Online Recordings
Complete albums (CD and digital) containing main organ performances by Carson Cooman are listed on the Album Recordings page.
In the fall of 2011, Carson Cooman began a project to create demonstration recordings posted freely online of individual pieces of organ repertoire by 20th and 21st century composers. The pieces chosen are primarily short works that are accessible and useful to organists of all skill levels, for either service or recital playing. Other larger-scale concert works are also included. Beginning in 2021, some works for piano are also available.
The available recordings are listed below, and more are added regularly. Links are provided to view/listen on YouTube or to download a higher-resolution MP3 recording.
All works can also be heard via Carson Cooman’s YouTube channel, where one can also select a playlist to listen automatically to a series of pieces in sequence.
Because of a large number of works recorded, several composers have separate pages:
Works by all other composers are listed below:
Stephen L. Aber (b. 1988)
Celebration in D (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
Online listening stream / MP3
Herbert H. Ágústsson (1926–2017)
Vígsla (Dedication) (1983)
Published by Iceland Music Information Centre
Online listening stream / MP3
Waldemar Åhlén (1894–1982)
Agnus Dei (1970)
Published by Svensk Musik (SMIC)
Online listening stream / MP3
Waldemar Åhlén (1894–1982)
Två legender (1967)
1) Legend I
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Legend II
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Gehrmans Musikförlag
Waldemar Åhlén (1894–1982)
Via dolorosa (1970)
Published by Svensk Musik (SMIC)
Online listening stream / MP3
Christoph Albrecht (1930–2016)
Phrygisch Präludium (1973)
Published by Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin in “Freie Orgelstücke zum liturgischen Gebrauch” (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Thomas Albus (b. 1964)
Toccata (II) (2001)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Herzlich wilkommen”
Online listening stream / MP3
Elizabeth Alexander (b. 1962)
All of Life Becomes a Prayer: Five Small Doorways for Solo Organ (2022)
1) River Bottoms, Summer
2) Muddy Paw Prints, Again
3) Still Small Voice, Kitchen Table
4) Peakaboo, Checkout Line
5) Basketball, Two on Two
Published by Seafarer Press
YouTube / MP3
Lynda Alexander (b. 1947)
Pavane for a Child with God (1996)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2000)
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
A Dream of Decadence/Decay of Lying (in memoriam Oscar Wilde) (2000)
1) A Dream of Decadence
2) Decay of Lying
Published by Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Meditations of Early English Saints (1990)
1) St. Giles and St. Chad
2) St. Richard of Chichester and St. Thomas of Hereford
3) St. Dunstan and St. Cuthbert
4) St. Charles of Glastonbury and St. Alban
5) St. Joseph of Arimathaea and St. William of Norwich
6) St. Robert of Newminster and St. Peter of Salisbury
Published by Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
An Oasis in Moonlight (2004)
Published by Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Hymn to the Miracle of Lanciano, Italy (1989)
Published by Australian Music Centre
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Organ Preludes for Saints and Martyrs (2001)
1) St. Augustine of Canterbury
2) St. Thomas Becket of Canterbury
3) St. Joseph du Mont-Royal
4) St. Thomas More
5) The Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians
6) St. John Fisher
Published by Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Prelude for the Most Holy Name of Jesus and Saint George and the Dragon (1990)
Published by Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Prelude for the Most Holy Name of Mary of the Immaculate Conception (1990)
Published by Australian Music Centre
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Suite for Organ: Visions of Saint Catherine Labouré and Saint Michael the Archangel (2001)
1) St. Catherine Labouré
2) St. Joan of Arc
3) Processional: St. Michael the Archangel
4) The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5) Immaculate Heart of Mary
6) The Bleeding Host of Santarem Portugal
Published by Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Suite in Honor of the 70th Birthday of the Polish Composer Henryk Górecki (2003)
1) Prelude for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
2) Prelude for the Feast Day of the Most Holy Trinity
3) Prelude for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Published by Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Vision of Lourdes (1989)
Published by Australian Music Centre in “Visions of Mary Immaculate”
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Allworth (1943–2017)
Visions of Mary Immaculate (1989)
1) Meditations of St. Catherine Labouré of the Mysterious Medal
2) Hymn to Our Lady of Walsingham
3) Hymn to the Immaculate Conception
4) Vision of Lourdes
Published by Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Per Inge Almås (b. 1947)
Intrada (1988)
Published by Norsk Musikforlag A/S
Online listening stream / MP3
Owen Alstott (b. 1947)
Eight Pieces (1984)
1) Molto grave
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Invocation
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Cantilena
Online listening stream / MP3
4) Pastorale
Online listening stream / MP3
5) Aria
YouTube / MP3
6) Fantasia
YouTube / MP3
7) Victimae paschali laudes
YouTube / MP3
8) Finale
YouTube / MP3
Published by Oregon Catholic Press (out-of-print)
Owen Alstott (b. 1947)
Seven Easy Pieces (1981)
1) Invocation
YouTube / MP3
2) Melody
YouTube / MP3
3) Ostinato
YouTube / MP3
4) Arietta
YouTube / MP3
5) Meditation
YouTube / MP3
6) Litany
YouTube / MP3
7) Prelude
YouTube / MP3
Published by Oregon Catholic Press (out-of-press)
Aksel Andersen (1912–1977)
4 Preludii “Locus Dei” (1972)
1) Vivo
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Grazioso
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Serioso
Online listening stream / MP3
4) Cantabile
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Edition Egtved in “Musica per organo I”
Aksel Andersen (1912–1977)
Preludio festivo (1974)
Published by Edition Egtved in “Musica per organo I”
Online listening stream / MP3
Aksel Andersen (1912–1977)
Preludio passioni (1973)
Published by Edition Egtved in “Musica per organo I”
Online listening stream / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Advent Adagio in G minor (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Advent Meditation II (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Advent Prayer (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Antiphon No. 1 (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Antiphon No. 2 (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Antiphon No. 3 (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Antiphon No. 4 (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Antiphon No. 5 (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Arioso in E minor (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Be Joyful in the Lord (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Be Not Afraid (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Canticle of Love and Joy (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Chanson Printemps (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Choralprelude III (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Choralprelude IV (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Choralprelude VI, “Healing Prayer” (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Choralprelude VII (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Choralprelude: Lord, You Have Been Our Refuge (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Choralprelude on “Jesu, meine Freude” (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Choralprelude on “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Christ lag in Todesbanden (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Christ upon the Mountain (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Ethereal Meditation: Come, Labor On (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Exultate Jubilate (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
The Good Shepherd (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Hosanna! (Introit for Organ) (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
I Called upon the Name of the Lord (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Incline Your Ear, O Lord (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
The Kingdom of God Is Near (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
La chaleur d’un autre soleil (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Laudate Dominum (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Lenten Meditation (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Lenten Meditation: O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Lenten Prelude in G minor (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Lenten Prelude: One Does Not Live by Bread Alone (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Lenten Prayer, “Gethsemane” (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Lenten Tune (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Litany (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
L’obscurité devient claire (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
The Lord Upholds All Those Who Fall (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Meditation for a Spring Morn (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Meditations in Gregorian Style (2023)
Published by SMP Press
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Meditation on “Incline Your Ear to Our Prayer” (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
O Holy Spirit, by Whose Breath (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Peace Be with You (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Plainsong on “Bless the Lord, O My Soul” (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Prelude on “Rejoice Greatly” (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Prepare the Way (Advent Prelude) (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Processional Voluntary No. 1 (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Requiem (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Rigadoon on “O Heavenly Word” (O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf) (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Sine nomine (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Song of the Pharisee (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Spirit Divine, Descend upon Our Hearts (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
The Star Carol (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Tristanian Soliloquy (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Mark Andersen (b. 1947)
Voluntary No. 2, “Commandments” (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
T.J. Anderson (b. 1928)
In memoriam: Graham Wootton (1985)
YouTube / MP3
Andreja Andric (b. 1973)
Chorale I (1995)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale II (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale III (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale IV (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale V (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale VI (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale VII (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale VIII (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale IX (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale X (Tað býr ein jungfrú) (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale XI (Árla var um morgunin) (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Chorale XII (Rex caeli Domine maris undisoni) (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Are Musik Verlag in “Chorale Book”
Andreja Andric (b. 1973)
Motetus (I) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Motetus (II) “Sicut cervus” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Motetus (III) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Motetus (IV) “Nigra sum” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Motetus (V) “Viderunt omnes” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Motetus (VI) “Exsultate Deo” (2025)
YouTube / MP3
Andreja Andric (b. 1973)
Liber Brevis Organi (2024)
Praeambulum I
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum II
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum III
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum IV
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum V
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum VI
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum VII
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum VIII
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum IX
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum X
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum XI
YouTube / MP3
Praeambulum XII
YouTube / MP3
Andreja Andric (b. 1973)
Toccata super “Gloria in excelsis Deo” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Andreja Andric (b. 1973)
Toccata super “Hodie Christus natus est” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Hendrik Andriessen (1892–1981)
A Quiet Introduction (1970)
Published by World Library Publications (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Valeriy Antonyuk (b. 1979)
Petite Passacaglia (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 65”
YouTube / MP3
Spencer Arias (b. 1990)
are we really there? (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Richard Ascough (b. 1951)
from Book of Preludes in the Modes of Limited Transposition (2023–24)
Prelude No. 1
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 2
YouTube / MP3
Richard Ascough (b. 1951)
Organ Prelude (2005/20/22)
YouTube / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
Awakening (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
Golgotha (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
Hymn 7-16-98b (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
Hymn 7-26-98 (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
Hymn 8-2-97a (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
My Soul Hungered (from 7 Pieces for Organ) (1992)
YouTube / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
Organ Piece (August 1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Christian Asplund (b. 1964)
Retreat from Misery (1998)
Online listening stream / MP3
Peter Aston (1938–2013)
Petit hommage à Gabriel Fauré (2005)
Published by Banks Music Publications
Online listening stream / MP3
Geoffrey Atkinson (b. 1943)
Five Brief Interludes on Scottish Folk Songs (2012)
Published by in “The Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals”
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Chorale and Variations (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Dance for the Flutes (2002)
Published by by animus Music Publishing and SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Meditation on “Veni Emmanuel” (2015)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Memorial March (2015)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Recessional (2004)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Theme and Four Variations on “Gwalchmai” (2004)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Theme and Four Variations on “Picardy” (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Toccata on “Valet will ich dir geben” (St. Theodulph) (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Trumpet Voluntary (2018)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Tuba Tune (2006)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Tim Attride (b. 1960)
Variations on “Ad cenam agni providi” (2015)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Janice G. Augustus (b. 1945)
Prelude (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Brian Avey (b. 1951)
Winter Silence (Fantasy on “La Folia”) (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Ārash Āzādi (b. 1994)
Tintinnabulian Dream (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
from 24 Cantilenas for Organ (2017)
1) Cantilena in C major
YouTube / MP3
4) Cantilena in C sharp minor
YouTube / MP3
14) Cantilena in F sharp minor
YouTube / MP3
Published on IMSLP
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
Cantabile semplice (2010)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
Contemplations (2013)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
Grâce et simplicité (2017)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
In a quiet moment (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
Orison on “Ubi caritas” (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
Paean (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947)
Miktam (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Mats Backlund (b. 1965)
Skymning vid Fryken (Dusk at Fryken) (2020)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
YouTube / MP3
Mats Backlund (b. 1965)
Visa från Fölsvik (View from Fölsvik) (2020)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
YouTube / MP3
Terry L. Baldridge (b. 1948)
Fanfare and Proccessional (1999)
YouTube / MP3
Derek Ball (b. 1949)
Sunday Morning (2009)
Published by the Contemporary Music Centre Ireland
Online listening stream / MP3
Stephen Barber (b. 1949)
Sursum Corda (2022)
Published by Tim Knight Music in “Music for Praise and Worship”
YouTube / MP3
Peter Bares (1936–2014)
Vier Metaphern (Four Metaphors), op. 2885 (2010)
Published by Edition Dohr
YouTube / MP3
Anne Barkowski (b. 1981)
Festlisches Präludium (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Lyrische Weise (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio festivo”
Wayne Barlow (1912–1996)
Prelude on “Joseph, lieber Joseph mein” (1963)
Published by Concordia Publishing House (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Wayne Barlow (1912–1996)
Prelude on “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland” (1963)
Published by Concordia Publishing House (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Wayne Barlow (1912–1996)
Prelude on “Veni Emmanuel” (1963)
Published by Concordia Publishing House (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Keith Barnard (b. 1950)
The Universal Harmony of Light (2003)
Online listening stream / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Bagatelle on “We Three Kings” (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 62”
YouTube / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Dialogue for Reeds and Flutes (1993)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in “Basic Organ Repertoire, Vol. 3A”
YouTube / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Elegy (2010)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
YouTube / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Partita on “Ave, Ave” (2020)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Partita on “Ascending Voices” (2020)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2022)
YouTube / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Partita on “Clark Cove” (2014)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2020)
YouTube / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Postlude in G major (2006)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Keyboardist’s Year” (May 2007)
YouTube / MP3
John G. Barr (1938–2024)
Triptych (2016)
1) Prelude-Processional; 2) Meditation; 3) Voluntary
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Pick Up and Play”
YouTube / MP3
Paul Barras (1925–2017)
Canzonetta (1985)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions musicales Bayard-Nizet
Paul Barras (1925–2017)
Petite suite symphonique (2006)
1) Prélude
YouTube / MP3
2) Élégie
YouTube / MP3
3) Scherzetto
YouTube / MP3
4) Hymne
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions musicales Bayard-Nizet
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Paul Barras (1925–2017)
from Six miniatures (1986)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions musicales Bayard-Nizet
Paul Barras (1925–2017)
from Quatre miniatures (2008)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions musicales Bayard-Nizet
Paul Barras (1925–2017)
Sonatine (1989)
1) Allegro giocoso
2) Andante cantabile
3) Gigue: Presto
Published by Éditions musicales Bayard-Nizet
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Berceuse in E minor, op. 92 (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Fantasia magica (“The Little Witch”), op. sorcery 2-1-7-4-1-4 (2019)
1) La lilla witch di Bagdad
2) Soluppgång in the noche
3) De kleine Heks verzaubert sich in love
4) Wszystko jinxed
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Fantasie in Gelb, op. 139 (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Improvisationen über “Lasst uns froh und munter sein”, op. 169/1 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
In memoriam Dietrich Bonhoeffer, op. 71 (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
In memoriam Jerzy Popiełuszko, op. 97 (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Lux aeterna, op. 104 (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Meditation on “Fukushima”, op. 100 (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Memoarer, op. 66 (2004)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Norman’s Dance, op. 119 (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Oxford-Variations, op. 70 (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961)
Vintermorgon i Ramnared, op. 134 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Bartusek (b. 1975)
Intrada festiva, op. 13 (2020)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Bartusek (b. 1975)
Praeludium, op. 14 (2020)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Jay C. Batzner (b. 1974)
Cursed Motives (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Michael Baumgartl (1950–2017)
Orgelpunkt (auf den Choral “Aus tiefer Not”) (1999)
Published by Verlag Neue Musik
Online listening stream / MP3
Hari Bayani (b. 1983)
Organ Sonata No. 1 (2010)
1) Larghetto e dolce; 2) Allegro moderato; 3) Grave; 4) Vivace
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in “The Greensboro Collection”
(under the name Rogíl Ambrosio Birco)
YouTube / MP3
Walker Baylor (1891–1975)
Recitative and Chorale (1969)
Online listening stream / MP3
Short Fantasy in A minor (1971)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
James Beale (1924–2010)
Pastorale, op. 25 (1958)
Published by American Composers Alliance
Online listening stream / MP3
Edward W. Beals (1933–2015)
Pastorale on “Es ist ein Ros” (2010)
Online listening stream / MP3
Pastorale on “Rocking” (2010)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Darcey Press in “20 Christmas Pastorales”
Paul Beaudoin (b. 1960)
bright shining light (2024)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Paul Beaudoin (b. 1960)
Et caecitas eorum lacrimas eis efficiet (2024)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Paul Beaudoin (b. 1960)
notes of union and longing (2023)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Paul Beaudoin (b. 1960)
stillness emerging (2024; organ and fixed electronics)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Theodore Beck (1929–2003)
Prelude, Air, and Fughetta (1980)
1) Prelude
YouTube / MP3
2) Air
YouTube / MP3
3) Fughetta
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Theodore Beck (1929–2003)
Prelude on “Rhosymedre” (1976)
YouTube / MP3
Theodore Beck (1929–2003)
Sonata for Organ (1983)
1) Allegro
2) Moderately
3) Lively and detached
YouTube / MP3
Theodore Beck (1929–2003)
Trumpet Processional (1976)
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Chromatic Voluntary (2013)
Published by Éditions Cheldar in “Trois Pièces”
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Contrastes (2017)
1) Aria
YouTube / MP3
2) Fanfare
YouTube / MP3
3) Choral
YouTube / MP3
4) Oraison
YouTube / MP3
5) Humoresque
YouTube / MP3
6) Tarentelle
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Désolation (2021)
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Fantasia (2012)
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Hommage (à la mémoire de Sylvie Poirier) (2014)
Published by Éditions Cheldar in “Trois Pièces”
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
In Memoriam (2013)
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Meditation on “Londonderry Air” (2020)
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Ronde des goules (Rondo of the Ghouls) (2007)
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
from Sept Offrandes
Petite Fleur (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Organum (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Feuillet d’album (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Cheldar
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Suite du troisième ton (2022)
1) Petit Plein Jeu
2) Grand Plein Jeu
3) Duetto
4) Tierce en taille
5) Basse et dessus de Trompette
6) Aria sur les Flûtes
7) Grand Jeu
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube / MP3
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
from Quatre Pièces contemplatives (2022–23)
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Cheldar
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
from Quatre Pièces facile en forme de Suite (2021)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Cheldar
Denis Bédard (b. 1950)
Variations sur “Plus près de toi, mon Dieu” (Nearer, My God, To Thee) (2021)
Published by Éditions Cheldar
YouTube / MP3
Gwilym Beechey (1938–2015)
Celebration (2011)
Published by in “The Second Fagus Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes”
Online listening stream / MP3
John A. Behnke (b. 1953)
Eight Little Preludes and Fugues (2021)
Prelude and Fugue in C major
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Fugue in D minor
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Fugue in E minor
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Fugue in F major
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Fugue in G minor
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Fugue in G minor
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Fugue in A minor
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Fugue in B-flat major
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
John A. Behnke (b. 1953)
Festival Partita on “Now Thank We All Our God” (2019)
1) Prelude; 2) Aria; 3) Fugue
Published by Concordia Publishing House
YouTube / MP3
John A. Behnke (b. 1953)
Prelude on “Wondrous Love” (2000)
Published by Concordia Publishing House in “Five Preludes of Praise, Set 2”
YouTube / MP3
John A. Behnke (b. 1953)
Road to Calvary (2004)
Processional on “Winchester New”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Old 124th”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Christe, du Lamm Gottes”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Herzliebster Jesu”
YouTube / MP3
Easter Vigil Prelude: Joyous Light of Glory
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary on “Christ ist erstanden”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Larry Thomas Bell (b. 1952)
Prelude and Fugue in D major, op. 177 (2021)
Published by Casa Rustica Publications
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
from Experimentum organo, op. 55 (1971)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Organ Processional, op. 29, no. 13 (1974)
Published by Concordia Publishing House (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
A Palm Sunday Processional, op. 6, no. 3 (1955)
Published by Concordia Publishing House in “The Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 4”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Partita on “Miles Lane”, op. 29, no. 5a (1963)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Partita on “St. Anne”, op. 81 (1979)
Published by Concordia Publishing House (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Partita on “Vom Himmel hoch”, op. 29, no. 5c (1963)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Partita on “Wie schön leuchtet”, op. 29, no. 5d (1963)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Partita on “Wie schön leuchtet”, op. 102 (1987)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Piece for Easter, op. 29, no. 19b (1980)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Prelude and Fugue in the Lydian Mode, op. 29, no. 21 (1978)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Bender (1909–1994)
Wedding March, op. 29, no. 19e (1981)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Al Benner (b. 1955)
Two Impressions (2019)
No. 1
Online listening stream / MP3
No. 2
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Conners Publications
Mary Beth Bennett (b. 1954)
Prelude on “Creator of the Stars of Night” (2009)
Published by Concordia Publishing House in “Jubilate, Vol. 4”
YouTube / MP3
Dom Paul Benoit (1898–1979)
Sortie “Ite missa est — Alléluia” (1943)
Published by Art Sacré (Abbaye de Clervaux) in “Nativité et Pâques à l’Abbaye de Clervaux”
Online listening stream / MP3
Joseph Bertolozzi (b. 1959)
Partita on “Besançon” (2004)
Published by the Leupold Foundation
YouTube / MP3
Hans Georg Bertram (1936–2013)
Praeambulum in B-flat (1974/81)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Traunsteiner Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ronald Besemer (b. 1950)
Prelude (1994)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Stephen Best (b. 1946)
Four Gentle Overnight Pieces (2006)
1) Michael’s Melody (Melody in Eb major)
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Meditation Melody
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Meditation on A-L-E-X (Meditation in A minor)
Online listening stream / MP3
4) Lullaby in C major
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Evensong Music, Media, and Graphics
Daryl Bichel (b. 1950)
Triptych on “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Gustav Biener (1926–2003)
Introitus (1980)
Online listening stream / MP3
Offertorium (1980)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Musikverlag Alfred Coppenrath in “Vier leichte Orgelstücke zur heiligen Messe”
Elisabeth Billings (b. 1963)
Meditation (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Fred B. Binckes (1936–2018)
Intonation (1974)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
YouTube / MP3
Eric Bingham-Kumpf (b. 1959)
Church Organ No. 6 (2014)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Eric Bingham-Kumpf (b. 1959)
Church Organ No. 9 (2014)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Melvin Clive Bird (b. 1955)
An Opening Morning Toccata (2015)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Angela Birkhead-Flight (b. 1964)
Recessional Estampie (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Samuel Clay Birmaher (b. 1988)
Forever (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Samuel Clay Birmaher (b. 1988)
From the Zero Codex (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Samuel Clay Birmaher (b. 1988)
Light of the Other (2021)
1) Hymnus Iapetus
YouTube / MP3
2) Hymnus Enceladus
YouTube / MP3
3) Hymnus Tethys
YouTube / MP3
4) Hymnus Mimas
YouTube / MP3
5) Hymnus Titan
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Samuel Clay Birmaher (b. 1988)
Two Scenes (2016/19)
1) Upside-Down Mountain
YouTube / MP3
2) A River Hangs from the Sky
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete)
George Blake (1912–1986)
Preludio espressivo (1980)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 65”
YouTube / MP3
George Blake (1912–1986)
Song of Triumph (1980)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
Online listening stream / MP3
Michael Blake (b. 1951)
from Afrikosmos
Postcards from South Africa (2019–20)
YouTube / MP3
Seventh Must Fall (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Stay on Path (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Variations on a Flute Tune (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Michael Blake Edition
Michael Blake (b. 1951)
BWV Fragments (1999)
Published by Bardic Edition
YouTube / MP3
Richard Blake (pen name) (b. 1953)
Little Rondo (2005)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist” (January 2005) and “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 38”
Online listening stream / MP3
Richard Blake (pen name) (b. 1953)
Praise Him with Trumpets! (2004)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “God of Glory” and “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 37”
Online listening stream / MP3
David Bohn (b. 1965)
Litany (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Ernest Bohn (1914–2013)
Chant modal (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Choral varié (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Danse sacrée (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Pavane (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Ricercar nostalgique (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Toccatina (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Editions Delatour in “Petit livre d’orgue”
Dante Boon (b. 1973)
Nov. (3) (2006/21)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Alla Borzova (b. 1961)
Variations on “Amazing Grace” (2011)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Heaven and Earth”
YouTube / MP3
Guy Bovet (b. 1942)
Ricercare (1992)
Published by Cantate Domino/Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum in “Nouveau cahier de pièces d’orgue” (#3070)
YouTube / MP3
Chaz Bowers (b. 1989)
Chorale and Variations on “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (2017)
Published by Selah Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
B.E. Boykin (b. 1989)
As God Imagined (2022)
Published by Klavia Press
YouTube / MP3
Murray C. Bradshaw (1930–2018)
Variations on “Lo, How a Rose” (1993)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Patrick Braga (b. 1994)
Three Liturgical Processionals, op. 41 (2015)
1) Andante larghetto; 2) Maestoso solemno, ma con moto — Tempo primo; 3) Poco presto
YouTube / MP3
Helmut Michael Brand (b. 1959)
from 22x Erfolgserlebnis (2020)
1) Zuversichtlich
YouTube / MP3
8) Zufrieden
YouTube / MP3
9) Bekümmert
YouTube / MP3
10) Andächtig
YouTube / MP3
11) Flehentlich
YouTube / MP3
12) Umkreisend
YouTube / MP3
18) Entspannt
YouTube / MP3
19) Himmlisch
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Helmut Michael Brand (b. 1959)
from 33x Spielfreude (2018)
2) Toccata in C minor
YouTube / MP3
3) Prelude in C Dorian
YouTube / MP3
4) Prelude in C Whole Tone
YouTube / MP3
5) Meditation in C Half Tone/Whole Tone
YouTube / MP3
7) Prelude in C# minor
YouTube / MP3
10) Passacaglia palindromica
YouTube / MP3
17) Chaconne in F minor
YouTube / MP3
18) Prelude in F Lydian
YouTube / MP3
24) Prelude in G Mixolydian
YouTube / MP3
32) Prelude in B Locrian
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Helmut Michael Brand (b. 1959)
from 44x Üb-Vergnügen (2022)
Etüde 1
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 2
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 6
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 8
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 14
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 19
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 21
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 25
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 26
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 31
YouTube / MP3
Etüde 37
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Easter Carol (1973)
Online listening stream / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Eureka Suite (1965)
1) Fuging-Tune: “Delight”; 2) Variations on “Dunlap’s Creek”; 3) Variations on “Salem”; 4) March on “Royal Proclamation”
Published by Brodt Music Co. (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Fantasy on “Old Hundredth” (1969)
Published by Brodt Music Co. (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Meditation (1973)
YouTube / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Meditation in A minor (1979)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Meditation in G minor (1979)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Pastorale (1973)
YouTube / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Prelude (1972)
YouTube / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Prelude in C (1974)
YouTube / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Reflections (1973)
YouTube / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Rustic Rejoicing (Psalm 65:13) (1979)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
George Brandon (1924–2000)
Two Voluntaries (1974)
No. 1
Online listening stream / MP3
No. 2
Online listening stream / MP3
Cesar Bresgen (1913–1988)
from Orgelbuch I (1979–80)
Stilles Interludium
Online listening stream / MP3
Interludium in G
Online listening stream / MP3
Kleine Intrade
Online listening stream / MP3
Interludium in C
Online listening stream / MP3
Postludium in A
Online listening stream / MP3
Postludium in C
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Doblinger Musikverlag
Cesar Bresgen (1913–1988)
from Orgelbuch III (1979–80)
Kleine Weihnachtsintrade
Online listening stream / MP3
Pastorale 1
Online listening stream / MP3
Pastorale St. Leonhard
Online listening stream / MP3
Bayerische Intrade
Online listening stream / MP3
Irische Pastourelle
Online listening stream / MP3
Bayerisches Pastorale
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Doblinger Musikverlag
Arthur Breur (b. 1968)
Recessional (1987)
Published by Floating Home Music/SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Arthur Breur (b. 1968)
Wedding March (1987)
Published by Floating Home Music/SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Arthur Breur (b. 1968)
Wedding Prelude (1996)
Published by Floating Home Music/SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Emily R. Brink (b. 1940)
Partita on Psalm 65 (1980)
1) Prelude; 2) Chorale; 3) Canon; 4) Trumpet Fantasy
Online listening stream / MP3
Benjamin Britten (1913–1976)
Prelude to “They Walk Alone” (1938)
Published by Boosey & Hawkes in “Britten for Organ”
Online listening stream / MP3
Timothy Broege (b. 1947)
Bolzano (1977, rev. 1982)
(in three movements)
Online listening stream / MP3
Neely Bruce (b. 1944)
Wedding Meditation for Meriwether (1998)
Published by Chamberlain Hill Publications
Online listening stream / MP3
Ferdinand Bruckmann (b. 1930)
Sept pièces françaises (2003)
1) Ouverture; 2) Méditation; 3) Le Vasistas; 4) Paysage; 5) Grimaces; 6) Salut à Falconet; 7) Final
Published by Edition Dohr
Online listening stream / MP3
Ferdinand Bruckmann (b. 1930)
Vier kurze Orgelstücke (Four Short Organ Pieces) (1997)
1) Berceuse triste; 2) Möglichkeiten des E; 3) Die Ankunft Gottes im Nirwana; 4) Bicinium
Published by Edition Dohr
Online listening stream / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Blue Rhapsody on “Wondrous Love” (2023)
Published by Waldkauz Musikverlag
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Chaconne: “Jesu, meine Freude” (2012)
Published by Noten Roehr
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Choralvorspiel: “Dona nobis pacem” (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Danse macabre (Partita und Totentanz) (2002)
(Impressionen über “Mitten wir im Leben sind mit dem Tod umfangen”)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Fantasia: “Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott” (2015)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert in “Luther-Collection”
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Intermezzo: “Wohl denen, die da wandeln” (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Intrade und Variationen: “Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist” (Veni Creator Spiritus) (2015)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert in “Luther-Collection”
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Meditation: “O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig” (2015)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert in “Luther-Collection”
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Mystic Dance: Christ ist erstanden (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Pachelbel-Impression: “Bleib bei mir Herr” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Passacaglia Changes mit 7 Variationen: “Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Passacaglia über ein Motiv von Jürgen Borstelmann (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Poem: “Christe, du Lamm Gottes” (2015)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert in “Luther-Collection”
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Renaissance Rhapsody: “Such, wer da will, ein ander Ziel” (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Rhapsodie über “Locus iste” (von Bruckner) (2022)
Published by Noten Roehr
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Rhapsody: “Dona nobis pacem” (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Rhapsody: “Jesu, geh voran” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Rhapsody in Red: “Jesu dulcis memoria” (2023)
Published by Noten Roehr
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Variationen: “Christ lag in Todesbanden” (2015)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Variationen: “Der Tag, mein Gott ist nun vergangen” (St. Clement) (2015)
Published by Noten Roehr
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Variationen: “Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte” (2024)
Published by Noten Roehr
YouTube / MP3
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965)
Variations on “Be Thou My Vision” (Slane) (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Colin Brumby (1933–2018)
Two Organ Preludes (2014)
No. 1
Online listening stream / MP3
No. 2
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Wirripang Pty Ltd.
