Opus 946

Dos breves apuntes (2011)

for Organ

  • Canción antifonal
  • Fanfarria

Erik Simmons, organ

Duration: 2.5 min.

Dedication: a Montserrat Torrent

Commission: Commissioned by Erik Simmons

Publisher: Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in "Carson Cooman: Organ Music, Vol. 8"

Performance materials available from the publisher.

Dos breves apuntes (2011) were written for the 1762 J. Bosch (Santanyi, Mallorca) organ. These are two very short pieces that explore several of its wonderful sounds. “Canción antifonal” (Antiphonal Song) employs the wide spatial displacement between two solo reeds: Clarins en 15 (2’) on the left and the Trompa magna (16’) on the right. “Fanfarria” (Fanfare) is a brief romp for the colorful full reed chorus. They are dedicated to the great Spanish organist Montserrat Torrent, whose advocacy of traditional Spanish repertoire and instruments has always been very inspiring.