Opus 991
Sonatina No. 1 (2012)
for Organ
- Divertissement
- Pibroch
- Carillon-Ostinato
Erik Simmons, organ
Duration: 6.5 min.
Dedication: for Thomas Åberg

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "Carson Cooman: Organ Music, Vol. 9"
Performance materials available from the publisher.
Sonatina No. 1 (2012) is dedicated to composer Thomas Åberg. The opening sonata-form “Divertissement” is light and buoyant, with a Swedish flavor. “Pibroch” is one of the main genres of the traditional bagpipe music of the Scottish Highlands. Considered the most serious and “highest” musical art form in that repertoire, the pibroch’s basis is a melodic theme that is repeated (over a drone) with variations. The concluding French “Carillon-Ostinato” is energetic, though dies away quietly.