Zita Bružaitė (b. 1966)
Triptych (2008)
1) Intrada; 2) Meditation; 3) Toccata
Published by Music Information Centre Lithuania
YouTube / MP3
Paul Bryan (b. 1950)
Four Psalm Preludes (1993–97)
1) Psalm 130:1
“Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord: hear my voice.”
YouTube / MP3
2) Psalm 150:4
“Praise him in the cymbals and dances: praise him upon the strings and pipe.”
YouTube / MP3
3) Psalm 23:1
“The Lord is my Shepherd: therefore can I lack nothing.”
YouTube / MP3
4) Psalm 150:6
“Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord”
YouTube / MP3
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by animus Music Publishing
David C. Bugli (b. 1950)
Fugue(?) for Organ (1968)
Online listening stream / MP3
Mark Buller (b. 1986)
Jubilate in tempore solitudinis (Quarantine Miniature No. 19) (2020)
Online listening stream / MP3
Harvey Burgett (1944–2022)
Alle Menschen müssen sterben (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Harvey Burgett (1944–2022)
Fantasia on “Das alte Jahr vergangen ist” (2000)
YouTube / MP3
Harvey Burgett (1944–2022)
Organ Sonata “Puer natus est” (1990)
1) Prelude: “Puer natus est nobis”
2) Andante: “Viderunt omnes”
3) Finale: “Puer natus in Bethlehem”
YouTube / MP3
Harvey Burgett (b. 1944)
Sunbeams (Meditation for Organ) (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Harvey Burgett (1944–2022)
Two Hearts as One (1985)
YouTube / MP3
Diana Burrell (b. 1948)
Fragment I (2000)
YouTube / MP3
Fragment II (2000)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Faber Music Ltd. in “Unbeaten Tracks”
Matthew F. Burt (b. 1977)
Fantasy (2003)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Daniel Burton (b. 1944)
Fanfare for Organ (2023)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Stephen Burtonwood (b. 1951)
Pastorale (2013)
Published by in “The Second Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals”
YouTube / MP3
Stephen Burtonwood (b. 1951)
Theme and Variations (2013)
Published by in “The Second Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals”
YouTube / MP3
Stephen Burtonwood (b. 1951)
Three Pieces (2022)
1) Prelude
YouTube / MP3
2) Aria
YouTube / MP3
3) Jig
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by
L. Dean Bye (b. 1946)
Postlude for Organ (1984)
Published by Mel Bay Publications in “Six Postludes and Finales” (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Barrie Cabena (b. 1933)
Meditation, op. 217, no. 10 (1990)
Published by ECS Publishing in “Three Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
John Cage (1912–1992)
Souvenir (1983)
Published by Edition Peters
Online listening stream / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Alone (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
An Apostle Remembers the Emperor in a Dream (2023; organ with electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Athena (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Byzantine Meditation (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Canzona (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Christmas Eve Dreams (2023; organ with electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
The City Sleeps (A Nocturne for Organ) (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Clarinet Tune (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Consolation (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Contrast/Chromatic (2022; harmonium)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Daydreaming (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
December 1st: Dreamscape (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Eve (2023; organ with electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Far Away from Me (Song without Words) (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate (harmonium) recording: YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Five Voluntaries (2020)
1) Maestoso
2) Calmly and very expressive
3) Maestoso
4) Very slowly and freely; nostalgic and mysterious
5) Maestoso
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
For Vidas (A Fughetta in the Phrygian Mode) (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Four Miniatures (2020)
1) “…On second thought, let’s…”
2) Bourdon
3) “And God spoke to Moses from the Burning Bush”
4) Once upon a Time
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
“The harvest is past, the summer is ended…” (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
In Idle Days, Long Ago (Song without Words) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
In Memoriam (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
In Nomine (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Introit (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Little Harmonic Labyrinth (2022; harmonium)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Little Prelude in the Classical Style (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Love Song (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Margaretha (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Meditation (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Meditation on a Masonic Tapestry (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
The Mystery of the Seven Stars (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Nightmare Materials I (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Offertory (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate (harmonium) recording: YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
An Orchid Among Daffodils (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Painted Leaves (2021. harmonium)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Pastorale (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Φως Ιλαρόν (Phos Hilaron) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Prelude for Valentine’s Day (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Postlude (for the Feast of Christ the King) (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Postlude on “Rex virginum amator” (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Processional (2023; harmonium)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Pythia (2023; organ with electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Rebuilding Babel (2023; organ with electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Red Webs (2024; organ with electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Romanza (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
A Short Offertory (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate (harmonium) recording: YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Snow Music (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
St. John’s Chapel (Suite for Organ) (2024)
1) Prelude (“In the beginning was the Word”)
2) Ave Maria
3) Gloria
4) Fantasia antica
5) Postlude (“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Thanksgiving (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Thirty-Four (Song without Words) (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Three Diapason Miniatures (2020)
1) Very sadly and sweetly; nostalgic
2) Mysteriously
3) Completely freely; like an improvisation
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Three Modal Preludes (2020)
1) Freely
2) Freely and mysteriously
3) Sadly
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
The Three-Paneled Mirror (2023/24; organ and electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Tiento Frigio (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
The Tower (2023; organ and electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Under the August Night Sky (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate (harmonium) recording: YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
The Veil of Light (2023; organ and electronics)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Vespers (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate (harmonium) recording: YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
A Voluntary (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Calabris (b. 1984)
Walking through a winter park, as the sun sets (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Alla fine (Marginalia No. 218) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Berceuse (Marginalia No. 174) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Berceuse-Pastorale (Marginalia No. 231) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Corale (Marginalia No. 169) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Clonazione o Resurrezione? (Marginalia No. 171) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Danza d’addio (Marginalia No. 239) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Dissoluzione (Immaginazioni sull’impermanenza), op. 176 (2021–22)
1) Drammatico; 2) Un poco agitato; 3) Recitativo (intimo); 4) Corale, maestoso
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Due pastorali (Marginalia No. 222) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Fantasia “Ave maris stella” (Marginalia No. 114) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Fantasia pastorale (Marginalia No. 138) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Fantasia pastorale (Marginalia No. 161) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Fantasia per l’elevazione (Marginalia No. 137) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Fiori della notte (Marginalia No. 126) (2021)
1) Riflessivo; 2) Intimo; 3) Meditativo
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Ginkakuji splende nella notte (Marginalia No. 134) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Fantasie in ombra, op. 175 (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
I giorni senza meta (Marginalia No. 244) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
I luoghi dell’addio 1 (Marginalia No. 235) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
I pensieri avvolgenti (Marginalia No. 181) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
I richiami inascoltati (Marginalia No. 206) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
I sentieri abbandonati (Marginalia No. 204) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
I sentieri incerti (Marginalia No. 207) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Ibach fuge, op. 82d (2016/21)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Il Risorto (Marginalia No. 186) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Il sogno dei Magi (Marginalia No. 162) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
In silenzio (Marginalia No. 122) (2021)
1) Poco andante; 2) Un poco scorrevole; 3) Poco andante
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Incontro un’anima (Marginalia No. 184) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Incontri segreti (Marginalia No. 259) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Inverno, op. 92c (2022/22)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
L’attesa incostante (Marginalia No. 172) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
L’incertezza latente (Marginalia No. 168) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
La memoria dell’estasi (Marginalia No. 185) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Le domande (Marginalia No. 141) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Le forze del tramonto (Marginalia No. 194) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Le invocazioni abbandonate (Marginalia No. 202) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Le risposte evanescenti (Marginalia No. 158) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Le risposte silenziose (Marginalia No. 157) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Le speranze segrete (Marginalia No. 179) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Paesaggi interiori (Marginalia No. 131) (2021)
1) Meditativo; 2) Recitativo misterioso; 3) Finale: Scorrevole
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale (Marginalia No. 30) (2015)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale (Marginalia No. 34) (2016)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale (Marginalia No. 40) (2016)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale (Marginalia No. 136) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale anodina (Marginalia No. 61) (2015/18)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale autunnale (Marginalia No. 125) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale “Carson Cooman” (Marginalia No. 132) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale degli addii (Marginalia No. 130) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale dei miraggi (Marginalia No. 248) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale dei ricordi (Marginalia No. 110) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale del deserto (Marginalia No. 52) (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale del dolore (Marginalia No. 111) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale del Gobi (Marginalia No. 129) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale del ritorno (Marginalia No. 112) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale del silenzio (Marginalia No. 68) (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale del tramonto (Marginalia No. 107) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale dell’attesa (Marginalia No. 97) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale dell’incertezza (Marginalia No. 115) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pastorale di maggio (Marginalia No. 234) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale di Natale (Marginalia No. 219) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale giapponese (Marginalia No. 69) (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale in canone (Marginalia No. 146) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale intima (Marginalia No. 119) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale introversa (Marginalia No. 249) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale inquieta (Marginalia No. 252) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale modale (Marginalia No. 216) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale nella neve (Marginalia No. 53) (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale nella notte (Marginalia No. 99) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale Nihonbashi (Marginalia No. 85) (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale per l’elevazione (Marginalia No. 246) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale siberiana (Marginalia No. 96) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale solenne (Marginalia No. 133) (2021–22)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale sospesa (Marginalia No. 242) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Pastorale Shōwa (Marginalia No. 106) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Processione pastorale (Marginalia No. 152) (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Quattro bagatelle (Marginalia No. 192) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Quattro bagatelle (Marginalia No. 193) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Rassegnazione e orgoglio (Marginalia No. 201) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Ricercare armonico (Juvenilia No. 25) (1980, rev. 2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Ricercare pastorale (Marginalia No. 254) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Seguendo la stella (Marginalia No. 113) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Sentieri di nebbia (Marginalia No. 205) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Soliloquio (Marginalia No. 217) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Tre bagatelle (Marginalia No. 187) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Tre bagatelle (Marginalia No. 188) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Tre bagatelle (Marginalia No. 189) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Tre bagatelle (Marginalia No. 190) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Tre bagatelle (Marginalia No. 262) (2025)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Tre Corali (Juvenilia No. 16) (1983)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Un lungo addio, op. 145a (2012)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Ultimi sguardi (Marginalia No. 191) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Versetti pastorali (Marginalia No. 247) (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Fulvio Caldini (b. 1959)
Wondrous Love (Marginalia No. 183) (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
A Christmas Prelude (2012)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “Four Organ Pieces for Advent and Christmas”
YouTube / MP3
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
from For Manuals Only, Set 5 (2020)
Variations on “Detroit”
YouTube / MP3
Variations on “Wondrous Love”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
The Green Mountain Organ Book (1993)
1) Prelude
YouTube / MP3
2) Fugue
YouTube / MP3
3) Rondeau
YouTube / MP3
4) Canon
YouTube / MP3
5) Dialogue
YouTube / MP3
6) Fanfare
YouTube / MP3
7) Meditation
YouTube / MP3
8) Interlude
YouTube / MP3
9) Procession
YouTube / MP3
10) Carillon
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
Introspection (2014)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “Preludes and Postludes (Music for Manuals series)”
YouTube / MP3
Charles Callahan 1951–2023)
Postlude in F (2014)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “Preludes and Postludes (Music for Manuals series)”
YouTube / MP3
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
Rigaudon (Hommage à Campra) (1993)
Published by Randall M. Egan, Publisher of Music, Ltd. in “Three Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
St. Cecilia Organ Book (2021)
1) Antiphon for St. Cecilia’s Day
YouTube / MP3
2) Dorian Prelude
YouTube / MP3
3) Interlude
YouTube / MP3
4) Lydian Dance
YouTube / MP3
5) Gloria Fanfares
YouTube / MP3
6) Te Deum
YouTube / MP3
7) Magnificat
YouTube / MP3
8) Meditation
YouTube / MP3
9) Pange lingua
YouTube / MP3
10) Responsory
YouTube / MP3
11) Stabat Mater
YouTube / MP3
12) Veni Sancte Spiritus
YouTube / MP3
13) Victimae Paschali
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
Suite in Classic Style (2011)
1) Procession; 2) Siciliana; 3) Duo; 4) Sarabande; 5) Hornpipe
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
YouTube / MP3
Charles Callahan (1951–2023)
from Variations on American Hymn Tunes (2012)
Variations on “Foundation”
YouTube / MP3
Variations on “Holy Manna”
YouTube / MP3
Variations on “McKee”
YouTube / MP3
Variations on “Wondrous Love”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Donald F. Callender (1921–2010)
Meditation (in memoriam) (2000)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Donald F. Callender (1921–2010)
Solemn Variations (2000)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Donald F. Callender (1921–2010)
With Honor and Glory (1999)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Clifton Callender (b. 1969)
Toccata (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Canales (b. 1963)
Ascension Postlude in D (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Fanfare in G (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Fiery Postlude in A minor (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Flamenco Postlude in E (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Gavotte Postlude in A minor (2012)
YouTube / MP3
“Golgotha” Postlude in D minor (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Jubilant Postlude in D (2012)
YouTube / MP3
“Judas’ Kiss” Postlude in A minor (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Majestic Postlude in F minor (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Misterioso Postlude in Ab (2013)
YouTube / MP3
“Mystical Star” Postlude in G (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Offertory in D (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Plagal Postlude in D (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in A (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in C minor (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in D (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in E (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in G (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in G minor (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Solemn Postlude in G minor (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito) as “20 Short Organ Pieces”
Michael Canales (b. 1963)
Adagio in D minor (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Adagio in D (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Fanfare in F (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Gavotte in F minor (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Adagio in B-flat (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Pastorale in B-flat (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in A minor, “Modal” (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in D (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude in B-flat minor (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude in E, “Homage to Bernstein” (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude in E minor (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Sarabande in C (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Spanish Aria (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Adagio in C (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Processional in B-flat (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. as “Inventions for Worship”
Michael Canales (b. 1963)
Majestic Voluntary in C (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist” (September/October 2016) and “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 62”
Michael Canales (b. 1963)
Sonata da Chiesa in C (2014)
1) Fanfare-Prelude (Christ’s Victory) (MP3)
2) Offertory (Christ’s Love) (MP3)
3) Fandango-Postlude (Christ’s Laughter) (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito)
Leonello Capodaglio (b. 1945)
Tre Litanie a Santa Rita da Cascia, op. 257 (2009)
1) Litania Prima
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Litania Seconda
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Litania Terza
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Bardon Enterprises
Leonello Capodaglio (b. 1945)
Tre Litanie a Santa Rita da Cascia (Set 2), op. 257 (2016)
1) Litania Quarta
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Litania Quinta
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Litania Sesta
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Bardon Enterprises
Santino Cara (b. 1957)
Chorale in E minor, CS066-2 (2003)
Online listening stream / MP3
Adagio in D major, CS100-2 (2007)
Online listening stream / MP3
Chorale in E major, CS110-1 (2007)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Santino Cara Music
Christian Carey (b. 1973)
Chanson Variations (2013)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by File Under Music
Thomas Carling (b. 1997)
Still (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Erik Carlson (b. 1980)
for organ (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Erik Carlson (b. 1980)
second piece for organ (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Erik Carlson (b. 1980)
third piece for organ (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Erik Carlson (b. 1980)
fourth piece for organ (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Henri Carol (1910–1984)
Versets and Postlude on “Old Hundredth” (1960)
YouTube / MP3
Miriam Carpinetti (b. 1954)
Erbarme dich mein, o Herre Gott (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Miriam Carpinetti (b. 1954)
O Herre Gott, dein göttlich Wort (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Miriam Carpinetti (b. 1954)
Prelude (after BWV 939) (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Ann Carr-Boyd (b. 1938)
Australian Summer (2016)
Published by Wirripang Pty Ltd.
Online listening stream / MP3
Andrew Carter (b. 1939)
Three Pieces for Three Stops (2007)
1) A Cipher; 2) Tuning Slides; 3) Gremlins on the Great
Published by Banks Music Publications
YouTube / MP3
John Carter (b. 1930)
Reflection on “Es ist ein Ros” (2006)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
John Carter (b. 1930)
from Reflections on the Nativity (1994)
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
YouTube / MP3
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
YouTube / MP3
Published by Hope Publishing Co.
