Music by Burkhard Mohr

German composer Burkhard Mohr (b. 1955) was born in Gambach/Oberhessen and was educated in Frankfurt where he studied music and theology. He also attended the Darmstadt new music courses with Stockhausen, Kagel, Ligeti, and Xenakis. He has worked as a church musician in Frankfurt-Höchst and Wiesbaden and also taught music for many years at the technical university in Frankfurt. Mohr has composed numerous musical works in many genres, including several operas and orchestral works along with much chamber music and music for choir and organ. Mohr’s music usually concerns itself with the blurry boundaries and connections between atonal (12-tone) and tonal (triadic) materials and with the unexpected (or traditionally extended) formal designs that can result from teasing out these connections.

The recordings can be listened to online at YouTube (full playlist) or downloaded as MP3 files.

42 Miniature-Points (2024)
1) Prelude
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2) Duo
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3) Trio
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4) Quartet
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5) Trumpet Tune (1)
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6) 6/8 – Flow
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7) In Seven
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8) 8/8 – Flow
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9) 9/8 with Solo
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10) Spitting Flute
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11) Reality
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12) Nearly Duet
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13) Nearly Duo-Tone
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14) Finthen
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15) Clock-Work
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16) En taille
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17) Lento
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18) In memoriam Hans Jürgen Zeiss
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19) Contemplation
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20) Introduktsiönchen
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21) Füglein
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22) Variatiönchen
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23) Keeping on
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24) Caprice
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25) A Bit of Flurry
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26) Petra’s Little Andante
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27) Moment of Reflection
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28) Nearly a Blues
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29) Some Secrets
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30) Little Pleno
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31) Trying to break out
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32) Trumpet Tune (2)
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33) For Hans-Roland
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34) Contrasting
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35) Happy Moment
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36) Cornelia und Roland
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37) Study in f-sharp (for Manuel)
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38) Toccata in e
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39) Scherzo
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40) Towards Finish
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41) Own Thoughts
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42) Nearly a Toccata
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Allwetter-Praeludium mit Intermezzo und Fuge (2022)
1) Allwetter-Praeludium; 2) Allwetter-Intermezzo; 3) Allwetter-Fuge
YouTube / MP3

Bicinien-Suite (2024)
1) Initium; 2) Moderato; 3) Piano-Studie; 4) Fughette; 5) Fortissimo; 6) Kleine Abkühlung; 7) Piano-Ausklang
YouTube / MP3

Blaulicht 1 (Festliches Praeludium in G) (2013)
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Blaulicht 2 (2013)
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Blaulicht 3 (2013)
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Bux in e — Solicitous Projection (2024)
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Chaconne für Orgel (2022)
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Dégustation (2011)
1) Quasi presto; 2) Andante espressivo; 3) Allegro

Douces Mélodies (1997)
1) Allegretto; 2) Moderato; 3) Moderato
YouTube / MP3

Drei kleine Orgelpunkte (2003)
1) Orgelpunkt mit Kreisen darüber
2) Orgelpunkt mit allerlei darüber
3) Orgelpunkt wechselnd, tranquillo
YouTube / MP3

Drei kleine Zwölftonübungen (1983)
1) Praeludium; 2) Intermezzo; 3) Postludium
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Fantasien zu “Korn, das in die Erde” (Noël nouvelet) (2016)
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Ferien-Gruß (Sommerstück) (2024)
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Fünf Tandem-Stücke (2016)
1) Praeambulum/Meditatio
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2) Marcia mit Pieps
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3) in abstracto
4) Quasi Giga
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5) Happy Hour
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für unterwegs (2017)
1) Vorspiel
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2) Romantische Meditation
3) 3/8-Intermezzo
4) Rausschmeißer

