Sacred Choral: General
Op. 460 | A Cosmic Prayer (2002) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Howard Georgi Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Murray Forbes Somerville and the Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir, and in memory of William Mathias on the 10th anniversary of his death Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. | ||
Op. 1414 | A Dream of Love (2021) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by W. H. Auden Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for the installation of the Rev. Matthew Ichihashi Potts, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, December 12, 2021 Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1480 | A House of Prayer (2022) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 5 min. |
Text by James Montgomery Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; David von Behren, organ Dedication: Commissioned by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina in celebration of its bicentennial (1822–2022) Commission: Commissioned by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1132 | A Place Where Angels Sing (2015) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Text by John Keble Marsh Chapel Choir and Thurman Choir; Scott Allen Jarrett, conductor Dedication: for Scott Allen Jarrett Commission: Commissioned by Heritage Music Press Publisher: Heritage Music Press | ||
Op. 816 | A Prayer Before Sleep (2009) for SSA Chorus and Flute | 2 min. |
Text by Alexander Carmichael, adp. Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont; Laurel Ann Maurer, flute; Dawn O. Willis, conductor Dedication: for Dawn Willis, the Bella Voce Women’s Chorus of Vermont, and Laurel Ann Maurer Publisher: Santa Barbara Music Publishing | ||
Op. 1512 | A Seraphic Strain (2023) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 1.5 min. |
Text by Phillis Wheatley Harvard Ferris Choral Fellows; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for the inauguration of Claudine Gay as the 30th president of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University | ||
Op. 878 | Ad majorem Dei gloriam (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Traditional text (in Latin) Cambridge Consonance; Jeffrey Grossman, conductor Dedication: for Russell Weismann and the Georgetown University Chapel Choir Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 942 | Alma Redemptoris Mater (2011) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Text attributed to Hermann Contractus (Latin) Matthew Curtis / Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for William Picher and the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, Orlando, Florida Commission: Commissioned by Colby Cooman Publisher: Paraclete Press | ||
Op. 804 | An Angel Song (2009) for SATB Chorus and Cello | 4 min. |
Text by Gwyneth Lewis Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; James Williamson, cello Dedication: for Hilary Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University | ||
Op. 424 | Any Kingdom We Have (2002) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.75 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Dedication: for Richard Leach Commission: Commissioned by Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 1111 | Ave dulcissima Maria (2015) for SSA Voices Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Matthew Curtis/ChoralTracks LLC Dedication: for the sisters of Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey, Wrentham, Massachusetts | ||
Op. 885 | Awake, My Heart (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Isaac Watts and Richard Leach Cambridge Consonance; Jeffrey Grossman, conductor Dedication: for Peter DuBois Publisher: Shorter House in "Sing Evensong" | ||
Op. 586 | Be Present, Holy Trinity (2004) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.75 min. |
Text from an 11th century hymn, trans. John M. Neale Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Martha Sobaje Commission: Commissioned by St. James Music Press Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 819 | Be Ye Wise (2009) for Baritone Solo, SATB Chorus, Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text from the Bible: Matthew 10:16; Proverbs 2:10 William Drukett, baritone; Convivium Singers; Alexander Norman, conductor Dedication: for Jennifer Lester Commission: Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1570 | Beatus (2024) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.75 min. |
Text by Matthew Galbraith Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; David von Behren, organ Dedication: for the 115th Annual Christmas Carol Services of The Memorial Church, Harvard University, December 2024 Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1494 | Beyond (2022) for SATB Chorus and Viola | 4.5 min. |
Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; Sophie Choate, viola Dedication: in memoriam Trevor Llewelyn Jones (1939–2022) Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 875 | Bless the Lord, O My Soul (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.25 min. |
Text from the Bible: Psalm 103:1-2, 8, 11, 17a, 22b Harvard Choral Fellows; Carson Cooman, conductor Dedication: for Marisa and Evan, with congratulations Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1275 | Blessed City, Holy Nation (2018) for Congregation, SATB Chorus, Trumpet, and Organ | 4.5 min. |
Text by John Newton and Edward Osler Dedication: for the Reverend Father Aaron Michael Williams Commission: Commissioned for the ordination of the Reverend Aaron Michael Williams | ||
Op. 498 | Builders for Christ (2003) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.25 min. |
Text adapted by the composer from Matthew 7:24-27 Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Murray Forbes Somerville and the Choir and Parish of St. George’s Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee Commission: Commissioned by St. George’s Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 809 | Call to Remembrance (2009) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text from the Bible: Psalm 25:6-7 King's Chapel Choir; Heinrich Christensen, conductor Dedication: for Heinrich Christensen Commission: Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 452 | Canticle: Mosaic in Remembrance and Hope (2002) for SATB Chorus and Flute | 5 min. |
Text adapted from various religious traditions Harvard Choral Fellows; Murray Forbes Somerville, conductor; Dolores Zdancewicz, flute Dedication: for the one year memorial of the events of September 11, 2001 Commission: Commissioned by Harvard University United Ministry for the one year memorial of the events of September 11, 2001 | ||
Op. 814 | Eternitie (2008) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 3 min. |
Text by Robert Herrick Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for John Harbison on his 70th birthday Commission: Commissioned for the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London Publisher: Musik Fabrik | ||
Op. 985 | Every Generation (2012) for SAB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by John Core Dedication: for The Dover Church in celebration of its 250th anniversary; Michael Kraft, Director of Music Commission: Commissioned by The Dover Church Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 503 | Faith, Hope, Love (2003) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Mark Stanisz and the Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. | ||
