
Commissioning a new piece of music is not a complicated process, nor need it be prohibitively expensive.

If you are interested in discussing the possibility of a commissioned work for you or your ensemble, please feel free to contact Carson Cooman.

Below is a list of commissions received and fulfilled by Carson Cooman, organized by year.

Completed Commissions


Beatus (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Myrophora (Organ)
Commissioned by Marijim Thoene
Radiant Revolutions (Organ, Brass Quintet, and Timpani)
Commissioned by Washington National Cathedral (Washington, D.C.)
Rainbow (Organ)
Commissioned by Erik and Charissa Simmons
Retrospection (Organ)
Commissioned by Bruce Klanderman
Rhapsody on “Sine nomine” (Organ)
Commissioned by the Pauluskirche Ulm Organ Promotion Association on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the organ renovation by organ builder Thomas Gaida and his staff
Tombeau (Organ)
Commissioned by Eugene Platt
Trio Sonata (after BWV 529) (Organ)
Commissioned by Kat Farn


25 Preludes and Fugues (Organ)
Commissioned by Matthew Owens
A Seraphic Strain (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Invocation on “Old 113th” (Organ)
Commissioned by ArtsPlymouth (Plymouth Church UCC, Shaker Heights, Ohio)
Partita on “Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten” (Organ)
Commissioned by Bruce Klanderman
Research (SSAA Voices Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Ensemble Lyrae
Such a Silence, Such a Singing (Shepherd Cry) (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University


A House of Prayer (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina
Bartlett (Hymn Tune (8787 8776))
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Massachusetts
Beyond (SATB Chorus and Viola)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Crystal Hexagons (Organ)
Commissioned by Burkhard Mohr
I Lift Up My Eyes (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Holly B. Sunderland
Joy and Woe (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Massachusetts
Preambolo e toccata energica (Organ)
Commissioned by David von Behren
Prelude on “God Rest You Merry” (Organ)
Commissioned by the American Guild of Organists Auction
Prelude on “Macht hoch die Tür” (Organ)
Commissioned by Philip Hartmann
Sorbian Prelude (Organ)
Commissioned by Felix Bräuer
Symphony No. 5 (Chamber Orchestra (with Voices))
Commissioned by the Orlando Contemporary Chamber Orchestra
They Remain (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Variations on “Aurelia” (Organ)
Commissioned by Bruce Klanderman


A Dream of Love (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
A Philosophy (Voice and Piano)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Bogurodzica — Quasi meditatio (Organ)
Commissioned by Jan Bokszczanin
Episcopal Fanfare (Organ)
Commissioned by Trinity Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Every Day We Wake (3-part Canon)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Massachusetts
For Marti Epstein (Electric Guitar)
Commissioned by Gene Pritsker
In the Doorway (SATB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Massachusetts
Jubilee on “Foundation” (Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Kaleidoscope Bells (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Geitner
Kleine Sternmelodie (Organ (with celesta stop))
Commissioned for the 14th Sendlinger Orgelnacht, Munich-Sendling, Germany
Memory Thread (Organ)
Commissioned by Jan Bokszczanin
Night Wind (Vibraphone and Four Flowerpots (one player))
Commissioned by Peter Jarvis
Remembrance (Organ)
Commissioned by Philip Hartmann
Suite in Three Movements (Harpsichord)
Commissioned by Scott Hyslop


A St. Patrick Silhouette (Organ (or Harmonium) (opt. pedal))
Commissioned by Artis Wodehouse and the Friends of the Erben Organ, Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, New York, New York
Augustinus-Praeludium (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Geitner
Fenestral Nocturnes (Organ)
Commissioned by Philip Hartmann
Festivo (Organ)
Commissioned by the family of Thomas Hoisington in celebration of his 80th birthday
Kaleidoscope Sky (Piano Trio)
Commissioned by Convivium Records for the London Piano Trio
Legend of the Little Child (Unison Voices and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Meditatio passionis (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Geitner
Out of Small Beginnings (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Church of the Pilgrimage, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Scherzetto: Die Nachtigall (Organ (manuals only))
Commissioned for the 13th Sendlinger Orgelnacht, Munich-Sendling, Germany
Sea Psalms (Organ)
Commissioned by Hartmut Siebmanns
Troparion (Piano)
Commissioned by Subito Music Corporation
What Is Holy? (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts in celebration of Heinrich Christensen's 20th anniversary as Organist and Music Director (2000–2020)


A Pilgrimage Carol (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
As We Are Changed (Soprano, Tenor, SATB Chorus, and Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Commonwealth Chorale
Cornet Voluntary (Organ)
Commissioned by Jonathan Edwardes
Fanfarria brillante (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling
Fantasia canonica (Organ)
Commissioned by Erik, Lydia, and Emily Simmons
Gridwork (Taiko Drums, Marimba, and Organ)
Commissioned with support from the Special Projects Committee of the San Francisco Chapter, American Guild of Organists
Ostinato Fanfare (Organ Duet (four hands, two feet))
Commissioned by Felix Bräuer
Plymouth Soundings (Organ)
Commissioned for the Mayflower 400 celebrations
Prayer in Darkness (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Geitner
Scherzetto (Flute and Organ)
Commissioned by David Schaap
Spire (Mosaic for Organ)
Commissioned by Philip Hartmann
The Door (SATB Chorus, Oboe, and Piano)
Commissioned by the First Parish Church of Acton and Stow, Mike Pfitzer, music director
The Lighthouses (Organ)
Commissioned for the 12th Sendlinger Orgelnacht, Munich-Sendling, Germany
Tiento mixolítico (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling


Acclamatio (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling
Blessed City, Holy Nation (Congregation, SATB Chorus, Trumpet, and Organ)
Commissioned for the ordination of the Reverend Aaron Michael Williams
Christmas of the Witnesses (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Epistle Sonata (Flute and Organ)
Commissioned by Anna Meyer
Fanfare on “Er ist erstanden, Halleluja” (Organ)
Commissioned by Jens-Michael Thies
Fantasy on "The Star-Spangled Banner" (Organ)
Commissioned by Christoph Hintermüller
Meditation on "Ubi caritas" (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling
Missa in incerto tempore (The Davison Mass) (SATB Chorus, Men's Chorus, and Two Organs (opt. One Organ))
Commissioned by the Harvard Glee Club
Musica da processione (Organ)
Commissioned by Philip Hartmann
Ocean of Light (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by the Buffalo Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
Outside Voices (Solo Violin, Cello, and String Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra
Peace Canticle (Solo Treble Instrument and Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling
Praeambulum festivum (Organ)
Commissioned by Hartmut Siebmanns
The Baker's Dozen (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
The Mystic Trumpeter (Speaker, Trumpet, and Piano)
Commissioned by Edward Hull
The Remembering Earth (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
The True Glory (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Three Christmas Intonations (Trumpet and Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling
Tiento de batalla (Organ (opt. pedal))
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling
Voluntary on "O du fröhliche" (Organ)
Commissioned by Klaus Stehling
What Is Good (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Harvard University


