Sacred Choral Music
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All Sacred Choral Works
Op. 502 | A Benediction (2003) for SAB Chorus Unaccompanied | 0.75 min. |
Text from the Bible: I Thessalonians 5:23-24 Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for Dan Gawthrop Publisher: free download | ||
Op. 345 | A Blessing (2001) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 0.75 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for Sandy, Christmas 2001 Publisher: free download | ||
Op. 497 | A Centering Prayer (2003) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 0.5 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for Marisa Publisher: free download | ||
Op. 460 | A Cosmic Prayer (2002) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Howard Georgi Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Murray Forbes Somerville and the Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir, and in memory of William Mathias on the 10th anniversary of his death Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. | ||
Op. 1414 | A Dream of Love (2021) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by W. H. Auden Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for the installation of the Rev. Matthew Ichihashi Potts, The Memorial Church, Harvard University, December 12, 2021 Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1480 | A House of Prayer (2022) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 5 min. |
Text by James Montgomery Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; David von Behren, organ Dedication: Commissioned by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina in celebration of its bicentennial (1822–2022) Commission: Commissioned by St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 395 | A Pentecost Prayer (1999, rev. 2002) for Unison Chorus (or Solo Voice) and Organ | 2 min. |
Text from the Book of Common Prayer Caitlin Ferguson, soprano; Carson Cooman, organ Dedication: for Marisa Publisher: SMP Press | ||
Op. 1346 | A Pilgrimage Carol (2019) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by Euan Tait Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for the 110th Annual Christmas Carol Services of The Memorial Church, Harvard University, December 2019 Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1132 | A Place Where Angels Sing (2015) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Text by John Keble Marsh Chapel Choir and Thurman Choir; Scott Allen Jarrett, conductor Dedication: for Scott Allen Jarrett Commission: Commissioned by Heritage Music Press Publisher: Heritage Music Press | ||
Op. 816 | A Prayer Before Sleep (2009) for SSA Chorus and Flute | 2 min. |
Text by Alexander Carmichael, adp. Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont; Laurel Ann Maurer, flute; Dawn O. Willis, conductor Dedication: for Dawn Willis, the Bella Voce Women’s Chorus of Vermont, and Laurel Ann Maurer Publisher: Santa Barbara Music Publishing | ||
Op. 1512 | A Seraphic Strain (2023) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 1.5 min. |
Text by Phillis Wheatley Harvard Ferris Choral Fellows; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for the inauguration of Claudine Gay as the 30th president of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University | ||
Op. 1539 | A Thanksgiving to God, for his House (2024) for Voice(s) and Organ | 4 min. |
Text by Robert Herrick Dedication: for the Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts | ||
Op. 878 | Ad majorem Dei gloriam (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Traditional text (in Latin) Cambridge Consonance; Jeffrey Grossman, conductor Dedication: for Russell Weismann and the Georgetown University Chapel Choir Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 804 | An Angel Song (2009) for SATB Chorus and Cello | 4 min. |
Text by Gwyneth Lewis Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; James Williamson, cello Dedication: for Hilary Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University | ||
Op. 1037 | An Heavenly Song (2013) for TB Voices and Organ | 2 min. |
Text of an anonymous medieval carol Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for Douglas Bell Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University | ||
Op. 424 | Any Kingdom We Have (2002) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.75 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Dedication: for Richard Leach Commission: Commissioned by Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 1111 | Ave dulcissima Maria (2015) for SSA Voices Unaccompanied | 2.5 min. |
Matthew Curtis/ChoralTracks LLC Dedication: for the sisters of Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey, Wrentham, Massachusetts | ||
Op. 885 | Awake, My Heart (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Isaac Watts and Richard Leach Cambridge Consonance; Jeffrey Grossman, conductor Dedication: for Peter DuBois Publisher: Shorter House in "Sing Evensong" | ||
Op. 586 | Be Present, Holy Trinity (2004) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.75 min. |
Text from an 11th century hymn, trans. John M. Neale Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Martha Sobaje Commission: Commissioned by St. James Music Press Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 819 | Be Ye Wise (2009) for Baritone Solo, SATB Chorus, Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text from the Bible: Matthew 10:16; Proverbs 2:10 William Drukett, baritone; Convivium Singers; Alexander Norman, conductor Dedication: for Jennifer Lester Commission: Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1570 | Beatus (2024) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.75 min. |
Text by Matthew Galbraith Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; David von Behren, organ Dedication: for the 115th Annual Christmas Carol Services of The Memorial Church, Harvard University, December 2024 Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1494 | Beyond (2022) for SATB Chorus and Viola | 4.5 min. |
Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor; Sophie Choate, viola Dedication: in memoriam Trevor Llewelyn Jones (1939–2022) Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 875 | Bless the Lord, O My Soul (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2.25 min. |
Text from the Bible: Psalm 103:1-2, 8, 11, 17a, 22b Harvard Choral Fellows; Carson Cooman, conductor Dedication: for Marisa and Evan, with congratulations Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1275 | Blessed City, Holy Nation (2018) for Congregation, SATB Chorus, Trumpet, and Organ | 4.5 min. |
Text by John Newton and Edward Osler Dedication: for the Reverend Father Aaron Michael Williams Commission: Commissioned for the ordination of the Reverend Aaron Michael Williams | ||
Op. 936 | Born Among Us in the Night (2011) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for Tad and Ann Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 498 | Builders for Christ (2003) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.25 min. |
