episcopal Rite II, English)

  • Kyrie
  • Gloria
  • Sanctus
  • Agnus Dei

St. James Singers

Dedication: in celebration of the institution of the Rev. Beth Phillips as Rector, April 16, 2016

Commission: Commissioned by the parish of Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley and Woodside, California

Publisher: St. James Music Press

Op. 1053Preces and Responses (“Prescott”) (2014) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied

Text from the Book of Common Prayer

Dedication: for Prescott Jun Burt-Chung on his birthday, March 10, 2014

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Op. 354Prospect Hill (2002) Hymn Tune (8 10 9 8)

“Sunday Has Come, the First of Days”, Rae E. Whitney

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes by Carson Cooman"

Op. 659Psalm 148 (2005/17) Chant with Refrain3 min.

Text from the Bible: Psalm 148: 1–4, 9–10, 11–13a, 13c–14a

Download PDF

Dedication: for Colby Colby and Laura Theby

Publisher: free download

Op. 327Quase (2001) Hymn Tune (LM)

“A Day Will Come”, Richard Leach

Dedication: for Bruce and Alice Klanderman

Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. in "Pray Then Like This"