Be Ye Broken (Fantasy for Organ, Strings, and Voices)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Bryn Mawr Voluntary (Organ (opt. pedal))
Commissioned by Edward Landin
Gentle Joseph Heard a Warning (TTBB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Grow in Grace (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Dover Church Choir, Dover, Massachusetts
Hymns for Epistles, Series B (Hymn Tunes)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Leuchtende-Musik (Baroque Trumpet and Organ)
Commissioned by Hartmut Siebmanns
Love Flows from God (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Organ Symphony No. 3, “Portals” (Organ)
Commissioned by Philip Hartmann for the Martin-Luther-Kirche (Ulm, Germany)
Quickening Clockwork (Organ Duet (four hands, two feet))
Commissioned by Luca Massaglia
Rhapsody in A (Organ)
Commissioned by Alessandro Bianchi
Scherzo for the Flutes (Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Toccata, Aria, and Finale (Organ)
Commissioned in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie for St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Roanoke, Virginia
Variations on a Theme of Haydn (Organ)
Commissioned by Christoph Hintermüller


An Open Door (TBB (or TTB) Chorus Unaccompanied (or Opt. Piano))
Commissioned by Heritage Music Press
Come, Let Us Go Again (SATB Chorus, Brass Quintet, Timpani, and Organ)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Choral Society, Washington, D.C.
Cones of Silence (Chorales and Diversions) (Flugelhorn, Euphonium, and Tuba)
Commissioned by Chris Gekker for the Eastern Music Festival
Exordium (Organ)
Commissioned by Edward Landin
Moon Marked (Clarinet and Trumpet)
Commissioned by Chris Gekker
Near (Cantus IV) (Piano)
Commissioned by Mary Bainbridge for the Noonday Concert Series
O Come: Three Hymn Fantasies (Organ)
Commissioned by Nick Wilson
Portola Valley Mass (Congregation and Organ)
Commissioned by the parish of Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley and Woodside, California
Preludio gioioso (Piano)
Commissioned by Leonello Capodaglio
Rain Songs (SATB Chorus and Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Harvard Summer Chorus and the Boston Modern Orchestra Project
Sonatina for Winston (Cello and Piano)
Commissioned by Joshua and Maggie Leffler
Sunset (Two Voices and Piano)
Commissioned by the Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations
Tower Antiphonies (Chimes or Carillon)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Society in Newton
Verbum supernum prodiens (Voices (in three spatially-separated groups) and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Voluntary on “Bachofen” (Organ)
Commissioned by the American Guild of Organists Auction
Westminster Carillon (Organ)
Commissioned by Kiel Krommer


A Czech Liturgical Year (Organ)
Commissioned by Erik Simmons
A Place Where Angels Sing (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Heritage Music Press
Christus natus est (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Equinox Sonata (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by the University of Maryland
Evocation (Trumpet and Organ)
Commissioned by Richard and Elsa van Bergen
Fantasia on "Greensleeves" (Organ)
Commissioned by Marco Lo Muscio
Fenton Groden Pieces (Organ)
Commissioned by the Lorenz Corporation
Morning Star (SSA Voices and Piano)
Commissioned by Heritage Music Press
O Lord, Support Us (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Sonata for Flugelhorn and Piano (Flugelhorn and Piano)
Commissioned by Anne McNamara
St. Michael Antiphonies (Organ)
Commissioned by the Choirs of Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, Virginia
The Dawning Light (Eight Women's Voices)
Commissioned by Lorelei Ensemble
The Great American Tall Tale Express (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Treasury of Blessings (SATB Chorus, Hand Drum, and Cello)
Commissioned by the parish of Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley and Woodside, California


Canzona da camera (Traverso, Baroque Violin, Viola, Cello, and Harpsichord)
Commissioned by Musicians of the Old Post Road
Concertino Foko (Organ, Brass Choir (, Timpani, and Percussion (1))
Commissioned by the Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ
Lenti (Hymn Tune (SMD))
Commissioned by the Eastman School of Music Department of Organ, Sacred Music, and Historical Keyboards with support from the George W. Utech Congregational Hymnody Fund
Liminal (Symphony No. 4) (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the AR Trust
Little Estampie (Hammerchord and Strings Obbligato)
Commissioned by Gibbs & Main
Mornings (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Paul-André Bempéchat
Not to Us (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by St. James Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon
Pavane for a Duchess at St. Andrew's (Organ)
Commissioned in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie for St. Andrew's Catholic Church, Roanoke, Virginia
Rochester Triptych (String Quintet)
Commissioned by Gibbs & Main for EuphoNY 2014
Sagebrush Celebration (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Carson City Symphony
Solstice Prelude (Trumpet)
Commissioned by Christian Lane
Spring Night (High Voice and Harp)
Commissioned by Benjamin Agustoni
The Guest House (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
The Rose of Sharon (Mezzo-Soprano and Organ)
Commissioned by Tracelyn Gesteland and Wyatt Smith
Tres novas cantigas (Portative Organ and Optional Percussion)
Commissioned by the AR Trust
Wise Men Came Journeying (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University


An Heavenly Song (TB Voices and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Easter Day (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Fanfare for a Duchess at St. Andrew's (Organ)
Commissioned in memory of Dorothy Virginia Garman Blankenship Laurie for St. Andrew's Catholic Church, Roanoke, Virginia
Flax-Golden Tales (Storyteller and Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by the New Juilliard Ensemble
King of Glory, King of Peace (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Open for me the gates of righteousness (Piano and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Prelude and Fugue No. 2 (Organ)
Commissioned by Erik and Charissa Simmons
Preludio on a Swedish Tune (Organ)
Commissioned by Christopher M. Wicks
Saxoconne (Saxophone)
Commissioned by Paul Wehage
Shadowbook (Three Songs in the Night) (Clarinet, Tuba, Piano)
Commissioned by Kevin and Susan Wass
Solstice Sonata (Trumpet and Organ)
Commissioned by the American Guild of Organists
The Choir Invisible (SATB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned by Albany Pro Musica
The Peach Blossom's Shadow (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Two from the British Isles (Organ)
Commissioned by Erik and Charissa Simmons