G. Winston Cassler (1908–1990)
Church Sonata on “Komm, o komm, du Geist des Lebens” (1985)
1) Chorale Fantasia; 2) Ricercar; 3) Postlude
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
G. Winston Cassler (1908–1990)
Eucharistia (Meditation on a Plainsong Kyrie) (1965)
Published by Augsburg Fortress (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
G. Winston Cassler (1908–1990)
Exultation (1976)
Published by Augsburg Fortress (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
G. Winston Cassler (1908–1990)
from Hymntune Preludes, Vol. 1 (1960)
Prelude on “Bereden väg för Herran”
YouTube / MP3
Variations on “Es ist ein Ros”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Adeste fideles”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Augsburg Fortress (out-of-print)
G. Winston Cassler (1908–1990)
from Hymntune Preludes, Vol. 4 (1962)
Prelude on “Picardy”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Augsburg Fortress (out-of-print)
G. Winston Cassler (1908–1990)
Reflections at the Crèche (1985)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jean Catoire (1923–2005)
Sonata for Organ No. 4, op. 192 (1970)
Published by Editions Delatour
YouTube / MP3
Jean Catoire (1923–2005)
Sonata for Organ No. 5, op. 241 (1972)
Published by Le Phénomène Sonore
YouTube / MP3
Jean Catoire (1923–2005)
Sonata for Organ No. 11, op. 284 (1973)
Published by Le Phénomène Sonore
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Adagio per voce umana (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Miniature Suite in Ancient Style (2019)
1) Prelude-Toccata; 2) Minuet; 3) Adagio; 4) Gigue
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Ninna nanna degli Angeli (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Ninna nanna della Vergine Madre (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
O God Unseen (2022)
Published by Tim Knight Music in “Music for Praise and Worship”
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Pastorale (2015)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Processional (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Recessional (Trumpet Tune) (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Sound the Trumpet! (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Three Gregorian Reflections (2022)
1) Conditor alme siderum
YouTube / MP3
2) In festo Immaculatæ Conceptionis B.V.M. (Ave Maria — Tota pulchra)
YouTube / MP3
3) Lumen ad revelationem gentium
YouTube / MP3
Published on IMSLP
Pietro Cattaneo (b. 1998)
Variations sur un noël alsacien (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Ryan Cayabyab (b. 1954)
Post-Communion Hymn (from Mass for Peace) (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Jacques Chailley (1910–1999)
Prélude-Dédicace (1985)
Published by Éditions M. Combre
Online listening stream / MP3
David Chamberlin (b. 1956)
from LDS Hymn Voluntaries, Vol. 21
Voluntary on “Adeste fideles” (Canonic Pastorale) (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Chamberlin Music Enterprises
Francis Chapelet (b. 1934)
10 Pièces (2022)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
No. 4
YouTube / MP3
No. 5
YouTube / MP3
No. 6
YouTube / MP3
No. 7 (Passacaille sur un thème de Henry Purcell)
YouTube / MP3
No. 8
YouTube / MP3
No. 9
YouTube / MP3
No. 10
YouTube / MP3
Published by Editions Delatour
Wallace McClain Cheatham (1945–2021)
Meditation on GFH (2006/09)
Published by Lulu Press in “Milwaukee Organ Book”
YouTube / MP3
Wallace McClain Cheatham (1945–2021)
Playing Around with BACH (2012)
Published by Lulu Press in “Milwaukee Organ Book”
YouTube / MP3
Luigi Chiarizia (b. 1978)
Ricordo di Dio (Ommagio a Max Ernst), op. 1, no. 22 (2001)
Published by Armelin Musica in “Paesaggi Sonori”
YouTube / MP3
Jakub Chráska (b. 2001)
De profundis (Nocturne for Organ) (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Jakub Chráska (b. 2001)
Postlude on Aaron’s Blessing (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Jakub Chráska (b. 2001)
Prelude on “Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele” (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Clay Christiansen (b. 1949)
from With Gladness (2021)
Love One Another
YouTube / MP3
Shall Dream Dreams
YouTube / MP3
Walk in the Way
YouTube / MP3
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
Rulon Christiansen (b. 1949)
Morning Aria (1985)
Published by Christiansen Music
YouTube / MP3
Keith Christopher (b. 1958)
Paraphrase on “Weihnachtsmann kommt zur Stadt” (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Ciampa (b. 1971)
Arietta, op. 193, no. 22 (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Fughetta, op. 193, no. 11 (2007)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Evensong Music, Media, and Graphics in “Das Orgeleinbuch”
Leonardo Ciampa (b. 1971)
In dulci jubilo (Pedal Exercitium) (1991, rev. 2004)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Evensong Music, Media, and Graphics in “25 Pieces for Advent and Christmas”
Leonardo Ciampa (b. 1971)
Variations on “A la puerta del cielo” (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Arlen Clarke (b. 1954)
Voluntary No. 2 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 3 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 4 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 6 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 9 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 10 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Published by St. James Music Press
Gene Clarke (b. 1948)
Fantasia on “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (2006)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941)
Coldridge Baroque Suite (2004)
1) Allemande; 2) Courante; 3) Sarabande; 4) Menuets I & II; 5) Gigue
Published by animus Music Publishing in “Coldridge Baroque”
YouTube / MP3
Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941)
from Hymn Preludes from Coldridge (2006)
Prelude on “Eventide” (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Published by animus Music Publishing
Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941)
Offertoire (2008)
Published by in “The Fagus Book of Offertories and Interludes”
YouTube / MP3
Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941)
Prelude (1961)
YouTube / MP3
Pavan (1962)
YouTube / MP3
Published by as “Two Easy Pieces”
Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941)
Prelude from Coldridge Baroque (2004)
Published by animus Music Publishing
YouTube / MP3
Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941)
Variations on “Aus der Tiefe” (2006)
Published by animus Music Publishing in “Coldridge Variations”
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
Alla marcia, op. 109 (2019)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
Kensington Threnody, op. 104 (2017)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
King of Glory (Chorale Partita on a Welsh Hymn Tune), op. 59, no. 2 (1998)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
Mazurka for an Anniversary, op. 128 (2022)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
My Island in the Sea (My øy i havet), op. 116 (2020)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
Nobilis, humilis (Suite on the Hymn to St. Magnus), op. 129 (2023)
1) Processional; 2) Siciliana; 3) Carillon
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
A Parental Garland, op. 97 (2012–13)
1) The Bishop’s Castle; 2) By the Dee; 3) Raven Square; 4) New Fairholme
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
Requiescat in pace, op. 93, no. 1 (2013)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “Two Occasional Pieces”
YouTube / MP3
Robert Coates (b. 1954)
Wedding March, op. 111 (2019)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Hill Cobb (b. 1951)
Contemplation on “Davis” (1982)
Online listening stream / MP3
Fanfare on “Nicaea” (1982)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Grace Coberly (b. 1999)
Eastern Daylight Time (2023)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Autumn Coe (b. 1990)
Symmetry (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Grant Colburn (b. 1966)
Alman (2005)
Online listening stream / MP3
Ballo per Valente (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Canzona (2009)
Online listening stream / MP3
Chorale Prelude: Christ lag in Todesbanden (1985)
Online listening stream / MP3
Courant in E minor (2005)
Online listening stream / MP3
Ground-Round O (1983)
Online listening stream / MP3
Lesson VI in A minor: Andante moderato (2005)
Online listening stream / MP3
Pavan (2005)
Online listening stream / MP3
A Toye (2005)
Online listening stream / MP3
A Voluntary (1983)
Online listening stream / MP3
Grant Colburn (b. 1966)
Voluntary I (2012)
Online listening stream / MP3
Voluntary II (2012)
Online listening stream / MP3
Voluntary III (2012)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published in “Six Voluntarys for Harpsichord or Organ”
Ennio Cominetti (b. 1957)
Fanfare sul Magnificat (2012)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Ennio Cominetti (b. 1957)
Fanfare Varsoviensis (2011)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Ennio Cominetti (b. 1957)
Fantasia su “Stille Nacht” (2011)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Ennio Cominetti (b. 1957)
Promenade (2014)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Ennio Cominetti (b. 1957)
Quatre Images sur B.A.C.H. (2012)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Ennio Cominetti (b. 1957)
Vocis Mariae (2014)
YouTube / MP3
James Conely (b. 1938)
little tunes for little ones (2019)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 69”
YouTube / MP3
Adrian Connell (b. 1964)
Concertino in C major (2019)
1) Prelude; 2) Ground Bass; 3) Minuet and Trio; 4) Celebration Rondo
Published by Edition Dohr
YouTube / MP3
Alejandro D. Consolacion II (b. 1980)
Chorale Prelude on “Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen” (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Alejandro D. Consolacion II (b. 1980)
Four Short Pieces (2007)
1) Pastorale; 2) Lied; 3) Chorale; 4) Paean
Published by Tim Knight Music
YouTube / MP3
Alejandro D. Consolacion II (b. 1980)
Hymn for Peace (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Alejandro D. Consolacion II (b. 1980)
Manualiter Suite (2024)
1) March; 2) Andantino; 3) Pastorale; 4) Minuet: 5) Adagio; 6) Caprice
Published by Tim Knight Music
YouTube / MP3
Alejandro D. Consolacion II (b. 1980)
Trois Pièces pour Vêpres (2022)
1) Moderato; 2) Andante; 3) Moderato
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Francis Judd Cooke (1910–1995)
Antiphon for Organ (1988)
YouTube / MP3
Timothy P. Cooper (b. 1986)
Dialogue on “O Waly Waly” and “Finlandia” (2018)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 66”
YouTube / MP3
R. Evan Copley (1930–2018)
Five Christmas Fantasies (1998)
Fantasy on “Adeste fideles”
YouTube / MP3
Fantasy on “Greensleeves”
YouTube / MP3
Fantasy on “Veni Emmanuel”
YouTube / MP3
Fantasy on “Stille Nacht”
YouTube / MP3
Fantasy on “Antioch”
YouTube / MP3
Matthew H. Corl (b. 1965)
Suite for Organ (2013)
1) Intrada; 2) Reflection; 3) Cantilena; 4) Trumpet Tune
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
YouTube / MP3
André Cormier (b. 1969)
Neuvaine (Novena) (1998)
Published by Éditions Musique Sisyphe (Emsis)
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Chorale, Scherzetto, and March, BCB 66 (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Fantasia on “I Wonder…”, BCB 68 (2022)
Published by Baetz Editions
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Fantasy, Variation, and Toccatina, BCB 64 (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
from Five Short Pieces, BCB 05 (2006)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Baetz Editions
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Four Interludes, BCB 67 (2021/22)
Voluntary (#1)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary (#2)
YouTube / MP3
Fughetta on D-S-C-H
YouTube / MP3
Published on IMSLP
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Miniature I (Offertoire), BCB 40/1 (2015)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Miniature IX (Andante religioso), BCB 59/1 (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Miniature XI (Sarabande de lo dulce), BCB 59/3 (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Miniature XVII (Toccata Tresillo), BCB 73/1 (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Miniature XVIII (Canto della cornet e del corno), BCB 73/2 (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Prelude on “Es ist ein Ros”, BCB 72/2 (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Postlude on “Genevan 42”, BCB 48/3 (2016)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Prelude, Adagio, and Fugue, BCB 63 (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Toccata, Invention, and Sortie, BCB 65 (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
from Organbook, BCB 18 (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Englishe Ayre
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Toccata (Hommage à Muffat)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Paraclete Press
Benjamin Cornelius-Bates (b. 1978)
Variations on “Besançon”, BCB 48/1 (2016)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Calvary (1988)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Easter Postlude on “Handel” (1992)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Fanfare and Postlude (1990)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Homage to Persichetti (1990)
1) Prologue (MP3)
2) Aria (MP3)
3) Divertissement (MP3)
4) Interlude (MP3)
5) Fugato (MP3)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in “The Syracuse Collection”
YouTube (complete)
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Merifield (1992)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Pastorale (1992)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Reverie (1994)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Rose Carol and Variations (1985)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Trois Noëls (1996)
1) La berceuse de Noël; 2) La danse des anges; 3) Les trois rois
Published by Lyon & Healy
YouTube / MP3
Janet Correll (b. 1942)
Variations on “Away in a Manger” (1988)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Michael D. Costello (b. 1979)
Partita on “Ein feste Burg” (2017)
1) Introduction; 2) Chorale; 3) Tricinium; 4) Ayre; 5) Interlude; 6) Fughetta
Published by Concordia Publishing House
YouTube / MP3
Michael D. Costello (b. 1979)
Prelude on “Herzlich lieb” (2008)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “God Will Guide You”
YouTube / MP3
Michael D. Costello (b. 1979)
Prelude on “Herzliebster Jesu” (2010)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “The Day of Resurrection”
YouTube / MP3
Michael D. Costello (b. 1979)
Prelude on “Love Unknown” (2010)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “The Day of Resurrection”
YouTube / MP3
Laurence Crane (b. 1961)
Favourite Chord (1992)
Online listening stream / MP3
Laurence Crane (b. 1961)
Old Life Was Rubbish (1998)
Online listening stream / MP3
Laurence Crane (b. 1961)
Sparling (1992)
Online listening stream / MP3
Laurence Crane (b. 1961)
The Swim (1992)
Online listening stream / MP3
Richard A. Crosby (b. 1957)
Flourish, op. 3 (1984)
Published via J. W. Pepper
YouTube / MP3
Robert Cuckson (b. 1942)
Trope: Agnus Dei (1975)
Published by Coburn Press (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Benjamin M. Culli (b. 1975)
from For Manuals Only, Set 2 (2013)
Prelude on “Ach Gott vom Himmelreiche”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Allein Gott in der Höh”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Aus tiefer Not”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Gabriel’s Message”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Humility”
YouTube / MP3
Variations on “Liebster Jesu”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Nicaea”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “O Durchbrecher”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Patmos”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Westminster Abbey”
YouTube / MP3
Three Pieces on an Original Theme
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Benjamin M. Culli (b. 1975)
from Hymn Tune Innovations, Set 1 (2012)
Prelude on “Aus tiefer Not”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Olivet”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Veni Emmanuel”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Benjamin M. Culli (b. 1975)
Hymn Tune Innovations, Set 5 (2021)
Prelude on “Christ ist erstanden”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Cradle Song”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Jefferson”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Land of Rest”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “O Jesu Christe, wahres Licht”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “O mein Jesu, ich muss sterben”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “St. Crispin”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Von Gott will ich nicht lassen”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Benjamin M. Culli (b. 1975)
from Musica Sacra, Vol. 5 (2006)
Trumpet Prelude on “Darwall’s 148th”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Kirken den er et gammelt hus”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Laudes Domini”
YouTube / MP3
Trumpet Prelude on “Lobe den Herren”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “O Perfect Love”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “The Saints’ Delight”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Alvin Curran (b. 1938)
Madonna and Child (1968)
Online listening stream / MP3
Alvin Curran (b. 1938)
A Saying (1972)
Online listening stream / MP3
Randolph Currie (b. 1943)
Seven Manifestations on “Salzburg” (2006)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Keyboardist’s Year” (March 2008)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Cyž (b. 1955)
skilef (2022)
Published by Noten Roehr
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Arietta on “Bridegroom” (2016)
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Carson’s Chaconne (2014; original version)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “God of Grace and God of Glory”
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Cornet Processional (1995)
Published by Augsburg Fortress in “Organ Music for the Seasons, Vol. 2″
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Five Meditations on “Passion Chorale” (2024)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
An Italian Suite for Organ (Suite Italiana) (2003)
1) Toccata (MP3)
2) Pastorale triste (MP3)
3) Pavana (MP3)
4) Gagliarda (MP3)
5) Elevatione (MP3)
6) Ricercare cromatico (MP3)
7) Canzona (MP3)
Published by Zimbel Press in “An Organ Anthology”
YouTube / MP3 (complete)
Alternate performance:
1) Toccata (MP3)
2) Pastorale triste (MP3)
3) Pavana (MP3)
4) Gagliarda (MP3)
5) Elevatione (MP3)
6) Ricercare cromatico (MP3)
7) Canzona (MP3)
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Grand Choeur (2012)
Published by Augsburg Fortress in “The Organ Sings”
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Bondedans (Farmer’s Dance) (2007)
YouTube / MP3
Nordic Aria (1976)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Augsburg Fortress in “A Scandinavian Suite” (out-of-print)
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Variations on “Dix” (2011)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Voluntary & Fugue: G. F. H. & B-A-C-H (2006)
Published by Zimbel Press in “An Organ Anthology”
YouTube / MP3
David P. Dahl (b. 1937)
Voluntary for the Diapasons (2001)
Published by Zimbel Press in “An Organ Anthology”
YouTube / MP3
Hans-Erik Dahlgren (1954–2012)
Poem (1989)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Daigneault (b. 1940)
Dawn Shadow, op. 372a (2007)
YouTube / MP3
Robert Daigneault (b. 1940)
From the Delphic Hymn, op. 207 (1997)
Published by the Canadian Music Centre in “5 Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Robert Daigneault (b. 1940)
Lament, op. 202 (1996)
Published by the Canadian Music Centre in “5 Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Robert Daigneault (b. 1940)
The Steps, op. 256 (1999)
Published by the Canadian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Robert Daigneault (b. 1940)
Three Preludes for Organ, op. 350a (2006/07)
1) The Passage
YouTube / MP3
2) The Trunk
YouTube / MP3
3) The Climb
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3
Robert Daigneault (b. 1940)
Two Contemplations for Organ, op. 341a (2006/07)
1) A Return
YouTube / MP3
2) The Memory
YouTube / MP3
Cyril C. Dalmaine (1904–1986)
Prelude and Processional (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Threnody (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Flourish (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Forsyth Bros. Ltd. as “Trio of Organ Pieces”
Jim Dalton (b. 1957)
…before knowledge of the physical Grove spines fades (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Jim Dalton (b. 1957)
Prelude on “Mear” (1992/2002)
YouTube / MP3
Jim Dalton (b. 1957)
Prelude: The Truth from Above (2022)
Published by Tim Knight Music in “Organ Music for the Christmas Season”
YouTube / MP3
Leonard Danek (b. 1949)
Flowers (1984)
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Bröllopsmarsch från Tryde (1993)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Cantilena (1994)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Folkdans (1995)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Fyrarna (The Lighthouses) (2002)
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Gotlandssvit (Gotland Suite) (2021)
) Vid Fårö fyr (At Fårö Lighthouse)
2) Hymn vid en ruin (Hymn to a Ruin)
3) Hoburgsdans (Hoburg Dance)
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Hymn (1999)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 69”
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
A Hymn of Hope (2021)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Improvisation över “I denna ljuva sommartid” (1996)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Improvisation över “Kristus vandrar bland oss än” (1997)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
The Little Lighthouse (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Melody (1999)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 69”
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Minimalistic Suite for Organ (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Pavane and Galliarde (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Sensommarmarsch (Late Summer March) (2023)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Villemo Daneling (b. 1977)
Vitabymarschen (2020)
Published by Musikförlaget Cantate/Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Alexander Därr (b. 1976)
Fanfare RESURRECTION (2014)
Published by musicantum Edition
YouTube / MP3
Sarah Davachi (b. 1987)
Harmonies in Green (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Raymond Daveluy (1926–2016)
Prelude in Eb (1959)
Published by Canadian Music Centre
Online listening stream / MP3
Opal S. Davis (b. 1952)
Road to Emmaus (2023)
Published by SMP Press/Sigma Squared Music
YouTube / MP3
Patrick Davis (b. 1988)
Dream Suite (2008)
1) Voyage of Dreams (Job 33:14–15)
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Stormy Skies (Psalm 127:25)
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Waiting (Psalm 130:5)
Online listening stream / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Evensong Music, Media, and Graphics
André de Jager (1964–2023)
Prière, op. 120 (2015)
Published by Keys and Notes Papendrecht
YouTube / MP3
David de Jong (b. 1969)
Peije Rasp (in hommaazje) (2008)
Published by Haags Orgel Kontakt in “Haags Orgelboek”
Online listening stream / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
All Glory, Laud, and Honor (2023)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come, Op. 110B (2019)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
Easter Hymn, Op. 98 (2018)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
from Impressions, Op. 120 (2021)
Impressions on “Largo” from Xerxes by G. F. Handel
YouTube / MP3
Impressions on “Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1” by Edward Elgar
YouTube / MP3
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (2019)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
O God, Our Help in Ages Past (2018)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, Op. 102 (2019)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
Prelude on “Ellacombe” (2021)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
Prelude on “Hyfrydol”, Op. 110E (2019)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
Prelude on “Schmücke dich” (2022)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
Prelude on “St. Gertrude” (2022)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Margaretha Christina de Jong (b. 1961)
Prelude on “Winchester Old” (2018)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Ronald de Jong (b. 1956)
Arabesque (2005)
Published by Vivace Muziek
Online listening stream / MP3
Ronald de Jong (b. 1956)
Elegie (1999)
Published by Vivace Muziek
Online listening stream / MP3
Ronald de Jong (b. 1956)
Fantasia (2008)
Published by Haags Orgel Kontakt in “Haags Orgelboek”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ronald de Jong (b. 1956)
Lamentation (1994)
Published by Vivace Muziek
Online listening stream / MP3
Albert de Klerk (1917–1998)
Suite (1969)
1) Canon (MP3)
2) Cantabile (MP3)
3) Fuga (MP3)
4) Arabesque (MP3)
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Aart de Kort (b. 1962)
Arioso (1982/92)
Published by Carus-Verlag in “14 Improvisationen für Orgel”
Online listening stream / MP3
Davide De Zotti (b. 1983)
Toccata per l’Elevatione (2012)
Published by Edition Punctum Saliens
YouTube / MP3
Samuel Delaunay (b. 1972)
from 10 Pièces d’orgue
Prélude solennel (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Prélude carillon (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Prélude grave (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Marche solennelle (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Jean-Louis Dhaine (1949–2006)
Petit livre pour Maud (Little Book for Maud) (1981)
1) Prélude; 2) Étoile (Star); 3) Pastourelle (Pastorale); 4) Maud endormie (Maud Asleep); 5) Prière (Prayer); 6) Final
Published by Éditions M. Combre
Online listening stream / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Adagio (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Adagio (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Cantico di Maria (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Ciaccona sopra il basso della Tarantella del Gargano (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Corale sopra una mesta melodia (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Elegia (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Elegia No. 2 (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Elegia No. 3 (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Fantasia on Old Hundredth (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Finale (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Ostinato (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Published by the composer in “Ostinato, Fantasia, etc.”
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Meditazione (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
from Manualiter
Ricercare mistico (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ricercare mistico No. 2 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ricercare mistico No. 3 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ricercare mistico No. 4 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Toccata breve (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Te lucis ante (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Pastorale (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Consolation (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Arpeggios (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Assolo (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published by SMP Press
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
from Manualiter, Vol. 2
Ciaccona sopra DCHLA (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Cantabile d’affetto (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Canto di Pace (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Elevatione (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Corale e 2 variazioni) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
In dulci jubilo (4 Partite per organo) (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published by SMP Press
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
PEACE (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Schizzo in Do maggiore (2000)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Schizzo in si minore (2000)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
U vaqa sënd vit (Quattro piccole variazioni) (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Variations on “Duke Street” (2022)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (March 2023)
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Variazioni in stile antico e moderno (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Variazioni sopra il Responsorio di San Vito (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara (b. 1969)
Variazioni sul tema della Follia (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Along the Way (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Dove (2001)
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Gusts (2004)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Hearings (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
In Passing (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Invitation (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Next Day (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
On the Move (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Sequent (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Sidelights (1988)
Alternate performance: YouTube
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
To the Contrary (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Unguarded Moments (1986)
Paula Diehl (b. 1925)
Very Time (1988, rev. 2012)
Emma Lou Diemer (1927–2024)
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (2021)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Emma Lou Diemer (1927–2024)
Meditation on “Still, Still, Still” (2007)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Emma Lou Diemer (1927–2024)
from Stars (2016)
Prelude on “Conditor alme siderum” (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “In dir ist Freude” (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Augsburg Fortress
Emma Lou Diemer (1927–2024)
Toccata (1993)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in “Basic Organ Repertoire, Vol. 3A”
YouTube / MP3
Emma Lou Diemer (1927–2024)
Triptych (2013)
1) March
YouTube / MP3
2) Air
YouTube / MP3
3) Toccata
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp.
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Aria in F (2021)
YouTube / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Aria Serena (2003)
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Canzona (2003)
Online listening stream / MP3
Galliard in C (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Invention in C (2000)
Online listening stream / MP3
Quiet Hymn (1991)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito) in “With Eager Hands”
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Darwall’s Fantasia (DARWALL’S 148) (2014)
1) Praeludium; 2) Aria; 3) Intermezzo; 4) Toccata
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Let the Organ Sound!”
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Fargo (Cantilena) (1998)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Hornpipe in D (2012)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Joyful Hymn (1998)
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito) in “Five Postludes”
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Little Prelude in D minor (2013)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Little Prelude in C minor (2007)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Paean (1998)
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito) in “Five Postludes”
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Pastorale in E minor (2011)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Prière (2000)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito) in “Six Offertories”
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
A Remembrance (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Pick Up and Play”
YouTube / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Remembrance (2003)
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Rondo Benvenuto (2000)
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito) in “Five Postludes”
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Toccata (after John Stanley) (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
John S. Dixon (b. 1957)
Trumpet Tune (1999)
Published by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito) in “Five Postludes”
Online listening stream / MP3
Alexander Dmitriev (b. 1961)
Morning Has Broken (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Emily Doolittle (b. 1972)
Becoming (2006/22)
Published by LAUDEM in “Anthologie de musique canadienne pour orgue”
YouTube / MP3
Peter Alexander Döser (b. 1961)
Vier kleine Orgelstücke, op. 10 (2001)
[in four movements]
Published by Sonat-Verlag (Edition Musica Rinata)
YouTube / MP3
Jean Drahmann (1922–2019)
Mystolidia (1998)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jean Drahmann (1922–2019)
Offertory (1979)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jean Drahmann (1922–2019)
Processional in C (1990)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jean Drahmann (1922–2019)
Processional in F (1991)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Max Drischner (1891—1971)
Praeludium in D minor (1916)
Online listening stream / MP3
Henk Dubbink (b. 1963)
Siciliano (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Melissa Dunphy (b. 1980)
Rorate Caeli (2021)
Published by Stainer & Bell in “Gregoriana”
YouTube / MP3
Melissa Dunphy (b. 1980)
Two Preludes for Organ (2019)
1) Sehnsucht; 2) Frühling
YouTube / MP3
Luc Dupuis (b. 1954)
Miniature No. 1 (2012)
Published on Lulu in “Trois miniatures”
YouTube / MP3
Michał G. Dzitko (b. 1995)
Harmonies du Soir (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Kathy Wonson Eddy (b. 1951)
Mist in the Valleys (1997)
Published in “The Berkshire Organbook” (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Andante grazioso, op. 454, no. 2 (2012)
Published by in “The Second Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals”
YouTube / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Chorale Prelude on “Bow Church”, op. 486 (2021)
Published by
YouTube / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Cornopean Voluntary, op. 399 (2001)
Published by animus Music Publishing
YouTube / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Lament for a Damson Tree, op. 454, no. 1 (2012)
Published by in “The Second Fagus Book of Voluntaries for Manuals”
YouTube / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Meditation in the Dorian Mode, op. 428, no. 7 (2004–05)
Published by in “Northamptonshire Miniatures”
YouTube / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Overture (MDCCCV), op. 428, no. 1 (2004–05)
Published by in “Northamptonshire Miniatures”
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Prelude and Tiento “Omnia clara et pulchra”, op. 487 (2019)
Published by
YouTube / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Trumpet Air, op. 367 (1997)
Published by in “The Second Fagus Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes”
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul Edwards (b. 1955)
Voluntary for a City Church, op. 370 (1997)
Published by
YouTube / MP3
Lars Egebjer (1930–1986)
Cavatina (1986)
Published by Gehrmans Musikförlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Eberhard Egermann (1933–2020)
Präambel X (2009)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Dresdner Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Edward Eicker (b. 1975)
Meditation No. 6 (2020)
Published by SMP Press in “Meditations for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Eicker (b. 1975)
Soliloquy (2009)
Published by World Library Publications in “Just A(nother) Minute”
Online listening stream / MP3
Hans Eklund (1927–1999)
Lamento per organo (1998)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag in “Klinte Orgelbok”
YouTube / MP3
Barbara Elder (b. 1952)
Two Nantucket Pieces (2009)
1) Settling Seas
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Stone Alley Hornpipe
Online listening stream / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Adagio (Song without Words) (2000)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Et lidet Barn saa lystelig (Pastorale) (1984)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Epilogue (A Farewell to the Organ) (1998)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
from Etyder (2004)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
The First Nowell (1988)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S in “Two Christmas Preludes”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Fem skisser (2010)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
No. 4
YouTube / MP3
No. 5
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
Jan Elgarøy (b. 1930)
Five Organ Pieces (1995)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Hellige Maria, du fagre lilje (Liten partita over en sigøynermelodi) (2000)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Improvisation No. 1 (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Improvisation No. 2 (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S as “To improvisasjoner”
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Intermezzo (1994)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Invocatio (1972)
Published by Norsk Musikforlag A/S (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Landet vårt (Partita on an Original Theme) (1996)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Marcia (1974)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
from Miniatyrsuite (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Andante solenne
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Musica Phrygia simplex (1967)
1) Preludium; 2) Pastorale; 3) Toccatina
Published by Harald Lyche & Co. A/S (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Partita facile (1965)
Published by Harald Lyche & Co. A/S (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Partita on “Veni Emmanuel” (1986)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Postludio festivo (1984)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Postludium (1994)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S in “Missa Brevis”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Preludium (2005)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S in “Tre sykker for orgel”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Signatur (2006)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Suite per organo (Suite No. 1) (1986)
1) Introduzione; 2) Pastorale; 3) Intermezzo; 4) Canzone; 5) Postludio
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Suite No. 2, “Impressions of Nonnenwerth” (1988)
1) Serioso; 2) Andante cantabile; 3) Allegretto giocoso; 4) Allegro ritmico; 5) Tranquillo
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Suite No. 3 (1991)
1) Preludio; 2) Contemplazione; 3) Toccatina; 4) Corale; 5) Marcia
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
from Syv korte stykker for orgel (1979)
YouTube / MP3
Alla breve
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Gammel nederlandsk koral
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Tema med variasjoner (1980)
YouTube / MP3
Legende (1980)
YouTube / MP3
Postludium (1980)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
To korte preludier (2017)
1) Con moto; 2) Moderato — Più mosso
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
To preludier (1975)
1) Andante
YouTube / MP3
2) Con moto
YouTube / MP3
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S (and also in “Norsk Orgelbok”)
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Toccata (1974)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Toccata brevis (1965)
Published by Harald Lyche & Co. A/S (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Elgarøy (1930–2018)
Variations on “Azmon” (1981)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
John Ellis (1943–2010)
Suite in homage to Handel (2007)
1) Overture; 2) Air; 3) Sarabande; 4) Gigue
Published by animus Music Publishing in “Chamber Miniatures”
YouTube / MP3
Patrick Ellis (b. 1994)
Revisited, Repurposed (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Rune Elmehed (1925–2015)
Meditation (1993)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Rune Elmehed (1925–2015)
Preludio Festivo II (1981)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Changes 3: Palindromes (1977/1994/2016)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Displacements (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Drawing No. 8 (2016)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Drawing The Great Valley (2019)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Isorhythms (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Isorhythms 3 (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Light and Shadow (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Prime Times 5 (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Prime Times 5 Again (2018)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Prime Times 6 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Night Piece 2 (2016)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Reflections (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Sevens for Organ (2019)
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul A. Epstein (1938–2023)
Threes and Twos (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Karl Erhard (1928–2017)
Meditation (2001)
Published by Anton Böhm & Sohn in “Drei Orgelstücke”
Online listening stream / MP3
Lasse Toft Eriksen (b. 1978)
from 25 enkle Orgelstykker (2021)
Arioso i a-mol
YouTube / MP3
Fløjte-trio i G
YouTube / MP3
Rondo-præludium i C
YouTube / MP3
Toccata i F
YouTube / MP3
Published by Forlaget Mixtur
Lasse Toft Eriksen (b. 1978)
from 26 enkle Orgelstykker (2024)
Ciacona i frygisk toneart
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Gør døren høj, gør porten vid (Old Hundredth)
YouTube / MP3
Krist stod op af døde
YouTube / MP3
Præludium i lydisk toneart
YouTube / MP3
Trumpet Tune
YouTube / MP3
Vær velkommen, Herrens år (Nytårs-fanfare)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Forlaget Mixtur
Lasse Toft Eriksen (b. 1978)
Fugl fønix (Phoenix) (2016–17)
YouTube / MP3
Nadja Eriksson (b. 1955)
March Picta (2018)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
YouTube / MP3
Nadja Eriksson (b. 1955)
When the Heart Speaks (När hjärtat talar) (2018)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
YouTube / MP3
Katia Farn (b. 2004)
Chords (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Katia Farn (b. 2004)
Fantasia (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Katia Farn (b. 2004)
Lento (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Katia Farn (b. 2004)
Melismas (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Katia Farn (b. 2004)
Pavane and Galliard (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Katia Farn (b. 2004)
Snow (2017)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Katia Farn (b. 2004)
Victimae paschali laudes (2024)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
A Carol for the New Year (1986)
Published by Alfred Music in “A Collection of Hymns”
YouTube / MP3
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
Carol with Riffs (2020)
Published by Selah Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
from Eight Meditative Preludes for Organ (2018)
Prelude on “Aus tiefer Not”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Erhalt uns, Herr”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Schmücke dich”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Wondrous Love”
YouTube / MP3
Published Concordia Publishing House
