Opus 1014
Ricercari (2013)
for Keyboard
- a3 (for Kimberly Marshall)
- a2 (for James Woodman
- a4 (for Peter Sykes)
Erik Simmons, organ
Erik Simmons, harpsichord
Duration: 8 min.

Publisher: Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp.
Performance materials available from the publisher.
Ricercari (2013) are three pieces inspired by the keyboard music of the early and mid 17th century: my favorite period of the early keyboard literature. During this time, the genre of the ricercare developed as a sort of instrumental motet and a kind of proto-fugue. Each work here is a contrapuntal ricercare in a modal cast, each in a different number of voices. However, all three blend elements of the early 17th century style with more contemporary sounds.
These pieces may be played on any keyboard instrument. While the pipe organ is perhaps most ideal, they can be performed effectively on harpsichord, clavichord, lautenwerk, harmonium, reed organ, piano, or even electronic keyboard. (On instruments with a decay, long tied notes should be restruck as needed.)