A Vision of the Tree of Life (Carillon)
Commissioned by Neil Thornock
Cambridge Passacaglia (Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Canopache (Native American Flute and Drone)
Commissioned by James J. Pellerite
Diocesan Fanfare (Organ)
Commissioned by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dover Gloria Patri (Congregation)
Commissioned by The Dover Church
Every Generation (SAB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Dover Church
Fantasia on "Fair Harvard" (Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Feast after Feast (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Matthew F. Burt
Golden Callings (SSAA Chorus Unaccompanied or SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Lorelei Ensemble
In Beauty Walking (Mezzo-Soprano and String Quintet or Orchestra)
Commissioned by Gibbs & Main for EuphoNY 2012
Lilac Jubilee (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra
Morning Star (2-part Voices and Hammerchord)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
One Love (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Poème romantique (Organ)
Commissioned by the Historic Organ Foundation
Remembering (Organ)
Commissioned by Bates College
Sonata No. 3 for Violin and Piano (Violin and Piano)
Commissioned by Warren Davidson and Donna Amato
Suite for Jay (Piano)
Commissioned by Nancy Pierce
Sweetest Music Softly Stealing (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
The Evening Choir (SATB Chorus, SATB Soloists, Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University


Alma Redemptoris Mater (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Colby Cooman
Born Among Us in the Night (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Boston Fantasia (Organ)
Commissioned by the Historic Organ Foundation
Cantus I (Piano)
Commissioned by Nicolas Horvath and the Monte Carlo Festival
Concerto for Harmonium and Ensemble (Solo Harmonium and Ensemble)
Commissioned by Big Ideas Cambridge
Concerto in modo antico (Recorder (Soprano/Tenor) and Strings)
Commissioned by John Turner
Dos breves apuntes (Organ)
Commissioned by Erik Simmons
Exaltation (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Seraphim Singers
Fanfare Canon (Snare Drum, Temple Block, Wood Block [3 players total])
Commissioned by the Scotch-Poppers Group
Finding You (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Holden Choirs at Harvard University
Give Me (4-part Canon)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Hornpipe (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
I'm Not Sleepy (Voices and Piano)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Kyrie (Unison Voices and Clarinet)
Commissioned by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ostinato Mass (Voice and Organ)
Commissioned by Thomas Gregg
Prelude and Fugue No. 1 (Organ)
Commissioned by the 2011 Boston Pipe Organ Encounter
Prelude Modale (Two Horns and Organ)
Commissioned by the Tidewater Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
Quiet Hocket (Horn and Harp)
Commissioned by Musikwerke Fackler
Rondino on "I Love to Tell the Story" (Organ)
Commissioned by Murray Forbes Somerville
Sunrise Alleluia (SATB Voices and Electronic Tape)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts
The Flute of the Infinite (SATB Chorus, Flute, Harmonium (or Keyboard))
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts
There Will Be Stars (SATB Chorus, Percussion Quartet, Piano)
Commissioned by Lexington High School
Toccata Festiva (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Two Folk Songs (Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Veni Sancte Spiritus (SATTB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Musica Spei and Trobairitz
Wondrous Love (SATB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned by Christian Lane


A Difficult Miracle (SATB Chorus, Soprano and Baritone Soloists, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts
Button Stew (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Cantique (Violin and Piano)
Commissioned by Charles Monachino
Cantique (Piano Trio)
Commissioned for Gabrielle Monachino
Circe (Soprano and Organ)
Commissioned by Christian Lane
Dawnflower (Reed Organ (Mason and Hamlin "Liszt"))
Commissioned by Artis Wodehouse
Gloucester Estampie (Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Hope (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts
In the Night Garden (Marimba)
Commissioned by Richard Mason
Irreversible Heart (Soprano, Violin, Piano)
Commissioned by Christine Howlett
Journeybook II (Harpsichord)
Commissioned by Big Ideas Cambridge
Journeybook: in memoriam Arthur Jarvinen (Bass Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone, Drums, Soprano Voice (or Trumpet), Violin, Cello)
Commissioned by thingNY
Moonflower (Reed Organ (Mason and Hamlin "Liszt"))
Commissioned by Artis Wodehouse
O Lord, I Will Sing of Your Love Forever (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by King's Chapel
O quam mirabilis (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
October Serenade (Soprano Saxophone and Guitar)
Commissioned by Paul Wehage
Rising (Organ)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
Spring Lyric (Alto Saxophone and Guitar)
Commissioned by Paul Wehage
The Rose Tree Carol (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Trio Solaris (Trumpet, Tenor Saxophone, Piano)
Commissioned by Chris Gekker
Truly the Light Is Sweet (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Trumpet Tune (Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Wherein Our Blessings Stand (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts


An Angel Song (SATB Chorus and Cello)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Ascensions (SATB Chorus, Traverso, Baroque Violin, Viola da Gamba, Organ)
Commissioned by the Cornell University Chamber Singers, Holland J. Jancaitis, director
Be Ye Wise (Baritone Solo, SATB Chorus, Organ)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
Beach Grass Elegy (Flute)
Commissioned by New Music Hartford
Call to Remembrance (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
Chasing the Moon Down (Mezzo-Soprano, Trumpet, Piano)
Commissioned by Chris Gekker
Every Which Shining Way (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by Brian Shook
Love Came Down at Christmas (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Prelude on "Dix" (Organ)
Commissioned by the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts
Quartet for Piano and Strings (A Sea Liturgy) (Piano Quartet)
Commissioned by the Moscow Studio for New Music and the Arcturus Chamber Ensemble
Rise Up, My Love (Voice, Flugelhorn (Trumpet), Organ)
Commissioned by the St. Theresa Parish Choir, West Roxbury, Massachusetts; Richard Bunbury, organist and director
Rise Up, My Love (Soprano, Flugelhorn (Trumpet), String Trio, Organ)
Commissioned by the St. Theresa Parish Choir, West Roxbury, Massachusetts; Richard Bunbury, organist and director
Set Me As a Seal (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
Shawkemo Dreaming (String Orchestra)
Commissioned for the Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic
Surly Bonds (Drum Set)
Commissioned by Peter Jarvis and Calabrese Brothers Music, LLC
That They May Rest (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by St. James Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon
The Acts of the Apostles (Baritone, SATB Chorus, Congregation/Audience, and Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
The Living Water Works (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York
The Name Above All Names (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by the Episcopal Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
The Revelations of Divine Love (Metaphors from Sea and Sky) (Soprano, Baritone, SATB Chorus, and Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London
The Welcome News (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts
Theme for a Fictional "Concerto of Deliverance" (Piano)
Commissioned by Hannah M. G. Shapero
Viola Quintet (Unquiet Parables) (String Quintet (Two Violins, Two Violas, Cello))
Commissioned by the Vienna Soloists
Voices that Cradle the Dawn (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by Colby Cooman for Ronald and Avis Romm
Windflower (Reed Organ (Mason and Hamlin "Liszt"))
Commissioned by Artis Wodehouse