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
Improvisation on “Veni Creator Spiritus” (1996)
Published by Selah Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
Meditation on “Veni Emmanuel” (2011)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
A Trumpet Dialogue (2024)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
Variations on “Es ist ein Ros” (2018)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
YouTube / MP3
Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
Variations on “King’s Weston” (1984)
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fejko (b. 1957)
Dance on “Freu dich sehr” (Psalm 42) (2022)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2023)
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fejko (b. 1957)
Prelude on “Star in the East” (2022)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Absolusjon (Absolution) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Andante maestoso (2016)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “New Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Berceuse (2003)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “In the Light”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Cantilene (2016)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “New Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Consonance (2018)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “New Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Dorisk ekko (Dorian Echo) (2016)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “New Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Glassmaleri (Stained Glass) (2016)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “New Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
I lyset (In the Light) (2004)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “In the Light”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Morgen (Morning) (2007)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Oppvåkning (Awakening) (2007)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Ostinat for orgel (2004)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “In the Light”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Ottesang (Morning Song) (2017)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “New Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Overtonespill (Harmonics at Play) (2017)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “New Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Postludium No. 2 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Sortie (2003)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “In the Light”
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Stille prosesjon (Silent Processional) (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Sylke Feldhusen (b. 1962)
Trøst (Consolation) (2007)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “Sketches”
YouTube / MP3
Barry Ferguson (b. 1942)
Meditation: “Grant Us Thy Peace” (1975)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Ferrarini (b. 1970)
from 27 Momenti musicali organistici (2005)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Finale (No. 1)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Armelin Musica
Marco Ferrarini (b. 1970)
Preludio antico (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Cantabile (2022)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Concerto in C (2023)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Elegy (2021)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Festive Prelude (after Charpentier) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
March Triumphant (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Meditation on “Herzliebster Jesu” (2021)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Meditation on “O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß” (2022)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Medieval Tune (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Passacaglia in C minor (2021)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Prayer for Peace (2022)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Trumpet Fanfare (2022)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Paul Fey (b. 1998)
Tuba Tune (2021)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Thomas Fielding (b. 1975)
Variations on “O Waly, Waly” (2007)
Published by GIA Publications
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
Cum Angelika laudate (Variationen) (2012/13)
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
Drei Choralvorspiele (1989)
1) O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
YouTube / MP3
2) O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid
YouTube / MP3
3) Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig
YouTube / MP3
Published by Referat für Kirchenmusik Erzdiözese Salzburg
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
Elegie (1990)
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
Invokationen (1987)
Published by Edition Kulturquartier
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
O du lieber Augustin (Suite) (1983)
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß (Meditation) (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
Pastorale (1993)
1) Siciliano; 2) Idyll; 3) Siciliano da capo
Published by Anton Böhm & Sohn
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
Postludium über “Ite missa est” (1996)
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
Variations on a Lithuanian Folk Song (Variationen über ein litauisches Volkslied) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Günther Firlinger (b. 1951)
from Vier gregorianische Meditationen (1993)
1) Alma Redemptoris Mater
YouTube / MP3
4) Regina coeli
YouTube / MP3
Published by Referat für Kirchenmusik Erzdiözese Salzburg
Adrian Vernon Fish (b. 1956)
Consummatum est (1997)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “The Great Feast” and “The Organist’s Great Big Lent & Easter Book”
YouTube / MP3
Adrian Vernon Fish (b. 1956)
Hymn to Maeve of Connacht (1997)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “Meditations”
YouTube / MP3
Adrian Vernon Fish (b. 1956)
Mini-Pastorale (2001)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “An Easy Collection for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Adrian Vernon Fish (b. 1956)
A Short Prayer for the Bishop of Greenland (1995)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “Consecration”
YouTube / MP3
Adrian Vernon Fish (b. 1956)
Wharfside Idyll (1997)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “Meditations”
YouTube / MP3
Friedhelm Flamme (b. 1963)
Missa brevis (Orgelmesse) (2011)
1) Kyrie (MP3)
2) Gloria (MP3)
3) Sanctus (MP3)
4) Agnus Dei (MP3)
5) Dona nobis pacem (MP3)
Published by Strube Verlag
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Andrew Fletcher (b. 1950)
Exordium (1998)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “Service Music for Organ”
Online listening stream / MP3
James Flores (b. 1987)
Carillon d’Anima Christi (2018)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Michael Fontana (b. 1960)
Chorale Prelude on “Kingsfold” (2018)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (March 2023)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Fontana (b. 1960)
Chorale Prelude on “O Sacred Head” (2018)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Fontana (b. 1960)
Meditation (1993)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Fontana (b. 1960)
Prelude and Chorale on “O Sacred Head” (1981)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Fontana (b. 1960)
Variations on “Veni Emmanuel” (1979)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Christopher Fox (b. 1955)
The Missouri Harmony (1984–85)
Published by Fox Edition
Online listening stream / MP3
Don Freudenburg (1939–2007)
Prelude on “Herzliebster Jesu” (2005)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2023)
YouTube / MP3
Don Freudenburg (1939–2007)
Variations on “Southwell” (2006)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Keyboardist’s Year” (September 2007)
YouTube / MP3
Jürg Frey (b. 1953)
Leichte Bewegung im Grenzenlosen (Slight Movement in the Boundlessness) (2006)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
Online listening stream / MP3
Jürg Frey (b. 1953)
One Instrument, Series (3) (1999)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
Online listening stream / MP3
Jürg Frey (b. 1953)
Sam Lazaro Bros (1984)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
Online listening stream / MP3
Richard E. Frey (b. 1945)
Trumpet Pastorale (1992)
Published by H. T. Fitzimmons Co./Hal Leonard in “Three Ceremonial Pieces”
Online listening stream / MP3
Květa Fridrichová (1952–2019)
Elegie (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Květa Fridrichová (1952–2019)
Pastorale (1989)
Published by Verlag Neue Musik
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul Z. Fu (1928–2021)
Bridal March (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Reiner Gaar (b. 1958)
Et sepultus est (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Reiner Gaar (b. 1958)
Praeludum über AFCC (2015)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio Jubilo”
YouTube / MP3
Reiner Gaar (b. 1958)
Triptychon (2001)
1) Präludium in G minor
YouTube / MP3
2) Interludium
YouTube / MP3
3) Toccatina
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Herzlich wilkommen”
Francesco Gabellieri (b. 1981)
Preludio super “Aus tiefer Not schrei’ ich zu dir” (2019)
Online listening stream / MP3
Thomas Gabriel (b. 1957)
Romanze in A (2004)
Published by Schott Musik GmbH & Co. in “Zwei Orgelstücke”
YouTube / MP3
Herbert Gadsch (1913–2011)
from Engerhafer Orgelbuch (1986/88)
Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
All Morgen ist ganz frisch und neu (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Befiehl du deine Wege (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Gott rufet hoch (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Jesu, meine Freude (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Nun danket all und bringet Ehr (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Vater unser im Himmelreich (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Wunderbarer König (Choralpräludium)
YouTube / MP3
Engerhafer Orgelstück X
YouTube / MP3
Herbert Gadsch (1913–2011)
Piece in F major (2000)
Published by Edition Musica Rinata in “Zehn leichte Orgelstücke”
YouTube / MP3
Herbert Gadsch (1913–2011)
Prelude in D major (1973)
Published by Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin in “Freie Orgelstücke zum liturgischen Gebrauch” (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Herbert Gadsch (1913–2011)
Vorspiel 1 (1996)
YouTube / MP3
Vorspiel 2 (1996)
YouTube / MP3
Postludium in Bb (1996)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Edition Musica Rinata in “Vor- und Nachspiele”
Adrian Gagiu (b. 1967)
Dormice Lullaby (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Galbraith (b. 1951)
Agnus Dei (1999/2001)
Published by Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Galbraith (b. 1951)
Christ by Whose Death the Church on Earth Was Born (1999/2003)
Published by Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Galbraith (b. 1951)
In Unity and Love (1997/2004)
Published by Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Galbraith (b. 1951)
My Heart, O God, Is Steadfast (2020/24)
Published by Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Galbraith (b. 1951)
O Lord, Who May Abide? (2007)
Published by Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Galbraith (b. 1951)
O Nata Lux (2010)
Published by Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Nancy Galbraith (b. 1951)
Sing with All the Saints in Glory (2015)
Published by Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Anna Gerotheou Gallos (1920–2015)
Byzantine Mosaics on the First Mode (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Byzantine Mosaics on the Second Mode (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Byzantine Mosaics on the Third Mode (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Byzantine Mosaics on the Fourth Mode (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Byzantine Mosaics on the First Plagal Mode (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Byzantine Mosaics on the Second Plagal Mode (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Byzantine Mosaics on Mode Varys (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Byzantine Mosaics on Fourth Plagal Mode (1971)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Evangeline Music Press
Alfred Gammelsæter (b. 1955)
Pax (Norsk partita), op. 2 (2001)
Published by Lyche Musikkforlag A/S
YouTube / MP3
Jean-Charles Gandrille (b. 1982)
from Pièces minimalistes pour la liturgie, op. 41
Bourdon (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Dolce (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Delatour
Jean-Charles Gandrille (b. 1982)
from L’organiste poète, op. 91
Exorde (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Gymnopédie, op. 52 (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Prière (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Petite Berceuse, op. 63 (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Toccatina (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Ostinato (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Un Ange avait prédit… (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Seconde Gymnopédie (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Supplication (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Delatour
Kenneth Gange (1939–2015)
Interlude (1996)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Piper Publications in “Two Pieces for Organ”
Kenneth Gange (b. 1939)
Three Quiet Pieces (1939–2015)
1) No. 1
Online listening stream / MP3
1) No. 2
Online listening stream / MP3
1) No. 3
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Piper Publications
Kyle Gann (b. 1955)
Summer Serenade (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3 (quiet version)
Online listening stream / MP3 (loud version)
Andrew Gant (b. 1963)
Toccata on “Mendelssohn” (1997)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “The Organ Music of Andrew Gant”
Online listening stream / MP3
Kay Gardner (1941–2002)
Lament for the Thousands (2001)
Published by Sea Gnomes Music/Hildegard Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Antony Garlick (1927–2000)
Processional for a Ceremony (1981)
Published by Seesaw Music/Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Igor Garshnek (b. 1958)
Three Conditions (1978)
Published by Eres Edition
Online listening stream / MP3
Daniel E. Gawthrop (b. 1949)
from Microludes, Vol. 1 (2019)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
No. 7
YouTube / MP3
No. 9
YouTube / MP3
No. 16 (Prelude on “Te lucis ante terminum”)
YouTube / MP3
No. 18
YouTube / MP3
No. 21
YouTube / MP3
No. 22
YouTube / MP3
No. 23
YouTube / MP3
No. 24
YouTube / MP3
Published by MusicSpoke
Daniel E. Gawthrop (b. 1949)
from Microludes, Vol. 2 (2020)
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
No. 15
YouTube / MP3
No. 23
YouTube / MP3
Published by MusicSpoke
Daniel E. Gawthrop (b. 1949)
from Microludes, Vol. 3 (2020)
No. 4 (Prelude on ”Psalm 42”)
YouTube / MP3
No. 14
YouTube / MP3
No. 15 (Prelude on “Jesu dulcis memoria”)
YouTube / MP3
No. 16
YouTube / MP3
No. 21
YouTube / MP3
Published by MusicSpoke
Daniel E. Gawthrop (b. 1949)
Offertory (Dialogue) (2018)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Daniel E. Gawthrop (b. 1949)
Processional (2013)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Celebration and Reflection”
YouTube / MP3
Sandra Gay (b. 1943)
Sentiments (2013)
1) Solemnity; 2) Tranquility; 3) Anticipation; 4) Mirth
Published by Zimbel Press
YouTube / MP3
Sandra Gay (b. 1943)
Spiritus Anni (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Sandra Gay (b. 1943)
Vigil (2002)
Published by Zimbel Press
YouTube / MP3
Sandra Gay (b. 1943)
Zampogna (2002)
Published by Zimbel Press
YouTube / MP3
Nigel Gaze (b. 1943)
Two Offertory Interludes (2008)
1) Larghetto (Online listening stream / MP3)
2) Innocente (Online listening stream / MP3)
Published by in “The Fagus Book of Interludes and Offertories”
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
Anima Christi (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
Bethlehem (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
Carson’s Lighthouse (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
Continuum (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
The Glorious Mysteries (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
In nomine (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
In Via (2025)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
Parce Domine (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
Pax Vobis (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
things moving up and down (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
The Winged Ox (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Matt Geer (b. 1996)
Wishing Tree (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Philip Gehring (1925–2020)
from Four Organ Pieces for the Church (1969)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Deo Gratias
YouTube / MP3
Philip Gehring (1925–2020)
from Six Hymn Preludes for Lent and Holy Week (2010)
Prelude on “Christe, du Lamm Gottes”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Cross of Jesus”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Jesu Kreuz, Leiden und Pein”
YouTube / MP3
F. Xavier Gelabert i Muntaner (b. 1976)
Circumdederunt me (after Cristóbal de Morales) (2016)
Published by Donemus in “Organ Book”
Online listening stream / MP3
F. Xavier Gelabert i Muntaner (b. 1976)
Day of Tears (after John Dowland) (2018)
Online listening stream / MP3
F. Xavier Gelabert i Muntaner (b. 1976)
Offertoire sur Stella Cæli (2020)
Online listening stream / MP3
F. Xavier Gelabert i Muntaner (b. 1976)
Pregària per Ucraïna (Prayer for Ukraine) (2022)
YouTube / MP3
F. Xavier Gelabert i Muntaner (b. 1976)
from Quatre offertoires sur des chants grégoriens (2018)
Offertoire sur Attende Domine
Online listening stream / MP3
Offertoire sur Adoro te devote
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Donemus
F. Xavier Gelabert i Muntaner (b. 1976)
Vou veri vou (2015)
Published by Donemus in “Organ Book”
Online listening stream / MP3
Herb Gellis (b. 1948)
Declamation (2000–03)
Published by Harmonic Services Group
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Aves in Aëre (2007)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Cabernet Sauvignon (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Cantilena I (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Cantilena II (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Chorale Variations on the Name K-L-A-I-S, op. 117 (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Dominomus (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
The Filly Foal (2007)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
In G (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Ludium I (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ludium II (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ludium III (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ludium IV (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ludium V (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Mélange (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Morosophia (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Movement in E, op. 12 (1992)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Passages (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Quinque Paroeciae, op. 155 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
To be or not to be (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Toccatina (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
from Triptych, op. 56 (2001)
1) Marcia Entrada
YouTube / MP3
2) Episode and Passacaglia
YouTube / MP3
Ludo Geloen (b. 1962)
Vijf Regeriaantjes (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Bernd Genz (b. 1958)
Prelude and Fugue No. 3 (2020)
Published by Edition Dohr in “Reinheimer Orgelbuch”
YouTube / MP3
César Geoffray (1901–1972)
Interlude pour la Nativité (1959)
YouTube / MP3
Choral (O Quam Suavis) (1959)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Oxford University Press as “Two Pieces” (out-of-print)
Rico Gerber (b. 1959)
for organ (2019)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Rico Gerber (b. 1959)
in memoriam (2018)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Rico Gerber (b. 1959)
Postlude on “Cwm Rhondda” (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Rico Gerber (b. 1959)
Postlude on “Nun danket” (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Rico Gerber (b. 1959)
Prelude on “Ar hyd y nos” (2020)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Chant (2009)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc. in “The Organist’s Companion” (March 2020)
Online listening stream / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Chorale and Sarabande (2009)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2021)
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Elevation (1998)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (July 2021)
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Invocation (2022)
Published by Whole Tone Press
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
On the Wings of the Morning (2013)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Celebration and Reflection”
Online listening stream / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Partita on “Es ist ein Ros” (2006)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (November 2021)
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Partita on “Italian Hymn” (2019)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (May 2022)
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Processional in B-flat (2014)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
Online listening stream / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Trumpet Tune (2013)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Sound the Trumpet: Organ Trumpet Tunes for All Occasions”
Online listening stream / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Variations on “Arfon” (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Come Away to the Skies”
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Variations on “Bunessan” (2008)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Keyboardist’s Year” (March 2009)
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Variations on “Hamburg” (2021)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Organist’s Companion” (January 2023)
YouTube / MP3
Anthony Giamanco (b. 1958)
Variations on “Land of Rest” (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Pick Up and Play”
YouTube / MP3
Vittorio Giannini (1903–1966)
Ricercare on the Chorale “O Deepest Grief” by Antes (1959)
YouTube / MP3
Dominik Giesen (b. 1994)
Drei Orgelstücke (2024)
1) Fanfare; 2) Choral; 3) Marcia festiva
YouTube / MP3
Dominik Giesen (b. 1994)
Meditation (2010)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Dominik Giesen (b. 1994)
Minimal Variations (2024)
YouTube / MP3
James Gilbert (b. 1962)
Celtic Postlude (2017)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
James Gilbert (b. 1962)
The Mystery (2018)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
James Gilbert (b. 1962)
Reflection (2002)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
James Gilbert (b. 1962)
Row Song (2014)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
James Gilbert (b. 1962)
Summer Prelude (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Peter Gillard (b. 1933)
Interlude (2002)
YouTube / MP3
Corbinian Gindele (1901–1986)
Eight Intonations, Set 1 (1966)
Published by Verlag Friedrich Pustet Regensburg
YouTube / MP3
Corbinian Gindele (1901–1986)
Kleines Orgelstück in F (1957)
Published by F. E. C. Leuckart Musikverlag in “88 leichte Choralvorspiele, Band III”
Online listening stream / MP3
Anthony Girard (b. 1959)
from Oiseaux et roses du jardin d’Eden
(Birds and Roses from the Garden of Eden) (2002)
Bird of Evening
YouTube / MP3
Still Birds among the Roses
YouTube / MP3
Published by Editions Delatour
Elisabeth Göbel (b. 1984)
Lied ohne Worte (2021)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio festivo”
YouTube / MP3
Gunther Martin Goettsche (b. 1953)
Kleines Präludium mit Fuge, op. 68/1 (2002)
Published by Bärenreiter-Verlag in “Schlüchterner Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Frederic Goossen (1927–2011)
Six Chorales for Organ (1967)
1) Allegro non troppo, ma deciso
YouTube / MP3
2) Con moto
YouTube / MP3
3) Con moto
YouTube / MP3
4) Vivo
YouTube / MP3
5) Andante deliberato
YouTube / MP3
6) Allegro risoluto
YouTube / MP3
Recorded as part of “The Shelter Recordings,” a project of the American Composers Alliance
Published by American Composers Alliance
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Vasilisa Gorochnaya (b. 1989)
Fugue No. 7 (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Fugue No. 43 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Vasilisa Gorochnaya (b. 1989)
Ricercar No. 1 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Vasilisa Gorochnaya (b. 1989)
Ricercar No. 2 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Werner Götz (b. 1942)
Flötenwerk (2022)
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Kleine Orgel — Große Vielfalt”
YouTube / MP3
Wolfram Graf (b. 1965)
Anhang I, op. 128 (2003)
Online listening stream / MP3
Wolfram Graf (b. 1965)
Contemplatio, op. 239 (2018)
Online listening stream / MP3
Wolfram Graf (b. 1965)
ebene Grenze (Plane Boundary), op. 98 (1999)
Online listening stream / MP3
Wolfram Graf (b. 1965)
In Parisfals Land op. 187a (2010)
Online listening stream / MP3
Wolfram Graf (b. 1965)
Michaelgruß, op. 160 (2007)
Online listening stream / MP3
Wolfram Graf (b. 1965)
from 7 kleine Stücke für Orgel, op. 17 (1990)
Online listening stream / MP3
Erinnerung (Remembrance)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Antes Edition
Michael Graham (b. 1952)
Voluntary in Eb major (1991)
Online listening stream / MP3
Bengt Granstam (b. 1932)
Pastoral (1975)
Published by Noteria
Online listening stream / MP3
Marisa Green (b. 1982)
Christmas Trio (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Marisa Green (b. 1982)
Reflections on “Silent Night” (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Iouri Grichetchkine (b. 1966)
Angel’s Song (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 63”
YouTube / MP3
Michael Grill (b. 1955)
Drei Haikus (1995)
Published by Strube Verlag
YouTube / MP3
Michael Grill (b. 1955)
from Orgelstücke zu Weihnachtsliedern (1990)
Choralvorspiel über “Vom Himmel hoch”
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Michael Grill (b. 1955)
Praeludium (2023)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio Jubilo”
YouTube / MP3
Thomas Grillenberger (b. 1974)
Toccata in E minor (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Toccata in D minor (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Easy fun 1 (Toccata & Co.)”
Jeffrey Grimm (b. 1943)
Adagio (1991)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Fenton Groden (b. 1982)
Alleluia Toccata (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Trumpet Rondo (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
Ralf Grössler (b. 1958)
Blues (1984)
Online listening stream / MP3
Meditation (1984)
Online listening stream / MP3
Nachspiel (1984)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Traunsteiner Orgelbuch”
Eivind Groven (1901–1977)
Bryllupsmarsj (Wedding March) (1961/62)
Published by Harald Lyche & Co. A/S in “To Orgelstykker”
Online listening stream / MP3
Bo Grønbech (b. 1951)
Lamento (1999)
Published by Kirkemusikforlaget in “Dansk orgelmusik II”
Online listening stream / MP3
Bo Grønbech (b. 1951)
Meditation i persisk modus (2016)
Published by Forlaget Mixtur in “Otte små præludier”
Online listening stream / MP3
Norberto Guinaldo (b. 1937)
Prelude and Postlude (1975)
1) Prelude
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Postlude
Online listening stream / MP3
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Augsburg Fortress (out-of-print)
Gustav Gunsenheimer (b. 1934)
Mahumé-Suite (2005)
1) Eingang (Entrée); 2) Verehrung (Hommage); 3) Ausgang (Sortie)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Festlich und feierlich, kurz und bündig”
Online listening stream / MP3
Gustav Gunsenheimer (b. 1934)
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g’mein (Choralintrade) (1986)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Festlich und feierlich, kurz und bündig”
Online listening stream / MP3
Gustav Gunsenheimer (b. 1934)
Sonatine 1 (1990)
1) Introduktion (MP3)
2) Intermezzo (MP3)
3) Festliches Rondo (MP3)
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Tastenbuch”
Kaj-Erik Gustafsson (b. 1942)
Introduzione e Chorale (2017)
Published by Sulasol
YouTube / MP3
Kaj-Erik Gustafsson (b. 1942)
Partissima (2017)
1) Introduction; 2) Bicinium; 3) Meditazione; 4) Chorale
Published by Sulasol
YouTube / MP3
Kaj-Erik Gustafsson (b. 1942)
Ramus virens olivarum (2006)
Published by Sulasol
Online listening stream / MP3
Ingemar Gynnemo (b. 1928)
Canzona (2007)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag in “Sju små stycken för orgel”
Online listening stream / MP3
Walther Haffner (1925–2002)
Adagio (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Ostinato (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Rummelsberger Orgelbuch”
Volker Hahn (b. 1940)
Fünf Orgelstücke (2010)
1) Präludium; 2) Cantus con variazione; 3) Fuge; 4) Passacaglia; 5) Toccata
Published by Strube Verlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Marko Hakanpää (b. 1970)
Lamento maan korvessa (Lament in the Wilderness) (2018)
Published by Lulu Press
Online listening stream / MP3
Jonathan B. Hall (b. 1960)
Variations on “Picardy” (2006)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Keyboardist’s Year” (November 2007)
YouTube / MP3
Eyvind Hallnäs (b. 1937)
Kristina kyrkas bröllopsmarsch (2015)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Eyvind Hallnäs (b. 1937)
Meditation (1994)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Eyvind Hallnäs (b. 1937)
Sockenkyrkans brudmarsch (2015)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Axel Hambraeus (1890–1983)
Meditation I (1963)
Published by Noteria in “Sju små preludier”
Online listening stream / MP3
Bengt Hambraeus (1928–2000)
from Livre d’orgue, Vol. II (1981)
Basse de Cromorne (I) — Hommage à Clément Janequin
Published by Éditions Jacques Ostiguy Inc. in “Livre d’orgue, Vol. II”
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
10 Chant Preludes for Organ (2013)
Prelude on “Adoro te devote”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Ave Maria”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Ave verum corpus”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Conditor alme siderum”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Divinum mysterium”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Salve Regina”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Tantum ergo”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Veni Creator Spiritus”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Veni Emmanuel”
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Victimae paschali laudes”
YouTube / MP3
Published by World Library Publications
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
from 39 Liturgical Pieces for Organ (2015)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Pastel #2
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by SMP Press
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Christmas Pastorale (2017)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Da pacem Domine (2022)
Published by SMP Press in “Peace Pieces”
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Georgia Contemplation (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Homage to Langlais (2016)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Little Chaconne (2017)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 68”
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Little Prelude on “Joseph, lieber Joseph mein” (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Morning Prayer (2017)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 66”
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Petite Elegy in memoriam Marilyn Mason (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Prélude (pour Madame) (on “New Britain”) (2002)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “The Marilyn Mason Organ Library, Vol. 1”
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Roses… (2010)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Three Interludes (2018)
1) Andante; 2) Moderato; 3) Adagio
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Three Liturgical Pieces (2015)
1) Hail, True Body of Christ; 2) Sarabande; 3) Little Trumpet Tune
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Three Prayers (2024)
1) Adagio; 2) Lento ostinato; 3) Andante
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Three Watercolors (2016)
1) Dawn Praise; 2) Meditation; 3) Fanfare
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Pick Up and Play”
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Variations on “Italian Hymn” (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Gregory Hamilton (b. 1959)
Watercolor #1 (2018)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Calvin Hampton (1938–1984)
Voluntary on “Old Hundredth” (1980)
Published by The Leupold Foundation
YouTube / MP3
Colin Hand (1929–2015)
from Try Using the Pedals (2005)
A Pastoral Ditty
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by animus Music Publishing
Roger C. Hannahs (1918–2000)
Cortège (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Roger C. Hannahs (1918–2000)
Tetratonic Tune (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
Fem præludier over morgensalmer (2015)
1) Gud, du, som lyset og dagen oplod (MP3)
2) Gud ske tak og lov (MP3)
3) Nu gløder øst i morgenskær (MP3)
4) Rind nu op i Jesu navn (MP3)
5) Se, nu stiger solen af havets skød (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Forlaget Mixtur in “15 præludier over morgensalmer”
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
Hymner (1993)
1) Dyrets Magt – Kærlighedens Pant (MP3)
2) Himmelhelten – Løvemod (MP3)
3) Thi evig eet er Liv og Aand (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Forlaget Mixtur
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
In lumine Domini (Suite No. 1) (2011–12)
1) Forsamlingsmusik (Gathering Music) (MP3)
2) Præludium (MP3)
3) Mosaik (MP3)
4) Postludium (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
In lumine Domini (Suite No. 4) (2012)
1) Forsamlingsmusik (Gathering Music) (MP3)
2) Præludium (MP3)
3) Mosaik (MP3)
4) Postludium (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
In lumine Domini (Suite No. 5) (2012)
1) Forsamlingsmusik (Gathering Music) (MP3)
2) Præludium (MP3)
3) Mosaik (MP3)
4) Postludium (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
Méditation du Carême (1999)
YouTube / MP3
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
The Lighthouse in Odessa (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
“Listen, every lonesome rocky soul” (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Flemming Chr. Hansen (b. 1968)
Ten Lord’s Prayer Meditations (Ti Fadervor-meditationer) (2016)
1) Our Father, who art in heaven (MP3)
2) Hallowed be thy name (MP3)
3) Thy kingdom come (MP3)
4) Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (MP3)
5) Give us this day our daily bread (MP3)
6) Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us (MP3)
7) Lead us not into temptation (MP3)
8) Deliver us from evil (MP3)
9) For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever (MP3)
10) Amen (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Forlaget Mixtur
Stijn Hanssens (b. 1982)
Rondo octotonico (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Andreas Hantke (b. 1956)
Pastorale (1982)
YouTube / MP3
Weihnachts-Röslein (Es ist ein Ros) (1982)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “O du fröhliche”
Andreas Hantke (b. 1956)
Geduld (Patience) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Hoffnung (Hope) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Melodie (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Präludium F 21 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Präludium G 21 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Präludium in A minor (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio festivo”
Andreas Hantke (b. 1956)
Happy End (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Preludio new ways (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio jubilo”
Patrick Hardish (b. 1944)
Sonorities IX (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Patricia Lou Harris (1939–2021)
Voluntary on “Forest Green” (2017)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Josef Matthias Hauer (1883–1959)
Zwei Zwölftonspiele (1947)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
Published by Dobblinger Musikverlag
Reidar Hauge (1947–2011)
Glogerintrada III (2005)
Published by Lyche Musikkforlag A/S in “Glogerintradaer”
Online listening stream / MP3
Mark Hayes (b. 1953), arr. Douglas E. Wagner (b. 1952)
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow (2014)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Carols for Organ, Vol. 3″
Online listening stream / MP3
Sorrel Hays (1941–2020)
For My Brother’s Wedding (Music for Organ) (1974)
YouTube / MP3
David H. Hegarty (b. 1945)
Saraband (1976)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Preludes, Preludes, Preludes”
Online listening stream / MP3
Harald Heilmann (1924–2018)
Invocation, op. 100, no. 2a (1969/80)
Published by Astoria Verlag/Schott in “Zwei Invocationen”
Online listening stream / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Adagio in G (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Andante in D-moll (#1) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Andante in D-moll (#2) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Andante in G (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria 2 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria in C (und 6 Variationen) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria in C (und 7 Variationen) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria in D (und 4 Variationen) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria in G (und 5 Variationen) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria in G 2 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Aria in G 3 (und 5 Variationen) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Ciacona in C (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in d-moll (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in C (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in c-moll (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in c-moll 2 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in c-moll 3 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in c-moll 4 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in e-moll (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in g-moll (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in g-moll (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Fantasie in h-moll (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Großes Praeludium in C (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Kleines Spielstück 3 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Kleines Spielstück 6 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Kleines Zwischenspiel 2 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Orgelsolo in C (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 5 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 8 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 12 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 13 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 15 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 16 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 20 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 21 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 24 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 25 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 23 und Variationen (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 29 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 3o (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 37 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 38 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 39 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 44 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 45 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 46 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 47 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 48 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 49 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 50 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 54 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 55 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 56 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 58 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 59 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 60 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 61 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 62 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 63 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 64 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 65 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 66 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 67 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 68 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 69 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 70 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 71 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 72 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 73 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 74 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 75 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 76 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 77 (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 78 (2025)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium 79 (2025)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium und Fuge in C (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Praeludium und Fuge in g-moll (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Romanze (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Solostück 2 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Solostück 3 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Solostück 4 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Solostück 4b (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Spielstück 9 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Spielstück 11 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Spielstück 12 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Spielstück zu Weihnachten 2023
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Toccata in C (2025)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Voluntary (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Heinrichmeyer (b. 1950)
Weihnachtsstück (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Wilbur Held (1914–2015)
Air (1990)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Wilbur Held (1914–2015)
Flourish (1974)
Published by Beckenhorst Press
YouTube / MP3
Wilbur Held (1914–2015)
Processional (1980)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Wilbur Held (1914–2015)
Prelude on “Gloria” (2004)
Published by the Leupold Foundation
YouTube / MP3
Wilbur Held (1914–2015)
Thanksgiving Postlude (1981)
Published by Belwin Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Barbara Heller (b. 1936)
Notte di maggio (Mainacht) (2001)
Published by Schott Musik GmbH & Co. in “Frauen komponieren”
YouTube / MP3
Andreas Hellfritsch (b. 1968)
Festlicher Einzug-Auszug (2008)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Wohlauf und spiele schön”
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert M. Helmschrott (b. 1938)
Simbolo di pace (2006)
Published by Schott Musik GmbH & Co.