Text adapted by the composer from Matthew 7:24-27 Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Murray Forbes Somerville and the Choir and Parish of St. George’s Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee Commission: Commissioned by St. George’s Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 809 | Call to Remembrance (2009) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text from the Bible: Psalm 25:6-7 King's Chapel Choir; Heinrich Christensen, conductor Dedication: for Heinrich Christensen Commission: Commissioned by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 452 | Canticle: Mosaic in Remembrance and Hope (2002) for SATB Chorus and Flute | 5 min. |
Text adapted from various religious traditions Harvard Choral Fellows; Murray Forbes Somerville, conductor; Dolores Zdancewicz, flute Dedication: for the one year memorial of the events of September 11, 2001 Commission: Commissioned by Harvard University United Ministry for the one year memorial of the events of September 11, 2001 | ||
Op. 1524 | Charles River Magnificat (2023) for Unison Voices (or Solo Voice) | 2.5 min. |
Text from the Bible: Luke 1:46–55 (Book of Common Prayer, Rite II) Dedication: for the Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts | ||
Op. 1319 | Christmas of the Witnesses (2018) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by Euan Tait Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for the 109th Annual Christmas Carol Services of The Memorial Church, Harvard University, December 2018 Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1125 | Christus natus est (2015) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 3 min. |
Text by Countee Cullen Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for Edward Elwyn Jones and the Harvard University Choir Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 1157 | Come, Let Us Go Again (2016) for SATB Chorus, Brass Quintet, Timpani, and Organ | 4.5 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Cathedral Choral Society; Lyric Brass Quintet; Joseph Flummerfelt, conductor Dedication: in memory of J. Reilly Lewis (1944–2016) Commission: Commissioned by the Cathedral Choral Society, Washington, D.C. Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 997 | Easter Day (2013) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by Gerald Manley Hopkins Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for Edward Elwyn Jones and the Harvard University Choir Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Paraclete Press | ||
Op. 585 | Easter Triumph! Easter Joy! (2004) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 3 min. |
Text by the composer Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Matthew F. Burt and the choir of Christ Episcopal Church, Alameda, California Commission: Commissioned by St. James Music Press Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 751 | Echoing Carols (2007) for 2-part Voices and 2-part Accompaniment (keyboard or other instruments) | 2.25 min. |
Text by Elizabeth Kirschner St. James Singers Dedication: for Harry Lyn Huff Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. | ||
Op. 814 | Eternitie (2008) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 3 min. |
Text by Robert Herrick Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for John Harbison on his 70th birthday Commission: Commissioned for the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London Publisher: Musik Fabrik | ||
Op. 985 | Every Generation (2012) for SAB Chorus and Organ | 3.5 min. |
Text by John Core Dedication: for The Dover Church in celebration of its 250th anniversary; Michael Kraft, Director of Music Commission: Commissioned by The Dover Church Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 503 | Faith, Hope, Love (2003) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Mark Stanisz and the Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. | ||
Op. 990 | Feast after Feast (2012) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 2 min. |
Text by Horatius Bonar Matthew Curtis/Choral Tracks LLC Dedication: for Joseph P. Mathews, on his ordination to the priesthood, December 1, 2012 Commission: Commissioned by Matthew F. Burt Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 797 | Festival Sanctus (2008) for SATB Chorus and Piano | 2.5 min. |
Traditional Latin text and from the Book of Common Prayer Aire Born Singers; Max Murphy, conductor Dedication: for Judith Clurman Publisher: The Sacred Music Press | ||
Op. 1129 | Festlicher Lobgesang (2015) for SATB Chorus and Keyboard Instrument | 1.5 min. |
Text of Psalm 136:1 (Lutherbibel; in German) The Composers' Choir, Daniel Shaw, conductor Dedication: für Lothar Graap und den Ökumenischen Chor Schöneiche Publisher: Strube Verlag in "Zwei Lobgesänge" | ||
Op. 467 | Five Short Amens (2002) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | |
Dedication: for the Choral Fellows of the Harvard University Choir Publisher: free download | ||
Op. 1252 | Gentle Joseph Heard a Warning (2017) for TTBB Chorus and Organ | 3 min. |
Text by Carl P. Daw, Jr. Harvard University Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: for Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J. Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 1161 | Give All to Love (2016) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text by Ralph Waldo Emerson Huff Memorial Choir; Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor Dedication: in memoriam Harry Lyn Huff (1952–2016) Publisher: The Sacred Music Press | ||
Op. 910 | Give Me (2011) 4-part Canon | 1.5 min. |
Text by Khwaja Abdullah Ansari St. James Singers Dedication: for Karen Armstrong Commission: Commissioned by The Memorial Church, Harvard University Publisher: St. James Music Press | ||
Op. 322 | Go Worship at Emmanuel’s Feet (2001) for Unison Chorus (opt. divisi) and Organ | 2 min. |
Text by Isaac Watts and Richard Leach Dedication: for Andrew Paul Holman and the choir of Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church, Cambridge, Mass. Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. (forthcoming) | ||
Op. 320 | God Spoke With Varied Voices (2001) for SATB Chorus and Piano | 4.5 min. |
Text by John Core Dedication: for Daniel Allen and the Hills Alive Chorale Commission: Commissioned by Daniel Allen and the Hills Alive Chorale for Christmas In Our Town, 2001 Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. | ||
Op. 657 | God, You Move Among Us (2005) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text by Thomas H. Troeger Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London; Rupert Gough, conductor Dedication: for Marisa Green and the choir of Marquand Chapel, Yale Divinity School Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 1226 | Grow in Grace (2017) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied | 1.25 min. |
Text adapted from the Bible: II Peter 3:18 Harvard Choral Fellows; David von Behren, conductor Dedication: in honor of Michael Kraft, organist and choir director Commission: Commissioned by the Dover Church Choir, Dover, Massachusetts Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. | ||
Op. 423 | How Far Away is Heaven (2002) for SATB Chorus and Organ | 2.5 min. |
Text by Richard Leach Dedication: for Curt Oliver Commission: Commissioned by Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Publisher: Selah Publishing Co., Inc. |