Bear Mountain Fragments (Piano)
Commissioned by RASPTA
Chorale and Courante (Trumpet and Contrabass)
Commissioned by Colby Cooman
Coskata Dreaming (Bass Trombone and Piano)
Commissioned by Jonathan Warburton
Credendum (Organ (pedal solo))
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Enchanted Tracings (Piano Concerto No. 2) (Solo Piano and Wind Ensemble)
Commissioned for Donna Amato, piano, the Carnegie Mellon Wind Ensemble, Denis Colwell, conductor; Keith Kirchoff, piano, the Harvard Wind Ensemble, Thomas G. Everett, Mark Olson, conductors; and Nora Skuta, piano, the Slovak Radio Symphony Winds, Kirk Trevor, conductor
Erie Water - Mule Tales of the Empire State's Glorious Canal (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Eros (SATB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned for the First Unitarian Society in Newton, Massachusetts
Eternitie (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned for the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London
Fanfare for DGF (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Harvard Band Foundation
Flying Machine (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra in celebration of its 200th anniversary
It Is I! (Unison (opt. 2-part) Treble Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Little Recorder Book (Alto (Treble) Recorder)
Commissioned for John Turner
Miacomet Dreaming (Orchestra)
Commissioned by New Music Tomorrow
Pittsburgh Rhapsody (Brass Band)
Commissioned by the River City Brass Band, Denis Colwell, music director
Suite antique (Trumpet and Harpsichord)
Commissioned by Cavanagh Concerts
Te Deum (2-part Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by the Association of Anglican Musicians
The Appleton Motets (2-part Voices (non-mixed) Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
The Oda-Burns Mass (SATB Chorus, Violin, Percussion, Organ)
Commissioned by Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley and Woodside, California
The Oda-Burns Mass: Memorial Acclamation (Unison Chorus, Congregation, Violin, Marimba)
Commissioned by Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley and Woodside, California
The Shirt of Happiness (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
The Sky Can Still Remember (SSAA Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by the Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont
Two Dawn Hymns (Cello and Piano)
Commissioned by Colby Cooman
Un regard éloigne (Flugelhorn and Cello)
Commissioned by Musik Fabrik in honor of Claude Lévi-Strauss's 100th birthday
Unfolding the Gates of Dawn (Guitar)
Commissioned by Aaron Larget-Caplan
Whom Shall I Send? (SATB Chorus and Marimba)
Commissioned by Christ Episcopal Church, Portola Valley and Woodside, California


Brass Quintet (Brass Quintet)
Commissioned by the Aspen Music Festival
Clausula III (Cello)
Commissioned by Court Lane Music
Fanfare for DGF (Band)
Commissioned by the Harvard Band Foundation
Fanfare for DGF (Three Trumpets)
Commissioned by the Harvard Band Foundation
Gold into Diamonds (Voice and Piano)
Commissioned by Amanda Forsythe
In the Midst of Wild Being (SATB Chorus, Horn, Harp)
Commissioned by King's Chapel and Choral Arts New England
Jesus is Here! (2-part Treble Chorus and Keyboard)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Lyric Trio for Trumpet, Cello, and Piano (Trumpet, Cello, Piano)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Moon Shards (Alto Saxophone, Horn, Trumpet, Percussion, Piano)
Commissioned by and dedicated to Andrew Pelletier, funded in part by the MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music at the College of Musical Arts of Bowling Green State University and the Meir Rimon Commissioning Assistance Program of the International Horn Society.
Mountains Like These (Vibraphone)
Commissioned by Mike Perdue
Nine Preludes (Piano)
Commissioned by Richard Mason
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (2-part Chorus and Keyboard)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Oboe Quartet (Oboe and String Trio)
Commissioned with support from Richard Mason
Sonata for Tuba and Piano (Tuba and Piano)
Commissioned by Mark Nelson for the Southwest Regional Tuba and Euphonium Conference
Sonata in memoriam Daniel Pinkham (Flute)
Commissioned by Arcadia Capital
Springburst (Piano Trio)
Commissioned for "Gwyneth Walker: A Celebration of the Music Makers"
Summer Solstice (Piano)
Commissioned for Jeffrey Jacob
The Doors in the Sky (Violin)
Commissioned by Piotr Szewczyk
The Laidley Wyrm (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
The Litany of Light (SATB Chorus, Baritone and Soprano Soloists, Brass Quintet, Timpani, and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
There Is Much in the World (2-part Treble Chorus and Keyboard)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Toccata: Homage to Buxtehude (Organ)
Commissioned by Joan DeVee Dixon
When the Perfect Comes (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by Peter J. Gomes


Autumn Sun Canticle (Solo Trumpet and Orchestra)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Clausula (Cello)
Commissioned by the Harvard University Choir
Concert Piece: La Tricotea (Piano)
Commissioned by Jeffrey Grossman
Concerto for Bass Trombone and Six Players (Solo Bass Trombone and Ensemble)
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Music
Concerto for Portatif Organ and Strings (Solo Portatif Organ and String Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra, Robert Mealy, director
Easter Contemplation on "O Filii et Filiae" (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Flute Concerto (Solo Flute and Orchestra)
Commissioned by Judith von Hopf for the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
I Have Seen the Lord: a Mary Magdalene Sequence (SATB Chorus, Alto Saxophone, Organ)
Commissioned by the Episcopal Diocese of California
I Will Pour Out My Spirit (SATB (or SAB) Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Just Now (SATB Chorus and Orchestra)
Commissioned by Albany Pro Musica in celebration of its 25th anniversary
Music for "As You Like It" (Soloists and Accompaniment (Piano or Accordion))
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama
Number Pirates (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Shining Space: Quintet for Horn and Strings (Horn and String Quartet)
Commissioned by Hazel Dean Davis and Stephen Hackbarth
The Kingdom of Justice (Cantata for SATB Chorus, Soprano and Baritone Soloists, Trumpet, and Organ)
Commissioned by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, San Jose, California
Three Songs from "As You Like It" (Voice and Piano)
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama


An Easter Processional (Handbell Ensemble (13 bells, 6 ringers))
Commissioned by Christ Episcopal Church, Alameda, California
Autumn Sun Canticle (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Boze, pred tvou velebnosti (Hymn Tune (harmonization))
Commissioned by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.
Cerulean: Double Percussion Concerto (Two Solo Percussionists and Ensemble)
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Music
Christ Is Alive! (Organ (manuals only))
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Dawn Rituals (Flute Quartet)
Commissioned by LAGO
Downpour (SATB Chorus and String Quartet)
Commissioned by Madrigalia
Fantasy Variations (Alto Saxophone and Piano)
Commissioned in honor of George Perle's 90th birthday
Folk Fantasies (Solo Euphonium, String Quartet, Percussion)
Commissioned by Matthew Murchison
Fourth Piano Sonata (Piano)
Commissioned for Donna Amato
Frequent Flyer (Alto Saxophone, Marimba, Piano)
Commissioned for Fireworks and the Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium
Giant Colored Bird II (Two Clarinets and Bassoon)
Commissioned by Nicholas Batko
Giant Colored Bird III (Horn Octet)
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon Horn Choir
In What Time Remains (Brass Quintet)
Commissioned by Musik Fabrik
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Meditation and Rejoicing (Organ, Brass Quintet, Opt. Timpani)
Commissioned by Christ Episcopal Church, Alameda, California
Music for "Lysistrata" (SATB Chorus, Soloists, and Tape)
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama
Ode (Contrabass)
Commissioned by P. Kellach Waddle
Orbiting Paradise (Soprano, Trumpet, Piano)
Commissioned by Chris Gekker
Partita on "St. Elizabeth" (Organ)
Commissioned in honor of Bruce Klanderman
Piano Concerto (Solo Piano and Strings)
Commissioned by Symphonic Underground
Pittsburgh Concerto (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon School of Music
Praise the Lord, People of God (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned for First Congregational Church, Nantucket
Prelude on "Martyrdom" (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Prelude on "Materna" (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Promises, Promises (arrangement) (Brass Band)
Commissioned by the River City Brass Band
Psalm 118 (Simplified Anglican Chant with Refrain)
Commissioned by the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Psalm 29 (Simplified Anglican Chant with Refrain)
Commissioned by the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Quintet for Bassoon and Strings (Bassoon and String Quartet)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Reflection (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by Alice E. Irvin
Reflection on "Repton" (Organ)
Commissioned by Marisa Green
Road of Light (Saxophone Quartet)
Commissioned by Laura Manion
Rossini in the Kitchen (Comic Monodrama in One Act)
Commissioned by Frank Napolitano
Sing, O Sing This Blessed Morn (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned for First Congregational Church, Nantucket
Sonata for Flute and Piano (Flute and Piano)
Commissioned for Brook Ferguson
Sonata for Solo Violin (Violin)
Commissioned for David Fulmer
Spring Songs (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by Cavanagh Concerts
Sun Tracing (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by Donna Amato
Symphony No. 3, "Ave Maris Stella" (Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by Duquesne University
Welcome Wind (SAB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned by Carnegie Mellon Community Outreach Program
Windswept Skies, Swirling Seas (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by First Congregational Church, Nantucket, Massachusetts


A Hiker's Gear (Organ and Opt. Narrator)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Adam Lay Ybounden (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by University of the South
All My Heart This Night Rejoices (Organ (manuals only))
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Be Present, Holy Trinity (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Canzona (Horn Sextet)
Commissioned by the Carnegie Mellon Horn Choir
Cisco Dreaming (Cello)
Commissioned by Peter Lorenzo Anderegg
Clarinet Concerto (Solo Clarinet and String Orchestra)
Commissioned by Harrison Nelson
Dawn Game (Wind Ensemble)
Commissioned for the Carnegie Mellon Wind Ensemble
Dionis Dreaming (Two Guitars)
Commissioned for the Ferla-Marcinizyn Guitar Duo
Easter Triumph! Easter Joy! (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Festive Processional (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Foresight Spinning: Meditations for Contrabass and Ensemble (Solo Contrabass and Ensemble)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Giant Colored Bird (Guitar)
Commissioned for Karin Schaupp
Horn Trio (Violin, Horn, Piano)
Commissioned by Harrison Nelson for Composers Concordance
In the Absence of Your Ringing (Carillon)
Commissioned by the Friends of the Albany City Carillon
In the Light (Piano and Organ)
Commissioned for Duo Majoya
Let Praise of God Begin (SATB Chorus, Youth Chorus(es), and Organ)
Commissioned by the Royal School of Church Music in America
Missa Brevis ("Trottier") (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts
O Sleep, Dear Holy Baby (Organ (manuals only))
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Remembering Tomorrow: Trombone Concerto (Solo Trombone and Orchestra)
Commissioned by Haim Avitsur
Solar Visions (Woodwind Quintet)
Commissioned by the Arcadian Winds
Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (Trumpet and Piano)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Sonata for Violin and Organ (Violin and Organ)
Commissioned by Harrison Nelson for the Gough Duo
Sonata No. 2 for Violin and Piano (Violin and Piano)
Commissioned for Ostap Shutko
Synodos (Violin)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
The Oncies (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
The Transportation Age (Organ and Opt. Narrator)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
Thieves (Chamber Opera in One Act)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Two Fragments (Guitar Quartet)
Commissioned by the Corona Guitar Kvartet
Two Preludes (Chimes or Carillon)
Commissioned by David Schaap
Waiting for October (Flute and Guitar)
Commissioned for the Heim Duo


