Any hymns which are published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc., Selah Publishing Co., Inc., or Hope Publishing Company can be easily licensed for worship services through the OneLicense, CCLI, and LicenSing programs. Licenses for other specific uses may be promptly obtained from the publishers.

Published Collections of Hymns

Into the Present Light: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman
music by Carson Cooman, texts by John Core, Richard Leach, Mary Louise Bringle, Calvin Seerveld, Mary Bittner, Fred Pratt Green, and others
Published by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

At Dawn of Grace: Hymn Tunes of Carson Cooman
music by Carson Cooman, texts by John Core, Calvin Seerveld, Daniel B. Merrick, Gracia Grindal, and James Hart Brumm
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.

“Pray Then Like This” (a cycle of hymns on the Lord’s Prayer)
texts by Richard Leach, music by Carson Cooman
Published by Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Liturgical Works

Op. 302Quidnet (2001) Hymn Tune (77 77 4)
Op. 416Rasima (2002) Hymn Tune (335 335 335)
Op. 372Raylight (2002) Hymn Tune (888 6)
Op. 414Rhinecliff (2002) Hymn Tune (7676)
Op. 479Ribenial (2002) Hymn Tune (88886)
Op. 772Rite I Eucharist (2008) for Congregation and Keyboard
Op. 716Rosner (2007) Hymn Tune (76 76 D)
Op. 353Saimar (2001) Hymn Tune (8686 44445)
Op. 288Sankaty (2001) Hymn Tune (77 77)
Op. 820Saro (2009) Hymn Tune (harmonization/
Op. 376Sealegs (2002) Hymn Tune (76 76 D)
Op. 425Searching Hands (2002) Hymn Tune (CM)
Op. 432Seilou (2002) Hymn Tune (7575 7775)
Op. 428Sesachacha (2002) Hymn Tune (7576 with refrain)
Op. 448Sesapana (2002) Hymn Tune (87 87)
Op. 329Shawkemo (2001) Hymn Tune (8884)
Op. 277Siasconset (2001) Hymn Tune (CM)
Op. 734Slick Steward (2007) Hymn Tune (LM)
Op. 351Smith Point (2001) Hymn Tune (9 11 7)
Op. 1498Soden (2022) Hymn Tune (6686 6686)
Op. 717Speckled Wren (2007) Hymn Tune (44 64)
Op. 431Squam (2002) Hymn Tune (76 76 D)
Op. 564St. Maur (2004) Hymn Tune (10 6 10 6)
Op. 272Starfields (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87 D)
Op. 344Steps Beach (2001) Hymn Tune (86448 10 7 10 6)
Op. 309Stone Ripples (2001) Hymn Tune (13 7 11 8 with refrain)
Op. 766Storrow Drive (2008) Hymn Tune (87 87 87 with refrain)
Op. 954Sulak (2012) Hymn Tune (11 10 11 10)
Op. 337Sunset Hill (2001) Hymn Tune (9446)
Op. 333Surfside (2001) Hymn Tune (98 98)
Op. 713Talea Rutila (2007) Hymn Tune (11 10 11 10)
Op. 450Tawpoot (2002) Hymn Tune (10 6 13 6 8 10 5)
Op. 430Tom Nevers (2002) Hymn Tune (6666 88)
Op. 417Trots Hill (2002) Hymn Tune (10 10 10 10)
Op. 368Tuckernuck (2002) Hymn Tune (87 87)
Op. 730Unfailing Love (2007) Hymn Tune (86 86 86)
Op. 421Varinna (2002) Hymn Tune (744 D)
Op. 454Wannacomet (2002) Hymn Tune (55 7 44 3)
Op. 887Wardman Park (2010) Hymn Tune (14 14 14 15)
Op. 350Warren Landing (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87)
Op. 415Warrington (2002) Hymn Tune (CM)
Op. 313Wauwinet (2001) Hymn Tune (CMD)
Op. 375Wave Glistens (2002) Hymn Tune (11 9 11 9)
Op. 506West Chester Street (2003) Hymn Tune (LM)
Op. 469Whaling Museum (2002) Hymn Tune (7777)
Op. 468Wheat and Weeds (2002) Hymn Tune (3333)
Op. 295Winthrop House (2001) Hymn Tune (CM with refrain)
Op. 292Wisdom’s Dance (2001) Hymn Tune (87 87 D)
Op. 728Wood Bearer (2007) Hymn Tune (SM)
Op. 287Wordless Light (2001) Hymn Tune (84 84 85 54)