YouTube / MP3
Marcia Hempel (b. 1956)
Caprice (2019)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 69”
YouTube / MP3
Karl Henning (b. 1960)
Meditation, op. 28, no. 2 (1994)
Published by Lux Nova Press in “Three Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Karl Henning (b. 1960)
O Beauteous Heavenly Light, op. 34, no. 2 (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Fancy on Psalm 80 from the Scottish Psalter, op. 34, no. 3 (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Lux Nova Press in “Three Short Pieces for Organ”
Karl Henning (b. 1960)
sorrow and love flow mingled down, op. 169, no. 8 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Henning (b. 1960)
Where bright angel feet have trod, op. 169, no. 1 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Bruno Heroldt (1910–1987)
Prelude in Bb major (1973)
Online listening stream / MP3
Prelude in A minor (1973)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin in “Freie Orgelstücke zum liturgischen Gebrauch” (out-of-print)
Adam Heron (b. 1998)
A Christmas Pastorale (2021)
Published SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Adam Heron (b. 1998)
Fantasia on “Te lucis ante terminum” (2023)
Published SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Adam Heron (b. 1998)
Pastorale in G (2023)
Published SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Adam Heron (b. 1998)
Prelude in D (2021)
Published SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Bryan Hesford (1930–1996)
Aria and Litany (in memoriam Dmitri Shostakovich), op. 55 (1977)
Online listening stream / MP3
Reimund Hess (b. 1935)
Formen und Farben (2022)
Präludium in D
YouTube / MP3
Präludium in C (#1)
YouTube / MP3
Präludium in e
YouTube / MP3
Präludium in F
YouTube / MP3
Präludium in C (#2)
YouTube / MP3
Choral in G
YouTube / MP3
Präludium in g
YouTube / MP3
Thema und Variationen in a
YouTube / MP3
Zwischenspiel in fis
YouTube / MP3
Zwischenspiel in G
YouTube / MP3
Zwischenspiel in e
YouTube / MP3
Bicinium in Es
YouTube / MP3
Zwischenspiel in F
YouTube / MP3
Zwischenspiel in F (lydisch)
YouTube / MP3
Zwischenspiel in g
YouTube / MP3
Impression in C
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Communion Melody (1977/2023)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Chanson nostalgique (1997/2024)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Dancing on the Moon (2018)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Deus et descendit ad eum Dominus (2024)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Equinox (1976/2023)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Five Transcriptions (1997/98)
1) Improvisation
YouTube / MP3
2) A Little Gem
YouTube / MP3
3) Across Iberia
YouTube / MP3
4) An Evening in May
YouTube / MP3
5) Copy-Cat
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Follow on When All Forsake Me (1979/2023)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Four Short Pieces
A May Bouquet (1992)
YouTube / MP3
Idyllic Days (1992)
YouTube / MP3
Dream Scene (1992)
YouTube / MP3
Thanks Givings (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Fugal Prelude on “In the Bleak Midwinter” (2023)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Homage to the Robin (2024)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Invictus Maneo (2023)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Meditation on “Wondrous Love” (2025)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Nox noctis (2024)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
from Organ Suite No. 1
Choral Fragment (1980)
YouTube / MP3
Endings (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
from Organ Suite No. 2
Paraphonic Fanfare (1991)
YouTube / MP3
Prayer (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Suite No. 3 (1997/98/2006)
Spring Song (2006)
YouTube / MP3
The Last Reflection of a Year (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Choral Variations (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Truetune (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Published in printed form by Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. or digitally from Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
from Organ Suite No. 4
Sanctum (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Sonnet (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
from Organ Suite No. 5
Sol solis gaudium (2009/20)
YouTube / MP3
March (1997/2020)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Suite No. 6
Acclamation on the Mystery of Faith (1982/2021)
YouTube / MP3
Eclogue (1982/2021)
YouTube / MP3
Eternal (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Fathomless Mysteries (1981/2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Symphony No. 4 (1994)
1) Encomion
YouTube / MP3
2) Past Time
YouTube / MP3
3) Lamentation
YouTube / MP3
4) Panacea
YouTube / MP3
5) Maranatha
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Symphony No. 6 (1995–96)
1) Rerum omnium fere nodus
YouTube / MP3
2) Mirabile dictu
YouTube / MP3
3) Pythagorean Dreams
YouTube / MP3
4) Hypostasis
YouTube / MP3
5) Remember Me
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Symphony No. 11 (1993)
1) Tree Language
YouTube / MP3
2) Catacoustic Visions
YouTube / MP3
3) You Sing the Unknown
YouTube / MP3
4) The Ring of Spring
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Symphony No. 14 (2004)
1) Song of the Anointed
YouTube / MP3
2) Cantus
YouTube / MP3
3) Epigraph
YouTube / MP3
4) Benediction
YouTube / MP3
5) Pneuma
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Symphony No. 18 (2020)
1) Cosmic Calls
YouTube / MP3
2) Contra Plagam
YouTube / MP3
3) Man Is the Dream of a Shadow
YouTube / MP3
4) Solemn End
YouTube / MP3
5) Folk Song
YouTube / MP3
6) The Sounds That the Voyagers Saw
YouTube / MP3
7) Revelation Raptures
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Symphony No. 19 (2020)
1) Theotokos
YouTube / MP3
2) Contemplations
YouTube / MP3
3) Techtonics
YouTube / MP3
4) Images
YouTube / MP3
5) Theosis
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Organ Symphony No. 20 (2021)
1) Utterances
YouTube / MP3
2) Modus Operandi
YouTube / MP3
3) Supersymmetry
YouTube / MP3
4) Paths of Wisdom
YouTube / MP3
5) Oxyrhynchus Fragmentization
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Orphic Vignette No. 6 (1982/2021)
YouTube / MP3
Orphic Vignette No. 7 (2003/22)
YouTube / MP3
Orphic Vignette No. 9 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published in printed form by Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. or digitally from Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Prayer to Saint Cedd (2024)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Prelude on “Silent Night” (2024)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Remembering John (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Three Liturgical Pieces (2023)
1) Prelude
YouTube / MP3
2) Interlude
YouTube / MP3
3) Postlude
YouTube / MP3
Published by Heyes Music
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Tribute (2022)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Twelfth Night (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Twelve Haiku (2025)
January Haiku
YouTube / MP3
February Haiku
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Veneration (1980/2023)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Veritas numquam perit (2024)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Bernard Heyes (b. 1951)
Vivat Rex (2023)
Published by Heyes Music
YouTube / MP3
Hans Uwe Hielscher (b. 1945)
Intrade, op. 65 (2017)
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Intrada”
YouTube / MP3
Hans Uwe Hielscher (b. 1945)
Meditation: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen, op. 22, no. 2 (1984)
YouTube / MP3
Mark Hijleh (b. 1963)
In Him Was Light (2004)
Online listening stream / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube / MP3
Robert Hilf (1942–2015)
from Feet Don’t Fail Me Now!, Vol. 5 (2014)
A Peaceful Melody
YouTube / MP3
In Green Pastures
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
A Burst of Light
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Dance with Joy! (Rondo)
YouTube / MP3
Theme and Variations on an Original Theme
YouTube / MP3
Published by World Library Publications
Keith Hill (b. 1948)
Choralvorspiel: Was Gott thut, das ist wohlgethan (1970)
YouTube / MP3
Richard Hillert (1923–2010)
A Little Sonata for the Night before Christmas (1990)
YouTube / MP3
Richard Hillert (1923–2010)
Processional Music (1978)
YouTube / MP3
Alistair Hinton (b. 1950)
Festal Fanfare, op. 45 (2005)
Published by The Sorabji Archive
Online listening stream / MP3
Sven Hinz (b. 1979)
orgelpunkt. (1998)
Published by Klangsignale
YouTube / MP3
Matthias Hippe (1946–2004)
Einzug-Auszug D-Dur (1989)
Online listening stream / MP3
Einzug-Auszug e-Moll (1989)
Online listening stream / MP3
Einzug-Auszug g-Moll (1989)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Einzug-Auszug”
Matthias Hippe (1946–2004)
Engelkonzert (1993)
1) Heilig ist der Herr Zebaoth
2) Alle Lande sind seiner Ehre voll
3) Gebenedeit sei, der da kommt
Published by Strube Verlag in “Orgelmusik (sub communione)”
Online listening stream / MP3
Matthias Hippe (1946–2004)
Pastorale (1983)
1) Andante (des Hirten Lieblingslied; “The Shepherd’s Favorite Song”)
2) Vivace (frohes Feiern; “Happy Celebration”)
3) Largo (Nachtlied; “Nightsong”)
Online listening stream / MP3
Meditation (1983)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Traunsteiner Orgelbuch”
Matthias Hippe (1946–2004)
Der Herr ist mein Hirte (The Lord Is My Shepherd) (1997)
Published by MDH-Musikverlag Nördlingen
Online listening stream / MP3
Stanley M. Hoffman (b. 1959)
Crimson Sunset (2012)
Published by SMP Press
Online listening stream / MP3
Stanley M. Hoffman (b. 1959)
Elegy on “In paradisum” (2018)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Stanley M. Hoffman (b. 1959)
Intermezzo (1999)
Published by ECS Publishing
Online listening stream / MP3
Karin Höghielm (b. 1962)
Postludium V (2012)
Published by Svensk Musik (SMIC) in “7 Postludier”
Online listening stream / MP3
Dulcie Holland (1913–2000)
Arioso (1997)
Published by the Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Dulcie Holland (1913–2000)
Hymn Prelude for Lent (Southwell) (1978)
Published by the Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Dulcie Holland (1913–2000)
Meditations of Mary (1978)
Published by the Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
Dulcie Holland (1913–2000)
Towards Evening (1997)
Published by the Australian Music Centre
YouTube / MP3
R. Leonard Hollands (b. 1942)
Colour Poems (1962/64)
1) Elegy
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Interlude
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Fanfare
Online listening stream / MP3
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Lulu Press
Markus Frank Hollingshaus (b. 1974)
Impressionen vom Rhein, Op. 116/2 (2022)
1) Alpen
2) Gold
3) Burgen und Kirchen
4) Von Land zu Land
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Kleine Orgel — Große Vielfalt”
YouTube / MP3
Markus Frank Hollingshaus (b. 1974)
Sieben leichte Praeludien und Postludien, Op. 107 (2020)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
No. 4
YouTube / MP3
No. 5 (Trumpet Tune)
YouTube / MP3
No. 6 (Carillon)
YouTube / MP3
No. 7 (Toccata)
YouTube / MP3
Claes Holmgren (b. 1957)
alla sarabanda (1996)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag in “Klinte Orgelbok”
YouTube / MP3
Stig Wernø Holter (b. 1953)
Procession in F (1999)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “Festmusikk, Hefte 9”
Online listening stream / MP3
Dietrich Höpfner (b. 1950)
from Tastenspiele für Orgel (2012)
Fantasie-Spiel in C-Dur
YouTube / MP3
Largo-Spiel in d-moll
YouTube / MP3
Habanera-Spiel in a-moll
YouTube / MP3
Published by MDH-Musikverlag Nördlingen
Dietrich Höpfner (b. 1950)
Prä-Ludium in C-Dur
YouTube / MP3
Orgelpunkt-Spiel in G-Dur
YouTube / MP3
Spiel zum Einzug in F-Dur
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio Jubilo”
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 3) (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 5.1) (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 5.2) (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 7) (2022)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 8) (2022)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 9) (2022)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 10) (2022)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 11) (2023)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 14) (2024)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
abhanden (méditations sur l’orgue 16) (2025)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
allein (alone) (2009)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
drei choräle (penser à satie) (2007/11)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
drones (2014)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
erwartung 2 (2018)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
finished – unfinished (2002)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
going on (2020)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
six impromptus (2023)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
six small preludes (2022)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
some tunes, vol. V (2007)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Eva-Maria Houben (b. 1955)
stillness — laudate dominum (2024)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Alan Hovhaness (1911–2000)
Sonatina for Organ, op. 382 (1983)
1) Andante
2) Allegretto pastorale
3) Adagio con molto espressione
Published by Fujihara Music Co., Inc.
YouTube / MP3
Vernon Hoyle (b. 1948)
A Song of Hope (2017)
Published by Paraclete Press
YouTube / MP3
Robert J. Hughes (1916–1999)
Festival of Praise (1986)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert J. Hughes (1916–1999)
Recessional (1988)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 53″
Online listening stream / MP3
Amanda Husberg (1942–2021)
For Carson (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Jaebon Hwang (b. 1982)
Voluntary on “Veni Emmanuel” (2024)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Ingegerd Idar (b. 1943)
Jubilate (1998)
Published by TRUMPH
YouTube / MP3
Bo Ingelberg (b. 1962)
In Peace (2016)
Published by Noteria
Online listening stream / MP3
Frédéric Inigo (b. 1959)
Centon, set (2001)
Online listening stream / MP3
Jeremy Irish (b. 1976)
Responsorial (1999/2002)
YouTube / MP3
Páll Ísólfsson (1893–1974)
Prelude in C minor
Online listening stream / MP3
Prelude in C major
Online listening stream / MP3
Postlude in A minor
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Iceland Music Information Centre
Kurt Ison (b. 1965)
Three Modern Organ Voluntaries, Op. 6 (2020)
1) A Modern Trumpet Voluntary
YouTube / MP3
2) A Modern Cornet Voluntary
YouTube / MP3
3) A Diapason Voluntary
YouTube / MP3
Published by Crescendo Music Publications
John James (probable pseudonym for Basil Ramsey, 1928–2018)
Fanfare (1975)
Published by Banks Music Publications
Online listening stream / MP3
Lawrence A. James (b. 1944)
Fanfare and Variations on “Ellacombe” (2008)
Published by Leupold Editions in “The Keyboardist’s Year” (March 2009)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Janca (1933–2023)
Intrade (2017)
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Intrada”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Janca (1933–2023)
from Drei Intraden
Intrade No. 2 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Intrade No. 3 (2017/18)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Drei Intraden”
Oskar Janner (b. 1968)
Five Pieces for Organ (1999)
Meditation in F
YouTube / MP3
Meditation in E-flat
YouTube / MP3
Pastorale in F
YouTube / MP3
Chaconne in C
Online listening stream / MP3
Postlude in F
YouTube / MP3
Published by TRUMPH
Oskar Janner (b. 1968)
from Three Chorale Preludes (1999)
Chorale Prelude on “Uti din nåd”
YouTube / MP3
Published by TRUMPH
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Canon (2012)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Dağılmanın Beyaz Organı (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
For Years, Possibly (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
The Impossible Music (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Organum (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Puget Sound Chaconne (2009–11)
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Rondo (2010)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Tidal (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Two Thanksgiving Postcards (2023)
1) New York, St. John’s in the Village
2) Cambridge, Harvard Memorial Church
YouTube / MP3
Jashiin (b. 1984)
Victory Fugue (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Clive Jenkins (b. 1938)
Three Pastorales (Organ Pieces for Odd Times) (1991)
1) Allegretto; 2) Andante semplice; 3) Allegro non troppo
Published by Selah Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Adagio (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Adagio in D minor (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Andante grazioso (2024)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Arioso (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Aftenbøn (Evening Prayer) (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
The Awakening (2025)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Ballet Dancer (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Beautiful Morning (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Beautiful Soul (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Blue Water (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Breath of Spring (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Cantilena (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Cantilena (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Celebration in C (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Christmas Medley (2016)
Published by SMP Press in “December Collection for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Communion III (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
December Piece (2016)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Early Morning Lake (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
February (Meditation for Organ) (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Fanfare (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Intra (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Intra in C (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Intra in F (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Organ Prelude in C (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Postlude 2 (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Prelude in C (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Prelude (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Procession (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Festive Procession II (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Flower Dance (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Good Day (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Happy New Year! (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Himmel og Jord (Heaven and Earth) (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Horizon (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
In the Air (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Krist stod op af døde (Christ ist erstanden) (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Langfredag (Good Friday) (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Largo in D (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
The Last Supper (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Light Prelude (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Light Prelude II (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Light Prelude III (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Little Prelude, “Rain” (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Lullaby (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
March in F (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Meditation in C major (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Meditation in F (2024)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Meditation on “Wondrous Love” (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Meditation II on “Wondrous Love” (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Morning Bells (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Morning Light (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
On the Last Journey (2019)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Organ & Vacation & Ice Cream (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Palmesøndag (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Påskeludium (2016)
1) Part I; 2) Part II; 3) Intermezzo; 4) Dance
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Pavane and Galliard (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude in D minor (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude II in D minor (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude on “Lobe den Herren” (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Postlude (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Postlude in C (2019)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Postlude in D (2020)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Postlude in D (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Postlude X (2018/23)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
A Prayer (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prayer in D minor (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude in C (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude in C (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude in C (No. 2 / 2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Prelude in Eb (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
A Quiet Farewell (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Quiet Piece (2018)
Published by SMP Press in “Six Quiet Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Quiet Piece II (2018)
Published by SMP Press in “Six Quiet Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Silent Night (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Skærtorsdag (Maundy Thursday) (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
The Sky Is Crying (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Snowdrops (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Somewhere High in the Mountains (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Somewhere High in the Sky (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Sortie in F major (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Summer Day (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Summer Fantasy (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Summer Rain (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Summertime (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Sunday Morning (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Sunrise (2019)
Published by SMP Press in “Six Quiet Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Sunset (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Sunshine (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Terzetto (2019)
Published by SMP Press in “Six Quiet Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Toccata in C (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Trumpet Voluntary in D (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Trumpet Voluntary in D major (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Voluntary (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Voluntary II (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Voluntary in G major (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Walking on a Beach (2021)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Waltz Prelude (2022)
Published by Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Wedding Procession (2016/18)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Wedding Procession in D (2022)
Published by Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Wedding Waltz (2022)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Wedding Waltz II (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Windless Day (2019)
Published by SMP Press in “Six Quiet Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968)
Winter Postlude (2023)
Published on Gumroad
YouTube / MP3
Nicole Johänntgen (b. 1982)
Inexorable Transition (2021)
Published by Carus-Verlag
YouTube / MP3
Sven-Eric Johanson (1919–1997)
Legend (1976)
YouTube / MP3
Sven-Eric Johanson (1919–1997)
Mitt hjärtas melodi (The Melody of My Heart) (1989)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
YouTube / MP3
Richard P. John (b. 1981)
Follow (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Richard P. John (b. 1981)
Tombeau de Machaut (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Donald Johns (1926—2013)
Partita on “Wondrous Love” (1992)
Online listening stream / MP3
Partita on “Amazing Grace” (1992)
Online listening stream / MP3
Partita on “How Firm a Foundation” (1992)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Augsburg Fortress as “Three Partitas for Organ” (out-of-print)
Donald Johns (1926—2013)
Consolation (Meditation and Intonation) (1998)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Northwestern Publishing House in “Seven Binary Variations on Familiar Hymn Tunes” (out-of-print)
David N. Johnson (1922–1987)
Wondrous Love (1965)
Published by Augsburg Fortress (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Tom Johnson (1939–2024)
Hexagons (2005)
Published by Editions 75/Two-Eighteen Press
YouTube / MP3
Victor C. Johnson (b. 1978)
Festive Prelude on “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (EIN FESTE BURG) (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
O God, Our Help in Ages Past (ST. ANNE) (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Thee We Adore (ADORO TE DEVOTE) (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy on the Pedals, Vol. 1″
Victor C. Johnson (b. 1978)
With Everlasting Alleluias! (An Easter Suite) (2013)
1) The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done (VICTORY) (MP3)
2) In the Garden (GARDEN) (MP3)
3) Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN) (MP3)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Alastair Johnston (b. 1956)
Acclamations (2009)
Published by
YouTube / MP3
Alastair Johnston (b. 1956)
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Alastair Johnston (b. 1956)
Fête (2021)
Published by Tim Knight Music in “Organ Music for Joyful Moments”
YouTube / MP3
Alastair Johnston (b. 1956)
A Little Organ Mass (2008)
1) Prelude; 2) Invocation; 3) Communion-Chorale; 4) Postlude
Published by
YouTube / MP3
Alastair Johnston (b. 1956)
Veni Emmanuel (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Johnston (1956–2021)
Triumphant Procession (1989)
Published by Michael’s Music Service
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Jones (b. 1947)
Tambourin (2009)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “Feel-good Pieces for Organ”
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert W. Jones (1932–1997)
Sonata for Worship No. 3 (1970)
1) Preamble
YouTube / MP3
2) Echo Fantasy
YouTube / MP3
3) Recessional
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Shawnee Press, Inc. (out-of-print)
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Aria in A Aeolian (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Chorale Prelude on “O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden” (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Chorale Prelude on “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Postlude on “Orientis partibus” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Præludium Sancti Pauli (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Prelude on “Aus der Tiefe” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Prelude on “God Save the King” (2025)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Prelude on “Southwell” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Prelude on “Veni, veni, Emmanuel” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Ricercar brevis (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Sarabande (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Scherzo in G Mixolydian (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Surrexit vere, Alleluia! (Easter Fanfare) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Toccata in A minor (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tamsin Jones (b. 1972)
Voluntary in E Dorian (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Auke Jongbloed (b. 1965)
Lamento (2021)
Published by Partitura Organum
YouTube / MP3
Auke Jongbloed (b. 1965)
Trio (2021)
Published by Partitura Organum
YouTube / MP3
Alice Jordan (1916–2012)
Carol of the Birds (1988)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Alice Jordan (1916–2012)
Largo on B-A-C-H (1984)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Joseph (b. 1955)
Meditation on “Quem pastores” (1993)
Published on Musicnotes
YouTube / MP3
Michael Joseph (b. 1955)
Three Pieces in Medieval Style (2007)
Published on Score Exchange
YouTube / MP3
Michael Joseph (b. 1955)
Trio for Lent on “Aus tiefer Not” (1993)
Published by H. W. Gray (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Joseph (b. 1955)
Trumpet Tune in F (2006)
Published on Score Exchange
YouTube / MP3
Michael Joseph (b. 1955)
Variations on “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” (1994)
Published on Musicnotes
YouTube / MP3
Egbert Juffer (b. 1991)
Capriccio, op. 46 (2024)
Published by EJ Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Egbert Juffer (b. 1991)
Humoresque, op. 23 (2022)
Published by EJ Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Egbert Juffer (b. 1991)
Preludium 1, op. 15, no. 1 (2019)
Published by EJ Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Egbert Juffer (b. 1991)
Skye Air, op. 47 (2024)
Published by EJ Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Egbert Juffer (b. 1991)
Theme and Variations in F minor, op. 19 (2022)
Published by EJ Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Egbert Juffer (b. 1991)
Three Variations on “Irby”, op. 22, no. 1 (2022) (“Once in Royal David’s City”)
Published by EJ Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Egbert Juffer (b. 1991)
Two Variations on “Silent Night”, op. 11, no. 1 (2018)
Published by EJ Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Attila Jurth (b. 1945)
Postludio facile (1970)
Published by the Australian Music Centre
Online listening stream / MP3
Louis Karchin (b. 1951)
Processions (2007, rev. 2020)
Published by the American Composers Alliance
YouTube / MP3
Kjell Mørk Karlsen (b. 1947)
from Liten Orgelbok for sørgehøytid, op. 18 (1970)
Meditation I
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Meditation II
YouTube / MP3
Published by Norsk Musikforlag A/S
Kjell Mørk Karlsen (b. 1947)
from Preambula Nova, op. 203 (2020)
Preambulum 1
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 2
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 3
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 5
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 6
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 8
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 9
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 10
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 11
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 13
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 14
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 15
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 17
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 18
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 19
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 20
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 21
YouTube / MP3
Preambulum 23
YouTube / MP3
Published by Norsk Musikforlag A/S