Beyond All Knowing (Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by Richard Mason
Builders for Christ (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. George's Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee
Canalscape: Soliloquy for String Quartet (String Quartet)
Commissioned by the Harvard Club of Rochester
Desiring the Solicitude of Rain (Solo Tenor and Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by John McMunn
Distant Glittering Orbs (Alto Flute)
Commissioned by Frederick Butler
Dr. Magic (Chamber Opera in One Act)
Commissioned by hrCME and the Leverett Arts Society
Dream-Tombeau: Crucifixus (Piano)
Commissioned for Gordon Rumson
Into One Crimson Flame (Bass Clarinet)
Commissioned by Frederick Butler
New World Carols: An American Christmas Triptych (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by The Memorial Church for the Harvard University Carol Services, 2003
Orbital (Orchestra)
Commissioned by New Music Tomorrow
Partita (Baroque Flute)
Commissioned by Dolores Zdancewicz
Prayer of Julian of Norwich (SAB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. James Music Press
Prism (Organ)
Commissioned by Robert Jan August
Remember? (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Sonata for English Horn and Piano (English Horn and Piano)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Spectrum (Concerto-Cantata for Oboe, Chorus, and Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned with the support of Thomas Masterman
Star Canticle: Vision Vibrant (Oboe, Clarinet, Piano)
Commissioned by Toni Marie Marchioni
Stories in the Stars (Children's Chorus (2-part) and Piano, with Opt. Narrator(s))
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Symphony of Light (String Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music Music and Richard Mason
The Lamp of Charity (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied (divisi))
Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University
Threads: Concerto for Orchestra (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Harvard Club of Rochester
Tombeau-Aria (String Quartet)
Commissioned for the Premieres Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine
Too Upset for Words (Alto Saxophone (or Clarinet), Guitar, and Piano)
Commissioned by the Lakehead University New Music Ensemble
Tundra Canticle (Bassoon and Contrabass)
Commissioned by Bradley and Douglas Balliett
Turning Sunwards (Horn)
Commissioned for John Aubrey
Vineyard Haven: Introduction and Free Accompaniment (Organ)
Commissioned by Jung-A Lee
Windswept: Legend of Sea and Sky (Violin and Guitar)
Commissioned by Duo46
Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of Old (2-part Chorus and Keyboard)
Commissioned by William Fletcher


A Prayer for Service (SATB Chorus, S Solo, and Organ)
Commissioned by Murray Forbes Somerville in celebration of the first year of the Choral Fellows program, 2002
Advent Desolations (Flute and Piano)
Commissioned by Dolores Zdancewicz
Alive! (Organ)
Commissioned by Sandra Gay for the dedication of the new organ at Webster Presbyterian Church
All Things Came to Be (Organ and Handbells (8 bells, 4 ringers))
Commissioned for Webster Presbyterian Church
Any Kingdom We Have (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.
As to the Sun (Alto Saxophone)
Commissioned for Paul Wehage
August Latitudes (Violin, Guitar, Piano)
Commissioned by Duo46
Beach Street (Hymn Tune (76 87))
Commissioned by Christ Chapel Fellowship
Bernini's Angels (Two Pianos)
Commissioned for the Harvard University Art Museums
Blue Glimmers (Flute, Clarinet, Contrabass)
Commissioned for the Lakehead University New Music Ensemble
Canticle: Mosaic in Remembrance and Hope (SATB Chorus and Flute)
Commissioned by Harvard University United Ministry for the one year memorial of the events of September 11, 2001
CLAC Jubilee (Hymn Tune (CMD))
Commissioned for the jubilee of the Christian Labour Assocation of Canada
Coatue Dreaming (Trumpet)
Commissioned by Richard Mason
Dances of the Holy Fool: Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano (Alto Saxophone and Piano)
Commissioned by Richard and Simi Mason in celebration of their anniversary
Dark December: Ignis Dei (Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Vibraphone, Piano)
Commissioned by Maurice and Amy Katz for Non Sequitur
Dionis Dreaming (Mandolin and Guitar)
Commissioned by Duo Ahlert and Schwab
Dream Etudes, Book III (Tuba)
Commissioned for Mark Nelson
Dream Etudes, Book IV (Oboe)
Commissioned for Juozas Rimas
Enchanted Pathways: Concerto for Horn and Ensemble (Solo Horn and Ensemble)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Eternity Canticle: First Light (String Orchestra)
Commissioned by Richard Mason
Faith, Praise, and Prayer (Piano)
Commissioned by National Music Publishers
Faith, Praise, and Prayer for Advent and Christmas (Piano)
Commissioned by National Music Publishers
Harbor House (Hymn Tune (7676 with refrain))
Commissioned by Richard and Simi Mason
Honey from the Rock (Communion Cantata (SAB Chorus, Mezzo-Soprano Solo, Flute, and Organ))
Commissioned for First Congregational Church, Nantucket, Massachusetts
How Far Away is Heaven (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.
In the Fire of Images: Three Etudes (Alto Saxophone and Piano)
Commissioned by Maurice and Amy Katz for Paul Wehage
Light Inaccessible (Two Cellos)
Commissioned by the Aradia Duet
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis ("St. Peter's, Cambridge") (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by Matthew F. Burt
Memorial Church (Hymn Tune (77 77 D))
Commissioned by The Memorial Church for the New Harvard University Hymn Book, 2002
Mikas Pond (Hymn Tune (8787 8687))
Commissioned for Rochester Christian Reformed Church on its 125th anniversary
O Sacrum Convivium (Alto Voice and Organ)
Commissioned for the Canticum Novum Concerts
Of Songs and Swirls: Four Lyric Pieces (Soprano Saxophone and Piano)
Commissioned by Maurice and Amy Katz for Paul Wehage and Moyuru Maeda
Passion Canticle (Soprano Saxophone (with tubular bell))
Commissioned for Paul Wehage
Polpis Dreaming (Contrabass Saxophone and Piano)
Commissioned for Jay C. Easton
Pooh's Serenade (Bassoon, Cello, Piano)
Commissioned by hrCME for Arts First
Seascape Passion: Midday Brightness (Third Piano Sonata) (Piano)
Commissioned for Marco Modaro
Showings of Divine Love (Viola (Baroque and Modern) and Organ)
Commissioned by the Mason Trust
Star Tenders (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Sun Figment (Harp)
Commissioned by Musik Fabrik
The Way, the Truth, the Life (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned by St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Two Oates Miniatures (Voice and Piano)
Commissioned by Lena Murais
Winter Brightnesses (String Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
WLE Repertoire with More Pedals Pieces (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions


Alleluia! Jesus Has Risen (Hymn Concertato (Congregation, SATB Chorus, Brass Quartet, Organ))
Commissioned by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
America the Beautiful (orchestration) (Chorus and Band)
Commissioned by Harvard University for the installation of president Lawrence H. Summers
At the Setting of the Sun (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music for the Harvard University Choir
Brightnesses (Flute and Organ)
Commissioned by KircheFlöteGesellschaft
Concertino for Three (Flute, Oboe, Bassoon)
Commissioned by Sally Turner
Dawn Song (Piano Duet (1-piano, 4-hands))
Commissioned by William Cartright and Mason Gronsky
Enchanted Gardens (Cello and Piano)
Commissioned for Stephen and Lisa Truelove by J. Harris Parker, III
Epitaph of Seikilos (Clarinet (or Flute), Alto Saxophone, Euphonium)
Commissioned by Al Benner for the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
Exaltations (Organ)
Commissioned by The Commission Project for James and Marilyn Biery
Fantasy-Variations on "Huntsville" (Organ)
Commissioned for the Canticum Novum Concerts
From Jesse's Old Stump (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Holy Trinity Choral Artists
From Past to Future (Organ)
Commissioned by St. Michael's Church for the chancel organ re-dedication with gifts of the congregation
Give Glory to God (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned for First Congregational Church, Nantucket
God Spoke With Varied Voices (SATB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned by Daniel Allen and the Hills Alive Chorale for Christmas In Our Town, 2001
Jaunts (Mandolin Quintet)
Commissioned for the Sydney Mandolins
Jesus, Gift of God (2-part Treble Chorus and Keyboard)
Commissioned by the Noteworthy Voices for Christmas Celebration 2001
Jubilee-Postlude on "Converse" (Organ)
Commissioned by Zimbel Press
Lairs of Flavor (Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano)
Commissioned by WHRB Radio
Leaves of Light (String Orchestra (young performers))
Commissioned by The Southfield School
Meditation on "Palsrok" (Organ)
Commissioned for Rochester Christian Reformed Church
Midsummer Songs (Tuba Quartet)
Commissioned for Tubalaté
Night Songs (Chamber Orchestra)
Commissioned by St. Michael's Chamber Orchestra with a grant from the Hogwood Fund
Offertories for the Church Year (Organ)
Commissioned by Marnie Masters
Palsrok (Hymn Tune (LM))
Commissioned for Rochester Christian Reformed Church
Prayers (Guitar and Organ)
Commissioned by Herbert Levine
Silver Lagoons: Trumpet Concerto (Solo Trumpet and Orchestra)
Commissioned with support from Louise Sandowska Taylor
Songlines, Sun Dreaming (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Hodges Fund
Tenebrae Canticle (Organ)
Commissioned by Rochester Christian Reformed Church
The Forest's Song (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Trenton Quintet (Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Tributaries from the Green Mountain (Baroque Violin and Organ)
Commissioned for Monteverdi Days, 2002
Triptych-Fantasy for Trumpet and Strings (Solo Trumpet and String Orchestra)
Commissioned by John Morris
Tropes and Collects (Contrabass)
Commissioned for Stephen Gilewski
Two Seasonal Sketches, Set II (Clarinet and Piano)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Viewpoints (Three Flutes)
Commissioned by Al Benner for the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
WLE Pedal Primer Pieces (Organ)
Commissioned by Wayne Leupold Editions
Zest: Fanfare for Orchestra (Orchestra)
Commissioned by The Fanfare Project


Botany (SSA Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned by the Bulgarian Music Festival
Celestial Meditations (Organ and Brass Choir (3 Trumpets [1 C/2 Bb], 3 Horns, 2 Trombones, Tuba) or Organ, Brass Choir, and Timpani (3 Trumpets [1 C/2 Bb], Horn, 2 Trombones, Euphonium, Tuba) [2005 version])
Commissioned for William Berg, Michael Stewart, and the Chicago Brass Choir with a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Skelman / Revised 2005 version commissioned for Robert W. Lehman, Christ Church Episcopal, New Haven, Connecticut and the River City Brass Band, Denis Colwell, music director
Ceremonial Loops: Concerto for Electric Violin and Orchestra (Electric Violin and Orchestra)
Commissioned by Sabrina Berger
Concerto Grosso (Solo Group (flute, clarinet, horn, violin, cello) and Orchestra)
Commissioned for the Hochstein Music School
Dawn Liturgies (Organ)
Commissioned by the Northern Lights Music Festival
Dream Etudes (Clarinet)
Commissioned by Cheryl Melfi
Equinox Dances (Piano Trio)
Commissioned by the Serafino Trio
Gladly, the Cross-Eyed Bear (Clarinet, Trumpet, Xylophone, Piano)
Commissioned by the Kilgore College New Music Ensemble
Invocation (Alto Flute and Organ)
Commissioned by Jeff Klingfuss
Invocation (Solo Flute and String Orchestra)
Commissioned by The Provence Society
Jackson Flourish (Bugle and Organ)
Commissioned by the American Guild of Organists for the 2001 Regional Convention, Jackson, Mississippi
Jetties Beach (Hymn Tune (66 66 88))
Commissioned by First Congregational Church, Nantucket, Mass.
Light in the Morning (Third String Quartet) (String Quartet)
Commissioned by the London Chamber Group for the British Library
O Jerusalem (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned as the Luciano Beroni Millennium Memorial Commission, 2000
On Lofty Places (Organ)
Commissioned by the Murray Schultz Service Playing Competition
Pentecost Compline (Bass Recorder and Organ)
Commissioned by Julia Waldon
Prelude on "O Sacred Head" (Organ)
Commissioned by Hans Jens Hassler for the 250th anniversary of the death of J. S. Bach
Quintet for Clarinet and Strings (Clarinet and String Quartet)
Commissioned by a consortium of Vivian Kane, the Dallas String Quartet, the Res Publica String Quartet, and the Calvari String Quartet
See the Promised Dawn Arise (Chamber Opera for the Church)
Commissioned by Webster Presbyterian Church for its 175th anniversary
Two Evening Songs (Piano)
Commissioned by the Living Music Foundation
Two Parlor Pieces for Reed Organ (Reed Organ)
Commissioned by Tom and Eileen Marowles
Two Seasonal Sketches (Clarinet and Piano)
Commissioned by Westhard Gerber
Water Music (Organ)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music, the Council for the Support of New Church Music, Raynard Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burch
When the Morning Stars Began to Sing (Organ)
Commissioned by Sandra Gay for Webster Presbyterian Church for its 175th anniversary
Who Stole the Queen's Tarts? (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School


