Op. 990 | Feast after Feast (2012) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 797 | Festival Sanctus (2008) for SATB Chorus and Piano |
Op. 1129 | Festlicher Lobgesang (2015) for SATB Chorus and Keyboard Instrument |
Op. 917 | Finding You (2011) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 467 | Five Short Amens (2002) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 1012 | From Your Heart (2013) 4-part Canon |
Op. 1252 | Gentle Joseph Heard a Warning (2017) for TTBB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 1161 | Give All to Love (2016) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 910 | Give Me (2011) 4-part Canon |
Op. 322 | Go Worship at Emmanuel’s Feet (2001) for Unison Chorus (opt. divisi) and Organ |
Op. 320 | God Spoke With Varied Voices (2001) for SATB Chorus and Piano |
Op. 657 | God, You Move Among Us (2005) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 958 | Golden Callings (2012) for SSAA Chorus Unaccompanied or SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 1226 | Grow in Grace (2017) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 886 | Hope (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 881 | Hope and Love (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 423 | How Far Away is Heaven (2002) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 937 | How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (2011) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 1103 | I Am Loved As I Love (2015) for 2-part Voices and Drone |
Op. 688 | I Have Seen the Lord: a Mary Magdalene Sequence (2006) for SATB Chorus, Alto Saxophone, Organ |
Op. 1481 | I Lift Up My Eyes (2022) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 683 | I Will Pour Out My Spirit (2006) for SATB (or SAB) Chorus and Organ |
Op. 739 | If Ye Love Me (2007) for SA Voices and Drone |
Op. 222 | In Thanks of Life (2000) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 161 | In the Beginning Was the Word (1999, rev. 2003) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 1373 | In the Doorway (2021) for SATB Chorus and Piano |
Op. 745 | In the Midst of Wild Being (2007) for SATB Chorus, Horn, Harp |
Op. 765 | It Is I! (2008) for Unison (opt. 2-part) Treble Chorus and Organ |
Op. 1164 | Jahreslosung 2017 (2016) 2-part Canon |
Op. 743 | Jesus is Here! (2007) for 2-part Treble Chorus and Keyboard |
Op. 334 | Jesus, Gift of God (2001) for 2-part Treble Chorus and Keyboard |
Op. 331 | Jesus, You Are a Stone (2001) for SAB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 1462 | Joy and Woe (2022) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 662 | Just Now (2006) for SATB Chorus and Orchestra |
Op. 1030 | King of Glory, King of Peace (2013) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 869 | Kings Are Sleeping (2010) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 924 | Know That God Loves You (2011) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 909 | Kyrie (2011) for Unison Voices and Clarinet |
Op. 941 | Leap into Love (2011) 3-part Canon |
Op. 1363 | Legend of the Little Child (2020) for Unison Voices and Organ |
Op. 1410 | Let the Morning Bring (2021) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 847 | Love Came Down at Christmas (2009) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 1209 | Love Flows from God (2017) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 1052 | Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (“Prescott”) (2014) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 470 | Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (“St. Peter’s, Cambridge”) (2002) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 1416 | Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (The Third Service) (2021) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 598 | Maker of the World (2004) for 2-part Chorus and Keyboard |
Op. 782 | Man Proposes, but God Disposes (2008) for SATB Chorus Unaccompanied |
Op. 558 | Missa Brevis (“Trottier”) (2004) for SATB Chorus and Organ |
Op. 1257 | Missa in incerto tempore (The Davison Mass) (2018) for SATB Chorus, Men's Chorus, and Two Organs (opt. One Organ) |