Geerdeter Hoffnungsschimmer (Grounded Glimmer of Hope) (2017)
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Harmonische Kalender-Lust (Harmonic Calendar Delight) (2006)
1) Januar (January)
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2) Februar (February)
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3) Marz (March)
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4) April
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5) Mai (May)
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6) Juni (June)
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7) Juli (July)
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8) August
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9) September
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10) Oktober (October)
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11) November
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12) Dezember (December)
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Hochzeitsmusik (2009)
1) Einzug
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2) Meditation
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3) Ganz versunken
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4) Festliches Nachspiel
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Im 3. Ton (In the Third Tone) (2014)
1) Plein jeu; 2) Duo; 3) Récit; 4) Basse de trompette; 5) Flûtes; 6) Petite tierce; 7) Grand jeu
YouTube / MP3

Intermezzo pro Organo solo (2011)

Joplin Suite (1997)
1) Joplin-Prelude; 2) Joplin-Interlude; 3) Good Memories (Silent Prayer); 4) Joplin-Finale
Published by Strube Verlag

Kalenderblatt (Rückblick auf Jean Langlais) (2011)
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Kathedrale und Dorf (2015)
1) Auringen Einzug
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2) Auringen Auszug
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3) Bergkirche Einzug
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4) Bergkirche Auszug
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5) Naurod Auszug
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6) St. Elli Praeludium
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7) Intermezzo
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8) Communio I
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9) Erbenheim Invention
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10) Finale
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11) Kreuzkirche Gruß
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12) Communio II
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Klang-Kalender (2013)
Pastorale 1
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Ricercare 1
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Pastorale 2
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Ricercare 2
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Pastorale 3
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Ricercare 3
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Pastorale 4
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Ricercare 4
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Pastorale forte
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Ricercare con solo
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Klanginseln (2023)
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Klanginseln II (Grand Récit) (2024)
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Klavierstück XI (2021; piano)
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Klavierstück XVI (2021; piano)
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Kleine Sommermusik (Little Summer Music) (1998)
1) Preludio parvule
2) Bordun
3) Tänzchen
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Kleine Wintermusik (Little Winter Music) (1999)
1) Pastorella
2) Bordun-Improvisation
3) Ein neues Jahr (kommt)
4) Invention — Achtung: Der starke Engel schaut auf!
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Kleinorgelfutter (10 Praeludien)
Preludio moderato (1987)
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Preludio andante con eco (1987)
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Preludio con ostinato (1987)
Preludio spiritoso (1987)
Preludio senza tempo (1987)
Preludio pomposo (1990)
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Preludio quasi mobile (1991)
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Preludio lirico (1991)
Preludio festivo (1987/91)
Preludio scherzando (1991)
Published by Strube Verlag

Klosterbruders Höhenrausch (2022)
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Kontraste (2011)
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Kurhaus-Fanfare (2011)
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Little Reed, wrapped up (2023)
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Moments near Lighthouse (2022)
1) Diversion near Lighthouse
2) Calm Moment near Lighthouse
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Mono-Tonics (2023)
1) Mono-Tonics-Prelude
2) Mono-Tonics-Andante
3) Mono-Tonics zu Sonne der Gerechtigkeit
4) Mono-Tonics-Finale
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Music for Calm Moments (2019)
1) Prelude for a Calm Morning
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2) For Calm Moments
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Muted Trumpet (2016)
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Nauert-Memorials (2023)
1) Nauert-Prelude; 2) Nauert-Postlude
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Noch’n Praeludium und Fuge in C (2009)

Or-Ce-Kla Suite (2020)
1) Preludio; 2) Capriccio; 3) Toccatina; 4) Sarabande (als Gruß an Reinhard Ohse); 5) A Jig
YouTube / MP3

from Organ Symphony No. 1, Durch die Zeiten” (2006)
1) Signal und Praeambulum à la Buxheim
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2) Gothik-Melodie
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3) Renaissance-Tanz
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4) Im Sinne von Samuel Scheidt: Aria variata
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5) Klangflächentoccata wie bei Frescobaldi
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from Organ Symphony No. 2, “Postkarten-Grüße nach Nah und Fern” (2007)
Studie 3 (Postkarte an Ligeti)
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Studie 4 (Postkarte an Iain Matheson)
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Orgel-Suite mit Rag (2012)
1) Ambulanz-Praeludium
2) Ruhepunkt
3) Kurhaus-Orgel-Rag
4) Atempause
5) Ambulanz-Postludium
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Passions-Toccata (2024)
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Pastorale brevis (1982)
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Pavane and Galliard (2024)