Cassandra (Music-Theatre Work for Mezzo-Soprano and Instrumental Ensemble)
Commissioned by the Experimental Theatre of the Black Forest
Concerto for Bass Saxophone and Strings (Solo Bass Saxophone and String Orchestra)
Commissioned by Andreas van Zoelen with support from the Broeker Fund for New Music
Crowns (Organ)
Commissioned for Paul Ayres for concert tours, 2000
Duet (Chamber Opera in One Act)
Commissioned by the Repellent Players
Earth Canticle: Concerto Brevis for Trumpet and Orchestra (Solo Trumpet and Orchestra)
Commissioned by Mrs. Lucy Hodges and the Hodges Fund
Fantasia on American Hymns (Alto Saxophone and Piano)
Commissioned by Jay Pierson for Jim and Esther Steele
Fantasy on "Valmai" (Organ)
Commissioned by H. Hubert Benckler
Forgotten Runes (Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano)
Commissioned by Ensemble Decadanse, France
Holstein Fanfare (Trumpet, Horn, Tuba)
Commissioned by the Holstein Trio
Illuminations (Voice and Tuned Percussion Tubes)
Commissioned by Integron Corporation
In Nomine II (Flute and Oboe)
Commissioned by the Williamson Glen Chamber Music Series (Canada)
In Nomine III (Clarinet, Horn, Trumpet)
Commissioned by the Williamson Glen Chamber Music Series (Canada)
In Nomine IV (Bassoon, Tuba, Cello)
Commissioned by the Williamson Glen Chamber Music Series (Canada)
Island Fire (Duple Trio for Six Instruments)
Commissioned by the Williamson Glen Chamber Music Festival, 1999
King Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (Organ)
Commissioned by Daniel Pinkham for Andrew Paul Holman
Mahalaleel's Nocturne (Piano)
Commissioned by Editio Musica Polski Romana for the 150th anniversary of the death of Frederic Chopin
Missa Ecclesiastica (Organ)
Commissioned by the Council for the Support of New Church Music, Rome, Italy
Nantucket Sleighride: Fantasy for Orchestra (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Nantucket Summer (Piano (young performers))
Commissioned by the Werner Foundation
O rubor sanguinis (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned by Leonard Halkiner for the American Repertory Singers
Organbook I (Pieces for Manuals) (Organ (manuals only))
Commissioned by Sally T. Hobson
Poor Bibi (Chamber Opera in One Act)
Commissioned by the Repellent Players
Prelude and Rondino on "Herzliebster Jesu" (Organ)
Commissioned by the Werner Foundation
Purget Spongia: Fanfare for Two Trumpets (Two Trumpets (Bb or C))
Commissioned for the 1999 Contemporary Music Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria
Quintet for Trumpet and Strings (Trumpet and String Quartet)
Commissioned for the Williamson Glen Chamber Music Series (Canada) by Loretta and Taylor Burke
Reverberations (Trumpet and Organ (pedals only))
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Sea Findings (Solo Contrabass and Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music for P. Kellach Waddle
Second Sonata for Piano (Piano)
Commissioned for the opening of the Curtis Performance Center, Rochester, New York
Second String Quartet (String Quartet)
Commissioned by the Dallas String Quartet
Sinfonia: Deo Gracias (Orchestra)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music for the Hewlett-Packard Symphony Orchestra
Sonata da Chiesa (Organ)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music for Daniel Pinkham and King's Chapel, Boston
Sonata for Brass Choir (Brass Choir (3 Trumpets [1 C/2 Bb], 3 Horns, 2 Trombones, Tuba))
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music for the Chicago Brass Choir
Sonata for Violin and Piano (Violin and Piano)
Commissioned by Karen Bolshevian Ringwold for the 2000 Contemporary Music Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria
The Canons of Dordt (Two Clarinets)
Commissioned by Westhard Gerber
The Great Wilno (Solo Piano and Wind Ensemble)
Commissioned by Bob Stata
The Last Voice of the Wind (Bass Recorder and Piano)
Commissioned by Julia Waldon for the 60th anniversary of the American Recorder Society
The Waterville Organbook (Organ)
Commissioned by James Hodgson Holcomb
Three Chorale Preludes (Organ)
Commissioned by the Ecumenical Millennium Celebration Council
Three Dunbar Verses (Voice and Cello)
Commissioned by Patricia Anne Reynolds
Three Passiontide Motets (SATB Chorus Unaccompanied)
Commissioned for Roger Wilhelm and Madrigalia for its 25th anniversary year
Three Point Pi (Tuned Percussion Tubes and Piano)
Commissioned by Integron Corporation
Triptych for Harpsichord (Harpsichord)
Commissioned by the Broeker Fund for New Music
Visions of Eternity (Orchestra)
Commissioned by St. Michael's Chamber Orchestra
We Are Filled With Joy (SATB Chorus and Organ)
Commissioned for the Colby College Richner-Strong Institute of Church Music
What's the Scoop? (Musical for Children)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School
Worldscape (SATB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned for the Allendale Columbia Vocal Ensembles
Years of Plenty, Years of Peace (Brass Quintet)
Commissioned for the Luminary Brass Quintet


A Dog Ballad (Piano and Speaking Voice)
Commissioned by Jonathan Hugh Lovell
Barnyard Episodes: Sonata for Contrabassoon and Piano (Contrabassoon and Piano)
Commissioned for the 1999 International Contrabassoon Festival, Park City, Utah
Biblicals: Concerto for Solo Piano in Five Movements (Piano)
Commissioned for Kathleen Supové
Dentistry Music (Flute and Piano)
Commissioned for the 25th anniversary of the St. Petersburg (Russia) Society of Dentists
Fantasy and Procession (Piano)
Commissioned by Dance Rochester and the New York State Council for the Arts and Culture
Floopishness: Two Pieces for Clarinet Solo (Clarinet)
Commissioned by Westhard Gerber
Joy of Humankind: Brief Transport for Orchestra (Orchestra)
Commissioned by Mrs. Lucy Hodges and the Hodges Fund for the Czech Radio Symphony
Lead On, O King Eternal (Concert Paraphrase) (Piano)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School for graduation ceremonies
Paradoxes: Sonata for Cello and Piano (Cello and Piano)
Commissioned by Larry Kludge
Singing (SATB Chorus and Piano)
Commissioned for the Allendale Columbia Vocal Ensembles with funding from the Broeker Fund for New Music
Sonata for Piano (Piano)
Commissioned by Barry Simmons
String Quartet (String Quartet)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Tartarus (Orchestra)
Commissioned for the 80th anniversary of the American Classical League
Trio from Pomp and Circumstance March, No. 1 (Elgar) (Piano)
Commissioned by Allendale Columbia School for graduation ceremonies


A City Upon a Hill (Piano and Narrator)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Hallucinations (Flute and Piano)
Commissioned by June Wallingsford-Boyce for the birthday of her daughter Carol
Humectare Amnem (Brass Quintet and Xylophone)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Ideas: Short Etudes for Solo Oboe (Oboe)
Commissioned by G. L. "Flaps" Menendez
Sonata for Soprano Recorder and Piano (Soprano Recorder and Piano)
Commissioned by June Wallingsford-Boyce for the birthday of her daughter Carol
Third Organ Sonata (Organ)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Three Procrustean Etudes (Piano)
Commissioned by Barry Simmons for the 1997 Contemporary Music Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria
Toccata (Two Pianos)
Commissioned by The Commission Project
Two Bagatelles (Piano (young performers))
Commissioned by The Commission Project


Antiphons (Two Clarinets, Violin, Two Pianos)
Commissioned by The Commission Project