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Bush Warbler Fugue (2012/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 2 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 3 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 4 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 5 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 6 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 7 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 8 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 9 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 10 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 11 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 12 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon No. 13 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Canon on “Unfinished” (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Cuckoo Fugue (2012/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fantasia No. 2 (2009/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fantasia No. 3 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fate Fugue (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 1 (2011/21)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 2 (2011/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 8 (2012/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 9 (2013/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 10 (2014/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 16 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 17 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 18 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 20 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 22 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 23 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 24 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 25 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 26 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 27 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 28 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 29 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 30 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 31 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Fugue No. 32 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Greensleeves Variations (2010/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Passacaglia and Fugue No. 1 (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Passacaglia and Fugue No. 2 (2010/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Passacaglia and Fugue No. 5 (2008/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Passacaglia and Fugue No. 6 (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Passacaglia No. 2 (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Prelude and Fugue “Chickens” (2012/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Prelude and Fugue No. 3 (2009/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Prelude and Fugue No. 5 (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Ricercar No. 1 (2008/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Ricercar No. 2 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Ricercar No. 3 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Ricercar No. 4 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Ricercar No. 5 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Ricercar No. 6 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Sonata No. 2 (2023)
1) Allegro moderato; 2) Andante; 3) Vivace
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Suite (2014/21)
1) Prelude; 2) Allegro; 3) Sarabande; 4) Gigue
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Variations No. 2 (2008/21)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Variations No. 3 (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Yûitirô Katô (b. 1984)
Variations No. 5 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Cor Kee (1900–1997)
Festival Postlude on “Nun danket alle Gott” (1955)
YouTube / MP3
Cor Kee (1900–1997)
Prelude on “Quem pastores laudavere” (1955)
YouTube / MP3
Cor Kee (1900–1997)
Variations on “Herzlich tut mich verlangen” (1950)
YouTube / MP3
Joke Kegel (b. 1960)
Silence, sounds rustling and singing (2019)
Published by Donemus
YouTube / MP3
Edward B. Kellogg (1943–2024)
Mandala (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Edward B. Kellogg (1943–2024)
On the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Matthew Kennedy (b. 1987)
Miniature for One No. 54 (2020)
Published by Just a Theory Press in “Miniatures for One, Vol. 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Matthew Kennedy (b. 1987)
Miniature for One No. 103 (2020)
Published by Just a Theory Press in “Miniatures for One, Vol. 3”
YouTube / MP3
Oliver Kentish (b. 1954)
Chorale (2017)
Published by Iceland Music Information Centre
Online listening stream / MP3
Oliver Kentish (b. 1954)
Méditation (1997)
Published by Iceland Music Information Centre
Online listening stream / MP3
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (b. 1961)
as soon (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (b. 1961)
both, or neither (2022)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (b. 1961)
next (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (b. 1961)
one point remain (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (b. 1961)
shores in future days (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (b. 1961)
to go, be slow (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (b. 1961)
this earth (2021)
Published by Edition Wandelweiser
YouTube / MP3
Paul Kickstat (1897–1959)
from Eight Lenten Chorales for Manuals
Prelude on “Der am Kreuz” (ca. 1949)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
YouTube / MP3
David Kidwell (b. 1968)
Two Meditations (1989)
Published by David Kidwell Music
Online listening stream / MP3
David Kidwell (b. 1968)
Voluntary on “Dix” (2010)
Published by David Kidwell Music
Online listening stream / MP3
Henry Kihlken (1939–2017)
Recessional in a Gregorian Mode (1995)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
YouTube / MP3
Henry Kihlken (1939–2017)
Three Chorales (1998)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
Anne Kilstofte (b. 1954)
Tomorrow’s Light (2005)
Published by Kaska Publishing Company
Online listening stream / MP3
Robin John King (b. 1961)
Idyll (2003)
Published by the Royal Canadian College of Organists in “Te Deum Laudamus, Vol. 1”
YouTube / MP3
Victor Kioulaphides (b. 1961)
Ricercare a tutti i toni (1992)
Online listening stream / MP3
Lambert Kleesattel (b. 1959)
Albumblatt (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Communion (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Festliches Präludium (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Melancholie (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Kleesattel: Manualiter-Album”
Carl Klein (b. 1963)
Prelude on “Veni Emmanuel” (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Phil Kline (b. 1953)
Three American Chorales (2011)
1) Northport
YouTube / MP3
2) Wondrous Love
YouTube / MP3
3) Chatham
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Anđelko Klobučar (1931–2016)
Maestoso (1982)
Online listening stream / MP3
Donovan D. Klotzbeacher (b. 1943)
Cornet (2007)
Published on Score Exchange
YouTube / MP3
Donovan D. Klotzbeacher (b. 1943)
Elegy (2010)
Published on Lulu in “Klotzbeacher: 21 Pieces for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Donovan D. Klotzbeacher (b. 1943)
Hommage à Dom Paul Benoit, O.S.B. (2011)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Donovan D. Klotzbeacher (b. 1943)
Partita on “Dix” (2006)
Published on Score Exchange
YouTube / MP3
Udo Knauer (b. 1958)
Aria (1993)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Orgelmusik (sub communione)”
Online listening stream / MP3
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
A Bede Suite (2000)
1) Processional March; 2) Bede’s Prayer; 3) Song of the Flutes; 4) Recessional
Published by animus Music Publishing
YouTube / MP3
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
Cantique (2020)
Published by Knight Edition in “Meditations”
YouTube / MP3
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
Fountains Suite (2003)
1) Introduction; 2) Pastorale; 3) Chant
Published by animus Music Publishing
YouTube / MP3
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
Music for a Festive Occasion (2005)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Festival Flourish
YouTube / MP3
Published by CanticaNOVA Publications
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
Hambleton Suite (1996)
1) Processional; 2) Meditation; 3) Elegy; 4) Finale
Published by CanticaNOVA Publications
YouTube / MP3
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
Meditation (2020)
Published by Tim Knight Music in “Short Organ Pieces, Set 1”
YouTube / MP3
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
from Six Miniatures for Manuals, Set 1 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Tim Knight Music
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
from Six Miniatures for Manuals, Set 2 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Tim Knight Music
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
from Six Miniatures for Manuals, Set 3 (2024)
A Fancy for Trumpet
YouTube / MP3
Published by Tim Knight Music
Tim Knight (b. 1959)
Village Suite (2010)
1) Entrance Flourish; 2) Introduction; 3) Air; 4) A Piece for the Flutes; 5) Voluntary
Published by CanticaNOVA Publications
YouTube / MP3
Sigurd Knopp (b. 1961)
Weihnachtspraeludium (2022)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio Jubilo”
YouTube / MP3
Ulrich Knörr (b. 1960)
Fantasie (2016)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Hallo miteinander”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ulrich Knörr (b. 1960)
Interludium (2001)
Online listening stream / MP3
Präludium (2001)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Herzlich wilkommen”
Matthew Lee Knowles (b. 1985)
“For Christopher Fox” 27/2/22 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Matthew Lee Knowles (b. 1985)
Puddle (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ingvar Knutsén (1932–2005)
Tre små meditationer (1988)
1) Adagio lamentoso (Online listening stream / MP3)
2) Andante misterioso (Online listening stream / MP3)
3) Andante cantabile (Online listening stream / MP3)
Published by Noteria
Erich Koch-Hemhofen (b. 1957)
Adagio (from Organ Sonata No. 1 in E minor) (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Erich Koch-Hemhofen (b. 1957)
Brautludium (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Festmusik in G (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Toccata (from Organ Sonata No. 1 in E minor) (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Wohlauf und spiele schön”
Erich Koch-Hemhofen (b. 1957)
Echointrade (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio Jubilo”
Erich Koch-Hemhofen (b. 1957)
Fantasie (in F) (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Festliches Präludium in G (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Flügel der Morgenröte (Wings of the Dawn) (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Hymne (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Singing Glory (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Hallo miteinander”
Erich Koch-Hemhofen (b. 1957)
Innige Freude (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium in Bb (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Schatten und Licht (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio festivo”
Erich Koch-Hemhofen (b. 1957)
Fantasie (from Organ Sonata No. 1 in E minor) (2008)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Lobsinget dem Herrn”
YouTube / MP3
Erich Koch-Hemhofen (b. 1957)
Organ Sonata No. 1 in E minor (2008)
1) Fantasie; 2) Adagio; 3) Toccata
Movements #1 and #3 published by Strube Verlag
YouTube / MP3
Jan Koetsier (1911–2006)
Three Meditations, op. 52 (1968)
1) Adagio e piano; 2) Andante e piano; 3) Andantino e piano; Reminiscence
Published by Donemus
Online listening stream / MP3
Joonas Kokkonen (1921–1996)
Hääsoitto (1968) (Wedding Music)
Published by Edition Fazer
Online listening stream / MP3
Joonas Kokkonen (1921–1996)
Lux aeterna (1974)
Published by Edition Fazer
Online listening stream / MP3
Joonas Kokkonen (1921–1996)
Surusoitto (1969) (Funeral Music)
Published by Edition Fazer
Online listening stream / MP3
Paul Kont (1920–2003)
Kleine Weihnachtsmusik (1998)
Published by Doblinger Musikverlag
YouTube / MP3
Mary Montgomery Koppel (b. 1982)
Crystalline (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Kenneth T. Kosche (b. 1947)
Partita on “Nun danket alle Gott” (2002)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
YouTube / MP3
Kenneth T. Kosche (b. 1947)
Variations on “Wondrous Love” (2008)
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers in “Restoration: Four Arrangements of American Hymns for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Adriaan Kousemaker (1909–1984)
Preludio (1960)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gereon Krahforst (b. 1973)
Festliches Praeludium (2017)
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Intrada”
Online listening stream / MP3
Eberhard Kraus (1931–2003)
Preghiera (Praeludium auf Es) (1982)
Online listening stream / MP3
Fantasia (Praeludium auf F) (1982)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Anton Böhm & Sohn in “Zwölf Präludien auf die zwölf Töne”
Joseph-François Kremer (b. 1954)
Les trois étapes temporelles (1974)
Published by Musik Fabrik
YouTube / MP3
Robert E. Kreutz (1922–1996)
Parable (1969)
Published by World Library Publications (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert E. Kreutz (1922–1996)
Six Quiet Meditations (1980)
1) Bethlehem
YouTube / MP3
2) Young Jesus in the Temple
YouTube / MP3
3) Cana of Galilee
YouTube / MP3
4) The Miracle of the Blind Man
YouTube / MP3
5) Vision of the Prophecy
YouTube / MP3
6) The Tomb of Our Lord
YouTube / MP3
Published by Oregon Catholic Press (out-of-print)
Bjørn Sverre Kristensen (b. 1954)
Meditation on Luke 13:18–19 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation on John 1:11 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “Fem meditasjoner”
Bernhard Krol (1920–2013)
Epistel-Sonatine, op. 117 (1983)
1) Andante con moto; 2) Moderato; 3) Allegro moderato
Published by Anton Böhm & Sohn in “Dürener Orgelheft”
YouTube / MP3
Bernhard Krol (1920–2013)
Orgelbüchlein für Vincenz (10 festliche kleine Präludien), op. 66 (1977)
1) Grave e solenne; 2) Andante patetico; 3) Andante semplice; 4) Maestoso; 5) Allegro moderato; 6) Andante marcato; 7) Largo solenne; 8) Allegro; 9) Allegretto; 10) Andante tenero
Published by Bote & Bock
YouTube / MP3
Bernhard Krol (1920–2013)
from Orgel-Versetten, op. 116 (1991)
1) O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf
YouTube / MP3
Published by Bote & Bock
Bernhard Krol (1920–2013)
from Sechs Intermezzi, op. 87 (1983)
No. 4
YouTube / MP3
No. 5
YouTube / MP3
No. 6
YouTube / MP3
Published by Anton Böhm & Sohn
Bernhard Krol (1920–2013)
Würzburger Pastetchen (Rondino giocoso für das Orgelpositiv) (2007)
Published by Eres Edition
YouTube / MP3
Christian Kropp (b. 1963)
Aria (2003)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
YouTube / MP3
Christian Kropp (b. 1963)
Fanfares (2002)
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
YouTube / MP3
Christian Kropp (b. 1963)
from Hymnen und Cantilenen (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation 1
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Meditation 2
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Christian Kropp (b. 1963)
from Intraden und Canzonen (2018)
Kurze Einleitung für Orgel
YouTube / MP3
Elegie in e
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Jason W. Krug (b. 1978)
Fanfare of Praise (2013)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 58” and “The Complete Organist, Vol. 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Jason W. Krug (b. 1978)
Amen (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Festive Proclamation (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
God of Grace and God of Glory (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Nearer, My God, to Thee (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Praises Unending”
Ulf Krupka (b. 1962)
Bryllupsmarsj fra Follo (2016)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Joseph Kudirka (b. 1978)
dulcimer (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Joseph Kudirka (b. 1978)
21st Century Music (2008)
YouTube / MP3
George Lachenauer (b. 1933)
Prelude on “Veni Emmanuel” (2004)
Published by the Leupold Foundation
YouTube / MP3
Jean-François Laffay (b. 1935)
from Suite française (2012)
Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux
YouTube / MP3
Reuel Lahmer (b. 1912; d. unknown)
O Sacred Head (1963)
YouTube / MP3
Published by World Library Publications in “Consoliere Classic, Vol. 4”
Richard H. LaLumondier (b. 1942)
Adagio for John, op. 10 (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Richard H. LaLumondier (b. 1942)
Postlude in F minor, op. 1, no. 2 (1994)
YouTube / MP3
Richard H. LaLumondier (b. 1942)
Three Liturgical Pieces based on a Secular Theme, op. 11 (2005)
1) Introduction (MP3)
2) Intermezzo (MP3)
3) Finale (MP3)
YouTube (complete)
Rachel Spry Lammi (b. 1977)
Prelude on “Bereden väg för Herran” (2013)
Published by The Leupold Foundation
YouTube / MP3
Rachel Spry Lammi (b. 1977)
Prelude on “Madrid” (2013)
Published by The Leupold Foundation
YouTube / MP3
Rachel Spry Lammi (b. 1977)
Variations on “Schönster Herr Jesu” (2008)
Published by The Leupold Foundation
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Arabesque (2016/17)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Canto (2015)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Elegy (2016)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Fanfare (2016)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Intrada on “Gott sei Dank” (2018)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Lenten Meditation on “St. Flavian” (2018)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Paraphrase on “Follow” (2016)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Passacaglia on “Herzliebster Jesu” (2015)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Prelude on “Bryn Calfaria” (2016)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Prelude on “Munich” (2016)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Prelude on “O filii et filiae” (2015)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Prelude on “Southwell” (2015)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Prelude on “St. Agnes” (2015)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Psalm Prelude 1 (after Psalm 34:8) (2017)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Reflection on “Bunessan” (2016)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Scheide Orgelbuch (2015)
1) Ricercare; 2) Toccata cromaticha per l’elevatione; 3) Ite in pace
Online listening stream / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Set on “Veni Emmanuel” (2012/15)
1) Recitative; 2) Canon; 3) Duo; 4) Drone; 5) Hymn
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Sortie on “Tempus adest floridum” (2016)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Suite brève (2016)
1) Plein Jeu; 2) Tierce en taille; 3) Fond d’orgue; 4) Caprice
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Flourishes and Reflections”
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
Three Vignettes on “Conditor alme siderum” (2024)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Edward Landin (b. 1988)
We Are of a Tribe (2017)
Published by The Sacred Music Press in “Make a Joyful Noise”
YouTube / MP3
Richard Lane (1933–2004)
Reflection (1977)
Published by Editions Bim in “Three Organ Pieces”
Online listening stream / MP3
David Lang (b. 1957)
ordinary (2012)
Published by Red Poppy (admin. G. Schirmer)
Online listening stream / MP3
Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
Deux petites pièces dans le style médiéval, op. 130 (1960)
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum in “Douze petites pièces” (#SC LAN)
Online listening stream / MP3
Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
Dix versets dans les modes grégoriens, op. 130 (1962)
1) Mode I (ending on D): Allegro (MP3)
2) Mode I (ending on Eb): Lento (MP3)
3) Mode II (ending on A): Allegro (MP3)
4) Mode III (ending on E): Moderato (MP3)
5) Mode IV (ending on C#): Largo (MP3)
6) Mode V (ending on F): Allegro (MP3)
7) Mode VI (ending on Eb): Allegro (MP3)
8) Mode VII (ending on D): Andantino (MP3)
9) Mode VII (ending on Eb): Allegretto (MP3)
10) Mode VIII (ending on E): Maestoso (MP3)
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum in “Douze petites pièces” (#SC LAN)
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
Petit prélude sur deux thèmes grégoriens, op. 172 (1972)
Published by Éditions Delatour in “13 Pièces d’orgue: 1956–76″
Online listening stream / MP3
Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
Prière des mages, op. 212 (1971/81)
Published by Universal Edition in “The New Organ Album I”
Online listening stream / MP3
Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
Quatre préludes, op. 185 (1975)
Published by Éditions Delatour in “13 Pièces d’orgue: 1956–76″
Online listening stream / MP3
Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
Supplication, op. 170 (1972)
Published by Éditions Delatour in “13 Pièces d’orgue: 1956–76″
Online listening stream / MP3
Tore Bjørn Larsen (b. 1957)
Bön (Prayer) (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Martin Larson (b. 1967)
Meditationem Crucifixum (2015)
Published by Svensk Musik (SMIC)
Online listening stream / MP3
Martin Larson (b. 1967)
Organ Music 1 (1997)
Published by TRUMPH
YouTube / MP3
Santi Latora (b. 1935)
Theme in C minor (1976)
Published by Edizioni Musicali Bèrben
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Adagio (2017)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 69″
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Andante Sostenuto (2013)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Celebration and Reflection”
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Aria (in the style of Handel) (2006)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 41″
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Festive Voluntary (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Pick Up and Play″
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 62″
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Psalm Sonata No. 1 (2016)
1) How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place (Psalm 84) (MP3)
2) Out of the Depths I Cry Unto You (Psalm 130) (MP3)
3) Come, Let Us Sing to Lord (Psalm 95) (MP3)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music from the Psalms″
YouTube / MP3 (complete)
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Variations on “Merton” (2014)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Variations on “Noël nouvelet” (1989)
Published by Harold Flammer (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lau (b. 1943)
Variations on the Shaker Hymn “The Humble Heart” (1995)
Published by Harold Flammer/Shawnee Press, Inc. (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Paolo Lazzeri (b. 1953)
La vecchia Torre (The Old Tower) (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Lyndell Leatherman (b. 1953)
Acclamation (2013)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Celebration and Reflection” and “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 55″
Online listening stream / MP3
John Leavitt (b. 1956)
Simply Sunday (2001)
1) Prelude: Jubilation; 2) Voluntary: Meditation; 3) Communion: Prayer (ADORO TE DEVOTE); 4) Postlude: Joyous Day
Published by Concordia Publishing House
Online listening stream / MP3
Eric Lebrun (b. 1967)
Sonatina for the Dinosaurs, op. 22, no. 7 (2012)
1) Tyrannosaurus Rex; 2) Diplodocus; 3) Pterodactyls
Published by Chanteloup Musique in “Contes de la rue Traversière”
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Aria (1990)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Chorale Prelude on “Valet will ich dir geben” (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
In memoriam (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Prelude on “Slane” (1995)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Premier livre d’orgue (1995)
1) Grand Jeu (MP3)
2) Fugue (MP3)
3) Duo (MP3)
4) Trio (MP3)
5) Basse et dessus de trompette (MP3)
6) Récits (MP3)
7) Dialogues (MP3)
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Prière (1994)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Quatre petits préludes (1986)
1) Prélude 1 (MP3)
2) Prélude 2 (MP3)
3) Prélude 3 (MP3)
4) Prélude 4 (MP3)
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Récit de tierce en taille (2010)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Trois intermèdes (1987)
1) Intermède I (Online listening stream / MP3)
2) Intermède II (Online listening stream / MP3)
3) Intermède III (Online listening stream / MP3)
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Trois pièces (2009)
1) Intrada (MP3)
2) Cantabile (MP3)
3) Nobile (MP3)
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Gilles Maurice Leclerc (b. 1960)
Variations sur “Adoro te devote” (2009, rev. 2014)
YouTube / MP3
Alan Lees (b. 1928)
Canzonetta (2001)
Published by animus Music Publishing in “Five Pieces for Organ, Set 2
Online listening stream / MP3
Alan Lees (b. 1928)
Prelude (1999)
Published by animus Music Publishing in “Five Pieces for Organ, Set 1
Online listening stream / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Advent Procession (“Puer nobis nascitur”) (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
An Advent Proclamation (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Angel Voices Ever Singing (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Angels from the Realms of Glory (Regent Square) (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Aria in C major (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Be Thou Our Guard While Troubles Last (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Beach Spring Reflection (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Chant for Chuck (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Christmas Bells (2023)
Published by Tim Knight Music in “Manuals Only Music for Christmas”
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Christmas Peace (2016)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Cloisters Contemplation (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Courtly March in C (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Courtly Procession (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Fanfare and Proclamation (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A Festive Christmas Voluntary (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Festive Finale (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Grand Processional (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Festivities! (2021)
Published by Tim Knight Music in “Organ Music for Joyful Moments”
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
“In Babilone” Meditation (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
In Quiet Joy at Christmas (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Interlude on “Old 124th” (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (after Bach) (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Jig for Jan (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Joyful Blessings! (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Joyful Recessional (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Jubilant Psalm (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
July Celebration! (2013)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
March in D major (2024)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Meditation in E major (2024)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Meditative Mantra (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Meditation on “Aberystwyth” (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Meditation on “Southwell” (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Moments of “Wondrous Love” (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Morning Fanfare (2024)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Night in New York (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
On Christmas Night (Four Movements on “Sussex Carol”) (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
On This Day, Earth Shall Ring! (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A Pastoral Prelude (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A Peaceful Ending (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Prelude on “Freu dich sehr” (Genevan 42) (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A Priory Petition (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A Priory Prayer (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Processional in G major (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A Promenade Postlude (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Psalm 5 (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Psalm 6 (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Psalmody for Organ (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A “Quem Pastores” Suite (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A Quiet Prayer (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Royal March (Trumpet Tune in A-flat) (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Sacred Joy! (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Still, Still, Still (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Trumpet Gigue in G major (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Trumpet Tune in B-flat (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Trumpet Tune in the key of D(avid) (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Trumpet Voluntary in C major (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Tuba Tune in D major (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Two Episodes on “Ar hyd y nos” (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Voluntary in A (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Voluntary in C major (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Voluntary in F major (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Voluntary in G major (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
A “Vom Himmel hoch” Triptych (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
Welsh Wanderings (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Phil Lehenbauer (b. 1960)
What Child Is This? (Prelude on “Greensleeves”) (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Robert Lehman (b. 1960)
from Three Short Lenten Preludes (2017)
Prelude on the Passion Chorale
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Petra”
YouTube / MP3
Published by St. James Music Press
Leonard Lehrman (b. 1949)
In Memoriam ArnolD roSnER, op. 214 (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Leonard Lehrman (b. 1949)
Jewish Wedding Fugue, op. 52B (1978)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Lehtola (b. 1972)
In memoriam (2010)
Published by Music Finland
YouTube / MP3
Jan Lehtola (b. 1972)
In memoriam (2017)
Published by Music Finland
YouTube / MP3
Jan Lehtola (b. 1972)
Prélude (2001)
Published by Sulasol in “Petite Suite”
YouTube / MP3
Beate Leibe (b. 1954)
from Leibe: Orgelwerke, Vol. 1
Interludium (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Postludium (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Toccata für kleine Hände (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Beate Leibe (b. 1954)
from Leibe: Orgelwerke, Vol. 2
Einzug (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Interludium (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Elegie (2002)
YouTube / MP3
Keine Angst vor schwarzen Tasten (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Rondo (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Beate Leibe (b. 1954)
from Leibe: Orgelwerke, Vol. 3
Praeludium in Eb (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Aria (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Fandango (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium in g (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Regen (Isaiah 55:10—11) (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Lamento (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Beate Leibe (b. 1954)
from Spiel mich!