Praeludium in C (2009)

Praeludium und Fuge in C (2009/13)

Praeludium und Fuge in C/e (2009)

Praeludium und Fuge in e/C (2009)
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Piece of Ukrainian Hope (2023)
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Pieps (2016)
1) Pieps 1 auf C
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2) Pieps 2 auf D
3) Pieps 3 auf e
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4) Pieps 4 auf F
5) Pieps 5 auf G
6) Pieps 6 auf A
7) Pieps 7 auf h
Published by Strube Verlag

Prelude für Orgel (im Sinne Fannys) (1989)
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Preludio pro Organo Pleno (2018)

Preludio pro Organo solo (2011)

Regal meeting Vox humana (2024)
1) Moderato; 2) Moderato; 3) Bicinium; 4) Contrapunktus; 5) Medieval Scherzo
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Ricercare mit Pieps (2024)
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Ricercare November 2022 (2022)
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Ricercare, zweiteilig (1996)
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Ruhepunkt mit Doppelpedal (2014)
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Showing some Colours/Situation Page 114 (2024)
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Sonata III (2018)
1) Prelude; 2) Andante; 3) Scherzo; 4) Little Feast of Reeds; 5) Finale

Sonata IV (2019)
1) Prelude; 2) Meditation; 3) Flüchtig; 4) Scherzo; 5) Finale

Sonata V (2020)
1) Fantasy on the Name Carson Cooman; 2) In Tragic Times; 3) Symphonic Intermezzo; 4) Toccata of Friendship
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Sonatine (1993)
1) Einstimmung mit e; 2) Andante mit Quinten; 3) Allegro con reptitioni
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sub communione e un final (2013)
1) sub communione I
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2) sub communione II
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3) un final
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4) Zwei Choräle: “Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade / Das sollt ihr, Jesu Jünger, nie vergessen”
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5) communione provençal
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6) A Rock-Movement (2014)
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Tafelorgel-Suite (1996)
1) Allegro maestoso; 2) Andante; 3) Poco vivace
Published by Strube Verlag
YouTube / MP3

Tanz-Triptychon mit Fanfare (2011)
1) Fanfare
2) Fragile Engel (Fragile Angel)
3) Immer mit Rost (Always with Rust)
4) Engels-Gewalt (Angel Force)
5) Conclusio
YouTube / MP3

Techno-Splitter (Suite für Orgel solo) (2007)
1) Introduktion
2) Techno-Splitter 1
3) Pastorella
4) Techno-Splitter 2
5) Larghetto
6) Techno-Splitter 3
7) Allegro con tromba
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Toccata mit Pieps (2022)
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Toccata starting in seven (2005)
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Tre Versetti (2002)
1) Verso ex F: Bordune
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2) Verso ex h: Aria
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3) Verso ex G: Pastorale
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Published by Strube Verlag

Trombone at Work (2024)
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Two Eclogues (2019)
1) Eclogue I (for Sunrise)
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2) Eclogue II (for Sunset)
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Voluntary 23 (2022)
1) Andante; 2) Moderato; 3) Andante
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Walzer in G (2022)
Published by Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag in “Kleine Orgel — Große Vielfalt”
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What are you doing with ye old organ? (1999)
1) One minute for ye old organ
2) Two minutes for ye old organ
3) Voluntary with Hymn
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Wondrous Love (2022)
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Wondrous Machine (2021)
1) Allegretto; 2) Moderato; 3) Moderato
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