Op. 990 | Feast after Feast (2012) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Horatius Bonar Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for Joseph P. Mathews, on his ordination to the priesthood, December 1, 2012 Commission: Commissioned by Matthew F. Burt Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 1129 | Festlicher Lobgesang (2015) for SATB Chorus and Keyboard Instrument | 1.5 min. |
Text of Psalm 136:1 (Lutherbibel; in German) The Composers' Choir, Daniel Shaw, conductor Dedication: für Lothar Graap und den Ökumenischen Chor Schöneiche Publisher: Strube Verlag in "Zwei Lobgesänge" | ||
Op. 1161 | Give All to Love (2016) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text by Ralph Waldo Emerson Huff Memorial Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: in memoriam Harry Lyn Huff (1952–2016) Publisher: The Sacred Music Press | ||
Op. 910 | Give Me (2011) 4-part Canon | 1.5 min. |
Text by Khwaja Abdullah Ansari St. James Singers Dedication: for Karen Armstrong Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 322 | Go Worship at Emmanuel’s Feet (2001) for Unison Chorus (opt. divisi) and Organ | 2 min. |
Text by Isaac Watts and Richard Leach Dedication: for Andrew Paul Holman and the choir of Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church, Cambridge, Mass. Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. (forthcoming) | ||
Op. 657 | God, You Move Among Us (2005) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text by Thomas H. Troeger Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Marisa Green and the choir of Marquand Chapel, Yale Divinity School Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 1226 | Grow in Grace (2017) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 1.25 min. |
Text adapted from the Bible: II Peter 3:18 Harvard Choral Fellows; David von Behren, conductor Dedication: in honor of Michael Kraft, organist and choir director Commission: Commissioned by the Dover Church Choir, Dover, Massachusetts Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 423 | How Far Away is Heaven (2002) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Dedication: for Curt Oliver Commission: Commissioned by Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 937 | How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (2011) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Text from the Bible: Psalm 84:1–2, 4 Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for Stephen Layton Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1103 | I Am Loved As I Love (2015) for 2-part Voices and Drone | 2.5 min. |
Text by Andrew Barrett Dedication: for Joseph Gregorio Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. (forthcoming) | ||
Op. 1481 | I Lift Up My Eyes (2022) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Text from the Bible: Psalm 121 (BCP) Dedication: for Martin R. Sunderland on his retirement from Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia Commission: Commissioned by Holly B. Sunderland | ||
Op. 739 | If Ye Love Me (2007) for SA Voices and Drone | 2 min. |
Text from the Bible: John 14:15–17a Radcliffe Choral Society; Kevin Leong, conductor Dedication: for Edward Elwyn Jones Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 222 | In Thanks of Life (2000) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Peter J. Gomes Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks, LLC Dedication: for Murray Forbes Somerville and the Harvard Morning Choir Publisher: Lauren Keiser Music Publishing in "Two Harvard Motets" | ||
Op. 1462 | Joy and Woe (2022) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 1.75 min. |
Text by William Blake, adp. Dedication: for Erin and the next chapters Commission: Commissioned by the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Massachusetts | ||
Op. 1030 | King of Glory, King of Peace (2013) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by George Herbert Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; Christian Lane, organ Dedication: in thanksgiving for Christine Whiteside’s ministry of hospitality at The Memorial Church of Harvard University, 2003–2013 Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 924 | Know That God Loves You (2011) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Text adapted from the Bible Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for Holland and Nick Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1410 | Let the Morning Bring (2021) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text from the Bible: Psalm 143:8 (NIV) Harvard Choral Fellows; David von Behren, conductor Dedication: for Calvon and Alleya Jones, in celebration of their marriage | ||
Op. 1209 | Love Flows from God (2017) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 1.75 min. |
Text by Mechthild of Magdeburg Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for the unveiling of “The Divine Journey, Companions of Love and Hope” Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. (forthcoming) | ||
Op. 1052 | Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (“Prescott”) (2014) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 6 min. |
Text from the Bible
The Composers' Choir; Daniel Shaw, conductor Dedication: for Prescott Jun Burt-Chung on his birthday, March 10, 2014 Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 1416 | Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (The Third Service) (2021) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 6.5 min. |
Text from the Bible
Dedication: for Matthew Owens | ||
Op. 598 | Maker of the World (2004) for 2-part Chorus and Keyboard based on NEW DISCIPLES by Alfred V. Fedak | 2.5 min. |
based on the hymn tune NEW DISCPLES by Alfred V. Fedak Text by Richard Leach Dedication: for David Schaap and Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 782 | Man Proposes, but God Disposes (2008) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Thomas à Kempis Cambridge Consonance; Jeffrey Grossman, conductor Dedication: for Rupert Gough and the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1130 | Morning Star (2015) for SSA Voices and Piano | 3 min. |
Text from the tomb inscription of the Venerable Bede Aire Born Singers; Max Murphy, conductor Dedication: for Nancy Menk Commission: Commissioned by Heritage Music Press Publisher: Heritage Music Press | ||
Op. 1048 | Not to Us (2014) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Text from Bible: Psalm 115:1 Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks, LLC Dedication: for the Bach Vespers at St. James Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon in celebration of the ministry of Pastor Dennis A. Andersen on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his ordination, April 17, 1988 Commission: Commissioned by St. James Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 517 | O Bone Jesu (2003) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3 min. |
Traditional text (in Latin) Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Nancy B. Granert and the choir of Emmanuel Church, Boston, Massachusetts Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 897 | O Lord, I Will Sing of Your Love Forever (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 8 min. |
Text adapted from the Bible by Matthew Burt Cambridge Consonance; Jeffrey Grossman, conductor Dedication: in celebration of its 325th anniversary of King’s Chapel, Heinrich Christensen, music director Commission: Commissioned by King’s Chapel Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. |