Interludium in G (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation in C (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Interludium in a (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Pastorale (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Inclusion (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation: Herzschlag (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Postludium in A-flat (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium in a (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Rondo à la Rumba (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Beate Leibe (b. 1954)
Befiehl du deine Wege (2004)
YouTube / MP3
O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (2007)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert in “Leibe: 7 Choralbearbeitungen zu Liedern von Paul Gerhardt”
Beate Leibe (b. 1954)
Fantasie d-moll (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Beate Leibe (b. 1954)
Zwei Choralfantasien
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Choralfantasie) (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Christ ist erstanden (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Kenneth Leighton (1929–1988)
Fanfare (1966)
Published by Oxford University Press in “Easy Modern Organ Music, Book 1″
Online listening stream / MP3
Jerker Leijon (1956–2009)
Bön (Prayer) (1986)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Jerker Leijon (1956–2009)
Festmusik (1989)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Jerker Leijon (1956–2009)
I dina händer (Into thy hands) (1992)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Jerker Leijon (1956–2009)
In memoriam (1991)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube / MP3
Jerker Leijon (1956–2009)
Sortie (1999)
Online listening stream / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube
Kyrie eleison (1999)
Online listening stream / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube
Till minne (In memoriam) (1999)
Online listening stream / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag as “Tre små orgelstycken”
Thomas Lennert (b. 1967)
Intrada (2000)
Online listening stream / MP3
Festmusik 2010
Online listening stream / MP3
Festmusik 2011
Online listening stream / MP3
Festmusik 2009
Online listening stream / MP3
Postludium (2001)
Online listening stream / MP3
Præludium (2001)
Online listening stream / MP3
Festpostludium 2004
Online listening stream / MP3
Largo (2013)
Online listening stream / MP3
En rose så jeg skyde (Es ist ein Ros entsprungen) (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Et barn er født i Betlehem (Fantasi) (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Published by THLmusik in “Små orgelstykker”
Thomas Lennert (b. 1967)
4 December 2013 (Preludio)
Online listening stream / MP3
Adversum Requiem I (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Adversum Requiem II (2015)
Online listening stream / MP3
Festpostludium 2014
Online listening stream / MP3
Festpostludium 2015
Online listening stream / MP3
Skærtorsdag (Maundy Thursday) (2016)
Online listening stream / MP3
Festpostludium 2017 (2016)
Online listening stream / MP3
Sommerpræludium (2017)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp. in “Short Organ Pieces II”
Thomas Lennert (b. 1967)
Morgen (Morning) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ved kilden om morgenen (At the Fountain in the Morning) (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Disen (Mist) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ventetid (Waiting) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Vuggevise (Lullaby) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ved løvfaldstid (At the Falling of Leaves) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Brikker i et puslespil (Piece of the Puzzle) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Bær over med hinanden og tilgiv hinanden (Bear One Another’s Burdens and Forgive Each Other) (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Solskin (Sunshine) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Festmusik 2021
YouTube / MP3
Agnus Dei (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Jubilate (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Festpostludium 2018
YouTube / MP3
Festpostludium 2019
YouTube / MP3
Festpostludium 2020
YouTube / MP3
Festpostludium 2021
YouTube / MP3
En rose så jeg skyde (Es ist ein Ros entsprungen) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by THLmusik in “Små orgelstykker III”
Thomas Lennert (b. 1967)
Ecclesia Intrada (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Thomas Lennert (b. 1967)
Festpostludium 2022
YouTube / MP3
Thomas Lennert (b. 1967)
Festpostludium 2024
YouTube / MP3
Thomas Allen LeVines (b. 1954)
Fanfare on “McKee” (2002)
YouTube / MP3
Laudate (Three Variations on “Azmon”) (1998)
YouTube / MP3
Litany for Peace (Three Meditations on “St. Anne”) (1990)
YouTube / MP3
Lydian Canticle (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary on “Old 100th” (2004)
YouTube / MP3
Ernst Levy (1895–1981)
Prelude on “The Sabbath Bride” (1961)
Published Transcontinental Music Publications
Online listening stream / MP3
Frank Ezra Levy (1930–2017)
Interlude (1975)
Published Seesaw Music/Subito Music Corp. in “Wedding Music”
Online listening stream / MP3
Peter Leys (b. 1958)
Eleison (2022)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Peter Leys (b. 1958)
Introitus (2021)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Peter Leys (b. 1958)
Introspectie (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Peter Leys (b. 1958)
Lento (2014)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Peter Leys (b. 1958)
Melodie in de Dorische toon (2017)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Peter Leys (b. 1958)
Ouverture (2023)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Peter Leys (b. 1958)
Scherzo 1 (2015)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Gaël Liardon (1973–2018)
Choral: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Gaël Liardon (1973–2018)
Fantaisie (after Tomás de Santa María) (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Gaël Liardon (1973–2018)
Fantaisie: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Gaël Liardon (1973–2018)
Prelude in D (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Gaël Liardon (1973–2018)
Prelude in F minor (after Bach) (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Gaël Liardon (1973–2018)
Prélude pour M. Ré-dièze et Mlle Mi-bémol (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Hans Olav Lien (1954–2016)
Konsolasjon (1983)
Published by Cantando Musikkforlag in “3 Konsolasjoner”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ingunn Ligaarden (b. 1977)
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (2015)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Ingunn Ligaarden (b. 1977)
Finale (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Ingunn Ligaarden (b. 1977)
Mysterium (2011)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Ingunn Ligaarden (b. 1977)
Silent Night (2018)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Heikki Liimola (b. 1958)
Meditation 1 (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation 2 (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Sulasol
Heikki Liimola (b. 1958)
Prelude (1990)
Published by Sulasol
YouTube / MP3
Heikki Liimola (b. 1958)
Preludium 2 (1992)
Published by Sulasol
YouTube / MP3
Hans-Martin Limberg (b. 1961)
Gebet I (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Gebet II (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Gebet III (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Gebet IV (2007)
YouTube / MP3
Gebet V (2007)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Notenedition limbergmusic
Hans-Martin Limberg (b. 1961)
Mélodie d’éternité (2005)
Published by Notenedition limbergmusic
YouTube / MP3
Hans-Martin Limberg (b. 1961)
Nachtgesang (2007)
Published by Notenedition limbergmusic
YouTube / MP3
Hans-Martin Limberg (b. 1961)
Sonnenuntergang (2005)
Published by Notenedition limbergmusic
YouTube / MP3
Hans-Martin Limberg (b. 1961)
Stern der Sehnsucht (2004)
Published by Notenedition limbergmusic
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
from Album des Souvenirs
Feuille de calendrier (Les années passées) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Consolation (Souvenir de la maison de ma mère) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Chant du matin (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Rêve (2018)
YouTube / MP3
l’Évocation de Thomas (Communio Adoro te devote) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Lamento: Vienna, 2-11-20 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8793)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
from Album d’orgue
Prélude festif (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Melodia super “Puer natus est nobis” (2009)
YouTube / MP3
In festo nativitatis: Communio “Viderunt omnes” (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Rêverie (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Amistad (“Friendship”) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Épitaphe II (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8735)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Arabesque (2013)
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum in “Four Centuries of Rare and Unknown Organ Music, Vol. 2” (#SC 8753)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Berceuse (2006)
Published by Eres Edition in “Vier liturgische Orgelstücke” (#2888)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
from Cinq petites pièces
Feuille d’album (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Melodia (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8782)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Dance Sketches (2019)
1) Pavane (The Prelate’s Sleigh-ride)
2) Polonaise (Polonaise of the Acolytes)
3) Cakewalk (The Gentle Nuns’ Cakewalk)
4) Quickstep (The Vicar’s Quickstep)
5) Tango (The Archbishop’s Tango)
6) Samba (The Church Council’s Samba)
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8791)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
El ultimo viaje de mi Mami (2021)
1) El ultimo viaje de mi Mami
2) De Profundis
3) Aria
4a) Defilé
4b) Defilé II
5) Hymn
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8806)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Epilogue (2001)
Published by Eres Edition in “Orgelbuch” (#2855)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
from Feuilles de journal intime (Diary Sheets) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Méditation improvisée
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8804)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
from Five Organ Meditations for Christmas
Meditation on “Silent Night” (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8202)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Four Verses: Veni, redemptor gentium (2002)
1) Intro; 2) Chorale; 3) Meditation; 4) Stretta
Published by Eres Edition in “Orgelbuch” (#2855)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
from In memoriam
Défilé (Entrée) (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Élégie (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Consolation (Méditation: In paradisum) (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8735)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
La douleur de Notre-Dame dans le feu (2019)
1) Notre-Dame en feu; 2) L’extinction du feu; 3) La paix après le feu
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8790)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
from Les Adieux
Prière pour les defunts (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8806)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Miniature B-A-C-H (2001)
Published by Eres Edition in “Orgelbuch” (#2855)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Plegaria (Prayer) (2002)
Published by Eres Edition in “Orgelbuch” (#2855)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Three Intermezzi (2020)
1) Quasi improvvisato, a piacere; 2) Calmement; 3) “Esperanza” (Andantino)
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8798)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Three Waltzes (2019)
1) Waltz I
YouTube / MP3
2) Waltz II
YouTube / MP3
3) Waltz III
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (#SC 8791)
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Toccata (2003)
Published by Eres Edition in “Sieben Stücke für Orgel” (#2860)
YouTube / MP3
Wolfgang Lindner (b. 1956)
Trois petites œuvres pour orgue (2012)
1) Choral I; 2) Point d’orgue; 3) Choral II
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum in “Four Centuries of Rare and Unknown Organ Music, Vol. 1” (#SC 8750)
YouTube / MP3
Rune Lindsten (1932–2020)
Andante religioso (1995)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Rune Lindsten (1932–2020)
Bön (Prayer) (1993)
Published by Gehrmans Musikförlag
YouTube / MP3
Rune Lindsten (1932–2020)
Meditation (1997)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Sven Linell (1936–2012)
Folkvisa (Ballad) (1972)
Published by Noteria
Online listening stream / MP3
Sven Linell (1936–2012)
Koral (1975)
Online listening stream / MP3
Fantasi (1975)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag in “Musik för liten orgel”
Jaakko Linjama (1909–1983)
Hääjuhlan alkusoitto (1972) (Wedding Overture)
Published by Sulasol
Online listening stream / MP3
Jaakko Linjama (1909–1983)
Hääsoitto (1975) (Wedding March)
Published by Sulasol
Online listening stream / MP3
Norbert Linke (1933–2020)
Heile Welt (Perfect World) (1980)
Published by Verlag Neue Musik in “Album”
YouTube / MP3
Norbert Linke (1933–2020)
Spiritualien (1990/2000)
1) Signum
2) Präambulum
3) Reflexion
4) Kontemplation
5) Emphase
6) Komplexion
7) Signum
Published by Verlag Neue Musik in “Album”
YouTube / MP3
Rainer Lischka (b. 1942)
Segenswunsch (Blessing) (2010)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Dresdner Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Ad Lucem (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Canzona — Homage to Todi (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Diptyque Magique (2019)
1) Ostinato on the Name M.E.R.L.I.N.
YouTube / MP3
2) Ricercare on the Name G.A.N.D.A.L.F.
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
An Endless Song (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Éowyn’s Memories (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Gothic Canon, Mystic Vocalise, and Organum for Adelio (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Gothic Dances (2017)
1) Contraddanza
YouTube / MP3
2) Estampie
YouTube / MP3
3) Pavana
YouTube / MP3
4) Tourdion
YouTube / MP3
5) Saltarello
YouTube / MP3
6) Canzona Gotica
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Delatour
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
In memoriam Teodosia (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Meditation on “Ein feste Burg” (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Meditation on the “Punta Scorno” Lighthouse (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Mosaics: Homage to Ravenna (2019)
1) Ricercare: La Basilica di San Vitale
2) Processione dei Magi
3) Tordion: Il Leone di San Marco
4) Abramo e gli angeli
5) Cervi sacri
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
from Mystic Pieces (2008)
The Mystic Bourdon
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Organ Visions (2007)
1) Gothic Visions from Perotinus’ Time
YouTube / MP3
2) Celestial Visions from Beyond
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Pastorale, “Francesco a Greccio” (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Prelude in memory of Maurice Ravel (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Prelude: To Lúthien (Vocalise No. 2) (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Red Pedal Solo (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Ricercare and Ostinato on the Name COOMAN (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
from Three Ostinato Preludes (2016)
1) Mystic Litanies
YouTube / MP3
2) Medieval Prelude
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Trittico Toscano — Homage to Pienza (2015)
1) Ricercare: Pienza Cathedral (MP3)
2) Canone sul nome P.I.E.N.Z.A. (MP3)
1) Saltarello: Piccolomini Palace (MP3)
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Vocalise No. 1, “To my mother” (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Vocalise No. 3, “Pour Dauphine” (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Vocalise No. 4, “Invocation to Francesco d’Assisi” (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Vocalise No. 5, “For Nadja” (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
Vocalise No. 6, “To Carson” (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Marco Lo Muscio (b. 1971)
White Prelude, “Homage to Boccaccio” (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Ellen Jane Lorenz (1907–1996)
God with Us (1953)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “A Voice of Praise”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ellen Jane Lorenz (1907–1996)
Il Penseroso (1955)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “A Voice of Praise”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ellen Jane Lorenz (1907–1996)
Prelude (1971)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “A Voice of Praise”
Online listening stream / MP3
Austin C. Lovelace (1919–2010)
By Waters Still (1958)
Published by J. Fischer & Bro. (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Austin C. Lovelace (1919–2010)
Two Meditations (1996)
1) Arioso
YouTube / MP3
2) Andante Religioso
YouTube / MP3
Published by MorningStar Music Publishers
Austin C. Lovelace (1919–2010)
Variations on “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN) (2005)
Published by Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.
YouTube / MP3
Paweł Łukaszewski (b. 1968)
Chord of Light (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Paweł Łukaszewski (b. 1968)
Gloria Patri (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Paweł Łukaszewski (b. 1968)
Icon (2010)
Published by Polskie Wydawinctwo Muzyczne SA
YouTube / MP3
Paweł Łukaszewski (b. 1968)
Offertorium (2004)
Published by Polskie Wydawinctwo Muzyczne SA
YouTube / MP3
Paweł Łukaszewski (b. 1968)
Preludium (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Johann Lütter (1913–1992)
from Alsdorfer Orgelstücke (1980)
No. 6
Online listening stream / MP3
No. 9
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Edition Dohr
Johann Lütter (1913–1992)
from Freie Stücke, Heft 2 (1980)
No. 2
Online listening stream / MP3
No. 4
YouTube / MP3
No. 6
YouTube / MP3
Published by Edition Dohr
George Lynn (1915–1989)
Adagio (1968)
Published by Theodore Presser Co. (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
George Lynn (1915–1989)
Slow Harmonic Meander (1987)
YouTube / MP3
George Lynn (1915–1989)
Solemn Air (1987)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Arioso (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Cathedral Suite (2017)
1) A Joyful Intrada
YouTube / MP3
2) Cantique
YouTube / MP3
3) Toccata
YouTube / MP3
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Cooman Suite (2016)
1) Fanfare for Cooman; 2) Preludman; 3) RicerCarson; 4) Air manCoo; 5) TocCarillon
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Diptyque on “Ave Maris Stella” (2017)
1) Meditation Chorale; 2) Toccata
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Epitaph on “Dies irae” (2019)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Fantasia and Fugue on B-A-C-H (2017)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Fantasia über CORONA ZEIT (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Kleiner Choral über “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland” (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Lied (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Little Praeludium et Fuga über “Corona-Stress” (2020)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
The Organ Season (2017)
1) Spring
YouTube / MP3
2) Summer
YouTube / MP3
3) Autumn
YouTube / MP3
4) Winter
YouTube / MP3
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Pasini Suite (2018)
1) Petit Prélude; 2) Cantilena; 3) Postlude-Toccata
Published by Edition Edipason
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Prelude on “Savior of the Nations, Come” (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “People, Look East!”
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Rheinberg Toccata (2020)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Ricercar(e) in Memoria(m) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Ricercare on “PANDEMIC” (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Rondeau del Cucù (2017)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Sequence and Echo Fantasy (2019)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Toccata Lingiardi (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Toccata Nova (on the Old 100th) (2021)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Toccata Rondò (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Toccata Virale (COVID-19) (2020)
Published by Are Musik Verlag
YouTube / MP3
Grimoaldo Macchia (b. 1972)
Toccatina (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Payton MacDonald (b. 1974)
Hike 12: 13 December 2022 (Catskills: Vly, Bearpen, Balsam Lake) (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Mary Mageau (1934–2020)
Three Pieces for Organ (1967)
1) Prelude (Hommage à Landini)
2) Interlude
3) Recessional
Published by World Library Publications (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Joshua Banks Mailman
Two-Part Invention in C major (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Morten Malvik (b. 1982)
Adagio (2017)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Brandaris Fantasia (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Cambridge Sinfonia (2018)
1) Prelude: Es kommt ein Schiff geladen
2) Fugue: Es kommt ein Schiff geladen
YouTube / MP3
3) Meditation: Veni Emmanuel
YouTube / MP3
4) Introduction, Variations, and Fugue: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Boeijenga Music
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Communion (2024)
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Idylle”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Élévation (sur le Sanctus du VIIIême Messe) (1999)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Hamburg Sinfonia (2019)
1) Prelude: In dulci jubilo
YouTube / MP3
2) Carillon: les anges dans nos campagnes
YouTube / MP3
3) Pastorale: Stille Nacht
YouTube / MP3
4) Variations and Fugue: Adeste fideles
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Published by Boeijenga Music
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Kleine Partita: Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier (1985)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Minimal-Do-Sonata (2019)
1) Prelude; 2) Intermezzo; 3) Toccata
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (2002)
1) Koraal; 2) Canon; 3) Ostinato; 4) Finale; 5) Koraal da capo
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Petite suite liturgique (1998)
1) Entrée; 2) Offertoire; 3) Élévation; 4) Communion; 5) Toccata et fugue
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Prelude for Organ: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (2000)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Mannee (b. 1962)
Suite sur un Noël Ancien (2000)
YouTube / MP3
James Mansfield (1927–2018)
Fanfare in C (2018)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Sacred Organ Journal” (May/June 2021)
YouTube / MP3
James Mansfield (1927–2018)
Festival (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 63”
YouTube / MP3
James Mansfield (1927–2018)
Intermezzo (1981)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
YouTube / MP3
James Mansfield (1927–2018)
Lamentation (1997)
YouTube / MP3
James Mansfield (1927–2018)
O Glorious Day (2018)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 65”
YouTube / MP3
James Mansfield (1927–2018)
Solace (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
James Mansfield (1927–2018)
Voluntary on “In dulci jubilo” (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Gilbert M. Martin (b. 1941)
Hymn to Peace (1968)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilbert M. Martin (b. 1941)
Epilogue (2010)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “The Organist’s Library, Vol. 49”
Online listening stream / MP3
Gilbert M. Martin (b. 1941)
Finale (1971)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Pipe Dusters, Vol. 1”
Online listening stream / MP3
Douglas Mason (b. 1973)
Prelude No. 3 (2015)
Published by animus Music Publishing in “Three Pieces”
YouTube / MP3
Luca Massaglia (b. 1975)
Cerro Torre, op. 11 (2018)
Online listening stream / MP3
Luca Massaglia (b. 1975)
Deep anguish of a life without faith, op. 15 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Luca Massaglia (b. 1975)
“Neuer Dom” Pedal Solo, op. 8 (2017/18)
Online listening stream / MP3
Luca Massaglia (b. 1975)
Psalm LXII, op. 9 (2018)
Online listening stream / MP3
Luca Massaglia (b. 1975)
Tiento, op. 1 (2010)
Online listening stream / MP3
Ignacio Massun (b. 1948)
Preludio y tres fugas, op. 48 (1971)
Online listening stream / MP3
Fuga I
Online listening stream / MP3
Fuga II
Online listening stream / MP3
Fuga III
Online listening stream / MP3
Published on IMSLP
Online listening stream (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Robert Matthew-Walker (b. 1939)
Reflections of Remembrance, op. 179 (2018)
Online listening stream / MP3
David Matthews (b. 1943)
Come down, O love divine (2004)
YouTube / MP3
David Matthews (b. 1943)
Invocation (2001)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Faber Music Ltd. in “Unbeaten Tracks”
David Matthews (b. 1943)
Variation on “Cromer” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
John Maul (b. 1965)
Miniature No. 3 (Galliard) (2008) for keyboard
Published by Score Exchange
Online listening stream / MP3
Thorsten Maus (b. 1972)
Erinnerung (2007)
Published by Opus 10 in “Orgelalbum I”
YouTube / MP3
Colin Mawby (b. 1936)
Compline (1993)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “The Great Big Book of Pieces for Mostly Manuals”
YouTube / MP3
Colin Mawby (b. 1936)
Quiet Prayer (2004)
Published by Zimbel Press/Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Philippe Mazé (b. 1954)
Procession pour un Jour de Fête (1987)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
Online listening stream / MP3
Felicity Mazur-Park (b. 1988)
Prelude on “Personent hodie”, op. 43 (2015)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Michael McCabe (b. 1941)
Trumpet Tune in F major (2024)
Published by Leupold Editions
YouTube / MP3
John McCann (b. 1961)
Chaconne (2000)
Online listening stream / MP3
Ostinato (2000)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by GIA Publications in “14 Pieces for Organ”
John McCann (b. 1961)
Organum (2009)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “Feel-good Pieces for Organ”
Online listening stream / MP3
Kevin McCarter (b. 1956)
Two Preludes after Jean Langlais (1999)
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Adagio for Organ (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Afterlight (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Cathedral Shadows (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Fanfare and March (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Sound the Trumpet: Organ Trumpet Tunes for All Occasions”
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Offertory for Organ (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Postlude (in Thirds) (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 61”
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Postlude on “Comfort, Comfort Ye, My People” (2016)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Postlude on “Joy to the World” (2015)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Pick up and Play for Fall and Winter”
YouTube / MP3
Matthew McConnell (b. 1980)
Toccata on “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (2017)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Buck McDaniel (b. 1994)
Blackbird (after McCartney) (2021)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Buck McDaniel (b. 1994)
Fast Patterns over Changes (2013)
YouTube / MP3
Buck McDaniel (b. 1994)
Nunc Dimittis (from Virginia Canticles) (2021)
Published by the composer
YouTube / MP3
Mary McDonald (b. 1956)
Ah, Holy Jesus (HERZLIEBSTER JESU) (2012)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Easy Organ Library, Vol. 53″
Online listening stream / MP3
Mary McDonald (b. 1956)
Come, Christians, Join to Sing (MADRID; SPANISH HYMN) (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Meditation on “The Lord’s My Shepherd” (CRIMOND) (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Prelude on “Holy Manna” (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Partita on “Blessed Name” (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “God Gave a Song: Eight Gospel Hymn Settings”
Mary McDonald (b. 1956)
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (ST. KEVIN) (2013)
Online listening stream / MP3
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC) (2013)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Go Out with Joy!, Vol. 1″
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Adelaide Fantasia (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Aiden’s En Chamade (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Aussie Toccata (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Awakening (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Ceremonial Processional (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Covid Lament (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Dissonance (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Fanfare (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Fantasia 2022
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Fantasia 2023
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Gentle Adagio (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Harmonic Ramble (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Morning Voluntary (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Organ Escapade (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Organ Fanfare (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Organ Fantasia (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Pompous Processional (2023)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Postlude (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Radiant Bride’s Procession (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Resignation (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Resonant Colour (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
St. Stephen’s Recessional (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Subdued Voluntary (2020)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Toccata 21 (2021)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Victorious Processional (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Voluntary No. 1 (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Voluntary No. 2 (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Voluntary No. 3 (2022)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Allan Leslie McDougall (b. 1948)
Willochra Carillon (2019)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Robert H. McIver (b. 1948)
Arioso grazioso (publ. 1996)
Published by H. W. Gray (Musicnotes)
YouTube / MP3
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
from Benedictions (1944)
YouTube / MP3
A Prayer for the Innocent
YouTube / MP3
Published by Carl Fischer (out-of-print)
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
Contemplations (Four Expressive Pieces after a poem by William Blake) (1962)
Published by Abingdon Press (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
In Remembrance (1955)
Published by J. Fischer & Bro. (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
Lament for Absalom (1963)
Published by Western International Music in “The California Organist Collection, Vol. 1″
Online listening stream / MP3
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
from Meditations (1962)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 4
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Abingdon Press (out-of-print)
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
Poems of Exaltation (1957)
1) Chant
YouTube / MP3
2) Song of the Wayfarer
YouTube / MP3
3) The Star
YouTube / MP3
4) Mother and Child
YouTube / MP3
5) Vision from the Fields
YouTube / MP3
Published by Carl Fischer (out-of-print)
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
Postlude (on a theme by Victoria) (1968)
Published by World Library Publications (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
from Three Expressive Pieces (1957)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Quiet Reflections”
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
Procession (1956)
Published by McLaughlin & Reilly Co. in “Wedding Music for Organ” (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
Three Pastoral Preludes (1955)
1) On a Norwegian Folk Hymn
YouTube / MP3
2) On an American Folk Hymn
YouTube / MP3
3) Green Fields and Meadows
YouTube / MP3
Published by J. Fischer & Bro. (out-of-print)
Esther Megargel (b. 1942)
from Passion and Glory (2021)
What Wondrous Love Is This
YouTube / MP3
Esther Megargel (b. 1942)
from Preludes and Postludes (2016)
Song of Reverence
YouTube / MP3
Sunny Day
YouTube / MP3
Moment of Truth
YouTube / MP3
Quiet Mood
YouTube / MP3
A Memory
YouTube / MP3
Bell Prelude
YouTube / MP3
A Prayer
YouTube / MP3
Alleluia Postlude
YouTube / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
Frauke Mekelburg (b. 1964)
Capriccio auf eine Abreise (2006)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Wolfram Menschick (1937–2010)
Toccata for Organ (2000)
Published by Jubilate-Verlag Eichstätt
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
12 musikale gedachten (2024)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 2
YouTube / MP3
No. 3
YouTube / MP3
No. 4
YouTube / MP3
No. 5
YouTube / MP3
No. 6
YouTube / MP3
No. 7
YouTube / MP3
No. 8
YouTube / MP3
No. 9
YouTube / MP3
No. 10
YouTube / MP3
No. 11
YouTube / MP3
No. 12
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Befiehl du deine Wege” (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen” (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Es kommt ein Schiff, geladen” (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Laudate Dominum” (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Nu zijt wellekome” (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf” (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “O Jesu Christe, wahres Licht” (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Slane” (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her” (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Partita on “Wondrous Love” (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Theo Meurs (b. 1959)
Theme and Variations (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Daniel Meylan (b. 1957)
Variations on “O filii et filiae” (2016)
Published by Éditions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum/Éditions Cantate Domino (#CD 3114)
YouTube / MP3
Hans Friedrich Micheelsen (1902–1973)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Barenreiter-Verlag in “Das holsteinische Orgelbüchlein, op. 32” (out-of-print)
Thomas P. Miller (b. 1952)
Magdalene (1975)
YouTube / MP3
Everette Minchew (b. 1977)
Open Piece No. 5 (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Uladzimir Mironchyk (b. 1989)
Fugato (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Uladzimir Mironchyk (b. 1989)
Ostinato (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Uladzimir Mironchyk (b. 1989)
Sequentia (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Scott Mitchell (b. 1958)
Toccata for Organ (1994)
YouTube / MP3
Tom Mitchell (1947–2021)
Partita on “Old 107th” (publ. 1994)
Published by H. W. Gray (Musicnotes)
YouTube / MP3
Damijan Močnik (b. 1967)
Finale (1997)
Online listening stream / MP3
Benna Moe (1897–1983)
Festmusik (1980)
Published by Wessmans Musikförlag
Online listening stream / MP3
Ivan Moody (1964–2024)
Phos (1994)
Published by Vanderbeek & Imrie, Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Andrew Moore (b. 1954)
Trumpet Tune (2001)
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd. in “An Easy Collection for Organ”
Online listening stream / MP3
Donald Lee Moore (1910–2000)
Aria (1991)
Published by H. W. Gray (Musicnotes)
YouTube / MP3
Donald Lee Moore (1910–2000)
Consecration (1990)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Donald P. Moore (b. 1946)
Aria (1991)
Published by H. W. Gray (Musicnotes)
YouTube / MP3
Alternate performance: YouTube / MP3
Donald P. Moore (b. 1946)
Ostinato (1970)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Philip Moore (b. 1943)
Paean (2009)
Published by Novello & Co. Ltd. in “Little Organ Book (ed. Neary)”
YouTube / MP3
Philip Moore (b. 1943)
Three Pieces for Withycombe (1977)
1) Prelude; 2) Sarabande; 3) Postlude
Published by Banks Music Publications
Online listening stream / MP3
Robert Moran (b. 1937)
Elegy for a Young King (1999)
YouTube / MP3
Modest Moreno i Morera (b. 1956)
Nocturn (2006)
Published on IMSLP
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Aria (2017)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Canon (2020)
Published by Firehead Organ Works in “Canterbury Sketchbook, Vol. 3”
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Embrace (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Four Christmas Songs (2024)
1) Chant; 2) Peal; 3) Hymn; 4) Lullaby
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Frondescence (2020)
Published by Firehead Organ Works in “Canterbury Sketchbook, Vol. 3”
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
the kestrel stands haloed before the sun (2020)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Lullaby (2007)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Prelude (2019)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Prelude (2020)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Prelude (2021)
1) Version 1
YouTube / MP3
2) Version 2
YouTube / MP3
3) Version 3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Firehead Organ Works
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Prelude (2022)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Prelude (2023)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
The Solitary City (2017, rev. 2024)
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Suspension (2020)
Published by Firehead Organ Works in “Canterbury Sketchbook, Vol. 3”
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
three (1, 2, 3) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Huw Morgan (b. 1975)
Triad (2020)
1) Asymmetry; 2) Space; 3) Conversation
Published by Firehead Organ Works
YouTube / MP3
Graham S. Morrison (1949–2007)
Bristol Suite (2000)
1) Air; 2) Lesson; 3) Echo Voluntary
Published by animus Music Publishing
Online listening stream / MP3
Aušra Motūzaitė-Pinkevičienė (b. 1976)
Litany on “Christus vincit”, op. 18 (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Aušra Motūzaitė-Pinkevičienė (b. 1976)
Meditation on “Passion Chorale”, op. 3 (2022)
Published by Secrets of Organ Playing
YouTube / MP3
Aušra Motūzaitė-Pinkevičienė (b. 1976)
Prelude on “Abide with Me”, op. 6 (2022)
Published by Secrets of Organ Playing
YouTube / MP3
Aušra Motūzaitė-Pinkevičienė (b. 1976)
Prayer for Peace, op. 23 (2024)
Published by SMP Press
YouTube / MP3
Aušra Motūzaitė-Pinkevičienė (b. 1976)
Prelude on “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”, op. 7 (2022)
Published by Secrets of Organ Playing
YouTube / MP3
Aušra Motūzaitė-Pinkevičienė (b. 1976)
Tuba Tune on “Veni Creator Spiritus”, op. 5 (2022)
Published by Secrets of Organ Playing
YouTube / MP3
Aušra Motūzaitė-Pinkevičienė (b. 1976)
Victimae paschali laudes (Christ ist erstanden), op. 4 (2022)
Published by Secrets of Organ Playing
YouTube / MP3
Henri Mulet (1878–1967)
Angelus (1911)
Online listening stream / MP3
Offertoire (1911)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Evensong Music, Media, and Graphics in “The Final Four”
Thomas Munch (b. 1969)
from 12 Pieces for Organ
Prelude No. 4 (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 10 (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 12 (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Forlaget Sela
Thomas Munch (b. 1969)
from 12 More Pieces for Organ
Prelude No. 14 (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 17 (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 18 (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Forlaget Sela
Thomas Munch (b. 1969)
from 20 Små præludier
Prelude No. 25 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 29 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 32 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 34 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 36 (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Forlaget Sela
Thomas Munch (b. 1969)
Prelude No. 45 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Thomas Munch (b. 1969)
Prelude No. 51 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Thomas Munch (b. 1969)
Prelude No. 53 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Francisco Javier Muru (b. 1976)
Al despertar me saciaré de tu semblante, Señor (2013)
Online listening stream / MP3
Gerbert Mutter (1922–1989)
Introitus (1959)
Published by Anton Böhm & Sohn in “Introitus, Offertorium, und Communio”
Online listening stream / MP3
Gerbert Mutter (1922–1989)
Kleine Choralfantasie über “O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden” (1970)
Published by Musikverlag Alfred Coppenrath in “Fünf kleine Choralfantasien für Orgel”
Online listening stream / MP3
Brian K. Muzas (b. 1974)
Three Hymn Tune Preludes (2003)
1) Prelude on “Samanthra”
Online listening stream / MP3
2) Prelude on “Quebec”
Online listening stream / MP3
3) Prelude on “Wondrous Love”
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by CanticaNOVA Publications
Matthias Nagel (b. 1958)
from Ganz bei Trost
Flowing Thoughts (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Penultimate Dance (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Matthias Nagel (b. 1958)
from Read & Play, Vol. 1
Choral ohne Worte (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Folksong in G (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Matthias Nagel (b. 1958)
from Read & Play, Vol. 2
Dorian Song (2009)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag
Reiner Nägele (b. 1960)
Prélude solennel (2004)
Online listening stream / MP3
Fantasia (2004)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Edition Goldgruber
Zvonimir Nagy (b. 1978)
Prelude for a Prayer No. 7 (2012)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Paraclete Press in “Preludes for a Prayer”
Zvonimir Nagy (b. 1978)
Verset (2012)
Online listening stream / MP3
Vocalise (2007)
Published by Paraclete Press
Online listening stream / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Dansk koral (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Den Toppede Høne (Variationer over en dansk folkedans) (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Galop kontra fra Mors (Fantasy over en dansk folkedans) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Klappfinale (Variationer over en dansk folkedans) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Meditation (2020/24)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Präludium im alten Stil (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Sein Angesicht leuchte über dir! (Meditation zum aaronitschen Segen) (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Syvspring (Variationer over en dans fra Fyn) (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Tobias Naumann (b. 1976)
Vejrmølle dansen fra Vendsyssel (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Václav Nelhýbel (1919–1996)
Prelude on “Ježíši, králi nebe a země” (1988)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Mé jsi potěšni” (1989)
Online listening stream / MP3
Prelude on “Svatý Václave” (1989)
Online listening stream / MP3
Prelude on “Tisíckrát pozdravujem tebe” (1988)
Online listening stream / MP3
Prelude on “Vzpomeň, ó královno milá” (1988)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Alliance Publications, Inc. in “Six Organ Preludes for Ordinary Time
Robert Nettleship (b. 1992)
I Feel Like the World Passes Me By (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Andrew Charles Newcombe (b. 1970)
Mantra 53 (2004)
Online listening stream / MP3
Mantra 55 (2004)
Online listening stream / MP3
John Newell (b. 1949)
Offering (1993)
Published by Abierto Music/Subito Music Corp.
YouTube / MP3
Șerban Nichifor (b. 1954)
Elegy (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Șerban Nichifor (b. 1954)
Tragico (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Ekkehart Nickel (b. 1936)
Aria (1995)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Schwabacher Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ekkehart Nickel (b. 1936)
Praeludium, Adagio, and Fugato (1987)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Schwabacher Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ekkehart Nickel (b. 1936)
Praeludium in C (1976)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Traunsteiner Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Ekkehart Nickel (b. 1936)
Praeludium in D minor (1985)
Published by Strube Verlag in “Traunsteiner Orgelbuch”
Online listening stream / MP3
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
Einzug (2004)
YouTube / MP3
C-Molludium (2004)
YouTube / MP3
B-eginn (2004)
YouTube / MP3
4 + 5 (2004)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium und Fughette in G (2004)
YouTube / MP3
Sonatine (2004)
1) Eingang; 2) Intermezzo; 3) Ausgang
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium parva (2004)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Intro- und Outroludien”
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
F-eines Stück (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Phrygisch-piel (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
A-Nfang (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Variatio in D (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Hallo miteinander”
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
Praeludium in C (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium in E minor (2001)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Herzlich wilkommen”
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
Dorisch-piel (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Fantabile (2008)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Lobsinget dem Herrn”
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
Ari-e (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Chaconnle-in G (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Einleitung in Ab (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Praelu-G-ium (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio festivo”
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
Simpeludium (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Zuest ein paar Töne (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Strube Verlag in “Preludio Jubilo”
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
A Song for Peace (2002)
YouTube / MP3
Gäschiprell in C (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Ionisch-piel (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Lydisch-piel (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Mixolydisch-piel (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium und Fughette in F (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Toccata parva (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
Aria in E minor (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Ein-Klang (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium in A (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Praeludium in B-flat (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Praelu-D-ium (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Praesonium in C (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Sensibile (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Spielstück in F (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Vorspiel in D (2000s)
YouTube / MP3
Published by MDH-Musikverlag Nördlingen in “Fröhlich wir nun all fangen an, 3. Reihe”
Markus Nickel (b. 1966)
Nun danket all und bringet Ehr (Partita) (2004)
YouTube / MP3
Jan Nieland (1903–1963)
Communion on “Christ ist erstanden” (1957)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Easter Hymn” (1957)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “St. Flavian” (1957)
YouTube / MP3
Published by World Library Publications in “Consoliere Classic, Vol. 4”
Prelude on “Lasst uns erfreuen” (1957)
YouTube / MP3
Postlude on “St. Theodulph” (1957)
YouTube / MP3
Published by World Library Publications in “Consoliere Classic, Vol. 4”
Jan Nieland (1903–1963)
from Six Organ Pieces for Low Mass (1954)
Elevation in F
YouTube / MP3
Postlude: Te Deum laudamus
YouTube / MP3
Jan Nieland (1903–1963)
Suite religioso (1963)
1) Prelude
YouTube / MP3
2) Intermezzo
YouTube / MP3
3) Postlude
YouTube / MP3
YouTube (complete) / MP3 (complete)
Jan Nieland (1903–1963)
from Twelve Pieces for Organ (1962)
2) Fantasia
YouTube / MP3
3) Intermezzo
YouTube / MP3
8) Improvisation
YouTube / MP3
10) Pastorella
YouTube / MP3
11) Ricercare
YouTube / MP3
12) Postlude
YouTube / MP3
Francesco Nocerino (b. 1960)
Quaesita (2022)
Published on Lulu
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Acceptation (2018)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Communion (2023)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Doorgaan! (Carry On!) (2020)
Published by Jan Noordzij in “Twee orgelwerken”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Fantasia Loisa (2019)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
La Notte (2017)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Micha Meditation (2022)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Pièce mystique (2017)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Pièce tragique (2018)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Prière Impromptu (2018)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Silence (2020)
Published by Jan Noordzij in “Twee orgelwerken”
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Thema met vier korte variaties (2018)
Published by Jan Noordzij
YouTube / MP3
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Trois méditations (2017)
Méditation 1
YouTube / MP3
Méditation 2
YouTube / MP3
Méditation 3
YouTube / MP3
Published by Jan Noordzij
Jan Noordzij (b. 1964)
Quatre pièces
Arietta (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Communion (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Lamento (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Mantra Prayer (2010)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Jan Noordzij
Kevin Norris (1939–1991)
Recitative (1984)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Music for Exultation and Reflection”
Online listening stream / MP3
Per Nørgård (b. 1932)
Krist stod op af døde (Christ ist erstanden) (1976/2014)
Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen in “Orgelbogen”
YouTube / MP3
Per Nørgård (b. 1932)
Mig hjertelig nu længes (Herzlich tut mich verlangen), op. 12, no. 3 (1955)
Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen in “Orgelbogen”
YouTube / MP3
Per Nørgård (b. 1932)
Vintersalme-musik (1980)
Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen in “Orgelbogen”
YouTube / MP3
Rolf Nyhus (1938–2001)
Preludium (1976)
Published by Musikk-Husets Forlag A/S in “Norsk Orgelbok”
Online listening stream / MP3
Roger Nyquist (1934–2020)
Adagio (1965)
Published by H. W. Gray (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Anthony O’Toole (b. 1988)
Patres Desertum (2019)
Online listening stream / MP3
Orpha Ochse (b. 1925)
Trio Pastorale (1966)
Published by Western International Music in “The California Organist Second Prelude Book″
YouTube / MP3
Kris Oelbrandt (b. 1972)
from 12 Interludes, op. 18 (2008)
No. 1
YouTube / MP3
No. 10
YouTube / MP3
No. 11
YouTube / MP3
No. 12
YouTube / MP3
Published by Donemus
Sven-Olof Ohlsson (b. 1932)
Den himmelska staden (The Heavenly City) (1992)
Published by Noteria
YouTube / MP3
Sven-Olof Ohlsson (b. 1932)
Introduction (1991) (version for large organ)
Online listening stream / MP3
Introduction (1991) (version for small organ)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Noteria
Sven-Olof Ohlsson (b. 1932)
Musica dolorosa (1991)
Published by Noteria
Online listening stream / MP3
Sven-Olof Ohlsson (b. 1932)
Orgelsatser (1961)
1) Introduction
YouTube / MP3
2) Agnus Dei
YouTube / MP3
3) “Personent hodie…”
YouTube / MP3
4) Cantabile
YouTube / MP3
5) Toccatina
YouTube / MP3
Published by Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag (out-of-print)
Sven-Olof Ohlsson (b. 1932)
Sinfonia da Chiesa (2001)
Published by Noteria
Online listening stream / MP3
Stefan Olesten (b. 1948)
In a French Cathedral (1982)
YouTube / MP3
Olivia Margaret Ontko (1947–2022)
Adagio, op. 18, no. 4 (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Charleston MusicWorks in “First Symphonie for Organ”
Olivia Margaret Ontko (1947–2022)
Chanson, op. 19, no. 1 (1993)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Charleston MusicWorks in “Three Pieces for Organ”
Olivia Margaret Ontko (1947–2022)
Variations on “Lourdes”, op. 12 (1991)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Charleston MusicWorks
Jonathan Orwig (b. 1964)
Fugue in F minor (1986, rev. 1994)
Published by Evensong Music, Media, and Graphics
YouTube / MP3
Wm. Glenn Osborne (b. 1972)
Basse de trompette (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Wm. Glenn Osborne (b. 1972)
Tierce en taille (1996)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Osterland (b. 1956)
Canon on “I Wonder As I Wander” (1998)
Published by Augsburg Fortress in “I Wonder As I Wander: Seasonal Hymn Preludes” (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Karl Osterland (b. 1956)
from A Wittenberg Collection
Prelude on “Christe, du Lamm Gottes” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Erhalt uns, Herr” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Liebster Jesu” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Schmücke dich” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Vom Himmel hoch” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude on “Wie schön leuchtet” (2005)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Augsburg Fortress
Eurydice V. Osterman (b. 1950)
Aria (1977)
Published by AWSAHM MUSIC in “Collage for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Eurydice V. Osterman (b. 1950)
Fantasia (2008)
Published by GIA Publications in “King of Kings, Vol. 4”
YouTube / MP3
Eurydice V. Osterman (b. 1950)
Gloria (1977)
Published by AWSAHM MUSIC in “Collage for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Eurydice V. Osterman (b. 1950)
March Triumphant (1987)
Published by AWSAHM MUSIC in “Collage for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Eurydice V. Osterman (b. 1950)
Meditation (1971)
Published by AWSAHM MUSIC in “Collage for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Louis Ouzer (1913–2002)
Lou’s Reverie (2000)
YouTube / MP3
Kolo Owolabi (b. 1977)
Chorale Prelude on “O Sacred Head” (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Anna Laura Page (b. 1943)
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
What Wondrous Love Is This (WONDROUS LOVE) (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord? (2014)
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “And Through Eternity I’ll Sing On: Heartfelt Settings of Lenten Spirituals”
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Aria (2024)
Published by CynMar Publications
YouTube / MP3
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Cantabile Sacra No. 8 (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Cantabile Sacra No. 11 (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Published by CynMar Publications
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Interlude No. 96 (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Interlude No. 187 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Interlude No. 198 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Interlude No. 202 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Interlude No. 237 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Ostinato in B-flat (Interlude No. 279) (2022)
YouTube / MP3
The Star (Interlude No. 329) (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Aria No. 2 (Interlude No. 334) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Aria No. 3 (Interlude No. 335) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Aria No. 5 (Interlude No. 340) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Aria No. 6 (Interlude No. 341) (2024)
YouTube / MP3
Published by CynMar Publications
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Introduction and Chorale (2020)
Published by CynMar Publications
YouTube / MP3
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Invention No. 13 (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 21 (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 38 (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 43 (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 44 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 49 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 56 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 62 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 151, “Beautiful Dreamer” (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 195 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Invention No. 207 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Published by CynMar Publications
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Meditation No. 1 (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 23 (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 36 (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 47 (2014)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 63 (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 69 (2015)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 85 (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 99 (2016)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 207 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 231 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 232 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 234 (2021)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 245 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 254 (2022)
YouTube / MP3
Meditation No. 266 (2023)
YouTube / MP3
Published by CynMar Publications
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Prelude and Capriccio in E (2019)
Published by CynMar Publications
YouTube / MP3
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Prelude No. 22 (2017)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 39 (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude and Invention No. 62 (2019)
YouTube / MP3
Prelude No. 67 (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Published by CynMar Publications
Paul F. Page (b. 1947)
Voluntary No. 5 (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 9 (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 19 (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 26 (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 29 (2003)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 39 (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Voluntary No. 41 (2011)
YouTube / MP3
Published by CynMar Publications
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
from 12 nouvelles pièces (2021)
Prélude nostalgique
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Évocation No. 2
YouTube / MP3
Prélude extatique
YouTube / MP3
Published by Éditions Delatour
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Aria (2024)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Caprice poétique No. 9 (2024)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Cinq petites pièces (2023)
1) Allegretto; 2) Largo; 3) Larghetto; 4) Adagio; 5) Allegro
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Étude concertante (2024)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Largo (2024)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Lueurs nocturnes (Night Glimmers) (2024)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Méditation (2023)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Petit récit (2006)
Published by Editions Delatour in “L’orgue contemporain, Vol. 1”
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Prélude festif (Volée de cloches) (2023)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Thierry Pallesco (b. 1956)
Prélude précatif (2024)
Published by United Music Publishing Ltd.
YouTube / MP3
Ivan Parík (1936–2005)
Kyrie (in memory of Constantine the Philosopher) (1956/97)
Published by Hudobný fond Bratislava
YouTube / MP3
Amanda Parker (b. 1937)
Fanfare and Duel (1992)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
Online listening stream / MP3
Jeffrey Parola (b. 1979)
Joseph Gazes (2010)
Online listening stream / MP3
Michael Parsons (b. 1938)
Epilogue (1983)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Parsons (b. 1938)
Fuga ‘Pe Loc’ (2020)
YouTube / MP3
Michael Parsons (b. 1938)
Three-Part Fugue (on a theme by Shostakovich) (2018)
YouTube / MP3
Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)
Da pacem Domine (2004/24)
Published by Universal Edition
YouTube / MP3
Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)
Trivium (1976)
Published by Hans Sikorski
YouTube / MP3
Matthew Pascazio (b. 1996)
Aria (2019)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Aria con variazoni (2006)
Published by Bardon Enterprises
YouTube / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 6
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 1”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 9, “Rising Love”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 1”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 10
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 1”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 11, “Canzone d’amore”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 13, “Malinconia”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 14
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 15, “Alba”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 19, “Un giorno sereno”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 22, “Pensieri ed emozioni”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 3”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 23, “Una semplice melodia”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 3”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 26, “Scorci di natura”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 3”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 27, “Il Parco di Monteclaro, Cagliari”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 3”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 28, “La Cattedrale di Obernai”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 3”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 41, “Il Parco di Terramaini”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 5”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini(1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 43, “Il Castello di S. Michele”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 5”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 44, “Marcia”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 5”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 46, “Solitudine”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 5”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 47
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 5”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 54, “Un giorno luminoso”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 6”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 55, “Dolci pensieri”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 6”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 57, “Un evento triste”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 6”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 59, “Vagando nella spazio”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 6”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 60, “Momente esaltante”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 6”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 61, “In forma di minuetto”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 7”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 64, “Un momento di pacatezza”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 7”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 73, “Gioia e felicità”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 8”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 74
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 8”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 75, “Forte nostalgia”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 8”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 76, “Scambio della pace”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 8”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 78, “S. Salvatore da Horta”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 8”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 79, “Un piccolo inganno musicale”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 8”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 85
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 9”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 86
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 9”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 98
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 10”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 103, “Un felice traguardo raggiunto”
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 11”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 107
Published by Edition Edipason in “10 Cantabili, Vol. 11”
Online listening stream / MP3
Enrico Pasini (1935–2022)
Cantabile No. 213 (2018)
Online listening stream / MP3
Charles Paterson (b. 1954)
Five Short Pieces (2006)
YouTube / MP3
Celtic Tune
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by
Charles Paterson (b. 1954)
For the Offertory (2008)
Published by in “The First Fagus Book of Interludes and Offertories”
YouTube / MP3
Charles Paterson (b. 1954)
A Little Suite (2005)
1) Intrada; 2) Cantilène; 3) Trumpet Tune
Published by
YouTube / MP3
Charles Paterson (b. 1954)
Miniature Suite (2010)
1) Introduction; 2) Plaint; 3) Rondo alla Siciliana; 4) Slow Dance; 5) Trumpet Tune
Published by
Online listening stream / MP3
Charles Paterson (b. 1954)
Trumpet Tune (2006)
Published by in “The First Fagus Book of Trumpet and Tuba Tunes”
Online listening stream / MP3
Charles Paterson (b. 1954)
Whippingham Suite (2021)
1) Solemn Procession; 2) Canon; 3) Scherzetto; 4) Minuet and Trio à la Musette; 5) Trumpet Tune
Published by
YouTube / MP3
Herbert Paulmichl (b. 1935)
In dulci jubilo (1982)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Doblinger Musikverlag in “Orgelbüchlein zum Gotteslob, Heft 1”
Herbert Paulmichl (b. 1935)
Komm, du Heiland aller Welt (Ciacona) (1982)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Doblinger Musikverlag in “Orgelbüchlein zum Gotteslob, Heft 1”
John Michael Paulson (b. 1968)
Coventry Carol (Passacaglia for Organ) (2018)
Published by North City Music
YouTube / MP3
Jason D. Payne (b. 1980)
Jubilation (2014)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co. in “Jubilation!: Eight Festive Postludes for Organ”
YouTube / MP3
Jason D. Payne (b. 1980)
from My Hope Is Found (2021)
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
YouTube / MP3
In Christ Alone
YouTube / MP3
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
Simon Peberdy (b. 1969)
Communion in D (2016)
Published by SMP Press in “Little Book for Organ, Book 2”
Online listening stream / MP3
Simon Peberdy (b. 1969)
Elevation in F (2015)
Published by SMP Press in “Little Book for Organ, Book 1”
Online listening stream / MP3
Simon Peberdy (b. 1969)
Meditation in G (2016)
Published by SMP Press in “Little Book for Organ, Book 3”
Online listening stream / MP3
Simon Peberdy (b. 1969)
Short Fanfare in D (2016)
Published by SMP Press in “Little Book for Organ, Book 3”
Online listening stream / MP3
Richard Peek (1927–2005)
Aria (1979)
Published by H. W. Gray (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Richard Peek (1927–2005)
Arioso (1982)
Published by H. W. Gray (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Flor Peeters (1903–1986)
Evening Song in Portland, op. 131a (1971)
Published by J. B. Cramer & Co. Ltd in “Three Contrasted Pieces”
Online listening stream / MP3
Flor Peeters (1903–1986)
from Manuale, op. 79 (1954)
Fantasia e Fuga, op. 79, no. 1
Online listening stream / MP3
Kanon, op. 79, no. 3
Online listening stream / MP3
Choral, op. 79, no. 4
Online listening stream / MP3
Cantabile, op. 79, no. 5
Online listening stream / MP3
Lied, op. 79, no. 7
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Musikverlag Schwann
Flor Peeters (1903–1986)
from Ten Preludes on Old Flemish Carols, op. 119 (1972)
There Fell a Heavenly Dew (Het viel eens hemels douwe), op. 119, no. 7
Online listening stream / MP3
O Corydon, Behold Here the Stable (O Corydon, siet hier den stal), op. 119, no. 8
Online listening stream / MP3
At This New Year (Mit desen niewen jare), op. 119, no. 10
Online listening stream / MP3
Published by Edition Peters
Thomas Pehlken (b. 1970)
Trio I (2020)
Published by Strube Verlag in “33 Trios für Orgel”
YouTube / MP3
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Antiphon (1987)
Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Benedictus (1987)
Published by The Willis Music Company (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Carol Partita on “Coventry Carol” (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Carol Partita on “Sussex Carol” (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Carol Partita on “Gloria” (1997)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Harold Flammer/Shawnee Press, Inc. in “Carol Partitas”
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Concertino (1994)
1) Allegro maestoso; 2) Andantino; 3) Allegro vivace
Published on Musicnotes
YouTube / MP3
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Elizabethan Postlude (2019)
Published by Lorenz Publishing Co.
YouTube / MP3
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
from From Advent to Epiphany (1997)
Advent Partita on “Stuttgart”
YouTube / MP3
Noël in the Style of Daquin
YouTube / MP3
Fantasia on “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”
YouTube / MP3
At the Manger
YouTube / MP3
Published by H. W. Gray
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
from From Ash Wednesday to Easter (1995)
Prelude for Ash Wednesday
YouTube / MP3
Chorale Prelude: O Sacred Head Now Wounded
YouTube / MP3
A Lenten Psalm
YouTube / MP3
Lenten Partita on “Heinlein”
YouTube / MP3
The Last Supper
YouTube / MP3
YouTube / MP3
Published by H. W. Gray
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Homage to Handel (1995)
1) Allamande; 2) Sarabande; 3) Gigue
YouTube / MP3
Prelude in Baroque Style (1995)
YouTube / MP3
Published by Belwin-Mills in “Contrasts in Style” (out-of-print)
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Jubilant Fanfare (1990)
YouTube / MP3
Festival Fanfare (1990)
YouTube / MP3
Published by The Willis Music Company (out-of-print) in “Three Fanfares”
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Improvisation on a Galician Carol (Panxoliña de Nadal) (1986)
Published by The Willis Music Company (out-of-print)
YouTube / MP3
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Liturgy (1987)
Published by H. W. Gray/CPP-Belwin
YouTube / MP3
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948)
Madrigal Sonata No. 1 (1995, rev. 2012)
YouTube / MP3
Madrigal Sonata No. 2 (1995, rev. 2012)
YouTube / MP3
Madrigal Sonata No. 3 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 4 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 5 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 6 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 7 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 8 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 9 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 10 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 11 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 12 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 13 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 14 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 15 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 16 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 17 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 18 (1995, rev. 2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 19 (2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 20 (2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 21 (2012)
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Madrigal Sonata No. 22 (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Madrigal Sonata No. 23 (2012)
YouTube / MP3
Madrigal Sonata No. 24